Options of message box in Excel - excel

We would like to change the font, color and size of the text displayed in message boxes.
Can/how do you VBA this?
Nothing tried, we are not finding any help in online manuals, including the Microsoft help site.
We would like to make the message box big, bold and loud.

Easy answer: You can't.
That's why you can't find anything about it in the official documentation of the MsgBox function.
A workaround can be to create your own UserForm where you are free in how to style it.

Add a UserForm in your workbook's code module, and configure it with as many Label and CommandButton controls as needed.
If the label text will be static, you can configure these all through the Properties window in the IDE:
Labels, Command Buttons, etc., are accessible Controls on the UserForm, and can be altered dynamically during runtime if needed, e.g., during the form's Initialize or Activate or any other event handlers. Controls on the form can even alter other controls, for example you could leverage the command button's Click event handler to modify the text associated with Label1 control, etc.
You can even add (or remove) controls (labels and such) dynamically, too, and fully control their appearance/formatting/etc.


Hide button on tabs in Kofax KTM

Hello we are using a script in KTM to make the button on the validation form invisible. The project has several classes and depending on the class we hide the buttons.
ValidationForm.Buttons.ItemByName ("btnDBFuzzy_2"). Visible = False
Now we have to use tabs in the project. I'm looking silly, but can't find the way to control the buttons on the tabs.
Maybe someone here has an idea?
Since your button is now on a different tab, you would need to make use of the following syntax: ValidationForm.Tabs.ItemByName("Tab A"). The same applies to all other controls.

Is there a way to add custom icons to a ribbon using VBA through a callback to the UI Editor?

I am making a ribbon for my office. I have programmed all the macros already, except for the icons.
In the UI Editor, I have set everything to be done via a callback in VBA.
I have loaded all the icons using the MS Excel stock icons, however I have 9 icons that have to be added as they are not part of the excel standards.
I can't use different icons as the buttons in the ribbon paste the pictures that I need to display as the icons.
In the UI editor, I have set it up that all the buttons use "getimage=getimage" and have programmed a callback in VBA.
I don't seem to be able to change the 9 specific buttons to "image=pic1" and use the icons (pic1-pic9) I have loaded in the UI Editor.
When I try to do that, I get an error saying "the 'Image' attribute is not declared"
So now I am looking for a workaround in VBA.
Current callback code for a standard Icon:
Case "eButton03": RibbonImage = "ObjectPictureFill"
I need the code above to pull in a picture instead of using the standard icon.
let's say the picture is saved in C:\Pic\Pic1.png
Use this list: https://bert-toolkit.com/imagemso-list.html
You can also use or create custom images, add your picture "yourpic.png" via Excel's "Insert Icons" option in the Custom UI Editor.
Use the code
To use your picture as a custom icon.

XPAGE Modal Dialog [duplicate]

I am using the extlib Dialog component to display some data. I want the user to only close the dialog via a button I have in it.
I can't see any option to disable the close icon in the title bar. Can someone point me to the documentation on doing this? So far I've checked the wiki + extlib book (maybe I missed it?).
css rules, again! As far as I can see there's no "native" way to get rid of that close button (and to be honest, I don't think it's a really good idea to do so; see below). But using some css you of course can hide anything you want on your page.
Just give your dialog some custom styleClass; at runtime this custom class is then added to the dialog's outer div-container.
The close button itself is an link inside a span; the has tow style classes, one being "lotusClose".
Finally adding this piece of code to your style sheet will hide the button:
div.yourCustomClass a.lotusClose {display:none;}
The "close" button is there on purpose. And instead of hiding it I would rather add some kind of validation code to your dialog's close event. There are numerous examples, but maybe you just want to refer to dojotoolkit.org's reference for
(section "Forms and Functionality in Dialogs).
Btw: since the dialog is based on dijit.Dialog you may also want to browse stackoverflow's dojo section.

Visual C++ ListBox as Preference Chooser

So I'm building a tool that allows a user to edit a whole bunch of preferences for various things. There are several groups of settings, too many to use a TabControl without creating arrow sliders to view all of the tabs, so I decided I would try and use a ListBox to list the groups of preferences, and then when they click on them, the settings that they can change show up to the right of the box.
I'm just not sure how to do this. Obviously it would invoke something in the OnSelectionChanged function of the ListBox, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Surely a dialog can have dynamic design, right? Would I mimic the creation of a tabbed-dialog where I create my designs and then bind them to the TabControl, and just do something similar for the ListBox? Again, it's not the ListBox itself that is dynamic. The user will click on "Settings A" from the ListBox, and to the right of the ListBox will be settings 1, 2, and 3 that each have textboxs/radios/checks.
Any hints on how I can accomplish this? I just think it looks nicer than having a whole bunch of tabs lined up across the top of the box. Thanks in advance to any brilliant minds who can help me out. I'm versed in C++, but I'm very much a beginner at VC++.
You can a vertical splitter with two panes:
one which contains the list
another one which contains the configuration dialogs you would normally use in a tab control
Each time the list selection changes you can load the appropriate dialog in the right pane. You can find a splitter tutorial here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc7.aspx

Group box with title as Check box

I am using Visual Studio 6.0 (VC++ with MFC) in Windows XP platform. I am trying to create a group box with the title of the group box as a check box. My intention is this: If the check box is enabled, the controls inside the group box should be enabled; or else disabled.
Is this possible to accomplish? If yes, please give me some directions.
There are a few things you can try, depending on how true you want to stay to your idea and how much work you are prepared to put into the effort:
Simple method
Use a normal group box, and then inside this make the first item be the checkbox. This is simple to accomplish, but you lose the goal of having the checkbox as the title.
Funky drawing method 1
Use a normal group box, then in the space over where you know the title is to go, place your checkbox. You will have to perform some tricky calculation to get it to fit in nicely and draw well without flicker.
Funky drawing method 2
Use some form of superclass or subclass/subclass on the group box. You can override the WM_PAINT handler to draw in only the frame for the group box. Place a normal checkbox in the place where you know the title is to go. This should work better because you will have more control over the drawing, but it is likely to be tricky to get right. In my experience, subclassing is lower risk to implement than superclassing.
Are you using the Dialog editor? If so, put down the group box. Next, on top of it, put a check box over the line of the group box. Edit the resource to set the Z order, or do it in code. You want the checkbox to be on top of the group box. Add a handler for the checkbox and enable / disable controls depending on the check box state.
I wrote one called CGroupCheck a few years back and it's available from CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/buttons/groupcheck123.aspx
