DocuSign management – integration/sql/excel/ideas? - docusignapi

I am looking for a way to better manage documents in DocuSign. The number of documents stored in DocuSign is growing and becoming increasingly difficult to organize. I want to see all documents in a centralized location so each document can be easily referenced. I am looking for a third-party platform that integrates DocuSign, or a way to export documents from DocuSign into an SQL database that can be opened in excel.

I think there are many answers to your question and Id like to offer just one at this point.
DocuSign Retrieve is a Windows application that you can use to gather documents from DocuSign for storage outside of DocuSign. You can use it as a standalone app or as part of other system using scripts that call it when you need to. You can find out more information about it in this guide.

Also check out DocuSign Intelligent Insights.


Does docusign webhooks notify about template changes

Use Case -
We are an origanization who helps universities manage the sport activities and contract of their students. We are planning to integrate docusign in our system both web and mobile app. One feature that we need is the information regarding the created templates, is there a way to get notified about templates via webhooks(like when it was last used, or created).
So, webhooks may not be suitable to know when a new template is created, because currently the webhook is tied to an existing object, and the object is not yet there, so it's a catch22.
What you can use instead is the DocuSign Monitor API. It's a different approach, but using this API, you can get data about anything that happens in the DocuSign account, including templates.
You can make raw API calls, or use the Monitor SDKs for one of six languages.
I'm not 100% on this but one approach would be to use folders. Put your templates in a named folder and use the listStatusChanges API with a folder id as a query parameter (
You can also select "Folders" in the "Include Data:" section of your DocuSign Connect webhook and filter for the folder(s) you're looking for.

Watermark Removal from Docusign "Copyview" Watermark

Question??? My company is using docusign for esignatures and we have run into a situation were we need to have the signed copies of the documents without the copy view watermark on them. To remove them we have turned to a site called eoriginal which will clean up the docs and remove the cope view watermark, however we are continuing to have numerous issues with this service. So I am attempting to find an alternative solution, any feedback or suggestions are much appreciated.
Not knowing what your issues are, I'm not sure I can help, but have you looked at our dev center article about how to export authoritative copy using the DocuSign eSignature SOAP API? It covers this topic in details and explains that you can do this given the following prerequisits:
You must use the SOAP API
Your account must have access to the
Authoritative Copy feature. Contact DocuSign Customer Support and ask
that your API user be granted permission to export Authoritative
If you want to select which envelopes will record an
Authoritative Copy, add "authoritativeCopy": "true" to the envelope
definition in your API call.
If you want all envelopes to use
Authoritative Copy, ask DocuSign Customer Support to set the "Auto
Authoritative Copy:" to Enabled on your account.
Finally, it's important to note this is a one-time action, and once it is done - you can never do it again (for a given envelope).

is there rest APIs to create an agreement using a predefined template in Docusign CLM?

I want to integrate a web portal with DocuSign CLM. I have few form fields and a template in DocuSign CLM.
I want to perform the below tasks from the portal:
Mapping fields value sent from portal to form fields in the template
Generate an agreement using the template
View the agreement
Send it for e-signature
I want to know all CLM rest APIs that will allow me to use this programmatically from the frontend by passing values from our portal to CLM.
I went through the below CLM rest API docs but it didn't help much.
Any help would be appreciated.
according to my teammates at DocuSign, you have to process all of your XML before you send it so that it is compatible with the merge template you’re sending it to.
This documentation may be helpful to look further into your question:
this is not a question but rather a demand and is not in the spirit of the stackoverflow. I suggest that you either start doing research to better understand the space that you are working in or find a partner or engage with Professional services
Here are some links to get you started.

Can't find Docusign Connector function anywhere

I can't find the Docusign Connector thing anywhere; what little info I could find in writing seemed to state it could be found under Admin, but not where. Please don't refer me to a video unless it's only about what I'm asking; it's an accessibility issue for me.
I'm trying to get a google doc signed by someone; apparently I either need to set up the Connector thing or convert to a pdf? I'm very confused by the videos in lieu of an actual how-to with links and words and stuff.
You need DocuSign for Google Drive.
That would enable you to sign a Google Doc directly.
DocuSign has an off the shelf product for using DocuSign from Google Office apps.
DocuSign also has the Connect feature which provides webhook notifications to your API program when various events occur with your DocuSign envelopes. For example, you can ask to have your software program notified when envelopes are completed (completely signed and finalized). To use DocuSign Connect, goto the eSignature Administration tool and look for Connect in the Integrations section of the righthand navigation column.
Some DocuSign account plans don't include the Connect feature, so it isn't always there. Talk to DocuSign sales if need be. Remember that the Connect webhook system is for developers.

eOriginal/eVault integration with DocuSign

My company recently signed up for partnership with DocuSign to build your
signing routine into our software.
The client looking to use our software currently uses DocuSign to sign
documents and has an integration with eOriginal as the eVault for the
Based on the documentation I'm reading, when the document is sent to
eOriginal, it is removed from DocuSign.
Is that correct? My client vaguely agreed that it wasn't on DocuSign but
I'd like to verify this.
We have our own document storage system as well and while we would like
eOriginal to have the authoritative copy of the document, we'd like a copy
of the document to be stored in our solution.
Our initial thought was that after the document was signed, we would
download a copy through your API and store it on our system.
We now wonder if that document would be there.
How soon after a document is signed would be it be pushed to eOriginal?
If there isn't enough guaranteed time to pull the document down, we'd need
to possibly pull it from eOriginal instead.
If we are pulling it from eOriginal, is there any information on how that
would be identified in eOriginal.
I'm not asking for their API. I get that we most likely need to get in
contact with them but is it identified by the same envelopeID?
Please let us know any insight you can provide on this.
We appreciate your assistance
The Setup
The configuration you're using all depends on your account settings. Please contact your DocuSign Account Manager to get a better explanation of the options and pricing here.
The most commonly used combination that I see with DocuSign/eOriginal is:
DocuSign Transfers Authoritative Copy to eOriginal
eOriginal stores the Authoritative Copy
DocuSign stores a copy
As far as timing goes, the event happens when the envelope has been fully completed. It could be anywhere from less than a second up to 15 minutes, depending on how DocuSign and eOrigional's queue's look. It's normally closer to the "instant" side. But I would plan for latency between the two systems.
How eOriginal Stores Envelopes from DocuSign:
eOriginal uses EmailSubject of your Envelope for the Containter ID.
There is an additional eOriginal Custom Field Xref1 which contains your DocuSign EnvelopeId
