Can I add sign here filed to custom pdf and use it for embedded sign later - docusignapi

I have a PDF document. Can I modify it to include SignHere/InitialHere anchor text fields using DocuSign Account through UI and download the PDF in my server and use it later for embedded singing.

Well, I think there are two options here:
You are asking about modifying your PDF. You can do that, but you would have to use some other software/API for this. This would allow you to use AnchorTags with the modified text that you chose.
You could add the SignHere/InitialHere tags via the API when you create the envelope. Here is some code example that can get you started:


Hyperlink Text Clickable in Envelope

I currently have a Proposal template in Salesforce where I'm sending via Docusign through the SF to Docusign API.
Within the Salesforce Proposal, we have a Terms & Conditions statement that links out to the full T&C webpage.
The issue I'm finding is that when a recipient is reviewing the envelope, the T&C link is not clickable. The link only works if they were to download/print the PDF file.
I've tried using custom anchor text tags but that does not seem to work either
Any ideas? Or anyone have a workaround to this?
I've tried using Custom Anchor tags from this documentation but cannot get it to auto-populate on the template or be a hyperlink -
You would have to use responsive signing, such that the signer signs HTML and not PDF
You may need to use the demo env for now to test and work on this.
Here is some documentation of this feature -

Create PDF file with pre-defined template

I am trying to create a PDF with the pre-defined template with this particular library called PDFKIT. The server is written in Nodejs, may I know is there any good example I could refer to? What I want to achieve is to have a User Interface as an entry form, and then there is a pre-defined PDF file in-place on the server.When the user hits the submit button, the pdf rendering engine will pick-up the data and embedded into the pdf template file.
Take a look at the PSPDFKit for Web / PSPDFKit Server API docs for handling forms which let you retrieve and update all form fields. You can then use the document APIs for downloading a PDF with the form fields set to whatever values your user submitted.
So to recap, the steps are:
Upload the template PDF to the server storing the document id in your database or in the user's session.
Fill in the form fields using the data your user submitted.
Download the PDF with the updated form fields and e.g. email it or store it somewhere.
Alternatively you can create a signed URL so that you can directly redirect your user to the generated PDF.
Have you heard about PhantomJS? There is a package which name is phantom-html-to-pdf. You may give it a try.

Display DocuSign template using template ID?

I want to open a new page displaying a preview of a DocuSign template depending on the template ID without the need to log into DocuSign, is this possible?
I have not found any guide for doing this in their documents, What they offer though is creating a template inside your app which is not what I want to do since I only want to display a preview of the template for double checking.
I want to open a new page displaying a preview of a DocuSign template depending on the template ID without the need to log into DocuSign, is this possible?
Do you mean you want to see the preview of the PDF document(s) in the temolate, complete with the fields (tabs) placed on the page? If so, then unfortunately this can not be done.
If you want to get the documents that the template includes and then display them to your user, you can do that by using the TemplateDocuments: get method.
You can also retrieve other information about the template and then display it to your user.

Attachments on iPad in iFrame docusign

I am using iframe to get document signed by clients on ipad. There are attachments as well for each signer, but before attaching the captured image, I want to resize it. Is there a way to resize an image before attaching it with document.
Currently there is no functionality built in to the DocuSign platform that would allow the re-sizing of an attached image, DocuSign is an eSignature company and when they allow attachments on top of the documents that are about to be signed they should not be modified in any way as it could alter important aspects about the legally binding agreement that is being signed.
However I think you might still have a few options here to solve your issue. The two obvious ones that come to mind are:
Get the captured image from your recipients BEFORE they start the signing process.
Use a conditional tab to not allow the recipient to add an attachment unless it's within a certain size.
For the first solution you could use the Embedding feature to design whatever UI around the signing experience you'd like and in that case you can control the order of operations (i.e. have them upload the image first before clicking a button to sign) and you can then resize the image and add it to the envelope.
For the second solution, you could use the radioGroupTabs to add 2 grouped radio buttons to the envelope (so that only one can be checked) and say something like "Check this box if your image is within NxM size" and then the signer attachment tab only shows if they check that box. To do this you can make use of the ConditionalTabs feature.
For more information on Embedding DocuSign please see this page from the DocuSign Developer Center:
Embedding Feature
For more information on Conditional Fields refer to the User Guide (non-api use) and the documentation:
Conditional Fields User Guide
REST API Guide (search for term "conditional")

Preview InfoPath Attachment

I have a form that Legal will use to track trademark claims. They want to be able to attach logos to this for for easy reference. It's easy enough to create a file attachment, but is there any way to show a preview of the attached image?
The solution has to be usable in a browser enabled form.
Attachments are stored in base64 format. You'd need to somehow post that data to the server, encode it correctly, and send it back to the client as a jpg. It's a bit of work, but i'm sure it's doable.
You could add a link column (named preview) to your form library that leads to an .aspx page in the layouts directory, where you read the form xml and generate a preview of the document including the attachment previews.
This way you are able to handle the different attachment formats (e.g using C# code) and bypass the limited functions of the form service.
You could add a "edit this form" button to that page that redirects to the original formservice url.
Most browsers support base64 decoding, so you could very easily just point to the base64 data directly.
You might want to checkout base64 in internet explorer:
