I'm creating a multi-lingual application. In which i will be generating report with the help of SSRS. Based on user language preference i can point to different report.
For English i point to Report.rdl
For Japanese i point to ReportJP.rdl
Now my question is, how i can put Japanese text for the static headers/labels.
When i try to copy Japanese text it is getting as square box.
I tried opening report in XML and replacing Label text with Japanese text, when i turn to design view is showing as square box.
I found solution for this issue which is very simple. Just set font of your text box/text/label to "MS PGothic". You will be able to see Japanese Text and can be exported to PDF, Excel etc.
I am using a rich text multiline textbox field in SharePoint 2016 where users can add text & images while submitting the data from a Nintex form. The data is getting saved successfully in a SharePoint List.
The issue is when users are exporting the data to an excel, only the text is getting exported of the multiline textbox field and not the image. Please suggest if we can get the image also in exported data.
An early response would be highly appreciated!
The picture you inserted in the rich text field is stored in another place. When you export the list into excel file, it will only export text in the rich text field. You could use Hyperlink and Picture column to import picture URL from list to Excel file.
I have created a calculator in excel in which i have used text boxes as input titles. I have tried multiple things to in the formatting section and text appears clear to me on my laptop however my colleagues unable to see those text box completely, all they see is text box is cutting from the end.
I cannot use cells because of the structure of the calculator, hence i have used text boxes with some effects.
Can someone please help me resolve this issue, this is very crucial thing to resolve.
Thank you in advance.
Screenshot of Calculator page is attached.
I want to add dictionary on powerpoint 2013.I searched and found "adding custom.dic files" for a solution but it is too pointless to create word files which includes all english words with their meaining in my native language.
Is there any ready to use way to do that ?
I want to have a dictionary like in mozilla firefox dictionary add-on (when you point a word with the mouse cursor,a pop-up box appears and shows the selected word with their meaning in your language like english to french translation)
Any help will be appreciated!
This functionality already exists (at least in PowerPoint 2010). Position your cursor in the middle of a word (or select it) and right click. Translate is one of the options. The following shows what I got when doing so while the curoosr is positioned in Walls:
In order to be able to print a Publisher file, I've converted it into PDF with the commercial press options enabled. However, Publisher does not seem to convert the text objects to outlines/paths.
Is there any way to convert all text objects in Publisher to outlines (for a PDF file)?
It can't be done in Publisher. The alternative is embedding the fonts in the PDF, but the font needs to be embeddable.
Click the File tab, point to Commercial Printing Tools, and then click Manage Embedded Fonts.
In the Fonts dialog box, select the font, and then do one of the following:
To embed the font when the font has been set to not be embedded, click Embed.
To change the embedding status to Don't embed when the font has been set to be embedded, click Don't embed.
It can be done.
Select your text, then in Text Box Tools, in the Outline drop down choose the black option.
Still with the text selected, right click, choose Change Text and in there change the font colour to white.
Your text is now outlined.
A user pasted the content from a word document into a wiki page.
In the word document all the links have the same font and color but on the wiki page some links are blue, some black, some using arial, some using times new roman. I guess the generated HTML screwed it up. Anyhow, when I mark text I can change the color, font, size and so on but when I mark a link the change color button is disabled (but I can change font and size), why is this? Do I need to ask the user to copy the contect back to a word document, edit there and then copy paste it again to the wiki?
Thanks in advance.
There is a good chance that there is some embedded css styles in the text that was pasted which is what is causing you grief. There should be a button that you can use to edit the raw html to get rid of those styles. Otherwise it is helpful if people paste unstyled text i.e. As Text.. rather the styled As HTML.. text.