Transfer protocol for sending user uploaded files to a remote server? - security

I'm used to working with user-uploaded files to the same server, and transferring my own files to a remote server. But not transferring user-uploaded files to a remote server.
I'm looking for the best (industry) practice for selecting a transfer protocol in this regard.
My application is running Django on a Linux Server and the files live on a Windows Server.
Does it not matter which protocol I choose as long as it's secure (FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS)? Or is one better than the other in terms of performance/security specifically in regards to user-uploaded files?
Please do not link to questions that explain the differences of protocols, I am asking specifically in the context of user-uploaded files.

As long as you choose a standard protocol that provides (mutual) authentication, encryption and message authentication, there is not much difference security-wise. If all of this is provided by a layer of TLS in your chosen protocol (like in all of your examples), you can't make a big mistake on a design level (but implementation is key, many security bugs are bugs of implementation, and not design flaws). Such protocols might differ in the supported list of algorithms for different purposes though.
Performance-wise there can be quite significant differences, it depends on what you want to optimize for. If you choose HTTPS, you won't be able to keep a connection open for a long time, and would most probably have to bear the overhead of the whole connection setup with authentication and everything, for every transmitted file. (Well, you can actually keep a https connection open, but that would be quite a custom implementation for such file uploads.) Choosing FTPS/SFTP you will be able to keep a connection open and transmit as many files as you want, but would probably have to have more complex error handling logic (sometimes connections terminate without the underlying sockets knowing about it for a while and so on). So in short I think HTTPS would be more resilient, but secure FTP would be more performant for many small files.
It's also an architecture question, by using HTTPS, you would be able to implement all of this in your application code, while something like FTP would mean dependence on external components, which might be important from an operational point of view (think about how this will actually be deployed and whether there is already a devops function to manage proper operations).
Ultimately it's just a design decision you have to make, the above is just a few things that came to mind without knowing all the circumstances, and not at all a comprehensive list of things to consider.


Client Server Security Architecture

I would like go get my head around how is best to set up a client server architecture where security is of up most importance.
So far I have the following which I hope someone can tell me if its good enough, or it there are other things I need to think about. Or if I have the wrong end of the stick and need to rethink things.
Use SSL certificate on the server to ensure the traffic is secure.
Have a firewall set up between the server and client.
Have a separate sql db server.
Have a separate db for my security model data.
Store my passwords in the database using a secure hashing function such as PBKDF2.
Passwords generated using a salt which is stored in a different db to the passwords.
Use cloud based infrastructure such as AWS to ensure that the system is easily scalable.
I would really like to know is there any other steps or layers I need to make this secure. Is storing everything in the cloud wise, or should I have some physical servers as well?
I have tried searching for some diagrams which could help me understand but I cannot find any which seem to be appropriate.
Thanks in advance
Hardening your architecture can be a challenging task and sharding your services across multiple servers and over-engineering your architecture for semblance security could prove to be your largest security weakness.
However, a number of questions arise when you come to design your IT infrastructure which can't be answered in a single SO answer (will try to find some good white papers and append them).
There are a few things I would advise which is somewhat opinionated backed up with my own thought around it.
Your Questions
I would really like to know is there any other steps or layers I need to make this secure. Is storing everything in the cloud wise, or should I have some physical servers as well?
Settle for the cloud. You do not need to store things on physical servers anymore unless you have current business processes running core business functions that are already working on local physical machines.
Running physical servers increases your system administration requirements for things such as HDD encryption and physical security requirements which can be misconfigured or completely ignored.
Use SSL certificate on the server to ensure the traffic is secure.
This is normally a no-brainer and I would go with a straight, "Yes"; however you must take into consideration the context. If you are running something such as a blog site or documentation-related website that does not transfer any sensitive information at any point in time through HTTP then why use HTTPS? HTTPS has it's own overhead, it's minimal, but it's still there. That said, if in doubt, enable HTTPS.
Have a firewall set up between the server and client.
That is suggested, you may also want to opt for a service such as CloudFlare WAF, I haven't personally used it though.
Have a separate sql db server.
Yes, however not necessarily for security purposes. Database servers and Web Application servers have different hardware requirements and optimizing both simultaneously is not very feasible. Additionally, having them on separate boxes increases your scalability quite a bit which will be beneficial in the long run.
From a security perspective; it's mostly another illusion of, "If I have two boxes and the attacker compromises one [Web Application Server], he won't have access to the Database server".
At foresight, this might seem to be the case but is rarely so. Compromising the Web Application server is still almost a guaranteed Game Over. I will not go into much detail into this (unless you specifically ask me to) however it's still a good idea to keep both services separate from eachother in their own boxes.
Have a separate db for my security model data.
I'm not sure I understood this, what security model are you referring to exactly? Care to share a diagram or two (maybe an ERD) so we can get a better understanding.
Store my passwords in the database using a secure hashing function such as PBKDF2.
Obvious yes; what I am about to say however is controversial and may be flagged by some people (it's a bit of a hot debate)—I recommend using BCrypt instead of PKBDF2 due to BCrypt being slower to compute (resulting in slower to crack).
See -
Passwords generated using a salt which is stored in a different db to the passwords.
If you use BCrypt I would not see why this is required (I may be wrong). I go into more detail regarding the whole username and password hashing into more detail in the following StackOverflow answer which I would recommend you to read - Back end password encryption vs hashing
Use cloud based infrastructure such as AWS to ensure that the system is easily scalable.
This purely depends on your goals, budget and requirements. I would personally go for AWS, however you should read some more on alternative platforms such as Google Cloud Platform before making your decision.
Last Remarks
All of the things you mentioned are important and it's good that you are even considering them (most people just ignore such questions or go with the most popular answer) however there are a few additional things I want to point:
Internal Services - Make sure that no unrequired services and processes are running on server especially in productions. These services will normally be running old versions of their software (since you won't be administering them) that could be used as an entrypoint for your server to be compromised.
Code Securely - This may seem like another no-brainer yet it is still overlooked or not done properly. Investigate what frameworks you are using, how they handle security and whether they are actually secure. As a developer (and not a pen-tester) you should at least use an automated web application scanner (such as Acunetix) to run security tests after each build that is pushed to make sure you haven't introduced any obvious, critical vulnerabilities.
Limit Exposure - Goes somewhat hand-in-hand with my first point. Make sure that services are only exposed to other services that depend on them and nothing else. As a rule of thumb, keep everything entirely closed and open up gradually when strictly required.
My last few points may come off as broad. The intention is to keep a certain philosophy when developing your software and infrastructure rather than a permanent rule to tick on a check-box.
There are probably a few things I have missed out. I will update the answer accordingly over time if need be. :-)

