How to start a thread that is defined in a private inner class? - multithreading

I found this example of how to read from a Bluetooth socket using a separate read thread on the Android developer website. The read thread is defined in the private inner class "ConnectedThread".
class MyBluetoothService(
// handler that gets info from Bluetooth service
private val handler: Handler) {
private inner class ConnectedThread(private val mmSocket: BluetoothSocket) : Thread() {
private val mmInStream: InputStream = mmSocket.inputStream
private val mmOutStream: OutputStream = mmSocket.outputStream
private val mmBuffer: ByteArray = ByteArray(1024) // mmBuffer store for the stream
override fun run() {
var numBytes: Int // bytes returned from read()
// Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs.
while (true) {
// Read from the InputStream.
numBytes = try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
Log.d(TAG, "Input stream was disconnected", e)
// Send the obtained bytes to the UI activity.
val readMsg = handler.obtainMessage(
MESSAGE_READ, numBytes, -1,
//Other functions like write, cancel that I omitted from this example
So I added a function in MyBluetoothService to start the read thread:
fun read(){
val reader = ConnectedThread(myBluetoothSocket)
But this gives an immediate error:
Constructor of inner class ConnectedThread can be called only with
receiver of containing class
How should I start the thread from the example code?

Your ConnectedThread is an inner class of MyBluetoothService so it can't be instantiated outside an instance of MyBluetoothService.
Change it like this (remove private inner):
class ConnectedThread(private val mmSocket: BluetoothSocket) : Thread() {
You'll have to get access to the service some other way, or alternatively create a factory method in your service that instantiates the thread and returns that.


Mockito (How to correctly mock nested objects)

I have this next class:
public class BusinessService {
private RedisService redisService;
private void count() {
String redisKey = "MyKey";
AtomicInteger counter = null;
if (!redisService.isExist(redisKey))
counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
counter = redisService.get(redisKey, AtomicInteger.class);
try {
redisService.set(redisKey, counter, false);"Counter incremented by one. Current counter = %s", counter.get()));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
logger.severe(String.format("Failed to increment counter."));
// Remaining code
and this this my class
public class RedisService {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisService.class);
private RedisConfig redisConfig;
public void postConstruct() {
try {
String redisURL = redisConfig.getUrl();"Connecting to Redis at " + redisURL);
syncCommands = RedisClient.create(redisURL).connect().sync();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception connecting to Redis: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public boolean isExist(String redisKey) {
return syncCommands.exists(new String[] { redisKey }) == 1 ? true : false;
public <T extends Serializable> void set(String key, T object, boolean convertObjectToJson) throws JsonProcessingException {
if (convertObjectToJson)
syncCommands.set(key, writeValueAsString(object));
syncCommands.set(key, String.valueOf(object));
// Remaining code
and this is my test class
private RedisService redisService;
BusinessService businessService = new BusinessService();
public void setup() {
public void myTest() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
Whitebox.invokeMethod(businessService, "count");
// Remaining code
my problem is the counter always equals to one in logs when running tests
Counter incremented by one. Current counter = 1(printed 50 times)
and it should print:
Counter incremented by one. Current counter = 1
Counter incremented by one. Current counter = 2
Counter incremented by one. Current counter = 50
this means the Redis mock always passed as a new instance to BusinessService in each method call inside each loop, so how I can force this behavior to become only one instance used always for Redis inside the test method ??
Note: Above code is just a sample to explain my problem, but it's not a complete code.
Your conclusion that a new RedisService is somehow created in each iteration is wrong.
The problem is that it is a mock object for which you haven’t set any behaviours, so it responds with default values for each method call (null for objects, false for bools, 0 for ints etc).
You need to use Mockito.when to set behaviour on your mocks.
There is some additional complexity caused by the fact that:
you run the loop multiple times, and behaviour of the mocks differ between first and subsequent iterations
you create cached object in method under test. I used doAnswer to capture it.
You need to use doAnswer().when() instead of when().thenAnswer as set method returns void
and finally, atomicInt variable is modified from within the lambda. I made it a field of the class.
As the atomicInt is modified each time, I again used thenAnswer instead of thenReturn for get method.
class BusinessServiceTest {
private RedisService redisService;
BusinessService businessService = new BusinessService();
AtomicInteger atomicInt = null;
public void setup() {
public void myTest() throws Exception {
// given
Mockito.doAnswer((Answer<Void>) invocation -> {
atomicInt = invocation.getArgument(1);
return null;
}).when(redisService).set(eq("MyKey"), any(AtomicInteger.class), eq(false));
Mockito.when(redisService.get("MyKey", AtomicInteger.class))
.thenAnswer(invocation -> atomicInt);
// when
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
Whitebox.invokeMethod(businessService, "count");
// Remaining code
Having said that, I still find your code questionable.
You store AtomicInteger in Redis cache (by serializing it to String). This class is designed to be used by multiple threads in a process, and the threads using it the same counter need to share the same instance. By serializing it and deserializing on get, you are getting multiple instances of the (conceptually) same counter, which, to my eyes, looks like a bug.
smaller issue: You shouldn't normally test private methods
2 small ones: there is no need to instantiate the field annotated with #InjectMocks. You don't need #Spy as well.

