How to pull out a dta when it shows <-!--Content End--> after the JavaScript? - python-3.x

I've just started to learn python. I want to extract glass temperature data every three hours for academic purpose. The website is below:
I try to use BeautifulSoup to pull out the data using the below script. Here is the result:
Before I find the wanted data, there is a < !--Content End-- > after the JavaScript and I can't scrape the script behind it. Why would that happen and if there is any solution for that?

The data is stored as Javascript Array in the HTML page. We can use re and ast.literal_eval (doc) to retrieve it:
import re
import requests
from ast import literal_eval
url = ''
html_text = requests.get(url).text
station_code = literal_eval(re.findall(r'StationCode\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
station_name = literal_eval(re.findall(r'stnname\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
station_height = literal_eval(re.findall(r'stn_height\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
grass_temp = literal_eval(re.findall(r'grasstemp\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
min_since_17 = literal_eval(re.findall(r'minSince17\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
min_hour = literal_eval(re.findall(r'minHour\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
min_minute = literal_eval(re.findall(r'minMinute\s*=.*?(\(.*?\))', html_text)[0])
rows = [*zip(station_code, station_name, station_height, grass_temp, min_since_17, min_hour, min_minute)]
headers = ['Station Code', 'Station Name', 'Station Height', 'Grass Temp', 'Min_since_17', 'Min Hour', 'Min Minute']
print(''.join('{: <20}'.format(d) for d in headers))
for row in rows:
print(''.join('{: <20}'.format(d) for d in row))
Station Code Station Name Station Height Grass Temp Min_since_17 Min Hour Min Minute
kp King's Park 65 25.4 25.3 23 35
tkl Ta Kwu Ling 15 25.4 24.8 17 00
tms Tai Mo Shan 955 21.3 21.3 07 19


How to fix AttributeError: type object 'list' has no attribute 'find'"?

from cgitb import text
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
website = ''
result = requests.get(website)
content = result.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
lists = soup.find_all('div', class_=('tt-rental-row'))
for list in lists:
location = list.find('span', class_="renta;-adress")
beds = list.find('span', class_="renta;-beds")
baths = list.find('span', class_="renta;-beds")
availability = list.find('span', class_="rental-date-available")
info = [location, beds, baths, availability]
If I try to run the last line of code, I get:
"IndentationError: expected an indented block"
If I try to run each indentation separately I get:
">>> location = list.find('span', class_="renta;-adress")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: type object 'list' has no attribute 'find'"
I'm new to Python and I'm kinda stuck, can anyone please help me?
Note: Your code never runs the for-loop cause your selection never matches the elements in HTML. They are generated dynamically based on data from another ressource and requests do not render websites like a browser, it only uses static contents from response.
Be aware not to use built-in keywords they will cause errors, especialy in your case list.find() will raise one cause the type object 'list' do not has an attribute called find. You could simply check these things using type()
-> its a bs4.BeautifulSoup
type(soup.find_all('div', class_=('tt-rental-row')))
-> its a bs4.element.ResultSet
-> its a type
So how to get your goal?
You could also use pandas to directly create a DataFrame and slice it to your needs:
import pandas as pd
id dateActivated latitude longitude address city state zip photo title ... baths dateAvailable rentAmount acceptPets applyUrl btnUrl btnText virtualTour propertyType enableWaitlist
0 83600 8/22/2022 35.750499 -86.393972 4481 Jack Faulk St Murfreesboro TN 37127 4481 Jack Faulk St ... 2.0 Now 2195 cats, small dogs, large dogs Schedule Viewing None Single Family False
1 100422 8/31/2022 30.277607 -95.472842 213 Skybranch Court Conroe TX 77304 213 Skybranch Court ... 2.5 Now 2100 cats, small dogs, large dogs Schedule Viewing None Condo Unit False
2 106976 7/27/2022 28.274720 -82.298077 8127 Olive Brook Dr Wesley Chapel FL 33545 8127 Olive Brook Dr ... 2.0 Now 2650 no pets Schedule Viewing None Single Family False
3 116188 8/15/2022 42.624023 -83.144614 735 Grace Ave Rochester Hills MI 48307 735 Grace Ave ... 2.0 Now 1600 cats, small dogs, large dogs Schedule Viewing None Single Family False
4 126846 8/22/2022 32.046455 -81.071181 1810 E 41st St Savannah GA 31404 1810 E 41st St ... 1.0 Now 1395 small dogs Schedule Viewing None Single Family True
91 rows × 22 columns
To show only specifc columns, simply pass a list of there names.
import pandas as pd
pd.read_json('')[['address', 'city','state', 'zip', 'title', 'beds', 'baths','dateAvailable']]
address beds baths dateAvailable
0 4481 Jack Faulk St 4 2.0 Now
1 213 Skybranch Court 3 2.5 Now
2 8127 Olive Brook Dr 3 2.0 Now
3 735 Grace Ave 3 2.0 Now
4 1810 E 41st St 3 1.0 Now
... ... ... ... ...
91 rows × 4 columns
Since the word list is a built-in keyword in python you can't use it as variable name try another name
for myList in lists:
location = myList.find('span', class_="renta;-adress")
beds = myList.find('span', class_="renta;-beds")
baths = myList.find('span', class_="renta;-beds")
availability = myList.find('span', class_="rental-date-available")
info = [location, beds, baths, availability]

