Using CData ODBC connection with the DocuSign API - docusignapi

I have been trying to configure a DocuSign ODBC ( using CData) and came across an issue when trying to get the OAuth credentials.
Based on the Help guide, I see that I need to “Register your DocuSign app”. I am in the API and Keys section on DocuSign but the add app/ integration key button is not there.
Do I need the DocuSign Enterprise plan in order to use this software. This would be an extra cost on our current plan, so I just wanted to make sure first if we need the additional plan to use the ODBC.

can you create a developer sandbox (also known as "demo") account? that should have all that you need. You can do that in


Does Gmail saves organization structure in user's details?

My company is using G-suite and I'd like to analyze basic organization structure details like who's my manager? or who do I manage?
Is this possible using the GoogleApis?
You can definitely consult this information, not by using Gmail API, but by using the G Suite Admin SDK.
Particularly, you may be interested in the following endpoints:
Retrieving a user
Retrieving an organizational unit
You may also want to see the Quickstart which will help you set up an application that can retrieve this data. There are many languages supported (you can choose the one you prefer on the left sidebar).

Disable office365 mailbox using graph api

I need to disable mailbox using logic apps.I have choosen to use graph api. I searched online and ended up using disabledPlans.
But I have a requirement where I have to use logic apps and i cannot hardcode the skuIds and dont know what license is added to the user.I am able to get licenses assinged to user using getUser in beta version of graph api. But there is no relation between license of product and its plans. This is making my job tedious.
Power shell has a command called Disable-Mailbox. But ,I am unable to find such api in graph api. Can any one let me know if disabling plans is right way or is there any other way I can disable mail box using Logic apps or graph api. Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to create agents via the API?

So I've been reviewing the DialogFlow documentation and wondering if it's possible to use the API fully programmatically and create agents via the API as well? A sample use case being the user on my platform being to able to create their own bot. I'm not able to find the functionality listed in their docs and wanted to double check with the community here.
You can now create and update agents with the API. See the REST and RPC documentation.
You can’t create an agent through the API but once it’s been created in the UI it can be edited through the API. Users will need to grant your service account the dialogflow editor IAM role and then tell you their project ID.

Docusign account configuration management

I am writing an application that uses Docusign and I’m trying to figure out the best way to manage my Docusign account in general.
Here is the use case:
1) My software uses custom Docusign templates and tabs and uses the Docusign API to accomplish populating the templates, tabs, and generating envelopes
2) The user will have to provide their own Docusign account to use my software
1) How do I get the custom templates loaded into their Docusign account?
Can templates be shared between totally disparate Docusign accounts?
Other options I think might work are an export or import of the templates (but that is clunky).
Maybe I can use the API to upload the templates as well???
2) Who’s Docusign Integrator Key do I use?
Do they need to generate one from their Docusign account and I use that one from my software? Or do I ALWAYS use my developer integrator key???
3) Who’s API username and password do I use to log in via the API?
I assume theirs, but I’m not a fan of needing to save a bunch of Docusign passwords in my database.
Any other options for setting this up the right way???
Thanks everyone!
For future inquires, include if you're using REST or SOAP.
Here are the answers to the questions that you have above.
1) How do I get the custom templates loaded into their Docusign account?
Can templates be shared between totally disparate Docusign accounts?
Other options I think might work are an export or import of the templates (but that is clunky).
Maybe I can use the API to upload the templates as well???
Templates can only be shared within users on the same account. There isn't a way to upload a template via the API either. You can use composite templates for a standardized template across multiple accounts (depending on SOAP/REST, the coding changes here)
2) Who’s Docusign Integrator Key do I use?
Do they need to generate one from their Docusign account and I use that one from my software? Or do I ALWAYS use my developer integrator key???
Your application will always use your Integrator Key, which will only work in Demo until you go through the Certification to get the Integrator Key promoted to production.
More info on that process here:
3) Who’s API username and password do I use to log in via the API?
I assume theirs, but I’m not a fan of needing to save a bunch of Docusign passwords in my database.
Any other options for setting this up the right way???
You will need specific permissions enabled on a user and on an account to make API calls successfully. Most integration's use a system user to login and make these calls. If you're working within multiple accounts that you do not have administration over, you will end up running into permission errors.
It sounds like you're wanting to setup a Partner integration, which does differ a little from a standard integration.

SOAP API- This Account lacks sufficient permissions

I am getting below error while accessing DocuSign SOAP service using SOAP UI tool. I also tried using integration key in username [Integration Key]userguid format I got same exception.
Can you please help me to resolve this issue.
Ok I've found out which option it is, and have enabled this option on your account. You should be able to export authoritative copies from this account now. For reference sake, the option I enabled was a member setting called
Can Export Authoritative Copies?
Please note, though, that since this is a setting that we have to enable on DocuSign's side, that means that it might be an enterprise or workgroup level feature. On your demo account we enable whatever you like so you can test things out, however when you are ready to move to production and purchase a corresponding production account that uses the API, you'll need to make sure you purchase an account that allows this feature. You can find out more from your Account Manager.
