How to add two records in a row? - node.js

When I want to add two records in sequence, only one record is added, on the second it throws an error due to the fact that it cannot create a field with such data:
"NOTES_ID is required","key: NOTES_ID, value: undefined, is not a
How to create an entry for two related tables sequentially from the beginning for the main table, and then for the one that has the foreign key installed.
module.exports.create = async function (req, res) {
const stateMatrix = await
const noteObj = {
DATE: req.body.DATE,
TITLE: req.body.TITLE,
const noteStateObj = {
STATE_DATE: new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US"),
STATES_ID: stateMatrix[0]._props.STATES_ID_CURR,
NOTES_ID: req.body.NOTE_ID,
USERS_ID: req.decoded.user_id
try {
await Notes.create(noteObj);
await NoteStates.create(noteStateObj);
res.status(201).json(noteObj, noteStateObj);
} catch (e) {
errorHandler(res, e);

Probably NoteStates is related to Notes through note_id field which can not be empty (I guess it's foreign key). It means that you should set it before saving noteStateObj:
// Something like this
const newNote = await Notes.create(noteObj);
noteStateObj.NOTES_ID = newNote.ID;
await NoteStates.create(noteStateObj);


Firebase Cloud Function batch write update document overwrote the entire document?

The following Cloud Function has a batch write operation that, in part, updates a single field in a document. This overwrote the entire document and now the document has a single field joinedCount: -1. Is this not the way to update individual fields in documents without overwriting them?
exports.deleteUserTEST = functions.https.onCall(async (data, _context) => {
const uId = data.userId;
const db = admin.firestore();
try {
const batch = db.batch();
const settingsDoc = await db.collection("userSettings").doc(uId).get();
const joinedIds = settingsDoc.get("private.joinedIds");
Object.keys(joinedIds).forEach(function(jId, _index) {
private: {
joinedCount: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(-1), // <-- the culprit
await batch.commit();
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError("unknown", "Failed the delete the user's content.", error);
return Promise.resolve(uId);
Moving the solution found in the comments by #Dharmaraj into a community answer, this problem was caused by the structure of the document.
Since all the data in the document was inside the private map field, passing a new map through the update method would make it appear that the entire document was being overwritten instead of updated.
In this case, you would need to access the fields through dot notation. This allows those inner fields within the map to be updated, without replacing the entire private map:
Object.keys(joinedIds).forEach(function(jId, _index) {
batch.update(db.collection("profiles").doc(jId), {
"private.joinedCount": admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(-1)
Another example from the documentation:
import { doc, setDoc, updateDoc } from "firebase/firestore";
// Create an initial document to update.
const frankDocRef = doc(db, "users", "frank");
await setDoc(frankDocRef, {
name: "Frank",
favorites: { food: "Pizza", color: "Blue", subject: "recess" },
age: 12
// To update age and favorite color:
await updateDoc(frankDocRef, {
"age": 13,
"favorites.color": "Red"

How to add an object to an array of objects in Nodejs?

I'm creating a backend for my React web application and I'm trying to subscribe a user to a match, this match is an object that have an array called "players" and when I click on the join button the username and profilePicture of the user are being dispatched to my backend. The first user info is sent perfectly but when a second user is subscribed the info of the first one is replaced for the second one.
This is my function that push the data:
const playerJoined = async (req, res) => {
const torneoId =;
const uid = req.uid;
const profilePicture = req.profilePicture;
const username = req.username;
try {
const torneo = await Torneo.findById(torneoId);
if (!torneo) {
return res.status(404).json({
ok: false,
msg: "Torneo no existe por ese ID",
const newPlayer = {
profilePicture: profilePicture,
username: username,
const nuevoTorneo = {
players: newPlayer,
const torneoActualizado = await Torneo.findByIdAndUpdate(
new: true,
ok: true,
torneo: torneoActualizado,
} catch (error) {
ok: false,
msg: "Hable con el administrador",
My frontend is working well because when I added more users the array of objects shows all the players like this:
players: (2) [{…}, {…}]
But on my mongo DB shows only the last user info added like I mentioned before.
I really appreciate any help.
You seem to be replacing the players property instead of pushing into it.
const nuevoTorneo = {
players: newPlayer,
When you grab the torneo by id, you should have access to that players property already, so spread that array into your nuevoTorneo as well:
const nuevoTorneo = {
players: [...torneo.players, newPlayer],
It is because you always put your newPlayer into the "player" field of your nuevoTorneo and updated the same document. I assume you are using mongoose, You probably should just modify the "torneo" after your query and do something like this:
const torneo = await Torneo.findById(torneoId);
const newPlayer = {
profilePicture: profilePicture,
username: username,
Or to simply modify your code as:
const nuevoTorneo = {
players: [...torneo.nuevoTorneo.players,newPlayer],
I recommend the first method, let me know if you have any questions.

