Azure AD - B2B Users can view group members - azure

We invite Azure B2B guest users to our AD in order for them to access a web application. Part of this process also adds them as members of a specific security group.
What I have noticed is that a B2B user can log in - ( - and is able to see the other members of the group that they are members of.
Given that this information contains customer email addresses then it presents issues relating to GDPR.
The AD Administration Portal user settings are set to "restrict access to Azure AD admin portal"
Any ideas how we could restrict B2B users from being able to enumerate group membership in this manner ?

Let me list some facts
The below part is a manual step that is not related to adding B2B guest user
Part of this process also adds them as members of a specific security group.
When you create a security group, all members can see the list of available information of other members
As guest users on Azure are identified using their email, the email addresses of all members of a security group will be visible to other group members
The workaround for this is to create separate a security group for each domain (i.e each company or each group of users who have the same at their email). Then gather all those groups in a single parent security group and assign access to that parent group
This way, all guest users will have the same resource access but each group will be able to see only information about members on their same subgroup


Restricting Member permissions on azure active directory

We have developed a webapp and configured its authentication to use our Azure Active Directory tenant. This works fine. We have clients which are other organizations and when a user from one of those clients authenticates they are presented with content that is specific to their organization. This also works fine.
Under the hood: To accomplish this, in our tenant we have created groups (one for each client) and we have invited users from those clients and assigned them to the appropriate groups (after they are added we have to manually change their user type from 'Guest' to 'Member')
If one of our clients signs in to Azure AD they are able to see ALL other groups and all other users. They are also able to add and delete groups and do virtually everything our global administrator account can! This tells me we have done something very very wrong. We are new to Azure AD and there appears to be very much about it that we do not understand.
What I've tried.
Read about administrative units (that doesn't seem to be it)
Roles and administrators: this page has a long list of roles which have check boxes next to them that appear to do nothing.
Home > Tenant > Users > Username > Assigned Roles > Add Assignment: I can select from any of that same list of roles but they are all different kinds of administrators. This would seem to be granting more permissions, not taking them away.
Home > Tenant > Groups > Groupname > Roles and Administrators: This page simply says "no roles found"
Essentially I need our members to not be able to do anything on azure AD except return a list of the groups they are in as well as their own details (name, email, profile picture, etc.)
Assuming you are adding the client users in a specific that group itself already have some admin privileged/Global Administrator/Directory writer Permission.
In that case only user can do operations on group and other users’ data.
Would suggest you check at the Group->Role and administrator & User->Role and Administrator should have only Directory Read permission.
For me in User->Assigned Role->Active Assignment only have Directory Read Role permission so I can only see my details and list of groups that is present in Active Directory but can not do any operation on any group/users like write/delete/update expect read.
Note: To assigned role at the group level you require an Azure AD Premium P1 license.
For assiging role to group please go through in this way---
AAD->Role and Adminsitrator-> Select Role->Add Assigment->Select Member(Group)

Restrict Users from adding to groups manually in Azure

I need to restrict the users from adding to the groups manually in Azure, any help on this issue?
Thanks #Rahul Shukla for your suggestion .
Restrict Users from adding to groups
Give the user with reader or contributor permission to the user .
if you add that user the reader permission they will then be able to read any resource in the subscription, but not modify anything.
For more details refer this document:
2)Prevent admin to add the users to group
Create review process in places where if any user gets added in the group admin will get notification for the same and based on admin approval only it will gets added.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access reviews enable organizations to efficiently manage group memberships, access to enterprise applications, and role assignments. User's access can be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure only the right people have continued access
For more details refer this document:

Resource isolation by the users created in same AD in Azure

I need to create multiple users in same AD and need to isolate the resources created by one user from other user.Is it really possible.since I am new to Azure I am not aware that this is really possible.It would be great if some one render their hands to advice on this.
There is no absolute isolation, there are only certain restrictions.
The users created in the AAD tenant are all the Members by default, they have the default permissions e.g. Read all properties of groups, Read properties of registered and enterprise applications. So if user A created some resources e.g. group, application, the user B will also be able to read the properties of them.
There are some restrictions, like Manage properties, ownership, and membership of groups the user owns, Manage application properties, assignments, and credentials for owned applications. This means some properties of the resources can just be managed by the Owner of them.
For more details about the default user permissions, you could refer to
And if the user is assigned as the admin role in the tenant, he will have more permissions than the default users, see

How to Add users to different group in Azure AD B2C during Registration

Is it possible to add users to different groups based on the url they are coming from. All users to be added under the same Azure B2C directory but under different group during registration.
Example: - User should go to "Admin" group. - User should go to "Users" group.
Thanks :)
You could use azure ad dynamic user group to do that, when you create a dynamic group with rules, the system evaluates all rules in a directory to see if the change would trigger any group adds or removes. If a user satisfies a rule on a group, they are added as a member of that group.
Reference - Dynamic membership rules for groups in Azure Active Directory
In your case, create the dynamic user group Admin, to add the users to the Admin group, you just need to add the rule like (user.userPrincipalName -match ".**."), another one is the same logic.
After the system updated the group completely, it will appear like below.

Azure AD Self Service Group Management

I would like Azure AD Group Owners to manage the membership of their own groups through the Azure portal. I would like to grant the minimum permissions required for group management. I have added a user as the owner of a **non-**mail enabled, cloud-only Azure AD security group. The account is a guest account. Under group settings, I have set
'Owners can manage group membership requests in the Access Panel' to 'Yes'
'Restrict access to Groups in the Access Panel' to 'No'
'Owners who can assign members as group owners in Azure portals' to 'All'
When this user logs in, they see the list of group members very briefly (less than a second) and then the error message, 'Access denied. You do not have access.' appears. I have verified this behavior across multiple accounts, computers, and browsers. I have verified that I can access the Group Members page on my laptop on one account but cannot from a more restrictive account that is not a Global Admin.
What am I missing?
I figured it out as soon as I posted. The Azure AD App Portal has a link to your groups. Clicking that link to groups takes you to a page where you can manage group membership.
