Azure AD Self Service Group Management - azure

I would like Azure AD Group Owners to manage the membership of their own groups through the Azure portal. I would like to grant the minimum permissions required for group management. I have added a user as the owner of a **non-**mail enabled, cloud-only Azure AD security group. The account is a guest account. Under group settings, I have set
'Owners can manage group membership requests in the Access Panel' to 'Yes'
'Restrict access to Groups in the Access Panel' to 'No'
'Owners who can assign members as group owners in Azure portals' to 'All'
When this user logs in, they see the list of group members very briefly (less than a second) and then the error message, 'Access denied. You do not have access.' appears. I have verified this behavior across multiple accounts, computers, and browsers. I have verified that I can access the Group Members page on my laptop on one account but cannot from a more restrictive account that is not a Global Admin.
What am I missing?

I figured it out as soon as I posted. The Azure AD App Portal has a link to your groups. Clicking that link to groups takes you to a page where you can manage group membership.


access to enterprise application (EA) in Azure

what is a significance of "Users and groups" under EA?
adding a person will give same access to person as that EA?
adding a SP will do what? added SP will not have same access as EA?
Just creating the identity (User type or Service Principal) you will not give any role.
After you create the user, you can assign any role that you require to give to the identity.
Assign Azure AD
Sign in to the Azure AD admin center.
Select Azure Active Directory > Roles and administrators to see the list of all available roles.
Select a role to see its assignments.
To help you find the role you need, use Add filters to filter the roles.
Select Add assignments and then select the users you want to assign to this role.
If you see something different from the following picture, you might have PIM enabled. See the next section.
Select Add to assign the role.
To Grant a user access to Azure resources you can follow this tutorial
Hopes this Helps!
The users and groups tab specifies who can access the application. This is based on the assumption that the app is 'closed' in the properties tab.

Restricting Member permissions on azure active directory

We have developed a webapp and configured its authentication to use our Azure Active Directory tenant. This works fine. We have clients which are other organizations and when a user from one of those clients authenticates they are presented with content that is specific to their organization. This also works fine.
Under the hood: To accomplish this, in our tenant we have created groups (one for each client) and we have invited users from those clients and assigned them to the appropriate groups (after they are added we have to manually change their user type from 'Guest' to 'Member')
If one of our clients signs in to Azure AD they are able to see ALL other groups and all other users. They are also able to add and delete groups and do virtually everything our global administrator account can! This tells me we have done something very very wrong. We are new to Azure AD and there appears to be very much about it that we do not understand.
What I've tried.
Read about administrative units (that doesn't seem to be it)
Roles and administrators: this page has a long list of roles which have check boxes next to them that appear to do nothing.
Home > Tenant > Users > Username > Assigned Roles > Add Assignment: I can select from any of that same list of roles but they are all different kinds of administrators. This would seem to be granting more permissions, not taking them away.
Home > Tenant > Groups > Groupname > Roles and Administrators: This page simply says "no roles found"
Essentially I need our members to not be able to do anything on azure AD except return a list of the groups they are in as well as their own details (name, email, profile picture, etc.)
Assuming you are adding the client users in a specific that group itself already have some admin privileged/Global Administrator/Directory writer Permission.
In that case only user can do operations on group and other users’ data.
Would suggest you check at the Group->Role and administrator & User->Role and Administrator should have only Directory Read permission.
For me in User->Assigned Role->Active Assignment only have Directory Read Role permission so I can only see my details and list of groups that is present in Active Directory but can not do any operation on any group/users like write/delete/update expect read.
Note: To assigned role at the group level you require an Azure AD Premium P1 license.
For assiging role to group please go through in this way---
AAD->Role and Adminsitrator-> Select Role->Add Assigment->Select Member(Group)

Azure AD - B2B Users can view group members

We invite Azure B2B guest users to our AD in order for them to access a web application. Part of this process also adds them as members of a specific security group.
What I have noticed is that a B2B user can log in - ( - and is able to see the other members of the group that they are members of.
Given that this information contains customer email addresses then it presents issues relating to GDPR.
The AD Administration Portal user settings are set to "restrict access to Azure AD admin portal"
Any ideas how we could restrict B2B users from being able to enumerate group membership in this manner ?
Let me list some facts
The below part is a manual step that is not related to adding B2B guest user
Part of this process also adds them as members of a specific security group.
When you create a security group, all members can see the list of available information of other members
As guest users on Azure are identified using their email, the email addresses of all members of a security group will be visible to other group members
The workaround for this is to create separate a security group for each domain (i.e each company or each group of users who have the same at their email). Then gather all those groups in a single parent security group and assign access to that parent group
This way, all guest users will have the same resource access but each group will be able to see only information about members on their same subgroup

One login for multiple Azure subscriptions?

