Submitting data from Xamarin iOS when backgrounded - xamarin.ios

I have a weird problem in our current Xamarin project. As the app sends a larger chunk of data to the server, to protect it when app gets backgrounded, we're starting a long-running task (using the UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask / UIApplication.SharedApplication.EndBackgroundTask API). What's weird is that this works great when I build and run from my machine but several of my colleagues get a timeout error when running the exact same scenario when the app was build/deployed from their machines.
As far as I understand it running stuff in a long-running task like this should work. I should not have to specify backgrounding capabilities in info.plist. Also, as the HttpClient employ NSUrlSession for sending/receiving it should be protected from interruptions when the app gets backgrounded, right?
I can't figure out why the same code yields different behavior on the same device when built with different Macs. Could there be some setting somewhere in VS that could be local to the machine that would affect this behavior?
I'm out of ideas now so any hints would be greatly appreciated.
This is an example of code that works/fails depending on the Mac that built/deployed it:
public async Task Submit()
// ... some irrelevant code
BackgroundTask.Run(async () => await submitAsync()); // Form-level encapsulation of the UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask API
// ... more irrelevant code
private async Task submitAsync()
if (!IsSubmitAllowed)
IsBusy = true;
IsGoBackAllowed = IsGoNextAllowed = false;
var statusIndicator = new StatusIndicator();
await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(statusIndicator);
statusIndicator.Status = "Saving TI";
statusIndicator.Progress = 0.1;
var submitted = await _service.SubmitAsync(Model); // ERROR! causes timeout exception for some
var submittedId = submitted.BackendId;
// ... etc.

Both of your assumptions seem to be wrong.
First, beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: doesn't grant unlimited background activity. Most notably:
Apps running background tasks have a finite amount of time in which to
run them
Second, NSURLSession isn't enabled by default in the HttpClient, and overal NSURLSession is not something that handles transfers in the background by default, that is just possibility and it would be natural that HttpClient doesn't use this mode. Again check the documentation:


Why does my continuous azure webjob run the function twice?

I have created my first azure webjob that runs continously;
I'm not so sure this is a code issue, but for the sake of completeness here is my code:
static void Main()
var host = new JobHost();
And for the function:
public static async Task ProcessMethod(TextWriter log)
log.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString() + ": Started");
while (true)
Task.Run(() => RunAllAsync(log));
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
log.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString() + "Shutting down..");
Note that the async task fires off a task of its own. This was to ensure they were started quite accurately with the same interval. The job itself is to download an url, parse and input some data in a db, but that shouldnt be relevant for the multiple instance issue I am experiencing.
My problem is that once this has been running for roughly 5 minutes a second ProcessMethod is called which makes me have two sessions simoultaniously doing the same thing. The second method says it is "started from Dashboard" even though I am 100% confident I did not click anything to start it off myself.
Anyone experienced anything like it?
Change the instance count to 1 from Scale tab of WebApp in Azure portal. By default it is set to 2 instances which is causing it to run two times.
I can't explain why it's getting called twice, but I think you'd be better served with a triggered job using a CRON schedule (, instead of a Continuous WebJob.
Also, it doesn't seem like you are using the WebJobs SDK, so you can completely skip that. Your WebJob can be as simple as a Main that directly does the work. No JobHost, no async, and generally easier to get right.

Use Task.Factory.StartNew in MVC 4 async ApiController?

I'm using MVC4 ApiController to upload data to Azure Blob. Here is the sample code:
public Task PostAsync(int id)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// CloudBlob.UploadFromStream(stream);
Does this code even make sense? I think ASP.NET is already processing the request in a worker thread, so running UploadFromStream in another thread doesn't seem to make sense since it now uses two threads to run this method (I assume the original worker thread is waiting for this UploadFromStream to finish?)
So my understanding is that async ApiController only makes sense if we are using some built-in async methods such as HttpClient.GetAsync or SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync. Those methods probably use I/O Completion Ports internally so it can free up the thread while doing the actual work. So I should change the code to this?
public Task PostAsync(int id)
// only to show it's using the proper async version of the method.
return TaskFactory.FromAsync(BeginUploadFromStream, EndUploadFromStream...)
On the other hand, if all the work in the Post method is CPU/memory intensive, then the async version PostAsync will not help throughput of requests. It might be better to just use the regular "public void Post(int id)" method, right?
I know it's a lot questions. Hopefully it will clarify my understanding of async usage in the ASP.NET MVC. Thanks.
Yes, most of what you say is correct. Even down to the details with completion ports and such.
Here is a tiny error:
I assume the original worker thread is waiting for this UploadFromStream to finish?
Only your task thread is running. You're using the async pipeline after all. It does not wait for the task to finish, it just hooks up a continuation. (Just like with HttpClient.GetAsync).

Calling WCF Service Operation in multithreaded Console Application

I have below application:
Its windows console .NET 3.0 application
I'm creating 20 workloads and assigning them to threadpool to process.
Each thread in ThreadPool creates WCF Client and calls service with request created using workload assigned.
Sometimes on production servers[12 core machines], I get following exception:
There was an error reflecting type 'xyz' while invoking operation using WCF client. This starts appearing in all threads. After sometime it suddenly disappears and starts appearing again.
Pseudo Code:
for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
MultiThreadedProcess proc =new MultThreadedProcess(someData[i]);
In Class MultiThreadedProcess, I do something like this:
public void Callback(object index)
MyServiceClient client = new MyServiceClient();
MyServiceResponse response =client.SomeOperation(new MyServiceRequest(proc.SomeData));
//Process Response
Can anyone suggest some resolutions for this problem?
If you can turn on diagnostic, appears to me serialization issue, there might be chance that certain data members/values are not able to de-serialized properly for operation call.

