How to Customize netsuite task manager - netsuite

how to customize the task manager in netsuite which is using in a sales company
in netsuite task manage i can assign a task to any other employees
but when i assign a task its showing to everyone else
i need to assign my task to a person and only he can view that task none other dont need to see the task
also i need to assign a task in the name of my department to another department
i need to assign a task to another one
(that is one to one assign)
i need to assign a task to a person in the name of my department
(Many to one)
and from my department to another department
(many to many)

To answer one of the questions: "I need to assign my task to a person and only they can view that task." For this check [X] PRIVATE TASK in the Primary Information section.


NetSuite: SuiteApp to Group Tasks?

is there a SuiteApp which would allow to group tasks?
Example: Employee Onboarding
And you could have multiple tasks under the template assigned to different people etc.
I can't see any suiteapp that would do this.
If you are familiar with custom records & workflow, you can try to do this, I am using project name for the custom records for illustration :-
Create a custom record name "Project Header", with field say Project Name. You can create more fields like project status or project type if required.
Create a Subtab "Project Tasks" and Assign to the Child Records after the below custom record is created.
Create another custom record "Project Tasks" which will be child of the "Project Header" with below fields :-
Project Id > Type:List/Record, List/Record: Task Header, Record Is Parent: Checked
Task Name > Type:free-form text
Assigned To > Type:List/Record, List/Record: Employee
Turn On "Allow Child Record Editing" and "Allow Delete" in this custom record.
Then try to enter a new project with more than 1 tasks and save. Assuming this is your project template. You can edit and make copy to "duplicate" the project.
You can further enhanced this by using workflow to send email alerts upon new tasks created to the assignee.
Hope this give you some ideas if you thinking to customise this yourselves which will give you more flexibility then suiteapp.

Assign Task to a parent (User Story) in TFS via excel

I imported a TFS query to excel to add a bunch of tasks. That part worked well. Now I just need to attach them all to their appropriate user stories (parent). I tried a bunch of different options in "column options", but none of them let me choose the task's parent. Is this even possible through excel?
You can achieve that by adding parent/child linked backlog items and tasks, please see Bulk add or modify work items with Excel for details.
In you case, you have bulk added the tasks to project,you need to link parent user stories by following below steps:
Select any task and link it to its' parent story (to generate the tree level title in query).
Create a Tree of Work items query like this:
Open Excel,New list > Select the created query above > OK
Edit the query in excel, move the Tasks title from Title1 to
Title2 accordingly based on their appropriate user stories.
Click Publish, check the Parent link in backlog.

Add fields to Sharepoint Workflow Task

I'm currently making a pretty simple approval workflow in sharepoint using sharepoint designer. One of the design goals that we have for this workflow is that we want to minimize the amount of custom coding that we have to do so I'd appreciate answers that involve using sharepoint designer instead of whipping out VS.
So the workflow should start when a person adds an item to a list.
When the workflow kicks off it would create a task and and assign a due date of +2 business days and assign the responsibility to a group of users
When a user completes the task then it would record the individual person who completed the task as well as the date it was completed.
It's pretty easy to add fields to the list but the purist in me kind of balks at this since these fields would be null and it violates first normal form. Ie a list that went to Task1 but not Task2 would have four fields Task1ApprovedBy, Task1FinishedDate, Task2ApprovedBy, Task2FinishedDate and both the Task2 fields would be null.
Sorry If I'm not being clear about the question. I'm using Sharepoint Designer and I would like to update a list item in a lookup when a user completes a task item. How do I select the last task for a particular item that was completed and update that last task two values "Completed By" and Completed Date values? I'd prefer to do this on the Task list since that would also make reporting easier. I'd just create a view on the Task list instead of doing some type of join between the two list to when a particular task was completed.
Thank you for the help!
It sounds like you need two workflows here. One on the "Main" list and one on the "Tasks" list:
The first workflow is tied to the "Main" list. It fires when a user creates a new list item in the "Main" list. This workflow simply creates a new item in the "Tasks" list (with the correct people assigned, description, dates, etc...)
The second workflow is tied to the "Tasks" list. It fires whenever an item in the Tasks list is changed. The workflow checks to see if the status field is "Complete". If it is, then assign the "Completed By" field to the current person editing the task and assign the "Completed Date" value to today.
(Note that, in a SharePoint Designer workflow, there is no way to evaluate the properties of the list item prior to the update. If a completed task is updated, the SPD workflow will be unable to determine that the task was already completed. Basically, each update to a completed task will update the Completed By/Date fields. If you want a more complex workflow - which only updates when the status is changed to "Complete" - you will need to use Visual Studio).

Create Task Items With Custom List Dataview in Sharepoint 2010

I created 2 custom lists in Sharepoint 2010:
List #1: INTERNAL PROCESSES (fields: Process Title, Reference)
List #2: PROCESS STEPS (fields: Step Title, Step Description, Process Title[lookup of 1 item in previous list], Department Assigned)
I created an action in the display form for list INTERNAL PROCESSES called "Create Instance"...when user clicks on it, redirects user to
(I couldn't find a way to pass the title instead of the ID in the querystring...)
Up to here is what I have done so far.
Now, I need to accomplish the following in mypage.aspx
1) lookup in INTERNAL PROCESSES using processID received in queryString, if field Reference is not NULL, ask user to enter a value for Reference
(eg. if Reference contains the word "Member", ask user to enter the Member Name)
2) get Process Title from list INTERNAL PROCESSES for processID received in querystring
3) For each list item in PROCESS STEPS where field Process Title matches Process Title looked up in step#2 , create a new TASK list item with the
following values:
a) TASK Title = Step Title + Value entered in step#1 (if any)
b) TASK Description = Step Description
c) TASK Assigned to = Department Assigned
I'd like to avoid using code, if at all possible because I've never done it, if code is required please point me in the right direction...thanks!
hey you would not required to use code if you are good at designing SharePoint designer workflows what you would have to do is create custom action using desginer and you can invoke a wrkflow using custom action, which would create a task for you in task list for more details have a look at following article

SPD 2010 task list

I am trying to write a workflow using SPD 2010 that is triggered upon item creation in a document library.
I want to set up a task that is mailed to the user in a task-mail with a subject like - Tasks - ... has been assigned to you
(which is the default task-mail that you get in case of collect data from user form).
Is there a way to present the user with values of fields of the Current Item (the creation of which triggered the workflow) in the task form, the button to which task form is provided in the task-mail?
I understand that the workflow start will first create the task for users in task list.Get the task ID and task list ID that was created for this workflow instance, and construct an URL like - http://SITE_URL/_layouts/WrkTaskIP.aspx?List=LIST_ID&ID=TASK_ID&Source=http://redirect_url_once_task_completed.aspx where WrkTaskIP.aspx is the task edit form.Send this as a href link for text in the mail body.
It would be better if you have a data entity class to store information about your object(the item field values).You can use this in your email for information.
