How to do divide a column based on the corresponding value in another file? - linux

I have multiple files (66) and want to divid column 3 of each file to its corresponding value in the info.file and insert the new value in column 4 of each file.
My manual code is:
awk '{print $4=$3/NUmber from info.file}1' file
But this takes me hours to do for each individual file. So I want to automate it for all files. Thanks
chrm name value
4 a 8
3 b 4
chrm name value
3 g 6
5 s 12
file_name average
file1 8
file2 6
file3 10
chrm name value new_value
4 a 8 1
3 b 4 0.5
chrm name value new_value
3 g 6 1
5 s 12 2

without error handling
$ awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2; next}
FNR==1 {out=FILENAME".new"; print $0, "new_value" > out; next}
{v=$NF/a[FILENAME]; $++NF=v; print > out}' info file1 file2
will generate updated files
$ head file{1,2}.new | column -t
==> <==
chrm name value new_value
4 a 8 1
3 b 4 0.5
==> <==
chrm name value new_value
3 g 6 1
5 s 12 2
NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2; next} scan the first file and save the file/value pairs in the associative array
FNR==1 in the header line of each data file
out=FILENAME".new" set a output filename
print $0, "new_value" > out print existing header appended with the new column name
v=$NF/a[FILENAME] for every data line, scale the last field and assign to v
$++NF=v increment number of fields and assign the new computed value to the last field
print > out print the new line to the same file set before
info file1 file2 the list of files should be preceded by the info file

I have prepared the following double nested awk command for you:
awk 'NR>1{system("awk -v div="$2" -f div_column3.awk "$1" | column -t > new_"$1);}' info.file
with div_column3.awk being a awk commands script file with the content:
$ cat div_column3.awk
NR==1{print $0" new_value"}NR>1{print $0" "$3/div}


I have two huge sequencefiles where i want to extract the same linenumbers from file1 in file2

I have my two sequencefiles and I have a list of rows/lines of interest from file1. I want to extract the lines with the same linenumber as in file1. The list is just 1 column of numbers.
I tried using awk in a loop, but all I get is an empty file as output file.
My code looks like this:
for i in <listfile>;
do awk -F lnr="$i" 'NR==lnr' <file2> > outputfile
The output file is created but is just empty.
I could not find this question being asked before, but if so sorry for wasting your time
If I understand the question - file 1 has a list of "line numbers" and you desire to print those lines in file2:
awk 'FNR==NR{line[$1]=1;next}{if(line[FNR]==1)print FNR, $0}' file1 file2
Given the input...
for i in {a..z}; do echo $i; done > /tmp/list-1
for i in {z..a}; do echo $i; done > /tmp/list-2
The current line of each file will be stored in FNR, so you can use that.
$ awk -v a=4 -v b=9 'FNR >= a && FNR <= b { print FILENAME, NR, FNR, $0 }' /tmp/list-*
Sample output:
/tmp/list-1 4 4 d
/tmp/list-1 5 5 e
/tmp/list-1 6 6 f
/tmp/list-1 7 7 g
/tmp/list-1 8 8 h
/tmp/list-1 9 9 i
/tmp/list-2 30 4 w
/tmp/list-2 31 5 v
/tmp/list-2 32 6 u
/tmp/list-2 33 7 t
/tmp/list-2 34 8 s
/tmp/list-2 35 9 r

How to remove lines based on another file? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to delete rows from a csv file based on a list values from another file?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Now I have two files as follows:
$ cat file1.txt
john 12 65 0
Nico 3 5 1
king 9 5 2
lee 9 15 0
$ cat file2.txt
Now I would like to remove each line which contains a name fron the second file in its first column.
Ideal result:
john 12 65 0
lee 9 15 0
Could anyone tell me how to do that? I have tried the code like this:
for i in 'less file2.txt'; do sed "/$i/d" file1.txt; done
But it does not work properly.
You don't need to iterate it, you just need to use grep with-v option to invert match and -w to force pattern to match only WHOLE words
grep -wvf file2.txt file1.txt
This job suites awk:
awk 'NR == FNR {a[$1]; next} !($1 in a)' file2.txt file1.txt
john 12 65 0
lee 9 15 0
NR == FNR { # While processing the first file
a[$1] # store the first field in an array a
next # move to next line
!($1 in a) # while processing the second file
# if first field doesn't exist in array a then print

