CRM Auto Populate Field From Option Set - dynamics-crm-2011

I have an Incident entity in CRM 2016 that has an ownerID which relates to a User entity. On that User entity, I have a Location field, which is based on a global option set.
On my Incident form, how would I be able to automatically populate a location field, based on the owner that's selected?

If you just need to show the value you can create a Quick View Form and put it on the form.
If you need to copy the value, because it's a lookup, you can create a Workflow that will copy the value when the record is created or reassigned.

Or - Adding to Guido's Answer - if you want the user to be able to see the value on the form when it loads, you'll need to use the Rest API to query for the Location value of the owner. Use the FetchXmlBuilder for the XrmToolBox to generate the URL that you'll need.


Is their a way to set value for all existing records using Acumatica code without modifying the screen

User requirement is to create duplicate customer field in Invoice screen and that custom field is using for some historical data, But by default we are passing current Invoice customer value and later we are allowing user to change the custom field.
so in this case is there a way to set the value for existing records through code with out refreshing/modifying the existing record.
I have tried by using field level PXDefault attribute but that will not work in my case so their any events or some code to update custom field value for existing fields.
Thanks in advance.
I believe PXDefault would only execute when a new Row is being inserted. Perhaps one option could be to explicitly call cache.SetDefaultExt(e.Row) if value is null, but I am not sure whether it is 'legal' to do it on a row Selected
One other possibility is to use Generic Inquiry Mass Update ( This way to could perhaps update past records in bulk. But be careful of Acumatica Transaction License limits.

how to enable custom list internal id in Netsuite

NetSuite custom list internal id for values is disabled by default. is there a way i can add my own id for the custom list values.
i am trying to create a custom record to save expense clain details for employee. i have many list to hold datas for diffrent category. it will be better insted of 1,2,3 i can give my own Internal id.
Brett's answer gives you a method by which you can change the text ID of the list, but you cannot change the internal ID of the list's values. This id is set automatically by NetSuite (or probably the underlying database) and is needed to ensure consistency of data within the application. Instead, consider converting the list into a custom record, which will allow you to create another field to use as an external ID, which you can add/update by CSV import (you need to use the Internal ID as key when doing this).
Once converted to a record, you could also add a new field to use as a reference, depending on how you're using it.
To convert to a record, simply check the Convert to Custom Record box on the list page shown in your screenshot and click Save.
Click the “Change Id” button
Enter the new value.
Click Save
Note: Netsuite will prefix the value you enter with ‘customlist’

Multiple Entities In One MS CRM Workflow

I am trying to create a workflow the gets an entities attribute value and minuses it from another entities attribute value and then have a conditional check on the result. The workflow needs to be run from an account and link to the other entity.
If the second entity is related to the account, you can do this with a normal workflow. In your Update step select the field that you are calculating, and in the "Form Assistant" window on the right side of the screen select Operator = "Decrement by" and then select the related entity and field that hold the value you wish to subtract.
If the second entity is not related to the account then you have no easy options.

How to select a field as input value in a CRM 2011 custom workflow activity

I need the end user to select which field he wants updated. Is there an option to have a lookup input parameter that let's the user select a field of the current entity?
I need it to perform operations on the value of the selected field.
As far as I know there isn't a custom type to handle a list of fields (or a list of strings) as InputParameter for a Custom Workflow Activity.
The (ugly) alternative is to use a string parameter where the user enters the field name.
If the list of fields isn't very big, you could add an optionset to the form with those field names and then your workflow could have If conditions based on that optionset.
I strongly suggest you to use a dialog to complete this. You can set the stage, the parameter and based on the situation the values to insert. Also you can execute workflows from the dialog itself.
If the record already exists, consider registering a plug-in on the update message. When in update the request InputParameter["Target"] contains only dirty fields changed by the user.
Instead of creating a list of fields you can create another (role) form to limit the fields the user can edit on the form.

Dynamics CRM 2011: Extended lookup for a field in "Create New" form

I have the following scenario:
A user wants to create a new record of entity CustomEntity1. One of the fields on the "Create New" form is a reference to the entity of type CustomEntity2.
Now, there is a built in lookup where thety can search by name, or filter the options to a predefined view. This doesn't help, because the user needs to get the name (or names) of CustomEntity2 which satisfies a set of criteria based on the fields in CustomEntity2.
Is there a way to incorporate this in "Create New" form for CustomEntity1?
And the question again, a bit less abstract:
The user needs to create a new record of type CustomerAccount. In doing this he/she needs to fill a field called Group. This should be looked up in a list of existing groups, based on several criteria - Type, Region, Budget and so on. Is there a way for the user to enter this criteria while creating the new record, and not go separately to the list of Groups and run a report to find the candidates?
You can use the addCustomView method of the lookup control to filter the options based on the fetchXML and layoutXML that you provide.
One way to supply the right conditions to your custom fetchXML is to duplicate the Type, Region, and Budget fields in the CustomerAccount form, so that when the lookup dialog is opened, it filters the existing Groups based on the values you've selected in the CustomerAccount form.
