Spanner - search by composite primary key behavior - google-cloud-spanner

When search by only one of primary key in composite primary key table Spanner behaviors is differ. For Example if a table has ColA and ColB as primary key( mentioned in the same order when defining primary key). If you search by first key select * from table where ColA = 'dfdf' then it scans few rows and brings result much faster ~10ms. But if you search by second key select * from table where ColB = 'dfdf' then it does full table scan. Why this inconsistency, if we are not searching by full key then it should do full table or particular rows scan. primary keys are indexed so it should never go to full table scan.

A composite key is not 2 separate keys, but one single key concatenated from 2 parts...
Imagine a list of words, alphabetically sorted... Finding words whose first letter is H is easy...
But how would you find all words whose second letter is 'H'...
The only way is to do a complete scan of all the words -- unless there is a second index of words by their second letter, which is what secondary indexes are for ..


Understanding spanner explanation

I've a table of 860M rows in Google Cloud Spanner and I'm trying to understand how explanation works.
The table has a string column geoid and there is an index at this column.
When I run the following query it takes only 36ms:
SELECT count(*)
FROM usbg_2015
WHERE geoid= '340170175001'
Table structure is:
CREATE TABLE usbg_2015 (
geoid STRING(12),
quadkey STRING(24),
) PRIMARY KEY (geoid, quadkey)
However, I don't understand why the explanation says it uses a Table Scan instead of an Index Scan. I understood a Table scan as a full scan of the table, in this case reading 860M rows and it should take more time than 36ms. What I'm missing?
In the explanation, Table Scan merely means that it reads the data from a table and does not necessarily mean a full table scan. Same goes for index scan. It means that it is reading from an index. In both cases, if there is a seekable predicate (e.g., constant prefixes on primary key or indexed column), they will do the seek.
The plan used the base table, and seek-and-scanned 11 rows, otherwise you would see 860M rows returned as a result out of the Table Scan.
Is geoid the leading primary key column of the table usbg_2015? That is the only explanation that I can think of given the plan.
table scan have two meanings:
1- when you search by a primary key (or in your case the first part of it)
2- When you perform am index scan and have in the select list a column that isn't neither in the index nor in the storing clause, than you have to join the index with the table itself. This operation is called table scan.

Regarding suggestion of best schema for a cassandra table?

I want to have a table in Cassandra that has a partition key say column 'A', and a column say 'B' which is of 'set' type and can have up to 10000 elements in the set.
But when i retrieve a row from this table then the whole set is retrieved at once and because of that the JVM heap increases rapidly. So should i stick to this schema or go with other schema where 'A' is partition key and i make dynamic columns for each element in the set in my other schema say 'B1', 'B2' ..... 'B10,000'where each of this column is a clustering key.
Which schema is suited best and will give the optimal performance please recommend.
NOTE: cqlsh 5.0.1v
Based off of what you've described, and the documentation I've read, I would not create a collection with 10k elements. Instead I would have two tables, one with everything but the collection, and then use the primary key values of the first table, as the partition key columns of the second table; adding the element name (or whatever you can use to identify an individual element) as a clustering column.
So for a given query, if you wanted everything for a particular primary key value (including all elements), you'd query the first table with the primary key, grab whatever you need, then hit the second table as well, looping/fetching through all elements.
If the query only provides a filter on the partition key (not the primary key - i.e. retrieving multiple rows) , the first query would have to retrieve all columns that make up the primary key for each row, and then query the second table looping for all elements - nested loop here - one loop for each primary key record retrieved from the first table, and a second loop to grab all elements for each pk record.
Probably the best way to go with this. That's how I would probably tackle this.
Does that make sense?

Duplicate partitioning key performance impact in Cassandra

I've read in some posts that having duplicate partitioning key can have a performance impact. I've two tables like:
key text, key text,
column1 text, name text,
value text, age text,
PRIMARY KEY (key, column1) ...
) PRIMARY KEY (key, name,age)
In Test1 column1 will contain column name and value will contain its corresponding value.The main advantage of Test1 is that I can add any number of column/value pairs to it without altering the table by just providing same partitioning key each time.
Now my question is how will each of these table schema's impact the read/write performance if I've millions of rows and number of columns can be upto 50 in each row. How will it impact the compaction/repair time if I'm writing duplicate entries frequently?
For efficient queries, you want to hit a parition (i.e. have the first key of your primary key in your query). Inside of your partition, each column is stored in sorted form by the respective clustering keys. Cassandra stores data as "map of sorted maps".
Your Test1 schema will allow you to fetch all columns for a key, or a specific column for a key. Each "entry" will be on a separate parition.
For Test2, you can query by key, (key and name), or (key, name and age). But you won't be able to get to the age for a key without also specifying the name (w/o adding a secondary index). For this schema too, each "entry" will be in its own partition.
Cross partition queries are more expensive than those that hit a single partition. If you're looking for simply key-value lookups, then either schema will suffice. I wouldn't be worried using either for 50 columns. The first will give you direct access to a particular column. The latter will give you access to the whole data for an entry.
What you should focus more on is which structure allows you to do the queries you want. The first won't be very useful for secondary indexes, but the second will, for example.

