Best way to handle dynamic routes with its own logic in ExpressJS? - node.js

I've been tasked with something at work that's beyond my current skills so any help is appreciated.
I'm building an admin where you can add "games". Each game needs to have it's own front-end, routes, and logic.
Kinda like,
At the moment I'm just creating a directory based on the game name.
var dir = "./games/" + req.body.gameId;
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
In turn I can pull the .ejs file via:
/* GET dynamic game page. */
router.get("/game/:game", function(req, res, next) {
res.render("../games/""/index", { title: "Express" });
But I am confused on how it can have it's own logic, routes, connecting to database, front-end, stylesheets inside it's own folder.
There must be a better way to achieve this right?

Yes! In Express, you can call app.use() inside a route. You will be able to define a public folder to contain the CSS, JS, and assets that are specific to each route. Just call app.use(express.static('route/to/assets')) inside the route.
app.get('/game/:game', (req, res) => {
app.use(express.static( + '/public'))
res.render('../games/' + + "/index", { title: "Express" })
Seems strange, but perfectly allowed.


How to use only PART of the functionality in nested routes NodeJS

So I have a router schoolsRouter where all the school-specific functionality is being handled { login school, adding a new teacher, ...etc.). And I want the admin of the app to be able to add and delete new schools. Now the pattern I'm using encapsulates all the routing functionality in one file schools.routes.js where the School model is exposed. So the createSchool and deleteSchool routes are in the schools.routes.js but I need only the admin to be able to perform those operations and that seems pretty easy with merged routes like this (in admins.routes.js):
adminsRouter.use('/schools/', schoolsRouter);
but the problem is that now the admin can access all the other routes in schools.routes.js like schools/login which is something that I don't want to happen. So how can I make the adminsRouter use the create and delete operations from the schoolsRotuer without being able to access all these other functionalities? (Keeping in mind I'm using JWT authentication).
You could use middlewares in the routes that you wish to controll.
This is the middleware that I will name of admin-middleware.js
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
if (user.admin === true) {
return next();
} else {
return res.status(403).send('Unauthorized')
So, this is your route declaration at schools.routes.js
const adminMiddleware = require('../YOUR_FOLDERS/admin-middleware.js');
schools.delete('/:id', adminMiddleware, (req, res) => {
return res.send('ok');
If you wish disregard a route, you can use this validation at your code in the middleware.
return next();
I hope that it works to you.

Node JS Express Route Restrict issue

I'm trying to retrieve audio/image file from db.
Tho, because of the Route Restrict: It doesn't work.
The question is, is there any other way to retrieve audio/image file from db so that it won't conflict with Authentication Route Restriction?
self.get = function (req, res) {
let params = [
db.query(`SELECT * ...`, params).then((data) => {
console.log('result: ', data.rows.length);
}).catch((err) => {
res.status(500).end("Error:" + err);
Various ways of tackling this:
Simplest way is to declare the route before you call app.use(restrictMiddleware())
Cleanest way is probably go move all the secure routes into their own Router and only apply the restrictMiddleware to that, that way you can add non-secure routes easily
Alternatively, you could check for a specific URL / Header etc in the restrictMiddleware and skip when appropriate (not the nicest, but would do the job)

Node.js REST API - URI Sanitizing?