Only process 500 lines/row at a time createReadStream

I have to read a really large CSV file so search through the google and get to know about createReadStream. I am using a program that read the csv file data and insert it into the mongoDB.
process I am following
process the data using createReadStream (I think it read the file line by line).
Storing data into an array.
Insert the data into mongoDB using insertMany
Now the problem is whole file is first get stored into an array and then I insert into the database.
But what I think is the better approach would be I only store first 500 line/rows into an array insert it into the DB and again follow the same step for the next 500 records
Is it possible to achieve this ?
and also is it the right way to do this ?
my program
const test = async () => {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(workerData)
.on('data', async function(csvrow) {
if(!authorName.includes( {
const author = new Author({author:})
authorId = author._id
if(!companyName.includes(csvrow.company_name)) {
const company = new Company({companyName: csvrow.company_name})
companyID = company._id
users = new User({
name: csvrow.firstname,
dob: csvrow.dob,
address: csvrow.address,
state: csvrow.state,
gender: csvrow.gender,
userType: csvrow.userType
book = new Book({
book_number: csvrow.book_number,
book_name: csvrow.book_name,
book_desc: csvrow.book_desc,
user_id: users._id,
author_id: authorId
author_id: authorId,
book_id: book._id,
company_id: companyID
}finally {
.on('end', async function() {
try {
await Relational.insertMany(relationalData)
This program is working fine also inserting the data into the DB, But I am looking for something like this:
const stream = fs.createReadStream(workerData)
.on('data', async function(csvrow, maxLineToRead: 500) {
// whole code/logic of insert data into DB
so maxLineToRead is my imaginary term.
basically my point is I want to process 500 data at a time and insert it into the DB and want to repeat this process till the end.
You can create a higher scoped array variable where you accumulate rows of data as they arrive on the data event. When you get to 500 rows, fire off your database operation to insert them. If not yet at 500 rows, then just add the next one to the array and wait for more data events to come.
Then, in the end event insert any remaining rows still in the higher scoped array.
In this way, you will insert 500 at a time and then however many are left at the end. This has an advantage vs. inserting them all at the end that you spread out the database load over the time you are parsing.
Here's an attempt to implement that type of processing. There are some unknowns (documented with comments) based on an incomplete description of exactly what you're trying to accomplish in some circumstances):
const test = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const accumulatedRows = [];
async function processRows(rows) {
// initialize data arrays that we will insert
const authorData = [],
companyData = [],
userData = [],
bookData = [],
relationalData = [];
// this code still has a problem that I don't have enough context
// to know how to solve
// If authorName contains, then the variable
// authorId is not initialized, but is used later in the code
// This is a problem that needs to be fixed.
// The same issue occurs for companyID
for (let csvrow of rows) {
let authorId, companyID;
if (!authorName.includes( {
const author = new Author({ author: })
authorId = author._id
if (!companyName.includes(csvrow.company_name)) {
const company = new Company({ companyName: csvrow.company_name })
companyID = company._id
let users = new User({
name: csvrow.firstname,
dob: csvrow.dob,
address: csvrow.address,
state: csvrow.state,
gender: csvrow.gender,
userType: csvrow.userType
let book = new Book({
book_number: csvrow.book_number,
book_name: csvrow.book_name,
book_desc: csvrow.book_desc,
user_id: users._id,
author_id: authorId
author_id: authorId,
book_id: book._id,
company_id: companyID
// all local arrays of data are populated now for this batch
// so add this data to the database
await Author.insertMany(authorData);
await User.insertMany(userData);
await Book.insertMany(bookData);
await Company.insertMany(companyData);
await Relational.insertMany(relationalData);
const batchSize = 50;
const stream = fs.createReadStream(workerData)
.on('data', async function(csvrow) {
try {
if (accumulatedRows.length >= batchSize) {
await processRows(accumulatedRows);
// clear out the rows we just processed
acculatedRows.length = 0;
} catch (e) {
// calling destroy(e) will prevent leaking a stream
// and will trigger the error event to be called with that error
}).on('end', async function() {
try {
await processRows(accumulatedRows);
} catch (e) {
}).on('error', (e) => {
test().then(() => {
}).catch(err => {