How safe is cross domain access?

I am working on a personal project and I have being considering the security of sensitive data. I want to use API for accessing the Backend and I want to keep the Backend in a different server from the one the user will logon to. This then require a cross domain accessing of data.
Considering that a lot of accessing and transaction will be done, I have the following questions to help guide me in the right path by those who have tried and tested cross domain access. I don't want to assume and implement and run into troubles and redesign when I have launched the service thereby losing sleep. I know there is no right way to do many things in programming but there are so many wrong ways.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
These questions are asked because some post I have read this evening discouraged the use of cross-domain access while some encouraged it. I decided to hear from professionals who have actually used it in a bigger scale.
I am actually building a Mobile App, using Laravel as the backend.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
SSL is generally considered safe (it's used everywhere and is considered the standard). However, it's not any less safe by hitting a different server. The data still has to traverse the pipes and reach its destination which has the same risks regardless of the server.
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
I don't see why it would. A server is a server. Ultimately, your server's ability to handle volume transactions is going to be based on its power, the efficiency of your code, and your application's ability to scale.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
Authentication is the only thing that comes to mind. I'm confused by your question as to how they would log into one but access data from another. It seems that would all just be one application. If you want to revise your question, I'll update my answer.

What security risks are posed by using a local server to provide a browser-based gui for a program?

