create Dense layers in a loop - keras

I need to create multiple dense layers by for loop, the number of iteration depends on the number of labels. I want to create one dense layer for each label. Each label has a different set of features, so I want to predict each label separately with corresponding feature set in each dense layer. Is that possible? The following code is my attempt.
layers = []
for i in range(num_labels):
h1 = Dense(num_genes_per+10, kernel_initializer='normal', input_dim = num_genes_per, activation='relu')(inputs)
h2 = Dense(int(num_genes_per/2), kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu')(h1)
output= Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='linear')(h2)
merged_output = concatenate(layers, axis=1)
model = Model(inputs, merged_output)
The output of each h2 will have shape [batch, 1], and the merged_output will have shape [batch, num_labels]. Is there any error in the above code?
I know it is not efficient, but if I concatenate the different set of features into one input tensor, and use only one dense layer to predict all labels at same time, would it harms the prediction accuracy?

It depends on how you defined features and labels. If features 1, 2 and 3 are used to predict label 1 and they have no relation to label 2, It does not make sense to include it in label 3 inference.


Keras, how to feed an Embedding layer with a random sampling of a Softmax layer

In the model I am constructing, I have the following layer:
y = layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax")(x)
And I want the next layer of this model to be an Embedding layer that "represent" the choice made by the Dense layer.
I.e, I want
to sample a choice from y (based on the probability "represented" by the values of the softmax)
to turn this choice into an Embedding Layer with vocabulary size 10.
Any idea how to do this ?
Initial answer
Add a layer that takes the argmax of the output of the dense layer before feeding it into the embedding layer to propagate the most likely category label:
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import backend as K
# generate some data
x = tf.random.uniform([BATCH_SIZE,INPUT_DIM])
# model
dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(NUM_CLASSES,activation='softmax')(x)
argmax = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: K.argmax(x,axis=-1))(dense)
emb = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(NUM_CLASSES,EMBEDDING_DIM)(argmax)
Updated answer
If you want to propagate a randomly sampled category label instead of the most likely category label, you can do so by using tf.random.categorical. Note that tf.random.categorical takes logits as inputs, so you don't need the softmax activation at the end of the dense layer.
logits = tf.keras.layers.Dense(NUM_CLASSES)(x)
sample = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda logits: tf.squeeze(tf.random.categorical(logits, 1)))(logits)
emb = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(NUM_CLASSES,EMBEDDING_DIM)(sample)

Input shape for 1D convolution network in keras

I am quite new to keras and I have a problem in understanding shapes.
I wanted to create 1D Conv Keras model as follows, I don't know this is correct or not:
num_sensors = 2
num_classes = 4
model_m = Sequential()
model_m.add(Conv1D(100, 10, activation='relu', input_shape=(TIME_PERIODS, num_sensors)))
model_m.add(Conv1D(100, 10, activation='relu'))
model_m.add(Conv1D(160, 10, activation='relu'))
model_m.add(Conv1D(160, 10, activation='relu'))
model_m.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))
The input data I have is 888 different panda data frame where each frame is of shape (511, 3) where 511 is numbers of signal points and 0th column is sensor1 values, 1st column is sensor2 values and 2nd column is labelled signals.
Now how I should combine all my 888 different panda data frame so I have x_train and y_train from X and Y using Sklearn train_test_split.
Also, I think the input shape I am defining for the model is wrong and I don't think I actually have TIME_PERIODS because, for 1-time point, I have 2 sensor inputs (orange, blue line) value and 1 output label (green line).
The context of the problem I am trying to solve e.g.
input: time-based 2 sensors values say for 1 AM-2 AM hour from a user, output: the range of times e.g where the user was doing activity 1, activity 2, activity X on 1:10-1:15, 1:15-1:30, 1:30-2:00, The above plot show a sample training input and output.
The problem is inspired from here but in my case, I don't have any time period, my 1-time point has 1 output label.
Update 1:
I am almost certain that my TIME_PERIODS=1 as for the prediction I will give 511 inputs and expects to get 511 output values.
Each dataframe is an independent sequence?
fileNames = get a list of filenames here, you can maybe os.listdir for that
allFrames = [pandas.read_csv(filename,... other_things...).values for filename in fileNames]
allData = np.stack(allFrames, axis=0)
inputData = allData[:,:num_sensors]
outputData = allData[:, -1:]
You can now use train test split the way you want.
Your input shape is correct.
If you want to predict the whole sequence, then you have to remove the poolings. Every convolution should use padding='same'.
And maybe you should use a Biridectional(LSTM(units, return_sequences=True)) layer somewhere to make your model stronger.
A simple model as an example. (Notice that models are totally open to creativity)
from keras.layers import *
inputs = Input((TIME_PERIODS,num_sensors)) #Should be called "time_steps" to be precise
outputs = Conv1D(any, 3, padding='same', activation = 'tanh')(inputs)
outputs = Bidirectional(LSTM(any, return_sequences=True))(outputs)
outputs = Conv1D(num_classes, activation='softmax', padding='same')(outputs)
model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs)
To say the least, you're in the correct path. The full solution for this would be like,
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(fname, index_col=<int>, header=<int>) for f filenames], ignore_index=True, axis=0)
inputs = df.loc[:,:-1]
labels = df.loc[:,0]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(inputs, labels, test_size=<float>)
To add a bit more information, note how you are doing,
model_m.add(Conv1D(100, 10, activation='relu', input_shape=(TIME_PERIODS, num_sensors)))
and not
model_m.add(Conv1D(100, 10, activation='relu', padding='SAME', input_shape=(TIME_PERIODS, num_sensors)))
So, as you're not setting padding="Same" for the convolution layers this might have the undesirable effect of input becoming smaller and smaller as you go deeper to the model. If that's what you need, that's okay. Otherwise, set `padding="SAME".
For example, without same-padding you'll get, a width around 144 when you get to the GlobalPooling layer, where if you use same-padding it would be roughly 170. It's not a major problem here, but can easily lead to negative sizes in your input for deeper layers.

