Skip missing files from hive table in spark to avoid FileNotFoundException - apache-spark

I'm reading a table using spark.sql() and then trying to print the count.
But some of the files are missing or removed from HDFS directly.
Spark is failing with below Error:
Caused by: File does not exist: hdfs://nameservice1/some path.../data
Hive is able to give me give me the count without error for the same query.
Table is an external and partitioned table.
I wanted to ignore the missing files and prevent my Spark job from failing.
I have searched over the internet and tried setting below config parameters while creating the spark session but no luck.
.config("spark.sql.hive.verifyPartitionPath", "false")
.config("spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles", true)
.config("spark.sql.files.ignoreCorruptFiles", true)
Referred for above config parameters.
val sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM db.table WHERE date=20190710"
val df = spark.sql(sql)
I'm expecting the spark code to complete successfully without FileNotFoundException even if some of the files are missing from the partition information.
I'm wondering why spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles has no effect.
Spark version is version 2.2.0.cloudera1.
Kindly suggest. Thanks in advance.

Setting below config parameter resolved the issue:
For Hive:
For Spark Session:
On further analysis I found that a part of the partition directory is registered as partition location in table and under that many different folders are there and inside each folder we have actual data files.
So we need to turn on recursive discovery in spark to read the data.


Write Spark Dataframe to Hive accessible table in HDP2.6

I know there are already lots of answers on writing to HIVE from Spark, but non of them seem to work for me. So first some background. This is an older cluster, running HDP2.6, that's Hive2 and Spark 2.1.
Here an example program:
case class Record(key: Int, value: String)
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("Test App")
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "/app/hive/warehouse")
val recordsDF = spark.createDataFrame((1 to 100).map(i => Record(i, s"val_$i")))
If I log into the spark-shell and run that code, a new table called records_table shows up in Hive. However, if I deploy that code in a jar, and submit it to the cluster using spark-submit, I will see the table show up in the same HDFS location as all of the other HIVE tables, but it's not accessible to HIVE.
I know that in HDP 3.1 you have to use a HiveWarehouseConnector class, but I can't find any reference to that in HDP 2.6. Some people have mentioned the HiveContext class, while others say to just use the enableHiveSupport call in the SparkSessionBuilder. I have tried both approaches, but neither seems to work. I have tried saveAsTable. I have tried insertInto. I have even tried creating a temp view, then hiveContext.sql("create table if not exists mytable as select * from tmptable"). With each attempt, I get a parquet file in hdfs:/apps/hive/warehouse, but I cannot access that table from HIVE itself.
Based on the information provided, here is what I suggest you do,
Create Spark Session, enableHiveSupport is required,
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("Test App")
Next, execute DDL for table resultant table via spark.sql,
val ddlStr: String =
s"""CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS records_table(key int, value string)
| ''
| ''
| ''
|LOCATION '$hdfsLocation'""".stripMargin
Write data as per your use case,
val recordsDF = spark.createDataFrame((1 to 100).map(i => Record(i, s"val_$i")))
Working is going to be similar for spark-shell and spark-submit
Partitioning is can be defined in the DDL, so do no use partitionBy while writing the data frame.
Bucketing/ Clustering is not supported.
Hope this helps/ Cheers.

Does spark saveAsTable really create a table?

This may be a dumb question since lack of some fundamental knowledge of spark, I try this:
SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("spark ...").master("local").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row> df = spark.range(10).toDF();
This creates table under 'default' database in Hive, and of course, I can fetch data from the table anytime I want.
I update above code to get rid of "enableHiveSupport",
SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("spark ...").master("local").getOrCreate();
Dataset<Row> df = spark.range(10).toDF();
The code runs fine, without any error, but when I try "select * from bar", spark says,
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException: Table or view 'bar' not found in database 'default';
So I have 2 questions here,
1) Is it possible to create a 'raw' spark table, not hive table? I know Hive mantains the metadata in database like mysql, does spark also have similar mechanism?
2) In the 2nd code snippet, what does spark actually create when calling saveAsTable?
Many thanks.
Check answers below:
If you want to create raw table only in spark createOrReplaceTempView could help you. For second part, check next answer.
By default, if you call saveAsTable on your dataframe, it will persistent tables into Hive metastore if you use enableHiveSupport. And if we don't enableHiveSupport, tables will be managed by Spark and data will be under spark-warehouse location. You will loose these tables after restart spark session.

