Android Studio Flutter Tooltips Not Showing - android-studio

I am following along a tutorial for Flutter using Android Studio. The instructor's screen shows more detailed tooltips / hints than my environment does.
I am unsure of how to enable these extra details.
Instructor's Screen (extra tooltip details in red):
My Screen

Go to Preferences->Editor->General->Code Completion
Check the box "Show the documentation popup in xxx ms"

After having the Basic Code Completion open (Control + Space), then hit Control + Q (Win/Linux) or Control + J (Mac) to open the Quick Documentation Lookup, this will make your screen appear as your instructors. Alternatively, just hit the last keyboard shortcut to only see the Quick Documentation Lookup.
For more keyboard shortcuts see:


Flutter not showing intellij suggestion box for colours pallet in Android Studio

why don't I see this in my android studio?
click here to see the image
I tried a lot of things. I made sure that quick documentation
is activated but it is still not working.
I think there is a bug with Flutter plugin. I solved the problem by selecting the color and pressing ctrl + j.

Flutter is not showing me the suggestion window for color names/numbers in Android Studio

I'd like to be able to see a suggestion that will allow me to see what colour belongs to which colour name/number when using Android studio.
Please note that "Show quick documentation on mouse move" has been activated in my Android studio general settings.
This is what my screen looks like when my mouse is on "blueGrey"
This is how i'd like my screen to look like when my mouse is on "blueGrey"
I sometimes have the same issue. For me, when I open the Quick Documentation with CTRL Q (Command J on Mac), then it shows the color swatches like on your second picture.

In Android Studio, can I see all my breakpoints listed in a view without starting the debugger?

The title describes the question entirely. I'd like to be able to see (and modify if necessary) all the breakpoints before starting the debugger.
Can anyone please tell me how I could do that?
It is possible. CTRL SHIFT F8 is the key combination to bring up the view
In Android Studio v.4, you can show the break points from the Favorites by any of:
ALT + 2
from the most left navigation bar hit Favorites
Top menu > View > Tool windows > Favorites
CMD + SHIFT + F8 will pop up a window to show the list of breakpoints.
Update for Android Studio Dolphin -- the breakpoints list seems to have moved to the Bookmarks panel:

Android Studio Documentation is always showing

enter image description here
When I press ctrl+q, the documentation is always shown.
I want the documentation to be auto hidden
How can I do this? Thank You
Keep pressing ctr + q to cycle between different views for the documentation window. You'll get the one you want eventually.
Ctrl-Q toggles between doc window states (when using the default keymap).
Possible states:
-Shown to the side of the auto-complete list
-Docked as one of the tabs
If you have a different keymap, you can search for this action in Settings -> Keymap. The action is called "Quick Doc".
Once the auto-completion window is open, you can cycle through the states of the documentation window by pressing Ctrl+Q. The last doc window state will be remembered for next time the auto-completion window opens.

Missing keyboard on iOS8 simulator?

I'm checking my app against iOS8 in the simulator and one thing that puzzles me is that when I tap on a UITextField or UITextView the keyboard doesn't appear on the screen! I can still enter text with my hardware keyboard. Also, if the input element has a inputAccessoryView, that view is shown on the bottom of the screen. So everything works as expected except that the keyboard is not appearing on the screen.
This is valid for all input elements throughout the app.
I don't use the new feature for custom keyboard.
Checked the Settings - don't see anything that can help.
I know XCode6 is still a beta but this seems too obvious problem to be a bug (or is it!?)
In the iOS Simulator menu select:
Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard
or press Cmd + K.
The Connect Hardware Keyboard option in the same menu has to be enabled.
This seems to be bug in iOS 8. There are two fix to this problem:
Toggle between simulator keyboard and MacBook keyboard using [Command+K] shortcut key.
Reattach keyboard to simulator:
a. Open Simulator
b. Select Hardware -> Keyboard
c. Uncheck and then check 'Connect Hardware Keyboard'
OR simply press [Shift + Command + K] shortcut key
i had the same issue and i resolved by doing following steps
1) Select the iOS Simulator
2) Goto Hardware in menu (top Left)
3) Select Keyboard
4) Uncheck the "Connect Hardware Keyboard" option
Happy Coding :)
I highly recommend to disable "Slow Animations" which can be found under "Debug" -> "Slow Animations".
For me, that permanently fixes the issue.
Shortcut is: CMD + T
