I made a command by mistake - linux

By mistake I made the wrong command in shell , and now i cant find my files.
the command i made was:
mv file.ext ..\..\out
instead of making
mv file.ext ../../out
Where should I search for my files.

The \ get stripped out if you're using bash, so that command renames the file to "....out". Use ls -la to list it.


How can I delete a directory like this "-work.lib++" in linux? [duplicate]

Somehow, at some point, I accidentally created a file in my home directory named '-s'. It is about 500 kb and I have no idea if it contains important data or not. I cannot figure out any way to do anything with this file, because every command I use to try to view, copy, or move it interprets the filename as an argument.
I've tried putting it in quotes, escaping it with a backslash, a combination of the two, nothing seems to work.
Also, when I first posed this question to my coworkers, we puzzled over it for a while until someone finally overheard and asked "why don't you just rename it?" After I explained to him that cp and mv both think the filename is an argument so it doesn't work, he said "no, not from the command line, do it from Gnome." I sheepishly followed his advice, and it worked. HOWEVER I'm still interested in how you would solve this dilemma if you didn't have a window manager and the command line was the only option.
You can refer to it either using ./-filename or some command will allow you to put it after double dash:
rm -- -filename
You can get rid of it with:
rm ./-s
The rm command (at least under Ubuntu 10.04) even tells you such:
pax#pax-desktop:~$ rm -w
rm: invalid option -- 'w'
Try `rm ./-w' to remove the file `-w'.
Try `rm --help' for more information.
The reason that works is because rm doesn't think it's an option (since it doesn't start with -) but it's still referring to the specific file in the current directory.
You could use --, e.g.:
rm -- -file
Just for fun you could also use/abuse find.
find . -name "-s" -delete
find . -name "-s" -exec cat {} \;
besides using rm, if you know a language, you can also use them. They are not affected by such shell warts.
$ ruby -rfileutils -e 'FileUtils.rm("-s")'
$ ruby -e 'File.unlink("-s")'

output to a file in script directory

This probably quite basic but I have spent whole day finding an answer without much success.
I have an executable script that resides in ~/Desktop/shell/myScript.sh
I want a single line command to run this script from my terminal that outputs to a new directory in same directory where the script is located no matter what my present working directory is.
I was using:
mkdir -p tmp &&
./Desktop/shell/myScript.sh|grep '18x18'|cut -d":" -f1 > tmp/myList.txt
But it creates new directory in present working directory and not on the target location.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could solve it in one line if you pre-define a variable:
export LOC=$HOME/Desktop/shell
Then you can say
mkdir -p $LOC/tmp && $LOC/myScript.sh | grep '18x18' | cut -d":" -f1 > $LOC/tmp/myList.txt
But if you're doing this repeatedly it might be better long-term to wrap myScript.sh so that it creates the directory, and redirects the output, for you. The grep and cut parameters, as well as the output file name, would be passed as command-line arguments and options to the wrapper.
How about this:
SCRIPTDIR="./Desktop/shell/" ; mkdir "$SCRIPTDIR/tmp" ; "$SCRIPTDIR/myScript.sh" | grep '18x18' | cut -d ":" -f 1 > "$SCRIPTDIR/tmp/myList.txt"
In your case you have to give the path to the script anyway. If you put the script in the path where it is automatically searched, e.g. $HOME/bin, and you can just type myScript.sh without the directory prefix, you can use SCRIPTDIR=$( dirname $( which myScript.sh ) ).
Mixing directories with binaries and data files is usually a bad idea. For temporary files /tmp is the place to go. Consider that your script might become famous and get installed by the administrator in /usr/bin and run by several people at the same time. For this reason, try to think mktemp.
Instead of doing this manually from the command line and who knows where you will move your script and put it. add the following codes
[1] Find your script directory location using dirname
script_directory=`dirname $0`
The above code will find your script directory and save it in a variable.
[2] Create your "tmp" folder in your script directory
mkdir "$script_directory/tmp 2> /dev/null"
The above code will make a directory called "tmp" in your script directory. If the directory exist, mkdir will not overwrite any existing directory using this command line and gave an error. I hide all errors by "2> /dev/null"
[3] Open your script and modify it using "cut" and then redirect the output to a new file
cat "$0"|grep '18x18'|cut -d":" -f1 > "$script_directory"/tmp/myList.txt