mongoose filter by multiple conditions and execute to update data

I am wondering what would be the best approach to make schema functions using mongoose. I have never used this so the way I think is somewhat limited, same goes for looking for docs, without knowing what's available, is not very efficient.
Through docs I found that either using findOneAndUpdate might solve the problem; but there are some constraints.
Here is the code I am planning to run:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const bookmarkItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
restaurantId: String,
cachedAttr: {
name: String,
latitude: Number,
longitude: Number,
const bookmarkListSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
listName: String,
items: [bookmarkItemSchema],
const bookmarkSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
lists: [bookmarkListSchema],
// const add = (lists, userId) => {
// let bookmark = Bookmark.findOne({userId})
// bookmark.lists.listName === lists.listName //current, new
// ? bookmark.lists.items.push(lists.items)
// : bookmark.lists.push(lists)
// return bookmark
// }
mongoose.model('Bookmark', bookmarkSchema)
Routes/bookmark.js'/bookmarks', async (req, res) => {
const {lists} = req.body
if (!lists) {
return res.status(422).send({error: 'You must provide lists'})
let bookmark = Bookmark.findOne({"userId": req.user._id})
if (bookmark.lists.listName === lists.listName){
let item = lists.items
try {
// const bookmark = Bookmark.add(lists, req.user._id, obj)
// await
// res.send(bookmark)
let bookmark = Bookmark.findOne({"userId": req.user._id})
if (bookmark.lists.listName === lists.listName){ // THIS IS UNDEFINED. How to get this object?
let item = lists.items
} catch (e) {
res.status(422).send({error: e.message})
The req.body looks like this:
"lists": {
"listName": "My Saved List",
"items": {
"restaurantId": "abcdefg",
"cachedAttr": {
"name": "abcdefg",
"latitude": 200,
"longitude": 200
Basically what I commented out in the models/Bookmark.js file is what I would really like to do.
If the userId's list name already exists, then I would like to just add an item to the list.
Otherwise, I would like to add a new list to the object.
What is the best approach for doing this? Is there a straight forward mongoose api that I could use for this problem? or do I need to make two separated function that would handle each case and make that as schema methods and handle it in the routes file?

Node.js mssql module transaction not working with async await

config = {
user: process.env.PROD_USER,
password: process.env.PROD_PASSWORD,
server: process.env.PROD_SERVER,
database: process.env.PROD_DATABASE,
options: {
abortTransactionOnError: true, // <-- SET XACT_ABORT ON
const pool = await sql.connect(config);
const transaction = new sql.Transaction();
await transaction.begin();
const result = await this.get_sp_data(
const masterId = result.recordset[0].MasterId || 0;
if (masterId) {
asyncForeach(req.body.TransactionDetail, async (value) => {
const detailData = {
MasterId: masterId,
SubServiceId: value.SubServiceId,
Rate: value.Rate,
Quantity: value.Quantity,
Amount: value.Amount,
CreatedBy: || 0,
MemberId: value.MemberId,
SubMemberIddd: value.SubMemberId || null,
await this.get_sp_data(detailData, sp.InsertTransactionDetail, res);
await transaction.commit();
console.dir('Transaction commited.');
My custom code is between begin and commit to execute a stored procedure to insert master data after inserting master data master id return that id I use to insert multiple detail data using for loop and last.
I have explicitly place erroneous code in detail insert but transaction is not rolling back as a result master data inserted and giving error of detail.
