Datamash: Transposing the column into rows based on group in bash - linux

I have a tab delim file with a 2 columns like following
A 123
A 23
A 45
A 67
B 88
B 72
B 50
B 23
C 12
C 14
I want to transpose with the above data based on the first column like following
A 123 23 45 67
B 88 72 50 23
C 12 14
I tried the datamash transpose < input-file.txt but it didnt yield the output as expected.

One awk version:
awk '{printf ($1!=f?"\n%s":" "$2),$0;f=$1}' file
A 123 23 45 67
B 88 72 50 23
C 12 14
With this version, you get on blank line, but should be fast and handle large data since no loop or array variable are used.
$1!=f?"\n%s":" "$2),$0 If first field is not equal f, print new line and all fields
if $1 = f, only print field 2.
f=$1 set f to first field

datamash --group=1 --field-separator=' ' collapse 2 <file | tr ',' ' '
A 123 23 45 67
B 88 72 50 23
C 12 14
Input must be sorted, as in the question.

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E ':a;N;s/^((\S+)\s+.*)\n\2/\1/;ta;P;D' file
Append the next line and if the first field of the first line is the same as the first field of the second line, remove the newline and the first field of the second line. Print the first line in the pattern space and then delete it and the following newline and repeat.


Extract columns from multiple text files with bash or awk or sed?

I am trying to extract column1 and column4 from multiple text files.
#rname startpos endpos numreads covbases coverage meandepth meanbaseq meanmapq
CFLAU10s46802|kraken:taxid|33189 1 125 2 105 84 1.68 36.8 24
CFLAU10s46898|kraken:taxid|33189 1 116 32 116 100 23.5862 35.7 19.4
CFLAU10s46988|kraken:taxid|33189 1 105 2 53 50.4762 1.00952 36.9 11
AUZW01004514.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1015102_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 1 1102 2 88 7.98548 0.15971 36.4 10
AUZW01004739.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1070682_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 1 2133 6 113 5.2977 0.186592 36.6 13
#rname startpos endpos numreads covbases coverage meandepth meanbaseq meanmapq
CFLAU10s46802|kraken:taxid|33189 1 125 5 105 84 1.68 36.8 24
CFLAU10s46898|kraken:taxid|33189 1 116 40 116 100 23.5862 35.7 19.4
CFLAU10s46988|kraken:taxid|33189 1 105 6 53 50.4762 1.00952 36.9 11
AUZW01004514.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1015102_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 1 1102 2 88 7.98548 0.15971 36.4 10
AUZW01004739.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1070682_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 1 2133 6 113 5.2977 0.186592 36.6 13
output format (save the output as merged.txt in another directory). In the output file: Column1(#nname) will be once because this is same for every file, but there will be multiple column4 (numreads) as many as files and the rename the column4 should be according to each file name.
Output file looks like:
#rname file1_numreads file2_numreads
CFLAU10s46802|kraken:taxid|33189 2 5
CFLAU10s46898|kraken:taxid|33189 32 40
CFLAU10s46988|kraken:taxid|33189 2 6
AUZW01004514.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1015102_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 2 88
AUZW01004739.1 Cronartium comandrae C4 contig1070682_0, whole genome shotgun sequence 6 113
Your suggestions would be appreciated.
Here is something I put together. awk gurus might have a simpler - shorter version but I am still learning awk.
Create a file script.awk and make it executable. Put in it:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { FS="\t" }
# process files, ignoring comments
!/^#/ {
# keep the first column values.
# Only add a new value if it is not already in the array.
if (!($1 in firstcolumns)) {
firstcolumns[$1] = $1
# extract the 4th column of file1, put it in the array (column 1).1
if (FILENAME == ARGV[1]) {
results[$1 ".1"] = $4
# extract the 4th column of file2, put it in the array (column 1).2
if (FILENAME == ARGV[2]) {
results[$1 ".2"] = $4
# print the results
# for each first column value...
for (key in firstcolumns) {
# Print the first column, then (column 1).1, then (column 1).2
print key "\t" results[key ".1"] "\t" results[key ".2"]
Call it like this: ./script.awk file1.txt file2.txt.
Since awk parses the files line per line, I keep the possible values of the first column in an array (firstcolumns).
For each line, if the 4th column comes from file1.txt (ARGV[1]) I store it in the results array under (firstcolumn).1.
For each line, if the 4th column comes from file2.txt (ARGV[2]) I store it in the results array under (firstcolumn).2.
In the END block, loop through the possible firstcolumn values and print the values (firstcolumn).1 and (firstcolumn).2, separated by "\t" for tabs.
$ ./so.awk file1.txt file2.txt
AUZW01004514.1 C4 C4
CFLAU10s46988|kraken:taxid|33189 2 6
CFLAU10s46802|kraken:taxid|33189 2 5
AUZW01004739.1 C4 C4
CFLAU10s46898|kraken:taxid|33189 32 40

replacing column value based in a line containing a specific string

I have text file :
file_11199_name 45 69
file_11176_name 45 69
file_11156_name 45 69
where i want change the value of column three to 1 when the first column has "11199" in the string.
the next, 3-lines, of AWK code seems to do what you need:
{ print $1,$2,c }
line 1 assigns a variable (c) with the value of the third column.
line 2 assigns the value 1 to c if the first variable contains 11199 ($1~11199)
line 3 prints the output
$ awk '{c=$3}$1~11199{c=1}{ print $1,$2,c }' file
file_11199_name 45 1
file_11176_name 45 69
file_11156_name 45 69