Bash Colum sum over a table of variable length

Im trying to get the columsums (exept for the first one) of a tab delimited containing numbers.
To find out the number of columns an store it in a variable I use:
cols=$(awk '{print NF}' file.txt | sort -nu | tail -n 1
next I want to calculate the sum of all numbers in that column and store this in a variable again in a for loop:
for c in 2:$col
num=$(cat file.txt | awk '{sum+$2 ; print $0} END{print sum}'| tail -n 1
num=$(cat file.txt | awk '{sum+$($c) ; print $0} END{print sum}'| tail -n 1
on itself with a fixed numer and without variable input works find but i cannot get it to accept the for-loop variable.
Thanks for the support
p.s. It would also be fine if i could sum all columns (expept the first one) at once without the loop-trouble.
Assuming you want the sums of the individual columns,
$ cat file
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
$ awk '
{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) sum[i] += $i}
END {for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf "%d%s", sum[i], OFS; print ""}
' file
18 21 24
In case you're not bound to awk, there's a nice tool for "command-line statistical operations" on textual files called GNU datamash.
With datamash, summing (probably the simplest operation of all) a 2nd column is as easy as:
$ datamash sum 2 < table
Assuming the table file holds tab-separated data like:
$ cat table
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6
To sum all columns from 2 to n use column ranges (available in datamash 1.2):
$ n=4
$ datamash sum 2-$n < table
9 12 15
To include headers, see the --headers-out option

how can I make awk match up lines in file 1 with the lines in file 2 based on some number ranges in file 2

I have the following two files:
file 1:
file 2:
1 10 valuea
11 20 valueb
21 30 valuec
31 40 valued
41 50 valuee
51 60 valuef
How can I make awk grab each value from file 1, match it up with file 2 based on whether it falls between the number range in columns 1 and 2 of file 2, and then print out column 3 from the matched column in file 2? The output would resemble the following:
I tried using the following AWK command (based on what I found in this post: How to check value of a column lies between values of two columns in other file and print corresponding value from column in Unix?), but it does not seem to be working correctly.
awk 'FNR == NR { val[$1] = $1 }
FNR != NR { if (val[$1] >= $1 && val[$1] <= $2)
print $3
}' file1 file2
Also I did not include it in here for obvious reasons, but for the actual application of this script, file 1 would include around 7,000 entries while file 2 would include 68,000 entries
alternative awk script
$ awk 'FNR == NR {a[$1]=$2; v[$1]=$3; next}
{for(k in a)
if(k+0<=$1 && $1+0<=a[k]) print v[k]}' file2 file1
note that file2 is the first file. This will cover multiple range matches as well. +0 is to force for numerical comparison.

Cat headers and renaming a column header using awk?

I've got an input file (input.txt) like this:
name value1 value2
A 3 1
B 7 4
C 2 9
E 5 2
And another file with a list of names (names.txt) like so:
Using grep -f, I can get all the lines with names "B" and "C"
grep -wFf names.txt input.txt
to get
B 7 4
C 2 9
However, I want to keep the header at the top of the output file, and also rename the column name "name" with "ID". And using grep, to keep the rows with names B and C, the output should be:
**ID** value1 value2
B 7 4
C 2 9
I'm thinking awk should be able to accomplish this, but being new to awk I'm not sure how to approach this. Help appreciated!
While it is certainly possible to do this in awk, the fastest way to solve your actual problem is to simply prepend the header you want in front of the grep output.
echo **ID** value1 value2 > Output.txt && grep -wFf names.txt input.txt >> Output.txt
Update Since the OP has multiple files, we can modify the above line to pull the first line out of the input file instead.
head -n 1 input.txt | sed 's/name/ID/' > Output.txt && grep -wFf names.txt input.txt >> Output.txt
Here is how to do it with awk
awk 'FNR==NR {a[$1];next} FNR==1 {$1="ID";print} {for (i in a) if ($1==i) print}' name input
ID value1 value2
B 7 4
C 2 9
Store the names in an array a
Then test filed #1 if it contains data in array a