I am building a relatively simple program to gather and sort data input by the user. I would like to use a local server running through a web browser for two reasons:
HTML forms are a simple and effective means for gathering the input I'll need.
I want to be able to run the program off-line and without having to manage the security risks involved with accessing a remote server.
Edit: To clarify, I mean that the application should be accessible only from the local network and not from the Internet.
As I've been seeking out information on the issue, I've encountered one or two remarks suggesting that local servers have their own security risks, but I'm not clear on the nature or severity of those risks.
(In case it is relevant, I will be using SWI-Prolog for handling the data manipulation. I also plan on using the SWI-Prolog HTTP package for the server, but I am willing to reconsider this choice if it turns out to be a bad idea.)
I have two questions:
What security risks does one need to be aware of when using a local server for this purpose? (Note: In my case, the program will likely deal with some very sensitive information, so I don't have room for any laxity on this issue).
How does one go about mitigating these risks? (Or, where I should look to learn how to address this issue?)
I'm very grateful for any and all help!
There are security risks with any solution. You can use tools proven by years and one day be hacked (from my own experience). And you can pay a lot for security solution and never be hacked. So, you need always compare efforts with impact.
Basically, you need protect 4 "doors" in your case:
1. Authorization (password interception or, for example improper, usage of cookies)
2. http protocol
3. Application input
4. Other ways to access your database (not using http, for example, by ssh port with weak password, taking your computer or hard disk etc. In some cases you need properly encrypt the volume)
1 and 4 are not specific for Prolog but 4 is only one which has some specific in a case of local servers.
Protect http protocol level means do not allow requests which can take control over your swi-prolog server. For this purpose I recommend install some reverse-proxy like nginx which can prevent attacks on this level including some type of DoS. So, browser will contact nginx and nginx will redirect request to your server if it is a correct http request. You can use any other server instead of nginx if it has similar features.
You need install proper ssl key and allow ssl (https) in your reverse proxy server. It should be not in your swi-prolog server. Https will encrypt all information and will communicate with swi-prolog by http.
Think about authorization. There are methods which can be broken very easily. You need study this topic, there are lot of information. I think it is most important part.
Application input problem - the famose example is "sql injection". Study examples. All good web frameworks have "entry" procedures to clean all possible injections. Take an existing code and rewrite it with prolog.
Also, test all input fields with very long string, different charsets etc.
You can see, the security is not so easy, but you can select appropriate efforts considering with the impact of hacking.
Also, think about possible attacker. If somebody is very interested particulary to get your information all mentioned methods are good. But it can be a rare case. Most often hackers just scan internet and try apply known hacks to all found servers. In this case your best friend should be Honey-Pots and prolog itself, because the probability of hacker interest to swi-prolog internals is extremely low. (Hacker need to study well the server code to find a door).
So I think you will found adequate methods to protect all sensitive data.
But please, never use passwords with combinations of dictionary words and the same password more then for one purpose, it is the most important rule of security. For the same reason you shouldn't give access for your users to all information, but protection should be on the app level design.
The cases specific to a local server are a good firewall, proper network setup and encription of hard drive partition if your local server can be stolen by "hacker".
But if you mean the application should be accessible only from your local network and not from Internet you need much less efforts, mainly you need check your router/firewall setup and the 4th door in my list.
In a case you have a very limited number of known users you can just propose them to use VPN and not protect your server as in the case of "global" access.
I'd point out that my post was about a security issue with using port forwarding in apache
to access a prolog server.
And I do know of a successful prolog injection DOS attack on a SWI-Prolog http framework based website. I don't believe the website's author wants the details made public, but the possibility is certainly real.
Obviously this attack vector is only possible if the site evaluates Turing complete code (or code which it can't prove will terminate).
A simple security precaution is to check the Request object and reject requests from anything but localhost.
I'd point out that the pldoc server only responds by default on localhost.
- Anne Ogborn
I think SWI_Prolog http package is an excellent choice. Jan Wielemaker put much effort in making it secure and scalable.
I don't think you need to worry about SQL injection, indeed would be strange to rely on SQL when you have Prolog power at your fingers...
Of course, you need to properly manage the http access in your server...
Just this morning there has been an interesting post in SWI-Prolog mailing list, about this topic: Anne Ogborn shares her experience...

What protocol should I use for fast command/response interactions?

I need to set up a protocol for fast command/response interactions. My instinct tells me to just knock together a simple protocol with CRLF separated ascii strings like how SMTP or POP3 works, and tunnel it through SSH/SSL if I need it to be secured.
While I could just do this, I'd prefer to build on an existing technology so people could use a friendly library rather than the socket library interface the OS gives them.
I need...
Commands and responses passing structured data back and forth. (XML, S expressions, don't care.)
The ability for the server to make unscheduled notifications to the client without being polled.
Any ideas please?
If you just want request/reply, HTTP is very simple. It's already a request/response protocol. The client and server side are widely implemented in most languages. Scaling it up is well understood.
The easiest way to use it is to send commands to the server as POST requests and for the server to send back the reply in the body of the response. You could also extend HTTP with your own verbs, but that would make it more work to take advantage of caching proxies and other infrastructure that understands HTTP.
If you want async notifications, then look at pub/sub protocols (Spread, XMPP, AMQP, JMS implementations or commercial pub/sub message brokers like TibcoRV, Tibco EMS or Websphere MQ). The protocol or implementation to pick depends on the reliability, latency and throughput needs of the system you're building. For example, is it ok for notifications to be dropped when the network is congested? What happens to notifications when a client is off-line -- do they get discarded or queued up for when the client reconnects.
AMQP sounds promising. Alternatively, I think XMPP supports much of what you want, though with quite a bit of overhead.
That said, depending on what you're trying to accomplish, a simple ad hoc protocol might be easier.
How about something like SNMP? I'm not sure if it fits exactly with the model your app uses, but it supports both async notify and pull (i.e., TRAP and GET).
That's a great question with a huge number of variables to consider, and the question only mentioned a few them: packet format, asynchronous vs. synchronized messaging, and security. There are many, many others one could think about. I suggest going through a description of the 7-layer protocol stack (OSI/ISO) and asking yourself what you need at those layers, and whether you want to build that layer or get it from somewhere else. (You seem mostly interested in layer 6 and 7, but also mentioned bits of lower layers.)
Think also about whether this is in a safety-critical application or part of a system with formal V&V. Really good, trustworthy communication systems are not easy to design; also an "underpowered" protocol can put a lot of coding burden on application to do error-recovery.
Finally, I would suggest looking at how other applications similar to yours do the job (check open source, read books, etc.) Also useful is the U.S. Patent Office database, etc; one can get great ideas just from reading the description of the communication problem they were trying to solve.

