Colab not recognizing local gpu - python-3.x

Im trying to train a Neural Network that I wrote, but it seems that colab is not recognizing the gtx 1050 on my laptop. I can't use their cloud GPU's for this task, because I run into memory constraints
is returning False

Indeed you gotta select the local runtime accelerator to use GPUs or TPUs, go to Runtime then Change runtime type like in the picture:
And then change it to GPU (takes some secs):


Automatically check available GPU on Google Colab

Is there an automatic way to check which GPU is currently available on Google Colab (Pro).
Say I would like to use a Tesla P100 instead of the Tesla T4 to train my model, is there a way to periodically check with a python script in Colab whether the P100 is available?
I have tried eliminate the kernel periodically but it won't restart again automatically after shutting down:
import os
def restart_runtime():
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)
Thank you
There is no way to check what GPU is available. Add the line:
to the beginning of your code and then keep on disconnecting and reconnecting the runtime until you get the GPU that you want.

Training a model on GPU is very slow

I am using A100-SXM4-40GB Gpu but training is terribly slow. I tried two models, a simple classification on cifar and a Unet on Cityscapes. I tried my code on other GPUs and it worked totally fine, but I do not know why training on this high capacity GPU is super slow.
I would appreciate any help.
Here are some other properties of GPUs.
GPU 0: A100-SXM4-40GB
GPU 1: A100-SXM4-40GB
GPU 2: A100-SXM4-40GB
GPU 3: A100-SXM4-40GB
Nvidia driver version: 460.32.03
cuDNN version: Could not collect
Thank you for your answer. Before trying your answer, I decided to uninstall anaconda and reinstall it and this solved the problem.
Call .cuda() on the model during initialization.
As per your above comments, you have GPUs, as well as CUDA installed, so there's no point of checking the device availability with torch.cuda.is_available().
Additionally, you should wrap your model in nn.DataParallel to allow PyTorch use every GPU you expose it to. You also could do DistributedDataParallel, but DataParallel is easier to grasp initially.
Example initialization:
model = UNet().cuda()
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
Also, you can be sure you're exposing the code to all GPUs by executing the python script with the following flag:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3
Last thing to note - nn.DataParallel encapsulates the model itself, so for saving the state_dict, you'll need to reach module inside DataParallel:, 'unet.pth')

RuntimeError: expected device cpu and dtype Byte but got device cpu and dtype Bool

As described in the issue I opened, I get the following error when running the Pytorch inverse-cooking model on CPU:
RuntimeError: expected device cpu and dtype Byte but got device cpu and dtype Bool
I have tried running the demo.ipynb file in both my laptop's Intel i7-4700HQ 8 threads and my desktop Ryzen 3700x. I was using Arch Linux on my laptop and Manjaro on my desktop.
The model works fine when I run it on Google Collabs GPU.
According to the demo.ipynb file the model should be able to run on CPU as well. Does anyone know if I have to tweak any parameters in order to make it work?
As stated by #iacolippo and in the comment session and myDennisCode, the problem really was dependency versions. I had torchvision==0.4.0 (which confused me) and torch==1.2.0.
To fix the problem, simply install torch==0.4.1 and torchvision==0.2.1.

Theano falls back to CPU

I am training a model in Theano 0.9 and Lasagne 0.1 and want to run it on GPU. I've set THEANO_FLAGS as follows:
Theano prints it is using GPU
Using gpu device 0: GeForce GTX 980 Ti (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN 4007)
However, I noticed it's not, profiling shows that it's using CorrMM operation which is according to the docs
CorrMM This is a CPU-only 2d correlation implementation taken from caffe’s cpp implementation and also used by Torch.
I have CUDA Toolkit 7.5 installed, Tensorflow works perfectly on GPU.
For some reason Theano is falling back to CPU, it is supposed to cause an error due to force_device flag but it's not.
I am not sure where the problem is as I'm new to Theano, I appreciate your help.
Issue is floatX=float64.
Use floatX=float32. GPU supports 32 bit only yet.

Theano Installation On windows 64

Im new in Python and Theano library. I want to install Theano on windows 7-64. I have a display adapters :
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 which is not compatible with NVIDA.
1-Is obligatory to install CUDA to i can use Theano?
2- Even if i have an Ubuntu opearting system, with the same display adapters, CUDA still mandatory?
Any help!
You do not need CUDA to run Theano.
Theano can run on either CPU or GPU. If you want to run on GPU you must (currently) use CUDA which means you must be using a NVIDIA display adapter. Without CUDA/NVIDIA you must run on CPU.
There is no disadvantage to running on CPU other than speed -- Theano can be much faster on GPU but everything that runs on a GPU will also run on a CPU as long as it has been coded generically (the default and standard method for Theano code).