Calculation of stock values with yfinance and python

I would like to make some calculations on stock prices in Python 3 and I have installed the module yfinance.
I try to get an individual value like this:
import yfinance as yf
#define the ticker symbol
tickerSymbol = 'MSFT'
#get data on this ticker
tickerData = yf.Ticker(tickerSymbol)
#get the historical prices for this ticker
tickerDf = tickerData.history(period='1d', start='2015-1-1', end='2020-12-30')
row_date = tickerDf[tickerDf['Date']=='2020-12-30']
value = row_date.Open.item()
#see your data
print (value)
But when I run this, it says:
KeyError: 'Date'
Which is strange because when I do this, it works well and I have the column Date:
import yfinance as yf
#define the ticker symbol
tickerSymbol = 'MSFT'
#get data on this ticker
tickerData = yf.Ticker(tickerSymbol)
#get the historical prices for this ticker
tickerDf = tickerData.history(period='1d', start='2015-1-1', end='2020-12-30')
#row_date = tickerDf[tickerDf['Date']=='2020-12-30']
#value = row_date.Open.item()
#see your data
print (tickerDf)
I get the following result:
G:\python> python
Open High Low Close Volume Dividends Stock Splits
2014-12-31 41.512481 42.143207 41.263744 41.263744 21552500 0.0 0
2015-01-02 41.450302 42.125444 41.343701 41.539135 27913900 0.0 0
2015-01-05 41.192689 41.512495 41.086088 41.157158 39673900 0.0 0
2015-01-06 41.201567 41.530255 40.455355 40.553074 36447900 0.0 0
2015-01-07 40.846223 41.272629 40.410934 41.068310 29114100 0.0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-22 222.690002 225.630005 221.850006 223.940002 22612200 0.0 0
2020-12-23 223.110001 223.559998 220.800003 221.020004 18699600 0.0 0
2020-12-24 221.419998 223.610001 221.199997 222.750000 10550600 0.0 0
2020-12-28 224.449997 226.029999 223.020004 224.960007 17933500 0.0 0
2020-12-29 226.309998 227.179993 223.580002 224.149994 17403200 0.0 0
[1510 rows x 7 columns]
Under the hood, yfinance uses a Pandas data frame to create a Ticker. In this dataframe, Date isn't an ordinary column, but is instead a name given to the index (see line 240 in of yfinance). The index column behaves differently than other columns and actually can't be referenced by name. You can access it using TickerDf.index=='2020-12-30' or by turning it into a regular column using reset_index as explained in another question. Searching through an index is faster than searching a regular column, so if you are looking through a lot of data, it will be to your advantage to leave it as an index.