I would like to require pages in my Node.js server based on the requested URI.
However I concern that this could be a severe security issue since user can inject some malicous chars into the url, something like ../../ and reach to my root server point and reveal all of the code.
So just like throwing a bottle of water to a big fire, I have eliminated the option to send . to the request.
This is not a silverbullet, probably :)
Maybe is there some standard/best practice/guide or keypoints about URI sanitizing in REST API based on Node.js?
Edit - here the code uses the require
// app.js
// router.js middleware
function router(app) {
return function(req, res, next) {
try {
// checking for . in the url
if (req.url.indexOf(".")!=-1) cast.badRequest();
// req.url.split('/')[2] should be customers, users or anything else
require('../../resources/' + req.url.split('/')[2] + '/' + req.url.split('/')[2] + '-router')(app);
} catch(err) { cast.notFound(); }
module.exports = router;
// rides-router.js (this could be users-router.js or customers-router.js)
module.exports = function(app) {
// GET ride - select a ride
app.get("/v1/rides/:id", dep.verifyToken(), require('./api/v1-get-ride'));
// POST ride - insert a new ride"/v1/rides", dep.verifyToken(), require('./api/v1-set-ride'));
app.use((req, res, next) => {
You asked how to do it safer. My recommendation is that you put all the resources in an array and run all the app.use() statements with one loop that pulls the resource names from the array at server startup.
I don't like running synchronous require() during a request and I don't like loading code based on user specified characters. Both are avoided with my recommendation.
// add routes for all resources
const resourceList = ['rides', 'products', ...];
for (let r of resourceList) {
app.use(`/${r}`, require(`./resources/${r}/${r}-router`));
This seems like less code and 100% safe and no running of synchronous require() during a request.
Fully whitelisted.
No user input involved in selecting code to run.
No synchronous require() during request processing.
All routes installed at server initialization time.
Any errors in route loading (like a missing route file) occur at server startup, not during a user request.

Serve a file in a browser from a runtime directory using nodejs

In our application we store our reports in a user defined folders. User can add their own folders during runtime. Iam showing the history of those files in a web page. on clicking the file name i should show the file from the folder. How can i show the files from a non public directory.Since its given during runtime i havent added them as static dir to the express server.
One idea we tried was to use node-static-server and create a file server with the folder and serve the file. for each file we create this. it works fine but i get an error saying "port already in use". is there any better idea to do this? is this the right approach?
You can do this in NodeJS using a express.static:
const FS = require('fs')
const express = require('express')
const bp = require('body-parser')
const app = express()
function fileTest(req, res, next){
if (/\.|\/|\\/.test(req.params.file))
return res.sendStatus(400)
return next();
function(req, res, next){
req.url = req.url.replace('/static','')
fallthrough: false
function (req, res) {
function (err) {
return res.sendStatus(500)
return res.sendStatus(200)
This is a simple example showing a server that will:
Take a text body and load it into memory( pitfall: large bodies in memory )
Based on the URL, save it as a file in the static folder
Search for a file
If found return file
The good news is that you can make the file and then request the file without restarting the server. Bad news is that this is a VERY SLOW server( comparatively to other options ).
As with all examples no good practices were followed, so be sure to adapt it to your needs.
Things to think about as you adopt it:
How do I allow people to save files to other folders?
How do I disallow people from saving files to other folders I don't want them to?

Routing Engine for Node.js

I'm getting into Node.JS and would like to have flexibility on the routing engine. I want control over the mapping between urls comming and and what methods get fired.
I'd really like to setup placeholders in the route matching to automatically parse parameters too. Something like
{"routes": [
{'route': {'url': '/path/to/resource/[id]'}, "handler": idHandler()},
{'route': {'url': '/path/to/foo/[category]/bar'}, "handler": fooHandler(),
{'route': {'url': '/path/to/resource/'}, "handler": defaultHandler()}}
You can choose a more specific solution (just for routing) like Director, or if you don't want to handle cookies, sessions, redirect functions etc your best option is Express.js or Flatiron (which you can use with Director).
I'll paste the code from the two so you can see how they can help in routing:
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('index page');
});'/login', function(req, res) {
// login logic
// define a routing table.
var router = new director.http.Router({
'/hello': {
get: helloWorld
// You can also do ad-hoc routing, similar to `journey` or `express`.
// This can be done with a string or a regexp.
router.get('/bonjour', helloWorld);
router.get(/hola/, helloWorld);
Yes, Express will be your best option, I think. No need to "re-invent the wheel" so to speak. You can do RegEx's on routes as well, which gives you a ton of flexibility. I suggest reading up on the has a lot of good info!
Express.js and Connect have great support for routing, vhosts and a large number of extensions are available out there. For example simple integration of jade template rendering or less stylesheet processing.
Define routes with parameters, regular expressions and different HTTP methods.
app.get('/home', function(req, res) { });'/save/:contactID', function(req, res) { });
app.all('/params/:required/:andOptional?', function(req, res) { });
See kickstart and kickstart-example for an example of express with enabled jade and less processing.
