how to enable custom list internal id in Netsuite - netsuite

NetSuite custom list internal id for values is disabled by default. is there a way i can add my own id for the custom list values.
i am trying to create a custom record to save expense clain details for employee. i have many list to hold datas for diffrent category. it will be better insted of 1,2,3 i can give my own Internal id.

Brett's answer gives you a method by which you can change the text ID of the list, but you cannot change the internal ID of the list's values. This id is set automatically by NetSuite (or probably the underlying database) and is needed to ensure consistency of data within the application. Instead, consider converting the list into a custom record, which will allow you to create another field to use as an external ID, which you can add/update by CSV import (you need to use the Internal ID as key when doing this).
Once converted to a record, you could also add a new field to use as a reference, depending on how you're using it.
To convert to a record, simply check the Convert to Custom Record box on the list page shown in your screenshot and click Save.

Click the “Change Id” button
Enter the new value.
Click Save
Note: Netsuite will prefix the value you enter with ‘customlist’


sorting list of items with specific field on sales order item sublist NetSuite

I like to sort the list of items in the dropdown in the standard NetSuite sublist item. Let's say items are sorted with the name when clicked on >> to open the dropdown list.
Is this possible to sort this list with any other fields, maybe a custom field on items record. let's say I add a custom field on the item record (every item), which is some numbers.
displaying that list with the order by that field.
I have seen a way around to create a custom sublist of my own requirement and then hide the standard and show the custom on a specific record by customizing the form.
I had a similar issue once, I did the following:
You can create a new body field or sublist field based on your business using userevent script(before load).
Create a search with the required order(you can do any operation to prepare your data) after that you filled the result manually to the new custom field.
Whenever the user selects a value in the custom field you set the original one to be the same as the custom one. For this one, you will need a client script.
Note: you can show your custom field and hide or disable the original field only not the whole list since the client script will be responsible to set the value to it. using this approach will not require you to add or edit any of your records which will be helpful if you have a complex process and a lot of dependencies. This approach worked for my issue I hope to be helpful to you too.

Adding list of products to a non sales order

Sales-Orders are a built in record type. I am trying to make a custom record type that has a list of items similar to that of a sales-order. Without having to create much custom HTML/JS code is there a way to add this functionality to a custom record type?
I've looked into Parent-Child relationships between records and that looks promising but requires a fair bit of learning on my end and before I invest that time I'd like to know if that is the best way to do it.
There are a couple of ways you can achieve this depending on whether you want sales order like extra fields associated with an item line.
The simplest way would be to include a multi-select custom field referencing item on your custom record. This will give you an item selection box and you can associate items with the custom record.
If that's sufficient then do that and you're good to go.
However if you want details associated with each item (like quantity) you'd need to create a custom line record as well as your custom transaction record.
The line record would have the original custom record as a parent record (custom field type List/Record referencing the parent record and check the "Is Parent" checkbox on the field definition page.
The line record would also need a custom list/record field that references items.
Standard UI forms will now let you add custom line records to your parent record and let you select items and add whatever extra fields you need at the line level.
All configuration; no code.
When you look at the custom parent records though you won't see your custom lines right away because they are under the 'custom tab' you can edit the custom parent record's forms and move the custom sublist to the top of the form's sublists so when you open a custom parent record the associated child line records will be on the first tab.

Netsuite UI: Adding a Custom Address Dropdown to Sales Order

has anyone figured out how to have a custom drop down on a sales order of the customer addresses.
When creating the custom field on a Sales Order, you will notice that when you select Address or Address Book, the FILTER USING fields do not show. Only 'country' shows when you select Address and nothing shows when you select Address Book
So to Recap:
I need to create a custom address drop-down field on a sales order that contains all of the customer addresses
It might seem like more work than its worth, but if you build it properly you should be able to re-use this code anywhere else you want the ability to add custom address selection drop downs.
In your before load script user event script you will want to add a new custom field of type 'select'.
To populate the values do a search against the customer record and grab the address fields you need (if this is a new record and the customer isnt set in the before load, you can pass this off to the client script by making a selection called 'REFRESH' or something similar that triggers a post sourcing function to make the update to the field select options).
Make sure to get at least the 'addressinternalid' and the 'addresslabel' fields from the customer (you will likely want them all just in case). Add the results to an array so that you can loop through it to build your custom field select options.
From there it would just be a matter of getting the user's selection and tying it to the correct address based on internal id.
I know I did not provide any specific code examples, but that would be your part of the game to play. Hope this helps, and good luck!

CRM Auto Populate Field From Option Set

I have an Incident entity in CRM 2016 that has an ownerID which relates to a User entity. On that User entity, I have a Location field, which is based on a global option set.
On my Incident form, how would I be able to automatically populate a location field, based on the owner that's selected?
If you just need to show the value you can create a Quick View Form and put it on the form.
If you need to copy the value, because it's a lookup, you can create a Workflow that will copy the value when the record is created or reassigned.
Or - Adding to Guido's Answer - if you want the user to be able to see the value on the form when it loads, you'll need to use the Rest API to query for the Location value of the owner. Use the FetchXmlBuilder for the XrmToolBox to generate the URL that you'll need.

How to select a field as input value in a CRM 2011 custom workflow activity

I need the end user to select which field he wants updated. Is there an option to have a lookup input parameter that let's the user select a field of the current entity?
I need it to perform operations on the value of the selected field.
As far as I know there isn't a custom type to handle a list of fields (or a list of strings) as InputParameter for a Custom Workflow Activity.
The (ugly) alternative is to use a string parameter where the user enters the field name.
If the list of fields isn't very big, you could add an optionset to the form with those field names and then your workflow could have If conditions based on that optionset.
I strongly suggest you to use a dialog to complete this. You can set the stage, the parameter and based on the situation the values to insert. Also you can execute workflows from the dialog itself.
If the record already exists, consider registering a plug-in on the update message. When in update the request InputParameter["Target"] contains only dirty fields changed by the user.
Instead of creating a list of fields you can create another (role) form to limit the fields the user can edit on the form.
