React Select menu - Select multiple items - Advanced - node.js

I have to make a select menu in react but there is an extra couple functions it needs to have that I haven’t been able to find on the first 50 links of google. (I’m not googling the right thing obviously cause idk what it’s called).
A select menu that, once an item is selected, carries the item far below the select menu so that the item can be manipulated further. For example, I want to select multiple ingredients and then have them displayed on the same page, in order of selection, and then be able to enter an amount in a text field that is next to the ingredient that has been selected.
Select paprika (remove paprika from select menu because there is no need to select it again) > see paprika appear far below select menu > enter amount of paprika in text field tied to back end > repeat for other ingredients.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if you just tell me what to google.
Thank you all,

I tried to write this up in JSFiddle but it was tripping out on me.... Here should be an Almost working example with the same approach that Joss mentioned. I think you'll be able to get the idea from it
class Demo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selected: [],
select(e) {
const { value } = e.currentTarget;
let { selected } = this.state;
if(selected.contains(value)) {
selected = selected.filter((val) => val !== value);
} else {
render() {
const ret = []; //Just using this to map over to create options
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
return (
<div className="container">
className={this.state.selected.contains(i) ? 'selected' : null}>
<Demo />,

I would have an array stored in state that would contain all selected ingredients, which would be updated each time a new ingredient is selected (using onChange). I would then simply use this array to influence what is displayed on the rest of the page.


How to use ngif so that it can hide a div and do not validate the elements under the div section?

Upon selecting a radio button the respective div should be visible. Again each div has its own HTML elements.
Currently I am using code like this
<div *ngIf="A.checked">
show A HTML elements
<div *ngIf="B.checked">
show B elements
It is working fine as it is hiding depending on selection, however when I submit , it is validating the hidden div elements. Please suggest me how to stop validating the elements under hidden div.?
Reactive forms don't look at the hidden status of elements.
You should update your validation based on user selection by:
form.setValidators([ ... /* validators that you want to set */ ])
You need to do something like this.
// Define a Subject and destroy in onDestroy
private destroy$: Subject<any> = new Subject();
value ==> {
if (value) {
// Remove validators for unwanted controls
ngOnDestroy() {

React: Stumped with how to select table rows with a checkbox and send the values to the server side with node.js

Hello I am working on a process with React that will allow users to select a row or rows from a table by selecting check-boxes.
I need assistance with how once a row is checked, how can I store this information but at the same time if the row is unchecked I would also want to update the state.
Than when the user selects the submit button it will send the array object to the server side.
I have an empty array in my state and in the method that handles selecting a checkbox I am attempting to push the data to the array and than send the array with a form.
It appears as if the array is not being updated or I am missing something?
class TestStatus extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
selected: []
handleCheckChildeElement = (event) => {
var data =;
data.forEach(data => {
if(data.testid === {
data.isChecked =
if( === true) {
this.setState({ selected: [ ...this.state.selected, data]
this.setGlobal({ data });
handleSubmit(event) {
.then((res) => {
console.log("Sending tests");
}).catch(event => console.log(event));
render() {
<AdvancedRows checked={this.handleCheckChildeElement}
<form className="ui form" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
className="ui basic blue button" type="submit"
style={{ marginBottom: '5em' }}>
I expect to be able to select a checkbox or multiple and update the state array based on what is checked and than send that data to the server side.
After some additional research online I found the correct way with react to update the state array and than update it upon unchecking a check box.
If the targeted row is checked it will pass that rows object into the state array otherwise if the check box of the row is unchecked it will iterate over the state array and filter out the item that was unchecked.
This is the guide I used to assist me.
if( === true) {
this.setState({ selected: [...this.state.selected, data ] });
} else {
let remove = {
return item.testid}).indexOf(;
this.setState({ selected: this.state.selected.filter((_, i) => i !== remove) }); }
Expanding on my comment above.
handleCheckChildeElement = (event) => {
var data =;
// create an empty array so that each click will clean/update your state
var checkedData = [];
data.forEach(data => {
if(data.testid === {
data.isChecked =
if( === true) {
// instead of setting your state here, push to your array
// setState with updated checked values
this.setState({selected: checkedData});
this.setGlobal({ data });

how to make it in one line after onclick

I have a div in my html:
label(for="amount") Amount:
input(type="text", name="amount")
which is perfect as I expected. It displays in one line for both elements.
I have a radio button which have an onclick event for toggle the display of this div section.
function div_toggle() {
div_amount = document.getElementById('div_amount');
if (radio_value === 0) { = "block";
} else { = "none";
However, after click on the radio button, it always displays as two lines.
How could I fix it to always display in one line?
Please take a look at and try to include a reproducible example.
In bootstrap4, rows are displayed as flex, i.e., "display: flex;". So in your JavaScript if you change it to display as block, the columns within the row would be broken.
You can set its display to flex, like
if (radio_value === 0) { = "flex";
} else { = "none";
although setting HTML element styles in JavaScript is considered as bad practice IMO.