Resnet with Custom Data

I am trying to modify Resnet50 with my custom data as follows:
X = [[1.85, 0.460,... -0.606] ... [0.229, 0.543,... 1.342]]
y = [2, 4, 0, ... 4, 2, 2]
X is a feature vector of length 2000 for 784 images. y is an array of size 784 containing the binary representation of labels.
Here is the code:
def __classifyRenet(self, X, y):
image_input = Input(shape=(2000,1))
num_classes = 5
model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet',include_top=False)
last_layer = model.output
# add a global spatial average pooling layer
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(last_layer)
# add fully-connected & dropout layers
x = Dense(512, activation='relu',name='fc-1')(x)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = Dense(256, activation='relu',name='fc-2')(x)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
# a softmax layer for 5 classes
out = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax',name='output_layer')(x)
# this is the model we will train
custom_resnet_model2 = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=out)
for layer in custom_resnet_model2.layers[:-6]:
layer.trainable = False
clf =, y,
batch_size=32, epochs=32, verbose=1,
validation_data=(X, y))
return clf
I am calling to function as:
clf = self.__classifyRenet(X_train, y_train)
It is giving an error:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_24 to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (785, 2000)
Please help. Thank you!
1. First, understand the error.
Your input does not match the input of ResNet, for ResNet, the input should be (n_sample, 224, 224, 3) but you are having (785, 2000). From your question, you have 784 images with array of size 2000, which doesn't really align with the original ResNet50 input shape of (224 x 224) no matter how you reshape it. That means you cannot use the ResNet50 directly with your data. The only thing you did in your code is to take the last layer of ResNet50 and added you output layer to align with your output class size.
2. Then, what you can do.
If you insist to use the ResNet architecture, you will need to change the input layer rather than output layer. Also, you will need to reshape your image data to utilize the convolution layers. That means, you cannot have it in a (2000,) array, but need to be something like (height, width, channel), just like what ResNet and other architectures are doing. Of course you will also need to change the output layer as well just like you did so that you are predicting for your classes. Try something like:
model = ResNet50(input_tensor=image_input_shape, include_top=True,weights='imagenet')
This way, you can specify customized input image shape. You can check the github code for more information ( Here's part of the docstring:
input_shape: optional shape tuple, only to be specified
if `include_top` is False (otherwise the input shape
has to be `(224, 224, 3)` (with `channels_last` data format)
or `(3, 224, 224)` (with `channels_first` data format).
It should have exactly 3 inputs channels,
and width and height should be no smaller than 197.
E.g. `(200, 200, 3)` would be one valid value.

Accuracy goes to 0.0000 when training RNN with Keras?

