How to remove lines based on another file? [duplicate] - linux

This question already has answers here:
How to delete rows from a csv file based on a list values from another file?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Now I have two files as follows:
$ cat file1.txt
john 12 65 0
Nico 3 5 1
king 9 5 2
lee 9 15 0
$ cat file2.txt
Now I would like to remove each line which contains a name fron the second file in its first column.
Ideal result:
john 12 65 0
lee 9 15 0
Could anyone tell me how to do that? I have tried the code like this:
for i in 'less file2.txt'; do sed "/$i/d" file1.txt; done
But it does not work properly.

You don't need to iterate it, you just need to use grep with-v option to invert match and -w to force pattern to match only WHOLE words
grep -wvf file2.txt file1.txt

This job suites awk:
awk 'NR == FNR {a[$1]; next} !($1 in a)' file2.txt file1.txt
john 12 65 0
lee 9 15 0
NR == FNR { # While processing the first file
a[$1] # store the first field in an array a
next # move to next line
!($1 in a) # while processing the second file
# if first field doesn't exist in array a then print


How to do divide a column based on the corresponding value in another file?

I have multiple files (66) and want to divid column 3 of each file to its corresponding value in the info.file and insert the new value in column 4 of each file.
My manual code is:
awk '{print $4=$3/NUmber from info.file}1' file
But this takes me hours to do for each individual file. So I want to automate it for all files. Thanks
chrm name value
4 a 8
3 b 4
chrm name value
3 g 6
5 s 12
file_name average
file1 8
file2 6
file3 10
chrm name value new_value
4 a 8 1
3 b 4 0.5
chrm name value new_value
3 g 6 1
5 s 12 2
without error handling
$ awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2; next}
FNR==1 {out=FILENAME".new"; print $0, "new_value" > out; next}
{v=$NF/a[FILENAME]; $++NF=v; print > out}' info file1 file2
will generate updated files
$ head file{1,2}.new | column -t
==> <==
chrm name value new_value
4 a 8 1
3 b 4 0.5
==> <==
chrm name value new_value
3 g 6 1
5 s 12 2
NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2; next} scan the first file and save the file/value pairs in the associative array
FNR==1 in the header line of each data file
out=FILENAME".new" set a output filename
print $0, "new_value" > out print existing header appended with the new column name
v=$NF/a[FILENAME] for every data line, scale the last field and assign to v
$++NF=v increment number of fields and assign the new computed value to the last field
print > out print the new line to the same file set before
info file1 file2 the list of files should be preceded by the info file
I have prepared the following double nested awk command for you:
awk 'NR>1{system("awk -v div="$2" -f div_column3.awk "$1" | column -t > new_"$1);}' info.file
with div_column3.awk being a awk commands script file with the content:
$ cat div_column3.awk
NR==1{print $0" new_value"}NR>1{print $0" "$3/div}

how to sort this in bash

Hello I have a file containing these lines:
how to use bash to sort it by numbers ?
Suppose each number is the price for the above object.
I want they are formatted like this:
12 apple
4 orange
16 rice
apple 12
orange 4
rice 16
A solution using paste + sort to get each product sorted by its price:
$ paste - - < file|sort -k 2nr
rice 16
apple 12
orange 4
From paste man:
Write lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from
each FILE, separated by TABs, to standard output. With no FILE, or
when FILE is -, read standard input.
paste gets the stream coming from the stdin (your <file) and figures that each line belongs to the fictional archive represented by - , so we get two columns using - -
sort use the flag -k 2nr to get paste output sorted by second column in reverse numerical order.
you can use awk:
awk '!(NR%2){printf "%s %s\n" ,$0 ,p}{p=$0}' inputfile
(slightly adapted from this answer)
If you want to sort the output afterwards, you can use sort (quite logically):
awk '!(NR%2){printf "%s %s\n" ,$0 ,p}{p=$0}' inputfile | sort -n
this would give:
4 orange
12 apple
16 rice
Another solution using awk
$ awk '/[0-9]+/{print prev, $0; next} {prev=$0}' input
apple 12
orange 4
rice 16
while read -r line1 && read -r line2;do
printf '%s %s\n' "$line1" "$line2"
done < input_file
If you want lines to be sorted by price, pipe the result to sort -k2:
while read -r line1 && read -r line2;do
printf '%s %s\n' "$line1" "$line2"
done < input_file | sort -k2
You can do this using paste and awk
$ paste - - <lines.txt | awk '{printf("%s %s\n",$2,$1)}'
12 apple
4 orange
16 rice
an awk-based solution without needing external paste / sort, using regex, calculating modulo % of anything, or awk/bash loops
{m,g}awk '(_*=--_) ? (__ = $!_)<__ : ($++NF = __)_' FS='\n'
12 apple
4 orange
16 rice

