White screen in plugin "ChatBot" - buildfire

I have created the ChatBot plugin and it doesn't work(just white screen, without errors). I was using debugger, but console is empty, no errors. Plugin works in app.buildfire.com and in SDK, but in BuildFire Previewer and Play Store/App Store app doesn't work. Why?
I'm not using buildfire FireBase integration. I'm using BuildFire api and FireBase RealTime Datastore in my plugin. Must I use buildfire FireBase integration? I need to use only Firebase RealTime Database (not Firestore).


How can I integrate Zoom in a reactjs app?

How can I integrate zoom with reactjs app?
We have a ReactJS frontend and Node.js backend application running. I need to integrate Zoom API to my application.
Please share the steps to integrate the same.
Support Links - - -
Install Process -- - -
npm install zoomus-jssdk
Zoom has now launched a fully customisable SDK as well which is Video SDK.
Official Doc: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/video/introduction
Differences between Video SDK & Client/Web SDK: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/video/compare
Video SDK Sample app: https://github.com/zoom/sample-app-videosdk
If you want to create a zoom meeting programmatically in your application, you have to first register your app with Zoom and then you will get API Key and Secret Key. These two keys will be used in your API code to interact with Zoom API to create, update or to perform other zoom meeting operation. You can find the steps and code written in Node JS in below blogs:

How to display loading option in microsoft bot emulator in nodejs?

When I send message in microsoft bot emulator, whether it is possible to bring the loading options until the response comes to the bot in node.js. So that I can understand that my program is running in background.
Is this possible in nodejs?
Yes, you can use the ShowTypingMiddleware class from the botbuilder module

Building web,mobile architecture with firebase, angular4

We were doing survey like web app in rails framework adding API functionality to support iOS and Android in future.
Recently I learned about firebase and I really liked it. It fits for iOS and Android very well. I am not sure does it fit for web.
My plan is to use Angular4+Ionic+Firebase frameworks to build hybrid app.
Then to build web app using Angular4+Firebase. As far as i know implementing whole business logic in frontend is not secure in N-tier architecture. Because survey results will be calculated in front end.
Simply I want to use firebase for web app:
There are two options for me. Not sure which one is more preferred.
1. Angular4+Firebase
2. Angular4 + Nodejs + Firebase
Can you suggest preferred way to build web app using firebase?
Firebase is a serveless technology, however you can use Firebase Cloud Functions to keep your business rule.
you can use Angular 4 as your Frontend, Node as your backend to create WebApis, and FireBase to store your data as it can work as Realtime Database

How can I use cortana voice commands in electron?

Is it possible to use cortana voice commands in electron? I'm talking about the actual UWP API not cortana skills. I don't need a bot I want to be able to use my voice commands offline and the type of actions that my app provides doesn't need any third-party API. (something like "hey cortana ask [MY APP] how many movies do I have?")
I have seen cortana voice command sample with winJS and it is possible to use winJS in electron. but how am I actually going to use a VCD file in Electron with winJS? the sample code is for visual studio and winJS only
so I'm hoping for some clarification or a guideline on how to use VCD in electron-
Electron enables developers to build Desktop apps using JavaScript and Node modules. Then, if you want to know whether the UWP APIs callable from a classic desktop app, you could check this document: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/mt695951(v=vs.85).aspx
After you know if the specific UWP API is callable from desktop app, then, next step is how to call this API in Electron. There’s an open-source project named as NodeRT.
NodeRT automatically exposes Microsoft’s UWP/WinRT APIs to the Node.js environment by generating Node modules. This enables Node.js developers to write code that consumes native Windows capabilities. The generated modules' APIs are (almost) the same as the UWP/WinRT APIs listed in MSDN.
So, you could use it to call the specific UWP APIs in Electron.

Web long polling using parse.com

My problem is that I am building a app using parse (http://parse.com) and also a website to support it but didn't find a solution to add the "instant messaging" feature to web (Like facebook messaging)
The app (IOS) has a messaging feature that uses push notifications and works just fine.
What can I use for the web part to emulate that? Is it possible to use long polling somehow? What options are available?
I have tried using cloud code but was unsuccessful