How to rename files without changing extension in Linux 102221.pdf to 102221_name.pdf

How to rename files without changing extension in Linux \
102221.pdf to 102221_name.pdf
This is what you want I think:
for x in *; do mv "$x" "${x%.*}_name.${x##*.}"; done
${x%.*} will give the name of the file without extention
${x##*.} will extract the extentions
ls * | sed -r 'p;s/\.pdf$/_name\.pdf/g' | xargs -n2 mv
list all the files with ls and pipe the output to sed. sed replaces .pdf with _name.pdf and outputs both the original file name and the new file name to xargs with will call mv with the 2 parameters.
you can also use the rename command which is simpler
rename 's/\.pdf$/_name\.pdf/g' ./*
The regex pattern remains the same though
well i am not so good in linux.. but still found a working answer for you.. hope it will solve ur purpose..
check the given link.. you might need a light weighted tool called as jhead mainly its to get the header information about the file link created date and time and other.. you can find the information which suits you..

Rename file by removing url parameter in linux

I downloaded some files using wget and the files are in the following format:
Is there any way, to rename those files properly by removing the URL parameters. Also is there any way, to download such files, with proper name(without URL parameter) from wget.
I tried with mmv with the following command:
mmv "*.zip*" "#1.zip"
But I can't find any way to install mmv. I am using CentOS 6. So, please suggest any way, other than this.
for file in *.zip\?*; do mv "$file" "${file%%\?*}"; done
As far as I can tell, there's no option to wget telling it not to include the query string in the local filename. You can use the -O option to specify an explicit filename, and fix the driver script to remove the query string itself.
for i in `ls *.zip?*`; do echo $i | cut -f 1 -d \? | xargs -n1 mv $i ; done
sorry to lazy to do checking for spaces in names right now. and unable to test. i don't have access to a bash based system at this moment in time.
If you have g++ >=4.9.2 then you can install rnm and do:
rnm -ns '/n/.zip' *.zip\?*
# /n/ expands to file name without extension.
rnm -rs '/\.zip\?.*/.zip/' *.zip\?*

Create symbolic link with dependency to other files

I know my topic is a little confusing, but here is what I want to do.
I have a file which I would like to create a link to in my home directory ~/bin, but when I execute the file that is symbolically linked, the file requires another file in its directory. Therefore, it fails to run because it cannot find the other file. What can I do?
Well, you have two simple solutions.
edit the shell script to point to the absolute path of the file, not just the the basename.
so something like this should do what your after. sed -i 's|file.sh|./path/to/file.sh|g' ~/bin/script.sh it searches your symlinked file, script.sh in this case, and replaces the call to file.sh to ./path/to/file.sh. note you often see sed use /'s. but it can use just about anything as a delimiter, if you wish to use /'s here you will need to escape them. /. you may want to consider escaping the . (period) as well, but in this case its not necessary. If you are new to sed realize that the -i flag means it will edit the file in place. Lastly, realize its a simple search and replace operation and you may chose to do it by hand.
The second way is to create a ln -s to the file as you did with the other file so there exists a symbolic link between both files.
ln -s /far/off/script.sh ~/bin/script.sh
ln -s /far/off/file.sh ~/bin/file.sh
more on symlinking
I would rather create a script file in ~/bin/` that calls your executable from the appropriate directory.
Here is an example using /sbin/ifconfig:
$ cat > ~/bin/file
cd `dirname $file`
`basename $file`
$ chmod +x ~/bin/file
$ file
Here you should see the output of ifconfig but the point is: its get executed from the /sbin directory. So if ifconfig had dependencies it would work properly. Just replace /sbin/ifconfig with your absolute path.
Alternatively, you can modify your script as
pushd ~/bin
##### your script here
Combination of readlink and dirname will get the actual directory of the script:
my_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
source "$my_dir/other_file"