How to fix "lateinit property YYY has not been initialized"

I have a class that makes bluetooth connection and gets a PID from an OBD bluetooth dongle that its connected in the car.
But when calling the method for getting RPM then I have an Exception about not initialazing that property.
class BluetoothOBDManager : OBDManager {
lateinit var context: Context
private lateinit var input: InputStream
private lateinit var output: OutputStream
private lateinit var rpmCommand: RPMCommand
private lateinit var coolantTempCommand: EngineCoolantTemperatureCommand
private lateinit var airIntakeTempCommand: AirIntakeTemperatureCommand
private lateinit var mmSocket : BluetoothSocket
fun connect(deviceString: String) {
var adapter: BluetoothAdapter = getDefaultAdapter()
val device = adapter.getRemoteDevice(deviceString)
val uuid = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")
val mmSocket:BluetoothSocket=device.createRf....Record(uuid)
mmSocket.let { socket ->
input = mmSocket.inputStream
output = mmSocket.outputStream
if (mmSocket.isConnected) {
println("output.write =1")
rpmCommand = RPMCommand() //This is the INIT of the propert
override fun getCurrentRpm(): Int {, output) // This line throughs the EXCEPTION
return rpmCommand.rpm
This is how I call the method from another class
var rpm = BluetoothOBDManager().getCurrentRpm()
The exception
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: gr.obd.logger, PID: 17486
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property rpmCommand has not been initialized
I have tried to INIT the property inside the method but no luck
override fun getCurrentRpm(): Int {
rpmCommand = RPMCommand(), output) // This line throughs the EXCEPTION
return rpmCommand.rpm
var rpm = BluetoothOBDManager().getCurrentRpm()
Your code creates a BluetoothOBDManager, connects it (initializing rpmCommand), then throws it away, creates a new BluetoothOBDManager with everything uninitialized and tries to call getCurrentRpm on it. It likely should be
val obdManager = BluetoothOBDManager()
val rpm = obdManager.getCurrentRpm()
This doesn't explain why you would get
I have tried to INIT the property inside the method but no luck
but that really shouldn't happen; I expect something else is going wrong.

How can I parallel consumption kafka with spark streaming? I set concurrentJobs but something error [duplicate]