.NET 4.5 Increase WCF Client Calls Async?

I have a .NET 4.5 WCF client app that uses the async/await pattern to make volumes of calls. My development machine is dual-proc with 8gb RAM (production will be 5 CPU with 8gb RAM at Amazon AWS) . The remote WCF service called by my code uses out and ref parameters on a web method that I need. My code instances a proxy client each time, writes any results to a public ConcurrentDictionary, and then returns null.
I ran Perfmon, watching the thread count on the system, and it goes between 28-30. It takes hours for my client to complete the volumes of calls that are made. Yes, hours. The remote service is backed by a big company, they have many servers to receive my WCF calls, so the more calls I can throw at them, the better.
I think that things are actually still happening synchronously, even though the method that makes the WCF call is decorated with "async" because the proxy method cannot have "await". Is that true?
My code looks like this:
async private void CallMe()
Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now );
var workTasks = this.AnotherConcurrentDict.Select( oneB => GetData( etcetcetc ).Cast<Task>().ToList();
await Task.WhenAll( workTasks );
private async Task<WorkingBits> GetData(etcetcetc)
var commClient = new RemoteClient();
var cpResponse = new GetPackage();
var responseInfo = commClient.GetData( name, password , ref (cpResponse.aproperty), filterid , out cpResponse.Identifiers);
foreach (var onething in cpResponse.Identifiers)
// add to the ConcurrentDictionary
return null; // I already wrote to the ConcurrentDictionary so no need to return anything
responseInfo is not awaitable beacuse the WCF call has ref and out parameters.
I was thinking that way to speed this up is not to put async/await in this method, but instead create a wrapper method where I can make things await/async, but I am not that is the smartest/safest way to work it.
What is a smart way to get more outbound calls to the service (expand IO completion thread pool, trick calls into running in the background so Task.WhenAll can complete quicker)?
Thanks for all ideas/samples/pointers. I am hitting a bottleneck somewhere.
1) Make sure you're really calling it asynchronously, rather than just blocking on the calls. Code samples would help here.
2) You may need to do this:
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 100;
By default it only allows 2 simultaneous connections to the same server.
3) Make sure you dispose the proxy object after the call is complete so you're not tying up resources.
If you're doing things asynchronously the threadpool size shouldn't be a bottleneck. To get a better idea of what kind of problem you're having, you can use Interlocked.Increment and Interlocked.Decrement to track the number of pending calls and see if it's being limited somewhere.
You could also substitute your real call with a call to a very simple method that you know will not have any bottlenecks, to see if the problem is in the client or server.

Silverlight 4 Ria Services and multiple threads

I have a very long running query that takes too long to keep my client connected. I want to make a call into my DomainService, create a new worker thread, then return from the service so that my client can then begin polling to see if the long running query is complete.
The problem I am running into is that since my calling thread is exiting right away, I am getting exceptions thrown when my worker tries to access any entities since the ObjectContext gets disposed when the original thread ends.
Here is how I create the new context and call from my Silverlight client:
MyDomainContext context = new MyDomainContext();
context.SearchAndStore(_myParm, SearchQuery,
p => {
if (p.HasError) { // Do some work and return to start
} // polling the server for completion...
}, null);
The entry method on the server:
public int SearchAndStore(object parm)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SearchThread));
return 0;
// Once this method returns, I get ObjectContext already Disposed Exceptions
Here is the WorkerProc method that gets called with the new Thread. As soon as I try to iterate through my query1 object, I get the ObjectContext already Disposed exception.
private void WorkerProc(object o)
HashSet<long> excludeList = new HashSet<long>();
var query1 = from doc in this.ObjectContext.Documents
join filters in this.ObjectContext.AppliedGlobalFilters
.Where(f => f.FilterId == 1)
on doc.FileExtension equals filters.FilterValue
select doc.FileId;
foreach (long fileId in query1) // Here occurs the exception because the
{ // Object Context is already disposed of.
How can I prevent this from happening? Is there a way to create a new context for the new thread? I'm really stuck on this one.
Since you're using WCF RIA. I have to assume that you're implementing two parts:
A WCF Web Service
A Silverlight client which consumes the WCF Service.
So, this means that you have two applications. The service running on IIS, and the Silverlight running on the web browser. These applications have different life cycles.
The silverlight application starts living when it's loaded in the web page, and it dies when the page is closed (or an exception happens). On the other hand (at server side), the WCF Web Service life is quite sort. You application starts living when the service is requested and it dies once the request has finished.
In your case your the server request finishes when the SearchAndStore method finishes. Thus, when this particular method starts ,you create an Thread which starts running on background (in the server), and your method continues the execution, which is more likely to finishes in a couple of lines.
If I'm right, you don't need to do this. You can call your method without using a thread, in theory it does not matter if it takes awhile to respond. this is because the Silvelight application (on the client) won't be waiting. In Silverlight all the operations are asynchronous (this means that they're running in their own thread). Therefore, when you call the service method from the client, you only have to wait until the callback is invoked.
If it's really taking long time, you are more likely to look for a mechanism to keep the connection between your silverlight client and your web server alive for longer. I think by modifying the service configuration.
Here is a sample of what I'm saying:
In the sample you can see the different times on client and server side. You click the button and have to wait 30 seconds to receive a response from the server.
I hope this helps,
Best regards,