Change format of text file

I have a file with many lines of tab separated data in the following format:
1 1 2 2
3 3 4 4
5 5 6 6
and I would like to change the format to:
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Is there a not too complicated way to do this? I don't have any experience with using awk, sed, etc.
If you just want to group your file in blocks of X columns, you can make use of xargs -nX:
$ xargs -n2 < file
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
To have more control and print an empty line after 4th field, you can also use this awk:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf "%s%s", $i, (i%2?OFS:RS); print ""}' file
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
# <-- note there is an empty line here
On odd fields, it print FS after it.
On even fields, print RS.
Note FS stands for field separator, which defaults to space, and RS stands for record separator, which defaults to new line. As you have tab as field separator, we redefine it in the BEGIN block.
This is probably the simplest way which allows for customisation
awk '{print $1,$2"\n"$3,$4}' file
For a line between
awk '{print $1,$2"\n"$3,$4"\n"}' file
although fedorquis answer with xargs is probably the simplest if this isn't needed
As Ed pointed out this wouldn't work if there were blanks in the fields, this could be resolved using
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {print $1,$2 ORS $3,$4 ORS}' file
Through perl,
perl -pe 's/\t(\d\t\d)$/\n$1\n/g' file
Fed the above command's output to the sed command to delete the last blank line.
perl -pe 's/\t(\d\t\d)$/\n$1\n/g' file | sed '$d'

AWK--Comparing the value of two variables in two different files

I have two text files A.txt and B.txt. Each line of A.txt
1 2 103 2
4 5 1026 74
7 8 209 55
10 11 122 78
What I am looking for is something like this:
for each line of A
search B;
if (the value of third column in a line of B - the value of the variable in A > 10)
print that line of B;
Any awk for doing that??
How about something like this,
I had some troubles understanding your question, but maybe this will give you some pointers,
# Read intresting values from file2 into an array,
for line in $(cat 2.txt | awk '{print $3}')
# Linecounter,
# Loop through every line in file 1,
for val in $(cat 1.txt)
# Increment linecounter,
# Loop through every element in the array (containing values from 3 colum from file2)
for el in "${!arr[#]}";
# If that value - the value from file 1 is bigger than 10, print values
if [[ $((${arr[$el]} - $val )) -gt 10 ]]
sed -n "$(($el+1))p" 2.txt
# echo "Value ${arr[$el]} (on line $(($el+1)) from 2.txt) - $val (on line $linenr from 1.txt) equals $((${arr[$el]} - $val )) and is hence bigger than 10"
This is a quick and dirty thing, there is room for improvements. But I think it'll do the job.
Use awk like this:
cat f1
cat f2
2 4 10 8
3 9 20 8
5 1 15 8
7 0 30 8
awk 'FNR==NR{a[NR]=$1;next} $3-a[FNR] < 10' f1 f2
2 4 10 8
5 1 15 8
UPDATE: Based on OP's edited question:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[NR]=$1;next} {for (i in a) if ($3-a[i] > 10) print}'
and see how simple awk based solution is as compared to nested for loops.

Cannot get this simple sed command

This sed command is described as follows
Delete the cars that are $10,000 or more. Pipe the output of the sort into a sed to do this, by quitting as soon as we match a regular expression representing 5 (or more) digits at the end of a record (DO NOT use repetition for this):
So far the command is:
$ grep -iv chevy cars | sort -nk 5
I have to add another pipe at the end of that command I think which "quits as soon as we match a regular expression representing 5 or more digits at the end of a record"
I tried things like
$ grep -iv chevy cars | sort -nk 5 | sed "/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/ q"
and other variations within the // but nothing works! What is the command which matches a regular expression representing 5 or more digits and quits according to this question?
Nominally, you should add a $ before the second / to match 5 digits at the end of the record. If you omit the $, then any sequence of 5 digits will cause sed to quit, so if there is another number (a VIN, perhaps) before the price, it might match when you didn't intend it to.
grep -iv chevy cars | sort -nk 5 | sed '/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/q'
On the whole, it's safer to use single quotes around the regex, unless you need to substitute a shell variable into it (or unless the regex contains single quotes itself). You can also specify the repetition:
grep -iv chevy cars | sort -nk 5 | sed '/[0-9]\{5,\}$/q'
The \{5,\} part matches 5 or more digits. If for any reason that doesn't work, you might find you're using GNU sed and you need to do something like sed --posix to get it working in the normal mode. Or you might be able to just remove the backslashes. There certainly are options to GNU sed to change the regex mechanism it uses (as there are with GNU grep too).
Another way.
As you don't post a file sample, a did it as a guess.
Here I'm looking for lines with the word "chevy" where the field 5 is less than 10000.
awk '/chevy/ {if ( $5 < 10000 ) print $0} ' cars
I forgot the flag -i from grep ... so the correct is:
awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} /chevy/ {if ( $5 < 10000 ) print $0} ' cars
$ cat > cars
Chevy 2 3 4 10000
Chevy 2 3 4 5000
chEvy 2 3 4 1000
CHEVY 2 3 4 10000
CHEVY 2 3 4 2000
Prevy 2 3 4 1000
Prevy 2 3 4 10000
$ awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} /chevy/ {if ( $5 < 10000 ) print $0} ' cars
Chevy 2 3 4 5000
chEvy 2 3 4 1000
CHEVY 2 3 4 2000
grep -iv chevy cars | sort -nk 5 | sed '/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/d'