The doc of kafka give an approach about with following describes:
One Consumer Per Thread:A simple option is to give each thread its own consumer > instance.
My code:
public class KafkaConsumerRunner implements Runnable {
private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final CloudKafkaConsumer consumer;
private final String topicName;
public KafkaConsumerRunner(CloudKafkaConsumer consumer, String topicName) {
this.consumer = consumer;
this.topicName = topicName;
public void run() {
try {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records;
while (!closed.get()) {
synchronized (consumer) {
records = consumer.poll(100);
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> tmp : records) {
} catch (WakeupException e) {
// Ignore exception if closing
//if (!closed.get()) throw e;
// Shutdown hook which can be called from a separate thread
public void shutdown() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CloudKafkaConsumer kafkaConsumer = KafkaConsumerBuilder.builder()
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
executorService.execute(new KafkaConsumerRunner(kafkaConsumer, "log"));
executorService.execute(new KafkaConsumerRunner(kafkaConsumer, ""));
but it doesn't work and throws an exception:
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: KafkaConsumer is not safe for multi-threaded access
Furthermore, I read the source of Flink (an open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing). Flink using multi-thread consumer is similar to mine.
long pollTimeout = Long.parseLong(, Long.toString(DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT)));
pollLoop: while (running) {
ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records;
//noinspection SynchronizeOnNonFinalField
synchronized (flinkKafkaConsumer.consumer) {
try {
records = flinkKafkaConsumer.consumer.poll(pollTimeout);
} catch (WakeupException we) {
if (running) {
throw we;
// leave loop
flink code of mutli-thread
What's wrong?
Kafka consumer is not thread safe. As you pointed out in your question, the document stated that
A simple option is to give each thread its own consumer instance
But in your code, you have the same consumer instance wrapped by different KafkaConsumerRunner instances. Thus multiple threads are accessing the same consumer instance. The kafka documentation clearly stated
The Kafka consumer is NOT thread-safe. All network I/O happens in the
thread of the application making the call. It is the responsibility of
the user to ensure that multi-threaded access is properly
synchronized. Un-synchronized access will result in
That's exactly the exception you received.
It is throwing the exception on your call to subscribe. this.consumer.subscribe(topicName);
Move that block into a synchronized block like this:
public void run() {
try {
synchronized (consumer) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records;
while (!closed.get()) {
synchronized (consumer) {
records = consumer.poll(100);
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> tmp : records) {
} catch (WakeupException e) {
// Ignore exception if closing
//if (!closed.get()) throw e;
Maybe is not your case, but if you are mergin processing of data of serveral topics, then you can read data from multiple topics with the same consumer. If not, then is preferable to create separate jobs consuming each topic.

Websphere MQ as a data source for Apache Spark Streaming

I was digging into the possibilities for Websphere MQ as a data source for spark-streaming becuase it is needed in one of our use case.
I got to know that MQTT is the protocol that supports the communication from MQ data structures but since I am a newbie to spark streaming I need some working examples for the same.
Did anyone try to connect the MQ with spark streaming. Please devise the best way for doing so.
So, I am posting here the working code for CustomMQReceiver which connects the Websphere MQ and reads data :
public class CustomMQReciever extends Receiver<String> { String host = null;
int port = -1;
String qm=null;
String qn=null;
String channel=null;
transient Gson gson=new Gson();
transient MQQueueConnection qCon= null;
Enumeration enumeration =null;
public CustomMQReciever(String host , int port, String qm, String channel, String qn) {
super(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_2()); = host;
this.port = port;
public void onStart() {
// Start the thread that receives data over a connection
new Thread() {
#Override public void run() {
try {
catch (JMSException ex)
public void onStop() {
// There is nothing much to do as the thread calling receive()
// is designed to stop by itself isStopped() returns false
/** Create a MQ connection and receive data until receiver is stopped */
private void receive() {
System.out.print("Started receiving messages from MQ");
try {
JMSMessage receivedMessage= null;
while (!isStopped() && enumeration.hasMoreElements() )
receivedMessage= (JMSMessage) enumeration.nextElement();
String userInput = convertStreamToString(receivedMessage);
//System.out.println("Received data :'" + userInput + "'");
// Restart in an attempt to connect again when server is active again
//restart("Trying to connect again");
stop("No More Messages To read !");
System.out.println("Queue Connection is Closed");
catch(Exception e)
restart("Trying to connect again");
catch(Throwable t) {
// restart if there is any other error
restart("Error receiving data", t);
public void initConnection() throws JMSException
MQQueueConnectionFactory conFactory= new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
qCon= (MQQueueConnection) conFactory.createQueueConnection();
MQQueueSession qSession=(MQQueueSession) qCon.createQueueSession(false, 1);
MQQueue queue=(MQQueue) qSession.createQueue(qn);
MQQueueBrowser browser = (MQQueueBrowser) qSession.createBrowser(queue);
enumeration= browser.getEnumeration();
public StorageLevel storageLevel() {
return StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_2();
I believe you can use JMS to connect to connect Websphere MQ, and Apache Camel can be used to connect to Websphere MQ. You can create a custom Receiver like so (note that this pattern could also be used without JMS):
class JMSReceiver(topicName: String, cf: String, jndiProviderURL: String)
extends Receiver[String](StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER) with Serializable {
//Transient as this will get passed to the Workers from the Driver
var camelContextOption: Option[DefaultCamelContext] = None
def onStart() = {
camelContextOption = Some(new DefaultCamelContext())
val camelContext = camelContextOption.get
val env = new Properties()
env.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", "???")
env.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", jndiProviderURL)
env.setProperty("com.webmethods.jms.clientIDSharing", "true")
val namingContext = new InitialContext(env); //using the properties file to create context
//Lookup Connection Factory
val connectionFactory = namingContext.lookup(cf).asInstanceOf[javax.jms.ConnectionFactory]
camelContext.addComponent("jms", JmsComponent.jmsComponentAutoAcknowledge(connectionFactory))
val builder = new RouteBuilder() {
def configure() = {
.process(new Processor() {
def process(exchange: Exchange) = {
exchange.getIn.getBody match {
case s: String => store(s)
def onStop() = if(camelContextOption.isDefined) camelContextOption.get.stop()
You can then create a DStream of your events like so:
val myDStream = ssc.receiverStream(new JMSReceiver("MyTopic", "MyContextFactory", "MyJNDI"))