Beautiful Soup Scraping

I'm having issues with old working code not functioning correctly anymore.
My python code is scraping a website using beautiful soup and extracting event data (date, event, link).
My code is pulling all of the events which are located in the tbody. Each event is stored in a <tr class="Box">. The issue is that my scraper seems to be stopping after this <tr style ="box-shadow: none;> After it reaches this section (which is a section containing 3 advertisements on the site for events that I don't want to scrape) the code stops pulling event data from within the <tr class="Box">. Is there a way to skip this tr style/ignore future cases?
import pandas as pd
import bs4 as bs
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='bs4')
source = urllib.request.urlopen('').read()
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(source,'html.parser')
#---Get Event Data---
table = soup.find('tbody')
table_rows = table.find_all('tr') #find table rows (tr)
for x in table_rows:
data = x.find_all('td') #find table data
row = [x.text for x in data]
if len(row) > 2: #Exlcudes rows with only event name/link, but no data.
The data is loaded dynamically via JavaScript, so you don't see more results. You can use this example to load more pages:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ""
params = {"page": 1, "ajax": 1}
headers = {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}
for params["page"] in range(1, 4): # <-- increase number of pages here
print("Page {}..".format(params["page"]))
soup = BeautifulSoup(
requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params).content,
for tr in'tr[class="box"]'):
tds = [td.get_text(strip=True, separator=" ") for td in"td")]
Page 1..
['Tue, 29 Sep - Thu, 01 Oct 2020', 'Lens Los Angeles', 'Intercontinental Los Angeles Downtown, Los Angeles', 'LENS brings together the entire Degreed community - our clients, invited prospective clients, thought leaders, partners, employees, executives, and industry experts for two days of discussion, workshops,...', 'Business Services IT & Technology', 'Interested']
['Wed, 30 Sep - Sat, 03 Oct 2020', 'FinCon', 'Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center, Long Beach 20.1 Miles from Los Angeles', 'FinCon will be helping financial influencers and brands create better content, reach their audience, and make more money. Collaborate with other influencers who share your passion for making personal finance...', 'Banking & Finance IT & Technology', 'Interested 7 following']
['Mon, 05 - Wed, 07 Oct 2020', 'NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit', 'Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica 14.6 Miles from Los Angeles', 'NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit will conference are attended by hundreds of cyber risk insurance, legal/regulatory and security/privacy technology leaders from all over the world. Connect with leaders in...', 'IT & Technology', 'Interested']
... etc.

why am i getting the same post data though i'm posting to different URL

I'm trying to scrape
to get price data .
So i followed the following
Opened up that link and fed in the dates(daily)
chrome->inspect->Network - obtained the Form details and found out that the URL for POST
Fed in the form data and hit POST .
I have multiple tickers for which i need the data.
But when i run the POST i get the same output even though the URLs i'm posting to are differnt.
What could i be missing?
running for
Date Open High Low Close Volume
244 05-01-2016 881.3 905.00 881.3 900.65 1372748
245 04-01-2016 876.2 892.45 871.7 880.80 709103
246 01-01-2016 882.0 885.60 876.9 878.75 294006
running for
Date Open High Low Close Volume
244 05-01-2016 881.3 905.00 881.3 900.65 1372748
245 04-01-2016 876.2 892.45 871.7 880.80 709103
246 01-01-2016 882.0 885.60 876.9 878.75 294006
This is the code i wrote to test it.
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
data = {
# 'x':'15',
# 'y':'14'
print('running for {}'.format(url))
test =,data=data) # Post the data
doc = bs(test.text,'html.parser')
tables = doc.find('table',{'class':'tblchart'})
tData = pd.read_html(str(tables),header=1) #You get a list
#Convert it to dataFrame
tData = tData[0].drop(columns=['(High-Low)','(Open-Close)'])
import time
time.sleep(20) # Hopefully sleep works?
url = url2 # test only
print('running for {}'.format(url))
test =,data=data)
doc = bs(test.text,'html.parser')
tables = doc.find('table',{'class':'tblchart'})
tData = pd.read_html(str(tables),header=1) #You get a list
#Convert it to dataFrame
tData = tData[0].drop(columns=['(High-Low)','(Open-Close)'])
I noticed that sc_id changed when i ran it directly from the URL vs when i looked at the 'Inspect'.
I dont know what sc_id is (sessions_ID?)
Im totally new to web scraping . SO i dont really know the gotchas or if i've hit any.
What could i be missing?
You have to set correctly the parameter sc_id= in the URL.
For AXIS Bank it's UTI10
For Bajaj Auto it's BA06
For example:
import re
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_sc_id(name, full_name):
url = ''
params = {'str': name}
return'set_val\(\'{}\',\'(.*?)\'\)'.format(full_name), requests.get(url, params=params).text, flags=re.I)[1]
def get_table(sc_id, mycomp):
url = ''
params = {
'sc_id': sc_id,
'mycomp': mycomp
data = {
soup = BeautifulSoup(, data=data, params=params).content, 'html.parser')
return pd.read_html( str(soup.select_one('.tblchart')) )[0].droplevel(0, axis=1)
code = get_sc_id('AXIS', 'Axis Bank')
print('Axis Bank code: ', code)
print(get_table(code, 'Axis Bank'))
code = get_sc_id('BAJAJ', 'Bajaj Auto')
print('Bajaj Auto code:', code )
print(get_table(code, 'Bajaj Auto'))
Axis Bank code: UTI10
Date Open High Low Close Volume (High-Low) (Open-Close)
0 30-12-2016 446.00 451.80 443.45 450.00 234037 8.35 -4.00
1 29-12-2016 447.00 447.00 437.80 444.15 267677 9.20 2.85
2 28-12-2016 437.45 447.85 436.00 439.50 251149 11.85 -2.05
3 27-12-2016 430.00 438.55 430.00 437.45 210857 8.55 -7.45
4 26-12-2016 432.15 436.00 427.00 431.75 405044 9.00 0.40
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
242 07-01-2016 424.25 425.00 407.30 409.35 1441934 17.70 14.90
243 06-01-2016 439.70 439.70 429.80 430.80 730512 9.90 8.90
244 05-01-2016 439.00 440.00 433.65 436.35 726947 6.35 2.65
245 04-01-2016 448.85 448.85 437.40 439.25 743518 11.45 9.60
246 01-01-2016 450.00 452.70 445.80 449.80 433052 6.90 0.20
[247 rows x 8 columns]
Bajaj Auto code: BA06
Date Open High Low Close Volume (High-Low) (Open-Close)
0 30-12-2016 2655.55 2667.00 2627.25 2633.85 10377 39.75 21.70
1 29-12-2016 2621.00 2665.65 2611.50 2655.45 8704 54.15 -34.45
2 28-12-2016 2629.35 2653.00 2624.55 2631.60 6475 28.45 -2.25
3 27-12-2016 2563.00 2642.00 2563.00 2633.60 15491 79.00 -70.60
4 26-12-2016 2618.00 2618.35 2578.00 2596.70 7205 40.35 21.30
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
242 07-01-2016 2470.00 2481.80 2407.25 2419.25 15962 74.55 50.75
243 06-01-2016 2495.00 2513.70 2475.00 2485.50 11975 38.70 9.50
244 05-01-2016 2518.00 2520.00 2480.00 2497.05 11967 40.00 20.95
245 04-01-2016 2507.90 2545.85 2480.65 2488.15 23077 65.20 19.75
246 01-01-2016 2530.00 2530.00 2512.15 2520.05 9055 17.85 9.95
[247 rows x 8 columns]

