Change failover time for aws kcl - node.js

AWS recommends to increase failover time for KCL (kinesis), if apps with connectivity issues.
But I can’t find how failover time can be changed.
I’m looking for (one or all):
settings in AWS console
settings for the node.js kcl package
settings by Terraform

The failover time is a configuration option for the Kinesis Client Library. It is not a property on the stream. As a result, you cannot change it in the AWS console.
Configuring AWS Kinesis Client library for Node.js is done using property files. I assume you already have a property file otherwise you wouldn't be able to start up your consumer application. What you need to do is add this to your property file:
# Fail over time in milliseconds.
failoverTimeMillis = 10000
See this sample property file provided by the library:
Also see this documentation for more detail on how to change the property file:


Trying to add heartbeat for my console application

A discussion on github mentions that heartbeat is automatically sent when Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.Implementation.Tracing.DiagnosticsTelemetryModule& is added to the applicationinsights.config file. I want to create an alert in case the app hangs or crashes. Where can I track the heart beat on the AI instance? Also, currently its not sending anything . I am using .net framework 4.7.2. Am I configuring it wrong? I am not able to track the heartbeat on application insights instance. Where can I track it? Can someone provide a snippet for config file?
Currently, there is an issue involving this telemetry module AppServicesHeartbeatTelemetryModule .
Can someone provide a snippet for config file?
There is given a temporary workaround for WorkerServices.
Add application insights to worker service using services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryWorkerService().
Not only this DiagnosticsTelemetryModule adding to DI and also we need to configure it's heartbeat interval/module using the below snippet:
services.TryAddSingleton<ITelemetryModule, DiagnosticsTelemetryModule>();
services.ConfigureTelemetryModule<DiagnosticsTelemetryModule>((mod,opt) => mod.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
The TelemetryConfiguration.Active is not recommended because Worker service is new SDK, its not touching .active or any other static singletons.
Where can I track it?
After Deploying, Look for "HeartbeatState" in customMetrics.
Disabling DiagnosticsTelemetryModule will cause the following settings to be ignored: EnableHeartbeat, EnableAzureInstanceMetadataTelemetryModule, EnableAppServicesHeartbeatTelemetryModule.
Enable Azure Monitor from the Portal.
Configuring or removing default TelemetryModules (HeartBeat Telemetry Issue)
Enabling Hearbeat in App Services for .NET and .NET Core

Can not override DynamoDB endpoint for Kinesis Consumer

Can not set up my local environment through aws-sdk, localstack and aws-kcl. After creating the consumer and trying to run it on my local environment I am getting an error that my credentials are incorrect.
So Kinesis consumer always go to the real Amazon DynamoDB, and I can not point it to my localstack dynamodb. The question is: how can I point it to my local dynamodb?
I believe there are a few issues currently with connecting the multi lang daemon with the Kinesis Consumer Library, but I believe the settings you are looking for are buried within the, by adding these settings:
kinesisEndpoint = http://localhost:4568
dynamoDBEndpoint = http://localhost:4569
It should make the Multi Lang Daemon point to your local instances of kinesis and dynamo.
I've tried this multiple times with DotNet and it seems to be having issues further down the pipeline, but for now I hope this helps!

Change the log destination for node.js running on GCE

I am using rc.local to start my node script on start with:
node .> "/log_file_$(date +"%H:%M:%S_%m_%d_%Y").txt"
It works fine - but now once the log grows in size - I need to create a new log on a server every 12/24 hours; without restarting the server.
Is there any simple way to change the node app output destination?
I would prefer not to use any library for that, because I need to log all the messages including errors, warns, not only console.log.
Thanks for your help.
There are a number of options, I'll offer two:
1. Stackdriver
Stream your logs to Stackdriver, which is part of Google Cloud, and don't store them on your server at all. In your node.js application, you can can setup Winston and use the Winston transport for Stackdriver. Then you can analyze and query them there, and don't need to worry about storage running out.
2. logrotate
If you want to deal with this manually, you can configure logrotate. It will gzip older logs so that they consume less disk space. This is a sort of older, "pre-cloud" way of doing things.

Scan files in AWS S3 bucket for virus using lambda

We've a requirement to scan the files uploaded by the user and check if it has virus and then tag it as infected. I checked few blogs and other stackoverflow answers and got to know that we can use calmscan for the same.
However, I'm confused on what should be the path for virus scan in clamscan config. Also, is there tutorial that I can refer to. Our application backend is in Node.js.
I'm open to other libraries/services as well
Hard to say without further info (i.e the architecture your code runs on, etc).
I would say the easiest possible way to achieve what you want is to hook up a trigger on every PUT event on your S3 Bucket. I have never used any virus scan tool, but I believe that all of them run as a daemon within a server, so you could subscribe an SQS Queue to your S3 Bucket event and have a server (which could be an EC2 instance or an ECS task) with a virus scan tool installed poll the SQS queue for new messages.
Once the message is processed and a vulnerability is detected, you could simply invoke the putObjectTagging API on the malicious object.
We have been doing something similar, but in our case, its before the file storing in S3. Which is OK, I think, solution would still works for you.
We have one EC2 instance where we have installed the clamav. Then written a web-service that accepts Multi-part file and take that file content and internally invokes ClamAv command for scanning that file. In response that service returns whether the file is Infected or not.
Your solution, could be,
Create a web-service as mentioned above and host it on EC2(lets call it, virus scan service).
On Lambda function, call the virus scan service by passing the content.
Based on the Virus Scan service response, tag your S3 file appropriately.
If your open for paid service too, then in above the steps, #1 won't be applicable, replace the just the call the Virus-Scan service of Symantec or other such providers etc.
I hope it helps.
You can check this solution by AWS, it will give you an idea of a similar architecture:

Couchbase client-side timeout after idle period

NodeJs: v0.12.4
Couchbase: 2.0.8
Service deployed with PM2
Instance of the bucket is created once per service rather than once per call based on recommendation from couchbase support as instantiating and connecting bucket is expensive.
During the load everything seems to be in order with near 0 failure rate.
After couple of days of service being barely if at all in use client fails to connected to the bucket with the following error:
{"message":"Client-Side timeout exceeded for operation. Inspect network conditions or increase the timeout","code":23}
Recycling the node.js process using 'pm2 restart' resolves the issue.
Any ideas/suggestions short of re-creating instance of the bucket and re-connecting to the bucket?
