Limit aggregation feed to return when activity_count is greater than N - getstream-io

Imagine we have 2 verbs, posted and listened, added to a flat feed. Then we have an aggregated feed following that flat feed. Lets say we base our aggregation rules on time and we have 5 activityGroups so far:
[0] verb: listened, activityCount: 3
[1] verb: posted, activityCount: 1,
[2] verb: listened, activityCount: 1,
[3] verb: listened, activityCount: 2,
[4] verb: posted, activityCount: 1,
My question is:
Is it possible to remove the listened verb activityGroup until they hit a threshold for instance greater than 2?
The result would have me seeing the aggregated feed like this:
[0] verb: listened, activityCount: 3
[1] verb: posted, activityCount: 1,
[2] verb: posted, activityCount: 1,
The reason I'd like the service and not my server or client to handle this is because I want to preserve the pagination that stream supplies.

It's not possible to get that functionality with an aggregation template, because the template can only take into account the single activity which is being added, not all the activities which belong to the same group. The fields available are described in in the Aggregation Format Syntax section. Also check-out for some inspiration.


How to fetch only parts of json file in python3 requests module

So, I am writing a program in Python to fetch data from google classroom API using requests module. I am getting the full json response from the classroom as follows :
{'announcements': [{'courseId': '#############', 'id': '###########', 'text': 'This is a test','state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:54.135Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:25:53.029Z', 'creatorUserId': '###############'}, {'courseId': '############', 'id': '#############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:30.952Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:24:48.880Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}, {'courseId': '##################', 'id': '############', 'text': 'Hello everyone', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'alternateLink': '', 'creationTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.977Z', 'updateTime': '2021-04-11T10:23:42.920Z', 'creatorUserId': '##############'}]}
I was actually unable to convert this into a pretty format so just pasting it as I got it from the http request. What I actually wish to do is just request the first few announcements (say 1, 2, 3 whatever depending upon the requirement) from the service while what I'm getting are all the announcements (as in the sample 3 announcements) that had been made ever since the classroom was created. Now, I believe that fetching all the announcements might make the program slower and so I would prefer if I could get only the required ones. Is there any way to do this by passing some arguments or anything? There are a few direct functions provided by google classroom however I came across those a little later and have already written everything using the requests module which would require changing a lot of things which I would like to avoid. However if unavoidable I would go that route as well.
Use the pageSize field to limit the number of responses you want in the announcements: list request, with an orderBy parameter of updateTime asc.
More Information:
As per the documentation:
orderBy: string
Optional sort ordering for results. A comma-separated list of fields with an optional sort direction keyword. Supported field is updateTime. Supported direction keywords are asc and desc. If not specified, updateTime desc is the default behavior. Examples: updateTime asc, updateTime
pageSize: integer
Maximum number of items to return. Zero or unspecified indicates that the server may assign a maximum.
So, let's say you want the first 3 announcements for a course, you would use a pageSize of 3, and an orderBy of updateTime asc:
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
service = build('classroom', 'v1', credentials=creds)
asc = "updateTime asc"
pageSize = 3
# Call the Classroom API
results =, orderBy=asc ).execute()
or an HTTP request example:
&key=[YOUR_API_KEY] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
Method: announcements.list | Classroom API | Google Developers