How to search for specific text in csv within a Pandas, python

Hello I want to find the account text # in the title column, and save it in the new csv. Pandas can do it, I tried to make it but it didn't work.
This is my csv
this is my code:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("Newnormal.csv")
data.dropna(inplace = True)
sub ='#'
data["Indexes"]= data["title"].str.find(sub)
I want results like this
From, to, title Xavier5501,KudiiThaufeeq,RT #KudiiThaufeeq: Royal
Rape, Royal Harassment, Royal Cocktail Party, Royal Pedo, Royal
Bidding, Royal Maalee Bayaan, Royal
Thank you.
reduce records to only those that have an "#" in title
define new column which is text between "#" and ":"
you are left with some records where this leave NaN in to column. I've just filtered these out
df = pd.read_csv("Newnormal.csv")
df = df[df["title"].str.contains("#")==True]
df["to"] = df["title"].str.extract(r".*([#][A-Z,a-z,0-9,_]+[:])")
df = df[["from","to","title"]]
df[~df["to"].isna()].to_csv("ToNewNormal.csv", index=False)
from to title
1 Xavier5501 #KudiiThaufeeq: RT #KudiiThaufeeq: Royal Rape, Royal Harassmen...
2 Suzane24979006 #USAID_NISHTHA: RT #USAID_NISHTHA: Don't step outside your hou...
3 sandeep_sprabhu #USAID_NISHTHA: RT #USAID_NISHTHA: Don't step outside your hou...
4 oliLince #Timothy_Hughes: RT #Timothy_Hughes: How to Get a Salesforce Th...
7 rismadwip #danielepermana: RT #danielepermana: Pak kasus covid per hari s...
... ... ... ...
992 Reptoid_Hunter #sapiofoxy: RT #sapiofoxy: I literally can't believe we ha...
994 KPCResearch #sapiofoxy: RT #sapiofoxy: I literally can't believe we ha...
995 GreySparkUK #VoxSmartGlobal: RT #VoxSmartGlobal: The #newnormal will see mo...
997 Gabboa10 #HuShameem: RT #HuShameem: One of #PGO_MV admin staff test...
999 wanjirunjendu #ntvkenya: RT #ntvkenya: AAK's Mugure Njendu shares insig...