I'm trying to use custom word-embeddings from Spacy for training a sequence -> label RNN query classifier. Here's my code:
word_vector_length = 300
dictionary_size = v.num_tokens + 1
word_vectors = v.get_word_vector_dictionary()
embedding_weights = np.zeros((dictionary_size, word_vector_length))
max_length = 186
for word, index in dictionary._get_raw_id_to_token().items():
if word in word_vectors:
embedding_weights[index,:] = word_vectors[word]
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=dictionary_size, output_dim=word_vector_length,
input_length= max_length, mask_zero=True, weights=[embedding_weights]))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, activation= 'relu', return_sequences=False)))
model.add(Dense(v.num_labels, activation= 'sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
optimizer = 'adam',
metrics = ['accuracy']), Y_train, batch_size=200, nb_epoch=20)
here the word_vectors are stripped from spacy.vectors and have length 300, the input is an np_array which looks like [0,0,12,15,0...] of dimension 186, where the integers are the token ids in the input, and I've constructed the embedded weight matrix accordingly. The output layer is [0,0,1,0,...0] of length 26 for each training sample, indicating the label that should go with this piece of vectorized text.
This looks like it should work, but during the first epoch the training accuracy is continually decreasing... and by the end of the first epoch/for the rest of training, it's exactly 0 and I'm not sure why this is happening. I've trained plenty of models with keras/TF before and never encountered this issue.
Any idea what might be happening here?
Are the labels always one-hot? Meaning only one of the elements of the label vector is one and the rest zero.
If so, then maybe try using a softmax activation with a categorical crossentropy loss like in the following official example:
This will help constraint the network to output probability distributions on the last layer (i.e. the softmax layer outputs sum up to 1).

Dimensions not matching in keras LSTM model

I want to use an LSTM neural Network with keras to forecast groups of time series and I am having troubles in making the model match what I want. The dimensions of my data are:
input tensor: (data length, number of series to train, time steps to look back)
output tensor: (data length, number of series to forecast, time steps to look ahead)
Note: I want to keep the dimensions exactly like that, no
A dummy data code that reproduces the problem is:
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, TimeDistributed, LSTM
epoch_number = 100
batch_size = 20
input_dim = 4
output_dim = 3
look_back = 24
look_ahead = 24
n = 100
trainX = np.random.rand(n, input_dim, look_back)
trainY = np.random.rand(n, output_dim, look_ahead)
print('test X:', trainX.shape)
print('test Y:', trainY.shape)
model = Sequential()
# Add the first LSTM layer (The intermediate layers need to pass the sequences to the next layer)
model.add(LSTM(10, batch_input_shape=(None, input_dim, look_back), return_sequences=True))
# add the first LSTM layer (the dimensions are only needed in the first layer)
model.add(LSTM(10, return_sequences=True))
# the TimeDistributed object allows a 3D output
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']), trainY, nb_epoch=epoch_number, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1)
This trows:
Exception: Error when checking model target: expected
timedistributed_1 to have shape (None, 4, 24) but got array with shape
(100, 3, 24)
The problem seems to be when defining the TimeDistributed layer.
How do I define the TimeDistributed layer so that it compiles and trains?
The error message is a bit misleading in your case. Your output node of the network is called timedistributed_1 because that's the last node in your sequential model. What the error message is trying to tell you is that the output of this node does not match the target your model is fitting to, i.e. your labels trainY.
Your trainY has a shape of (n, output_dim, look_ahead), so (100, 3, 24) but the network is producing an output shape of (batch_size, input_dim, look_ahead). The problem in this case is that output_dim != input_dim. If your time dimension changes you may need padding or a network node that removes said timestep.
I think the problem is that you expect output_dim (!= input_dim) at the output of TimeDistributed, while it's not possible. This dimension is what it considers as the time dimension: it is preserved.
The input should be at least 3D, and the dimension of index one will
be considered to be the temporal dimension.
The purpose of TimeDistributed is to apply the same layer to each time step. You can only end up with the same number of time steps as you started with.
If you really need to bring down this dimension from 4 to 3, I think you will need to either add another layer at the end, or use something different from TimeDistributed.
PS: one hint towards finding this issue was that output_dim is never used when creating the model, it only appears in the validation data. While it's only a code smell (there might not be anything wrong with this observation), it's something worth checking.