Finding if a column is in a range

I have two files that I want to find out if a column of file1 is in a range of columns.
1 19
1 21
1 24
2 22
4 45
1 19 23 A
1 20 28 A
4 42 45 A
I am trying to see if the 1st column of file1.txt is the same with 1st column of file2.txt, whether the second column of file1.txt is in between 2nd and 3rd columns of file2.txt, and append if it is in the range.
So the output should be :
1 19 23 A 1 19
1 19 23 A 1 21
1 20 28 A 1 24
4 42 45 A 4 45
What I am trying is to find out if first columns are the same:
awk 'NR==FNR{c[$1]++;next};c[$1] > 0' file1.txt file2.txt
1 19 23 A
1 20 28 A
4 42 45 A
But I am not able to put the larger/ smaller conditions.
How do I add it?
Following may also help you here.
while read first second
awk -v fir="$first" -v sec="$second" '$1==fir && ($2<=sec && $3>=sec){print $0,fir,sec}' file2
done < "file1"
Using join + awk:
join file2.txt file1.txt | awk '{if ($2 <= $5 && $5 <= $3) { print $1,$2,$3,$4,$1,$5 } }'
First two files are joined on the first column, then the columns are compared and output printed (with the first column printed twice, as join hides it).
Using awk:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=a[$1]" "$2;next} {split(a[$1],b);for(i in b) if(b[i]>=$2 && b[i]<=$3) print $0,$1,b[i]}' file1 file2
1 19 23 A 1 19
1 19 23 A 1 21
1 20 28 A 1 21
1 20 28 A 1 24
4 42 45 A 4 45
The first block statement stores the elements of file1 into the array a. The array index is the first column of the file and the array element is the concatenation of all numbers of the second column with the same number in the first column.
The second block statement loops over the the array a element with the same index as the first column and checks for the number in the array is in between the range.
Another approach is to use join:
$ join -o 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.1 2.2 file2 file1 | awk '$6 >= $2 && $6 <= $3'
1 19 23 A 1 19
1 19 23 A 1 21
1 20 28 A 1 21
1 20 28 A 1 24
4 42 45 A 4 45
join -o generated the expected output format. The awk statement is filtering
the lines that are in range.

Rearrange column with empty values using awk or sed

i want to rearrange the columns of a txt file, but there are empty values, which cause a problem. For example:
Name ID Count Date Other
A 1 10 513 x
6 15 312 x
3 18 314 x
B 19 31 942 x
8 29 722 x
when i tried $ more testfile |awk '{print $2"\t"$1"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5}'
it becomes:
ID Name Count Date Other
1 A 10 513 x
15 6 312 x
18 3 314 x
19 B 31 942 x
29 8 722 x
which is not i want, please help,i want it to be
ID Name Count Date Other
1 A 10 513 x
15 6 312 x
18 3 314 x
19 B 31 942 x
29 8 722 x
moreover i am not sure which columns might contain empty values, and the column length is not fixed, thank you
Assuming your input file is not tab-separated and you have (or can get) GNU awk then I recommend:
$ awk -v FIELDWIDTHS="8 8 8 8 8" -v OFS='\t' '{
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
t=$1; $1=$2; $2=t'
}1' file
ID Name Count Date Other
1 A 10 513 x
6 15 312 x
3 18 314 x
19 B 31 942 x
8 29 722 x
If your file is tab-separated then all you need is:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {t=$1; $1=$2; $2=t}1' file
Another awk alternative is using the number of fields. If you know your data and it's only deficit in the first column you can try this.
awk -v OFS="\t" 'NF==4{$5=$4;$4=$3;$3=$2;$2=$1;$1=""} {print $2,$1,$3,$4,$5}'
However, the output will be tab separated instead of fixed length format. You can achieve the same using printf and changing OFS, but perhaps tab separated is what you really need for tabular representation.
The most natural model for awk to use is columns as defined by the transitions from white-space to non-white-space and back. Since you have columns that may themselves be white-space, the natural model won't work.
However, you can revert to using a model based on column positions rather than transitions, meaning that a file containing only spaces (the presence of tabs will complicate things):
Name ID Count Date Other
A 1 10 513 x
6 15 312 x
3 18 314 x
B 19 31 942 x
8 29 722 x
can still be rearranged, though not as succinctly as transition-based columns.
The following awk script will do the trick, swapping name and id:
name = substr($0, 1,7);
id = substr($0, 9,7);
count = substr($0,17,7);
date = substr($0,25,7);
other = substr($0,33 );
print id" "name" "count" "date" "other;
If the original file is called and the awk script is stored in pax.awk, the command awk -f pax.awk will give you, as desired:
ID Name Count Date Other
1 A 10 513 x
6 15 312 x
3 18 314 x
19 B 31 942 x
8 29 722 x
Keep in mind I've written that script to be relatively flexible, allowing you to change the order of the columns quite easily. If all you want is to swap the first two columns, you could use:
awk '{print substr($0,9,8)substr($0,1,8)substr($0,17)}'
or the slightly shorter (if you're allowed to use other tools):
sed -E 's/^(.{8})(.{8})/\2\1/'

linux sort inside a column

I only want to sort a file by the second character in the second column by the number order.
the sample file like this:
aa 19
aa 189
aa 167
ab 13
nd 23
at 32
ca 90
I expect the result like
ca 90
at 32
ab 13
nd 23
aa 167
aa 189
aa 19
I use the command sort -n -k 2.2,2.2 [filename].
But it shows me the result like this:
aa 167
aa 189
aa 19
ab 13
nd 23
at 32
ca 90
It is not the right answer. Does anybody know what's wrong with my command?
The problem is that you didn't specify the correct column delimiter, and sort assumes it's a tab instead of a space.
sort -t ' ' -nk 2.2
works just fine.
Edit: in my man page it says that any whitespace is counted as delimiter by default, but the fact is that adding -t ' ' solves it.
sort -t ' ' -k2.2,2.2 filename