I have two azure subscriptions, one personal, tied to my Microsoft ID, and another under a different Microsoft ID for a charitable organization where I am the one-man IT/web dev guy. I created the org's azure account/subscription myself. I can't figure out how to create websites, etc. under my personal MS ID login without logging in and out of the separate microsoft IDs to manage both sets of Azure resources.
Logging in with the org's MS ID, in the azure portal I've made my personal ID a subscription admin (Subscriptions>Access Control>Add my personal MS ID, then right clicked to make co-administrator. This is confirmed since now a right click shows "Remove co-admin" so that implies it's correctly set up as a subscription co-admin. That user is also in the Owner Role.
Step 2, in the Active Directory for the org subscription, Users and Groups>All Users>New User, added my personal MS ID. Then I select that user, click Directory Role on the left menu, and selected Global Administrator radio button and save.
So now my personal MS ID user is a subscription co-admin and a AD Global admin in the org's azure portal.
To check, if I then go to any resource group or App Service and look at Access control I see my personal MS ID user listed as an Owner for that resource and all other resources. So everything looks good.
So if I log out of the org ID and log in with my personal MS ID and go to the Azure portal, I see my usual personal Azure account resources. But I don't understand how to either see and manage those resources in the org's Azure subscription or how to switch subscriptions, or switch directories (it's not listed on the top right), and when creating a new resource, I have no option for the org's subscription to use. How do I see/manage those resources in the org's directory? Is this even possible? Or do I need to log out and log in with the org's MS ID, which is a major annoyance since it also logs me out of outlook etc. when I switch IDs.
Azure Subscriptions are "housed" within a specific Azure Active Directory Tenant. You should treat an AAD Tenant as the top level object structure, in that each Tenant is entirely separated from each other Tenant.
If you had multiple subscriptions within a single tenant, you would be able to sign in one time, and gain access to all those subscriptions.
However, since these subscriptions look like they are in different Tenants, there is no way to avoid logging in two times to access the two subscriptions. To expand on this, there would be no way to avoid logging in two times to access any unique objects across these two Tenants.
For me, the answer was
Access Azure portal login page
Click "Sign in as a different user"
type the exact same email address
select "School or Work account" option.
This one was tied to the Azure AD and they reset my password through there. Not sure it really helps you cos signing in and out all the time still a thing, but it took me far too long to get this right so thought i'd share.

Don't have access in Azure Portal to create new items

I was added as a global administrator to a company's Azure AD directory. When I try to create a new web app I get the following message:
You are currently signed into the '-company- (Default Directory)' directory which does not have any subscriptions. You have other directories you can switch to or you can sign up for a new subscription.
When I try to sign up for a new subscription it wants me to enter my payment information, which I do not want to do. I want to use the company's existing subscription.
I also cannot see the App Service that the admin of the account just created in the portal.
It seems like I'm not fully configured, but we thought adding me as Global Administrator should give me exactly what he has, which is what we want. What else do we need to do so we have the same access, and can see each other's items?
In new Azure Portal, you should be added as a Co-Owner through the RBAC system. You should contact your Account Administrator(AA) who could grant the permission to your subscription. More information about how to add an admin for a subscription please refer to this article.
More information about RBAC please refer to this article.
You are the admin of the Azure AD directory, but not any subscriptions in that directory (assuming there are subscriptions). Directory admins don't have access to subscriptions by default. A subscription admin will need to grant you access to a subscription.
Note that directories can be created without subscriptions, so not every directory has an Azure subscription.
Also, a credit card is required to create a new subscription and you can't reference an existing company account without the company's Azure account admin doing that for you. Unfortunately, only one account can have access to do that today.