Client Server socket security

Assuming we have a server S and a few Clients (C) and whenever a client update a server, an internal database on the server is updated and replicated to the other clients. This is all done using sockets in an intranet environment.
I believe that an attacker can fairly easily sniff this plain text traffic. My colleagues believe I am overly paranoid because we are behind a firewall.
Am I being overly paranoid? Do you know of any exploit (link please) that took advantage of a situation such as this and what ca be done differently. Clients were rewritten in Java but server is still using C++.
Any thing in code can protect against an attack?
Inside your company's firewall, you're fairly safe from direct hack attacks from the outside. However, statistics that I won't trouble to dig out claim that most of the damage to a business' data is done from the INside. Most of that is simple accident, but there are various reasons for employees to be disgruntled and not found out; and if your data is sensitive they could hurt your company this way.
There are also boatloads of laws about how to handle personal ID data. If the data you're processing is of that sort, treating it carelessly within your company could also open your company up to litigation.
The solution is to use SSL connections. You want to use a pre-packaged library for this. You provide private/public keys for both ends and keep the private keys well hidden with the usual file access privileges, and the problem of sniffing is mostly taken care of.
SSL provides both encryption and authentication. Java has it built in and OpenSSL is a commonly used library for C/C++.
Your colleagues are naïve.
One high-profile attack occurred at Heartland Payment Systems, a credit card processor that one would expect to be extremely careful about security. Assuming that internal communications behind their firewall were safe, they failed to use something like SSL to ensure their privacy. Hackers were able to eavesdrop on that traffic, and extract sensitive data from the system.
Here is another story with a little more description of the attack itself:
Described by Baldwin as "quite a
sophisticated attack," he says it has
been challenging to discover exactly
how it happened. The forensic teams
found that hackers "were grabbing
numbers with sniffer malware as it
went over our processing platform,"
Baldwin says. "Unfortunately, we are
confident that card holder names and
numbers were exposed." Data, including
card transactions sent over
Heartland's internal processing
platform, is sent unencrypted, he
explains, "As the transaction is being
processed, it has to be in unencrypted
form to get the authorization request
You can do many things to prevent a man in the middle attack. For most internal data, within a firewall/IDS protected network you really don't need to secure it. However, if you do wish to protect the data you can do the following:
Use PGP encryption to sign and encrypt messages
Encrypt sensitive messages
Use hash functions to verify that the message sent has not been modified.
It is a good standard operating proceedure to secure all data, however securing data has very large costs. With secure channels you need to have a certificate authority, and allow for extra processing on all machines that are involved in communication.
You're being paranoid. You're talking about data moving across an, ideally, secured internal network.
Can information be sniffed? Yea, it can. But it's sniffed by someone who has already breached network security and got within the firewall. That can be done in innumerable ways.
Basically, for the VAST majority of businesses, no reason to encrypt internal traffic. There are almost always far far easier ways of getting information, from inside the company, without even approaching "sniffing" the network. Most such "attacks" are from people who are simply authorized to see the data in the first place, and already have a credential.
The solution is not to encrypt all of your traffic, the solution is to monitor and limit access, so that if any data is compromised, it is easier to detect who did it, and what they had access to.
Finally, consider, the sys admins, and DBAs pretty much have carte blanche to the entire system anyway, as inevitably, someone always needs to have that kind of access. It's simply not practical to encrypt everything to keep it away from prying eyes.
Finally, you're making a big ado about something that is just as likely written on a sticky tacked on the bottom of someone's monitor anyway.
Do you have passwords on your databases? I certainly hope the answer to that is yes. Nobody would believe that password protecting a database is overly paranoid. Why wouldn't you have at least the same level of security* on the same data flowing over your network. Just like an unprotected DB, unprotected data flow over the network is vulnerable not only to sniffing but is also mutable by a malicious attacker. That is how I would frame the discussion.
*By same level of security I mean use SSL as some have suggested, or simply encrypt the data using one of the many available encryption libraries around if you must use raw sockets.
Just about every "important" application I've used relies on SSL or some other encryption methodology.
Just because you're on the intranet doesn't mean you may not have malicious code running on some server or client that may be trying to sniff traffic.
An attacker which has access to a device inside your network that offers him the possibility to sniff the entire traffic or the traffic between a client and a server is the minimum required.
Anyway, if the attacker is already inside, sniffing should be just one of the problems you'll have to take into consideration.
There are not many companies I know of which use secure sockets between clients and servers inside an intranet, mostly because of the higher costs and lower performance.