J2ME thread programming

I am creating a j2me application which is interacting with a database on a server. Therefore I launch a thread to connect to the server. I handle all my command actions in a separate class which implements CommandListener.
When I try to get the response the server returned I get an empty String. I have tried waiting for the thread that connects to the server to return but this makes the application unresponsive.
Below is the code I am using.
//my network worker class.
public class NetworkConnector implements Runnable {
public NetworkConnector(String url){
//url =>server url to connect to.
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
private String serverReply="";
private String url="
//method to connect to the server and return the
//response from the server.
public String sendData(String serverUrl) {
//open streams to connect to the Server.
httpConn = (HttpConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
inStream = httpConn.openInputStream();
int read;
while ((read = != -1) {
sb.append((char) read);
return sb.toString();
public String getServerReply() {
//serverReply is a class variable.
return serverReply;
public void run(){
//call the send method that connects to the server.
serverResponse = sendData(Url);
} //end of connector class.
// this class is where all my Command Actions are
public class CommandActionController implements
CommandListener, DataReceiver {
public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) {
//networkMgr => is the worker class that makes
//connection to the server.
networkMgr = new NetworkConnector("http://localhost
/JsonPhp/login.php?uname=" + loginUserInfo.userName +
"&passwd=" + loginUserInfo.password);
//here am getting the response from the server.
String serverResponse = networkMgr.getServerReply();
//at this point the ServerReponse String is Empty =>
//yet the server is supposed to return some String.
ServerResponse =" + serverResponse);
}//end of CommandListener class.
Your expectations about serverResponse value are wrong; it can be empty at the moment when you attempt to obtain it in commandAction with the code snippet in the question.
In order to get non-empty value, you need to redesign method NetworkConnector.getServerReply() to make it properly wait until thread finishes and server response is indeed obtained.
If you do that, however, you will also have to redesign CommandActionController to keep user interface responsive - your testing with "waiting for the thread that connects to the server" has shown just that.
Redesigned code should just launch the server connect thread and exit the commandAction as soon as possible (possibly changing to some "wait screen" to let user see what happens). Next screen update should be triggered only after server response is obtained.
Consider studying a tutorial specifically targeted on explaining how to properly design this kind applications - Networking, User Experience, and Threads:
This article explains how your MIDlet can make network connections without compromising your user interface. It includes six iterative examples that illustrate multithreaded networking and the use of a wait screen...
Here is how I'd do without java.util.concurrent:
Result handleRequest(){
final String url = // get url
Work work = new Work(url):
Thread t = new Thread(work);
// do other stuff
// still running
// this waits until the work is done
// and it will be safe to access work.result after
// this call has returned.
return work.result;
and then
class Work implements Runnable{
final String url;
Result result;
public void run(){
this.result = // do your network stuff
You shouldn't start a thread in the constructor. Also, runnable are meant to be passed to threads. The easiest (and the "proper") way of doing this would be as follows:
Implement a Callable instead of a Runnable.
Use a ExecutorService instead of a Thread
Use Future object to do the processing asynchronously/be responsive to user
Here is a simple example.
class Stuff {
final ExecutorService exec =
Executors.newCachedExecutorService(// please see doc);
Result process(String url){
Future<Result> future = exec.submit(new Work(url));
// do some other stuff
// return result?
return future.get(); // this call will wait until result is available
and then
class Work implements Callable<Result> {
final String url;
Result call() throws Exception {
// do your network stuff here
return result;
See documentation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService.submit(), java.util.concurrent.Future and java.util.concurrent.Callable for details.