Funnel Chart in plotly

I am trying to create a funnel chart using plotly and am not having any luck. Even the canned examples from plotly don't work for me, can someone please help?
from plotly import graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel(
y = ["Website visit", "Downloads", "Potential customers", "Requested price", "invoice sent"],
x = [39, 27.4, 20.6, 11, 2]))
I get this huge traceback error:
Invalid value of type 'plotly.graph_objs.Funnel' received for the 'data' property of
Received value: Funnel({
'x': [39, 27.4, 20.6, 11, 2],
'y': [Website visit, Downloads, Potential customers, Requested price, invoice
The 'data' property is a tuple of trace instances
that may be specified as:
- A list or tuple of trace instances
(e.g. [Scatter(...), Bar(...)])
- A list or tuple of dicts of string/value properties where:
- The 'type' property specifies the trace type
One of: ['area', 'bar', 'barpolar', 'box',
'candlestick', 'carpet', 'choropleth', 'cone',
'contour', 'contourcarpet', 'funnel',
'funnelarea', 'heatmap', 'heatmapgl',
'histogram', 'histogram2d',
'histogram2dcontour', 'isosurface', 'mesh3d',
'ohlc', 'parcats', 'parcoords', 'pie',
'pointcloud', 'sankey', 'scatter',
'scatter3d', 'scattercarpet', 'scattergeo',
'scattergl', 'scattermapbox', 'scatterpolar',
'scatterpolargl', 'scatterternary', 'splom',
'streamtube', 'sunburst', 'surface', 'table',
'violin', 'volume', 'waterfall']
- All remaining properties are passed to the constructor of
the specified trace type
(e.g. [{'type': 'scatter', ...}, {'type': 'bar, ...}])
It seems like you’re using version 3, in which case you will need to use go.Figure(data=[go.Funnel(...)]) (basically wrap your funnel trace in an array... only in version 4 is this optional) How to generate test report for each Scenario?

Artillery: How to run the scenarios sequentially and also display the results of each scenario in the same file?
I'm currently writing nodejs test with to compare performance between two endpoints that I implemented. I defined two scenarios and I would like to get the result of each in a same report file.
The execution of the tests is not sequential, it means that at the end of the test I have a result already combined and impossible to know the performance of each one but for all.
target: "http://localhost:8080/api/v1"
expect: {}
metrics-by-endpoint: {}
- duration: 60
arrivalRate: 2
target: ""
- duration: 60
arrivalRate: 2
- name: "Nashhorn"
- post:
url: "/casting/nashhorn"
user: user1
pass: user1
fromFile: "./casting-dataset-01-as-input.json"
filename: "casting_dataset"
conentType: "application/json"
statusCode: 200
regexp: '[^]*'
as: 'result'
- log: 'result= {{result}}'
- name: "Nodejs"
- post:
url: "/casting/nodejs"
user: user1
pass: user1
fromFile: "./casting-dataset-01-as-input.json"
filename: "casting_dataset"
conentType: "application/json"
statusCode: 200
regexp: '[^]*'
as: 'result'
- log: 'result= {{result}}'
How to run the scenarios sequentially and also display the results of each scenario in the same file?
Thank you in advance for your answers
I think you miss the param weight, this param defines de probability to execute the scenario. if in you first scenario put a weight of 1 and in the second put the same value, both will have the same probability to been execute (50%).
If you put in the first scenario a weight of 3 and in the second one a weight of 1, the second scenario will have a 25% probability of execution while the first one will have a 75% probability of being executed.
This combined with the arrivalRate parameter and setting the value of rampTo to 2, will cause 2 scenarios to be executed every second, in which if you set a weight of 1 to the two scenarios, they will be executed at the same time.
Look down for scenario weights in the documentation
- flow:
- log: Scenario for GET requests
- get:
url: /v1/url_test_1
name: Scenario for GET requests
weight: 1
- flow:
- log: Scenario for POST requets
- post:
json: {}
url: /v1/url_test_2
name: Scenario for POST
weight: 1
I hope this helps you.
To my knowledge, there isn't a good way to do this with the existing the artillery logic.
using this test script:
- name: "test 1"
- post:
url: "/"
weight: 1
- name: "test 2"
- post:
url: "/"
weight: 1
... etc...
Started phase 0 (equal weight), duration: 1s # 13:21:54(-0500) 2021-01-06
Report # 13:21:55(-0500) 2021-01-06
Elapsed time: 1 second
Scenarios launched: 20
Scenarios completed: 20
Requests completed: 20
Mean response/sec: 14.18
Response time (msec):
min: 117.2
max: 146.1
median: 128.6
p95: 144.5
p99: 146.1
404: 20
All virtual users finished
Summary report # 13:21:55(-0500) 2021-01-06
Scenarios launched: 20
Scenarios completed: 20
Requests completed: 20
Mean response/sec: 14.18
Response time (msec):
min: 117.2
max: 146.1
median: 128.6
p95: 144.5
p99: 146.1
Scenario counts:
test 7: 4 (20%)
test 5: 2 (10%)
test 3: 1 (5%)
test 1: 4 (20%)
test 9: 2 (10%)
test 8: 3 (15%)
test 10: 2 (10%)
test 4: 1 (5%)
test 6: 1 (5%)
404: 20
So basically you can see that they are weighted equally, but are not running equally. So I think there needs to be something added to the code itself for artillery. Happy to be wrong here.
You can use the per endpoint metrics plugin to give you the results per endpoint instead of aggregated.
I see you already have this in your config, but it cannot be working if it is not giving you what you need. Did you install it as well as add to config?
npm install artillery-plugin-metrics-by-endpoint
In terms of running sequentially, I'm not sure why you would want to, but assuming you do, you just need to define each POST as part of the same Scenario instead of 2 different scenarios. That way the second step will only execute after the first step has responded. I believe the plugin is per endpoint, not per scenario so will still give you the report you want.

