Disable office365 mailbox using graph api - azure

I need to disable mailbox using logic apps.I have choosen to use graph api. I searched online and ended up using disabledPlans.
But I have a requirement where I have to use logic apps and i cannot hardcode the skuIds and dont know what license is added to the user.I am able to get licenses assinged to user using getUser in beta version of graph api. But there is no relation between license of product and its plans. This is making my job tedious.
Power shell has a command called Disable-Mailbox. But ,I am unable to find such api in graph api. Can any one let me know if disabling plans is right way or is there any other way I can disable mail box using Logic apps or graph api. Thanks in advance.


MS Graph Search Custom Connector is not synchronized

Recently Microsoft published the Microsoft Search API (beta) which provides the possibility to index external systems by creating a MS Graph search custom connector.
To achieve this I created 2 Search Custom Connectors:
one according to Microsoft Graph Search Connector Sample from GitHub
and one on my own, step by step according to the official MS instructions
Create the Connector app in Azure
Add app registration (Single tenant)
Add required API permissions and give admin consent
Add a client secret
Get access token (via Postman)
Get the required parameters from app registration
Submit a login request to get the (bearer) token
Create a new connection (via Postman)
Registering a schema (via Postman)
Add items to the search index (via Postman)
Both variants worked well so far but if I now try a search (for example via Bing (activated for our O365 tenant, or in the Microsoft Search Center, logged in as the appropriate account) no results from the custom connectors are shown.
Via Graph Explorer, logged in as the appropriate account and using the query https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/search/query, I get an http status 500 ("InternalServerError", "The call failed, please try again."): Screenshot from Graph Explorer
Under > Microsoft 365 admin center > Microsoft Search > Connectors both connectors are displayed but there is displayed neither any status nor any successful synchronisation: screenshot from MS 365 Search admin center
I know the Microsoft Search API in still in preview but I wonder if it works at all?
Is there any possibility to trigger the synchronisation manually?
Or at least find out what's going wrong here?
Did you create a new Result Type and Vertical as well in the Search center?
I followed the steps mentioned in the sample and the search works for me in Office 365.
Regarding the synchronization, I don't think that is available in the Search center as of now because there is no option to edit the connection or set any synchronization schedule. However, I'm still exploring other options to synchronize as its quite new to me.

Using CData ODBC connection with the DocuSign API

I have been trying to configure a DocuSign ODBC ( using CData) and came across an issue when trying to get the OAuth credentials.
Based on the Help guide, I see that I need to “Register your DocuSign app”. I am in the API and Keys section on DocuSign but the add app/ integration key button is not there.
Do I need the DocuSign Enterprise plan in order to use this software. This would be an extra cost on our current plan, so I just wanted to make sure first if we need the additional plan to use the ODBC.
can you create a developer sandbox (also known as "demo") account? that should have all that you need. You can do that in https://developers.docusign.com

power bi embedded rest api share report

I am trying to use power bi embedded service rest apis with a pro account, I have gone through the rest api reference guide -
The issue is that am unable to share a report with a particular set of users with the api, now i know that we can with rest api create appspaces/groups, and add users to group, but thats at the group level. I want to basically give permission at the report level. It is very easily possible from the app.powerbi.com portal by going into the share option. But there is no api that i can find to share a report to a user in an appspace.
We are stuck in our POC because of this as report level security is basic and a must have requirement for any kind of custom usage.
Currently Power BI REST API doesn't allow you to do that. As you said, you can only manage users on workspace level. If you need such dynamic report level management, you can try to achieve this by removing the rights of your users on the workspace and embed the reports in some application, implementin "app own data" scenario. This way you will be able to manage user's access in your application, while the reports will be always accessed with your "master account".

Is it possible to create agents via the API?

So I've been reviewing the DialogFlow documentation and wondering if it's possible to use the API fully programmatically and create agents via the API as well? A sample use case being the user on my platform being to able to create their own bot. I'm not able to find the functionality listed in their docs and wanted to double check with the community here.
You can now create and update agents with the API. See the REST and RPC documentation.
You can’t create an agent through the API but once it’s been created in the UI it can be edited through the API. Users will need to grant your service account the dialogflow editor IAM role and then tell you their project ID.

Adding users to the Global Address List (GAL) through the Microsoft Graph API

Most of the posts I've read online about this are about a year old, or don't answer my question specifically. I know through the graph API you can view contacts and users, and you can add contacts and users, but when I've viewed the contacts and users through the graph API, they don't match what's in my global address list exactly. So I believe that they're not the same thing.
Also, a lot of the posts I've read asking questions similar to this have said adding users to the Global Address List is not supported through the Graph API and must be done programmatically through powershell or something like that. These answers though were posted around a year and a half ago. So I'm wondering if this still isn't possible through the graph API.
So firstly I'd like to understand why you indicate that the Global Address List is different from what you can get back from Graph API. As far as I know these should be identical, so please indicate where you are seeing differences. Also Azure AD PowerShell v2 calls through Graph.
As for updating the global address list, this is mostly possible through Graph API. If you are trying to add new users to your directory, you can POST on http://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users. Please see https://graph.microsoft.io/en-us/docs/api-reference/v1.0/resources/users and https://graph.microsoft.io/en-us/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/user_post_users. There are also PowerShell cmdlets for this. If you are trying to add organizational contacts, currently this is not supported through Graph API or through Azure AD PowerShell. Organizational contacts may be queried (currently only available in preview by doing GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/contacts), but adding org contact is only possible through creation in on-premises AD and synchronization though AD Connect OR via Exchange experiences (like Office portals or Exchange PowerShell).
Personal contacts may also be fetched and added through GET and POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/contacts respectively.
Hope this helps,
At present, it is not possible to add the users to Global Address List. We are only to add the person contacts to the root Contacts folder or to the contacts endpoint of another contact folder( refer here).
You can try to submit the feedback from here if you want the Microsoft Graph to support this feature.