VirtualScroll (List) with dynamic item height scrolling not smooth and jumping

I have been tuning the VirtualScroll (List) component for almost whole day but no luck.
I'm building a web based chatting application in which uses the react-virtualized List to display the chatting messages. Since message may have different content and different height, I use react-measure to calculate the item height and issue the recomputeRowHeights in rowRenderer.
The result is bad, VirtuallScroll List will jump around whenever I stopped the scrolling. For example, when I scrolled to the half of browser, I should see the middle of the messages, but it always suddenly shift the offset. Please take a look at the recorded video:
Since I only use the List and Autosizer component, I only adapt the required css file into my project which is like
.VirtualScroll {
width: 100%;
outline: none;
For the render method, I nested a lot of flex components inside the rowRender:
Here is the code:
render() {
const inChat =;
const {conversationList} = this.state;
const imgUrl = 'img/builtin-wallpaper-1.jpg';
const backgroundStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url(' + imgUrl + ')',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
backgroundPosition: 'top left'
if ( === && inChat.status === 'FETCHING'){
return (
<Box column center height="80%">
<CircularProgress />
} else if ( === && inChat.status === 'FETCHED'){
return (
<Box column flex="1 0 100%" style={backgroundStyle}>
<AutoSizer disableHeight={true}>
{({ width }) => (
ref={(element) => {this.VirtualScroll = element;}}
height={window.innerHeight - toolbarHeight - textAreaHeight}
rowHeight={i => {
return (Measured_Heights[i.index] | 20); // default Height = 58
scrollToIndex={undefined} // scroll to latest item
<InputControl chatId={} sendChatText={this._sendChatText.bind(this)}/>
} else {
return null;
_rowRenderer ({ index, key, style, isScrolling }) {
const rowData = this._getDatum(index);
// let renderItem;
// console.log('index = ' + index + ' key = ' + key);
if (rowData.type == 'conversation') {
if ( == netModule.TYPE_SYSTEM) {
// system message
return (
<Measure key={key} onMeasure={(dims) => this._onMeasure(index, dims)}>
<SystemMessage data={}/>
if ( == this.state.selfProfile.username) {
// outgoing message
return (
<Measure key={key} onMeasure={(dims) => this._onMeasure(index, dims)}>
screenWidth={(window.innerWidth - leftToolBarWidth) / 2 }
screenHeight={window.innerHeight - toolbarHeight}
} else {
// incoming message
// append userProfile to left messages
return (
<Measure key={key} onMeasure={(dims) => this._onMeasure(index, dims)}>
screenWidth={(window.innerWidth - leftToolBarWidth) / 2 }
screenHeight={window.innerHeight - toolbarHeight}
I read a couple docs that Flexbox may be intercept the scrolling event, but even though I added overflow-y: hidden to nested component I didn't see the issue disappear. Have you ever seen this wrong scrolling behavior with List component before?
Any suggestion is welcome.
I can't see the video, but I think I had something similar recently. From what I can see, you're not making use of the style parameter passed into your _rowRenderer method. This parameter contains some CSS transforms that make the row appear at the right vertical position in the scrolling list.

Allow only Copy/Paste Context Menu in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Control

The WebBrowser control has a property called "IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled" that disables all ability to right-click on a web page and see a context menu. This is very close to what I want (I don't want anyone to be able to right-click and print, hit back, hit properties, view source, etc).
The only problem is this also disables the context menu that appears in TextBoxes for copy/paste, etc.
To make this clearer, this is what I don't want:
This is what I do want:
I would like to disable the main context menu, but allow the one that appears in TextBoxes. Anyone know how I would do that? The WebBrowser.Document.ContextMenuShowing event looks promising, but doesn't seem to properly identify the element the user is right-clicking on, either through the HtmlElementEventArgs parameter's "FromElement" and "ToElement" properties, nor is the sender anything but the HtmlDocument element.
Thanks in advance!
have you considered writing your own context menu in javascript? Just listen to the user right clicking on the body, then show your menu with copy and paste commands (hint: = "block|none"). To copy, execute the following code:
CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();
And to paste:
CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();
NOTE: This only works in IE (which is fine for your application).
I know its not bulletproof by any means, but here is a code sample that should get you started:
<script type = "text/javascript">
var lastForm = null;
window.onload = function(){
var menu = document.getElementById("ContextMenu");
var cpy = document.getElementById("CopyBtn");
var pst = document.getElementById("PasteBtn");
document.body.onmouseup = function(){
if (event.button == 2)
{ = event.clientX + "px"; = event.clientY + "px"; = "block";
return true;
} = "none";
cpy.onclick = function(){
copy = document.selection.createRange();
return false;
pst.onclick = function(){
if (lastForm)
copy = lastForm.createTextRange();
return false;
<body oncontextmenu = "return false;">
<div id = "ContextMenu" style = "display : none; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #aaa; position: absolute;
width : 75px;">
<input type = "text" onfocus = "lastForm = this;" />
function cutomizedcontextmenu(e)
var target = window.event ? window.event.srcElement : e ? : null;
if( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1 )
if (target.type != "text" && target.type != "textarea" && target.type != "password")
return false;
return true;
else if( navigator.product == "Gecko" )
return false;
document.oncontextmenu = cutomizedcontextmenu;
I hope this will help you Anderson Imes
A quick look at the MSDN documentation shows that none of the mouse events (click, button down/up etc) are supported to be used in your program. I'm afraid its either or: Either disable conetxt menus, or allow them.
If you disable them, the user can still copy & paste using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V). Maybe that gives you the functionality you need.
We ended up using a combination of both of the above comments. Closer to the second, which is why I gave him credit.
There is a way to replace the context menu on both the client-side web code as well as through winforms, which is the approach we took. I really didn't want to rewrite the context menu, but this seems to have given us the right mix of control.