How do I declare and use a variable in the yaml file that is formatted for pyresttest?

So, a brief description of what I want, what my issue is, and what I have tried.
I want to declare and use a dictionary variable for my tests in pyrest, specifically for the [url, body] section so that I can conduct my POST tests targeting a specific endpoint and with a preformatted body.
Here is how mytest.yml file is structured:
- data:
- id: 63
- rate: 25
... a sizable set of field for reasons ...
- type: lab_test_authorization
- modified_at: ansible_date_time.datetime # Useful way to generate
- test:
- url: "some-valid-url/{the_url_question}" # data['special_key']
- method: 'POST'
- headers : {etc..etc}
- body: '{ "data": ${the_body_question} }' # data (the content)
Now the problem starts in my lack of understanding why (if true) does pyrest does not have support for dictionary mappings. I understand yaml supports these feature but am not sure if pyrest can parse through it. Knowing how to call and use dictionary variable in my url and body tags would be significantly helpful.
As of right now, if I try to convert my data Sequence into a data Dictionary, I will get an error stating:
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block mapping
in "<unicode string>", line 4, column 1:
expected <block end>, but found '-'
in "<unicode string>", line 36, column 1:
- config:
I'm pretty sure there are gaps in my knowledge regarding how yaml and pyresttest interact with each other, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Python flickrapi returns the same picture on every page

I'm testing the flickrapi for python and have some code that randomly chooses a picture of Chinese food. It does this by getting 1 result on 1 page and using the total number of pages in that result to choose 1 result on 1 random page. Here is the code I'm using to get the images:
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key='mykey', secret='mysecret', format='parsed-json', cache=False)
data1 ='Chinese Food',
data2 ='Chinese Food',
page=randint(1, data1['photos']['pages']),
No matter what I do the result in data2 is always the exact same image returned in data1, I could get the first result from page 1 and the first result from page 3472 and the image is exactly the same every time.
Here is a sample of the data returned
//From data1
{'photos': {'page': 1, 'pages': 70007, 'perpage': 1, 'total': '70007', 'photo': [{'id': '35800805325', 'owner': '24171591#N06', 'secret': '408928a034', 'server': '4261', 'farm': 5, 'title': 'Personalized Maple Wood Chopsticks', 'ispublic': 1, 'isfriend': 0, 'isfamily': 0}]}, 'stat': 'ok'}
//From data2
{'photos': {'page': 41043, 'pages': 70007, 'perpage': 1, 'total': '70007', 'photo': [{'id': '35800805325', 'owner': '24171591#N06', 'secret': '408928a034', 'server': '4261', 'farm': 5, 'title': 'Personalized Maple Wood Chopsticks', 'ispublic': 1, 'isfriend': 0, 'isfamily': 0, 'url_l': '', 'height_l': '859', 'width_l': '1024'}]}, 'stat': 'ok'}
Notice the id and title in both sets of data are exactly the same and the page numbers are different. I've tested this in the Flickr API explorer with the exact same parameters and I do get the same image when I specify page 1 but I also get a completely different image if I specify any other page, so this seems to be an issue with the python flickrapi implementation or one of its dependencies maybe?
I can't seem to find the issue. What is going on?
Looks like other people have been having this issue with Flickr's API since 2011 and it still hasn't been fixed. So, it doesn't seem to be related to Python or the Python Flickr module. I was able to improve the "randomness" by increasing the number of results per page which is something I didn't want to do but it's the only thing that works.