Spark SQL Fails when hive partition is missing

I have a table which has some missing partions. When I call it on hive it works fine
FROM my_table
but when call it from pyspark (v. 2.3.0) it fails with message Input path does not exist: hdfs://path/to/partition. The spark code I am running is just naive:
spark = ( SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.hive.verifyPartitionPath", "false")
the config("spark.sql.hive.verifyPartitionPath", "false") has been proposed is
this question but seems to not work fine for me
Is there any way I can configure SparkSession so I can get rid of these. I am afraid that in the future more partitions will miss, so a hardcode solution is not possible
This error occurs when partitioned data dropped from HDFS i.e not using Hive commands to drop the partition.
If the data dropped from HDFS directly Hive doesn't know about the dropped the partition, when we query hive table it still looks for the directory and the directory doesn't exists in HDFS it results file not found exception.
To fix this issue we need to drop the partition associated with the directory in Hive table also by using
alter table <db_name>.<table_name> drop partition(<partition_col_name>=<partition_value>);
Then hive drops the partition from the metadata this is the only way to drop the metadata from the hive table if we dropped the partition directory from HDFS.
msck repair table doesn't drop the partitions instead only adds the new partitions if the new partition got added into HDFS.
The correct way to avoid these kind of issues in future drop the partitions by using Hive drop partition commands.
Does the other way around, .config("spark.sql.hive.verifyPartitionPath", "true") work for you? I have just managed to load data using spark-sql with this setting, while one of the partition paths from Hive was empty, and partition still existed in Hive metastore. Though there are caveats - it seems it takes significantly more time to load data compared to when this setting it set to false.

How to connect to redshift data using Spark on Amazon EMR cluster

I have an Amazon EMR cluster running. If I do
ls -l /usr/share/aws/redshift/jdbc/
it gives me
Now, I want to use this jar to connect to my Redshift database in my spark-shell . Here is what I do -
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val df : DataFrame =
and I get this error -
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Unable to infer schema for Parquet. It must be specified manually.;
I am not sure if I am specifying the correct format while reading the data. I have also read that spark-redshift driver is available but I do not want to run spark-submit with extra JARS.
How do I connect to redshift data from Spark-shell ? Is that the correct JAR to configure the connection in Spark ?
The error being generated is because you are missing the .format("jdbc") in your read. It should be:
val df : DataFrame =
By default, Spark assumes sources to be Parquet files, hence the mention of Parquet in the error.
You may still run into issues with classpath/finding the drivers, but this change should give you more useful error output. I assume that folder location you listed is in the classpath for Spark on EMR and those driver versions look to be fairly current. Those drivers should work.
Note, this will only work for reading from Redshift. If you need to write to Redshift your best bet is using the Databricks Redshift data source for Spark -

Spark dataframe saveAsTable not truncating data from Hive table

I am using Spark 2.1.0 and using Java SparkSession to run my SparkSQL.
I am trying to save a Dataset<Row> named 'ds' to be saved into a Hive table named as schema_name.tbl_name using overwrite mode.
But when I am running the below statement
.option("truncate", "true")
the table is getting dropped after the first run.
When I am rerunning it, the table is getting created with the data loaded.
Even using truncate option didn't resolve my issue. Does saveAsTable consider truncating the data instead of dropping/creating the table? If so, what is the correct way to do it in Java ?
This is the reference to Apache JIRA for my question. Seems it is unresolved till now.
