How to set character in accumulo? - accumulo

I use the accumulo shell to inspecte tables.I find I can insert english,But When I insert Chinese,I see some garbled in shell .how to deal with this problem.Can I set utf-8 in Accumulo?

The answer is no. Unfortunately, displaying UTF-8 characters is not currently possible. Accumulo primarily deals with raw bytes, not Strings of Characters. The shell currently (up to 2.0.0-alpha-2, at least) has very limited capabilities to display wide Unicode characters. The shell's behavior is to, for convenience, show printable 7-bit ASCII characters; the rest are shown as hex-encoded form.
While the current shell capabilities are limited, it is an open source project, that would welcome patches to better support any UTF-8 printable characters.


How to treat multibyte characters simply as a sequence of bytes?

I would like to use vim with binary files. I run run vim with -b and I have isprint = and display += uhex. I am using the following statusline:
%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%o\ (0x%06O)\ \ %3.b\ <%02B>\ %7P
so I get output containing some useful information like byte offset in the file and the current character in hex etc. But I'm having trouble with random pieced of data interpreted as multibyte characters which prevent me from accessing the inner bytes, combine with surroundings (including vim's decoration) or display as �.
Of course I have tried opening the files with ++enc=latin1. However, my system's encoding is UTF-8, so what vim supposedly does is convert the file from Latin-1 to UTF-8 internally and display that. This has two problems:
The sequence <c3><ac> displays as ì, rather than ì, but the characters count as two bytes each, so it breaks my %o and counts offsets wrong. This is 2 bytes in the file but apparently 4 bytes in vim's buffer.
I don't know why my isprint is ignored. Neither of these characters are between 32 and 126 so they should display in hex.
I found the following workaround: I set encoding to latin1, but termencoding to utf-8. This achieves what I want, but breaks other things like when vim needs to display status messages ("new file", "changed" etc.) in my language, because it wants to use the encoding for them too and they don't fit. I guess I could run vim in LC_ALL=C but it feels I'm resorting to too many dirty tricks already. Is there a better way, i.e., without having to mess around with encoding?

Reading a text file with unicode characters - Python3

I am trying to read a text file which has unicode characters (u) and other tags (\n, \u) in the text, here is an example:
(u'B9781437714227000962', u'Definition\u2014Human papillomavirus
(HPV)\u2013related proliferation of the vaginal mucosa that leads to
extensive, full-thickness loss of maturation of the vaginal
How can remove these unicode tags using python3 in Linux operating system?
To remove unicode escape sequence (or better: to translate them), in python3:
The decode part will translate the unicode escape sequences to the relative unicode characters. Unfortunately such (un-)escape do no work on strings, so you need to encode the string first, before to decode it.
But as pointed in the question comment, you have a serialized document. Try do unserialize it with the correct tools, and you will have automatically also the unicode "unescaping" part.

unidentified characters in terminal

I faced these strange abnormal characters when I was trying to calculate PI number in terminal over a Beowulf cluster.
how can I convert these characters into some legible characters?
it's interesting that when I make less processes , the result is normal .
Thanks in advance.
This was done with mpich 1 and with 1000 processes over a 3-computer cluster.
Because the output has lots of Unicode replacement characters, it looks as if the locale settings on your machine are not set to use UTF-8 encoding.
Of course, it could simply be from attempting to print binary data on the terminal. But locale is a possibility. In either case, the terminal is running with UTF-8 encoding and your output is not valid UTF-8 text.
Resetting the terminal will not be helpful; it is the application (or your use of it) which is the problem.
Further reading:
Overcoming frustration: Correctly using unicode in python2
Avoid printing unicode replacement character in Java

How can I find the character code of a special character in my text editor?

When pasting text from outside sources into a plain-text editor (e.g. TextMate or Sublime Text 2) a common problem is that special characters are often pasted in as well. Some of these characters render fine, but depending on the source, some might not display correctly (usually showing up as a question mark with a box around it).
So this is actually 2 questions:
Given a special character (e.g., ’ or ♥) can I determine the UTF-8 character code used to display that character from inside my text editor, and/or convert those characters to their character codes?
For those "extra-special" characters that come in as garbage, is there any way to figure out what encoding was used to display that character in the source text, and can those characters somehow be converted to UTF-8?
My favorite site for looking up characters is They have a great Unicode character search that includes a lot of useful information about each character and its various encodings.
If you see the question mark with a box, that means you pasted something that can't be interpreted, often because it's not legal UTF-8 (not every byte sequence is legal UTF-8). One possibility is that it's UTF-16 with an endian mode that your editor isn't expecting. If you can get the full original source into a file, the file command is often the best tool for determining the encoding.
At &what I built a tool to focus on searching for characters. It indexes all the Unicode and HTML entity tables, but also supplements with hacker dictionaries and a database of keywords I've collected, so you can search for words like heart, quot, weather, umlaut, hash, cloverleaf and get what you want. By focusing on search, it avoids having to hunt around the Unicode pages, which can be frustrating. Give it a try.

Bare-minimum text sanitation

In an application that accepts, stores, processes, and displays Unicode text (for the purpose of discussion, let's say that it's a web application), which characters should always be removed from incoming text?
I can think of some, mostly listed in the C0 and C1 control codes Wikipedia article:
The range 0x00-0x19 (mostly control characters), excluding 0x09 (tab), 0x0A (LF), and 0x0D (CR)
The range 0x7F-0x9F (more control characters)
Ranges of characters that can safely be accepted would be even better to know.
There are other levels of text filtering — one might canonicalize characters that have multiple representations, replace nonbreaking characters, and remove zero-width characters — but I'm mainly interested in the basics.
See the W3 Unicode in XML and other markup languages note. It defines a class of characters as ‘discouraged for use in markup’, which I'd definitely filter out for most web sites. It notably includes such characters as:
U+2028–9 which are funky newlines that will confuse JavaScript if you try to use them in a string literal;
U+202A–E which are bidi control codes that wily users can insert to make text appear to run backwards in some browsers, even outside of a given HTML element;
language override control codes that could also have scope outside of an element;
Additionally, you'd want to filter/replace the characters that are not valid in Unicode at all (U+FFFF et al), and, if you are using a language that works in UTF-16 natively (eg. Java, Python on Windows), any surrogate characters (U+D800–U+DFFF) that do not form valid surrogate pairs.
The range 0x00-0x19 (mostly control characters), excluding 0x09 (tab), 0x0A (LF), and 0x0D (CR)
And arguably (esp for a web application), lose CR as well, and turn tabs into spaces.
The range 0x7F-0x9F (more control characters)
Yep, away with those, except in case where people might really mean them. (SO used to allow them, which allowed people to post strings that had been mis-decoded, which was occasionally useful for diagnosing Unicode problems.) For most sites I think you'd not want them.
I suppose it depends on your purpose. In UTF-8, you could limit the user to the keyboard characters if that is your whim, which is 9,10,13,[32-126]. If you are using UTF-8, the 0x7f+ range signifies that you have a multi-byte Unicode character. In ASCII, 0x7f+ consists special display/format characters, and is localized to allow extensions depending on the language at the location.
Note that in UTF-8, the keyboard characters can differ depending on location, since users can input characters in their native language which will be outside the 0x00-0x7f range if their language doesn't use a Latin script without accents (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Crylic, etc.).
If you take a look here you can see what characters from UTF-8 will display.