Why cassandra/cql restrict to use where clause on a column that not indexed?

I have a table as follows in Cassandra 2.0.8:
empid int,
deptid int,
first_name text,
last_name text,
PRIMARY KEY (empid, deptid)
when I try to search by: "select * from emp where first_name='John';"
cql shell says:
"Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator"
I searched for the issue and every places it says add a secondary index for the column 'first_name'.
But I need to know the exact reason for why that column need to be indexed?
Only thing I can figure out is performance.
Any other reasons?
Cassandra does not support for searching by arbitrary column. It is because it would involve scanning all the rows, which is not supported.
The data are internally organised into something which one can compare to HashMap[X, SortedMap[Y, Z]]. The key of the outer map is a partition key value and the key of the inner map is a kind of concatenation of all clustering columns values and a name of some regular column.
Unless you have an index on a column, you need to provide full (preferred) or partial path to the data you want to collect with the query. Therefore, you should design your schema so that queries contain primary key value and some range on clustering columns.
You may read about what is allowed and what is not here
Alternatively you can create an index in Cassandra, but that will hamper your write performance.

Cassandra: choosing a Partition Key

I'm undecided whether it's better, performance-wise, to use a very commonly shared column value (like Country) as partition key for a compound primary key or a rather unique column value (like Last_Name).
Looking at Cassandra 1.2's documentation about indexes I get this:
"When to use an index:
Cassandra's built-in indexes are best on a table
having many rows that contain the indexed value. The more unique
values that exist in a particular column, the more overhead you will
have, on average, to query and maintain the index. For example,
suppose you had a user table with a billion users and wanted to look
up users by the state they lived in. Many users will share the same
column value for state (such as CA, NY, TX, etc.). This would be a
good candidate for an index."
"When not to use an index:
Do not use an index to query a huge volume of records for a small
number of results. For example, if you create an index on a column
that has many distinct values, a query between the fields will incur
many seeks for very few results. In the table with a billion users,
looking up users by their email address (a value that is typically
unique for each user) instead of by their state, is likely to be very
inefficient. It would probably be more efficient to manually maintain
the table as a form of an index instead of using the Cassandra
built-in index. For columns containing unique data, it is sometimes
fine performance-wise to use an index for convenience, as long as the
query volume to the table having an indexed column is moderate and not
under constant load."
Looking at the examples from CQL's SELECT for
"Querying compound primary keys and sorting results", I see something like a UUID being used as partition key... which would indicate that it's preferable to use something rather unique?
Indexing in the documentation you wrote up refers to secondary indexes. In cassandra there is a difference between the primary and secondary indexes. For a secondary index it would indeed be bad to have very unique values, however for the components in a primary key this depends on what component we are focusing on. In the primary key we have these components:
PRIMARY KEY(partitioning key, clustering key_1 ... clustering key_n)
The partitioning key is used to distribute data across different nodes, and if you want your nodes to be balanced (i.e. well distributed data across each node) then you want your partitioning key to be as random as possible. That is why the example you have uses UUIDs.
The clustering key is used for ordering so that querying columns with a particular clustering key can be more efficient. That is where you want your values to not be unique and where there would be a performance hit if unique rows were frequent.
The cql docs have a good explanation of what is going on.
if you use cql3, given a column family:
a1 text,
a2 text,
b1 text,
b2 text,
c1 text,
c2 text,
PRIMARY KEY ( (a1, a2), b1, b2) )
by defining a
primary key ( (a1, a2, ...), b1, b2, ... )
This implies that:
a1, a2, ... are fields used to craft a row key in order to:
determine how the data is partitioned
determine what is phisically stored in a single row
referred as row key or partition key
b1, b2, ... are column family fields used to cluster a row key in order to:
create logical sets inside a single row
allow more flexible search schemes such as range range
referred as column key or cluster key
All the remaining fields are effectively multiplexed / duplicated for every possible combination of column keys. Here below an example about composite keys with partition keys and clustering keys work.
If you want to use range queries, you can use secondary indexes or (starting from cql3) you can declare those fields as clustering keys. In terms of speed having them as clustering key will create a single wide row. This has impact on speed since you will fetch multiple clustering key values such as:
select * from accounts where Country>'Italy' and Country<'Spain'
I am sure you would have got the answer but still this can help you for better understanding.
a1 text,
a2 text,
b1 text,
b2 text,
c1 text,
c2 text,
PRIMARY KEY ( (a1, a2), b1, b2) )
here the partition keys are (a1, a2) and row keys are b1,b2.
combination of both partition keys and row keys must be unique for each new record entry.
the above primary key can be define like this.
Node< key, value>
Node<(a1a2), Map< b1b2, otherColumnValues>>
as we know Partition Key is responsible for data distribution accross your nodes.
So if you are inserting 100 records in table1 with same partition keys and different row keys. it will store data in same node but in different columns.
logically we can represent like this.
Node<(a1a2), Map< string1, otherColumnValues>, Map< string2, otherColumnValues> .... Map< string100, otherColumnValues>>
So the record will store sequentially in memory.
