Customizing Stream React Chat Components styles - getstream-io

I'm considering using Stream Chat in my React app, but would like to implement a few of my own customizations to the React Components' styles.
I see the Sass source code on Github, which looks approachable, and seems that it would be fairly easy to tweak. However, these source files aren't included in the published stream-chat-react npm package; only the pre-compiled index.css stylesheet is distributed.
I would like to avoid writing ad-hoc CSS rules to override the provided styles. Is there a recommended way of achieving some UI customizations, ideally working with Stream's source Sass files?

The best way to approach this is to get the source files from the repository and building the css yourself. I have added some scripts and a section in the README on how to do this easily.


Hexo (and other static-site-generators) front-end dependency-management workflow

Are there any recommended workflows for managing front-end dependencies? I've been reading a lot of articles that recommend moving away from Bower, and on to an npm-only solution like Webpack, but Webpack is a whole new paradigm (loading js, scss, fonts, etc through a single js file) that by default, requires js to be running in the browser for css to load. Part of the reason I want a static site is so that js isn't mandatory for an end-user. However, I'm really tired of bower-installing things, and then having to either host everything in bower_components, targeting specific filenames (js, css, img) to include in output, or move their css/img dependencies into my own repo. Not to mention that relying on two registries is less than ideal.
Does Hexo have a recommended way, or does anyone have an opinion on how to do this? Running a Hexo server in a separate terminal from a webpack-dev-server seems painful and awkward, and possibly create some confusion as to which library should be handling which files.
Are other tools more suited for dependency management in a static site generator's dev/build process?

How to properly add Twitter Bootstrap to meteor

How can I properly install Twitter Bootstrap into my meteor project?
I know I can do meteor add bootstrap but I can't customize the variables (ie colors and the sorts). I've also looked at nemo64:bootstrap but same issue, I can only include and exclude modules of Twitter Bootstrap but not the variables.
How can I properly include Twitter Bootstrap and have access to the variables.less ?
In order to control the order in which Meteor loads .less files you need to add .import.less to the file extension. If you import the bootstrap less files into your project and rename them, you will have finite control of all the mixins and variables. Here is a great post that summarizes this.

using requirejs without main file nor config()

I'm building an app that will contain many js (jquery) modules (files) using the following setup;
The build is run using Grunt task runner.
I use handlebars templates, then generate the html from *.hbs files.
During the build, I uglify all the js files into one minified file.
I call the minified file in my application <script src="assets/js/app.min.js"></script>
Now, I want to use requirejs to organize my code and adhere to the AMD specifications..
But I got 3 problems with this approach:
I need to have 1 single minified file for all the js; this keeps my code harder to "decode" thus to copy (since it is mixed with other dependencies; jquery, modernizer..) and also helps avoid extra http requests if scripts are called individually.. However, requirejs needs a main file to initialize the app and inside that main file It calls the other required files.. I don't have such configuration.
Many of the dependencies I'm using are in a bower package (that I don't include in the distribution); this makes it not possible to call those files using the suggested requirejs method.
I'm using jquery on this with some 3rd party plugins that don't call define(); to make them work I have to use shim config which again rises the problem #2!
So how am I supposed to take advantage of requirejs while keeping my code in modules and well organized?
Sorry for the long question and thanks for reading :)
ps: Feel free to change the title of the question as I couldn't find a better one!
I finally opted for AngularJS as it adheres to my setup above and allows me to split my app into manageable small modules.
I have also the possibility to use the ease of jQuery (even though it is not a best practice among angular community) and much more.

How to share common client-side javascript across NodeJS projects?

I'm a Node n00b starting a couple web app projects using Express, and I've got some common client-side libraries I'd like to share between the two projects. This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
I come from a java background, and in java, I'd create a separate "common" project and "overlay" common WAR over my project during packaging. This would also allow for r.js optimization during the build process.
My best guess in Node is that I need to create a private NPM module, and map those common files into express via a use() middleware plugin. Is that right?
How, then, can I package both my common and project specific javascript into a minified file using r.js?
Or is source control the answer? Checking out my "common" repository inside each project?
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
Good news: Yes, this is a common problem. Yes, there are several "solutions".
Bad News: All of the "solutions" are at least partially terrible.
Here's my advice:
1) Individual .js files should be coded as CommonJS modules
2) Groups of related .js files should be made into npm packages
3A) Use them in node via the regular node.js/CommonJS require function and use browserify to use them in the browser
3B) OR use a built tool like grunt to wrap commonjs into AMD format for use with requireJS in the browser
3C) OR consider something like components

Loading backbone.js in a node js app

I'm using node.js and backbone for a web app. Backbone is part of my package requirments. I've used Rails and Backbone before, and the helper gems are nice for piecing together all the assets (js files) that need to get to the client.
With that said, I had to manually download backbone.js and manually add it and all the other supported js libraries in the header of my app's layout file.
Should installing the backbone module get me away from that manual effort to create the required source for my client app? Is there some kind of jammit/asset pipeline?
you should simply npm install backbone in your main directory, this way all the submodules you use will find this exact backbone, and will use it
moreover, this way you can easily extend backbone with additional submodules
I use the stitch package to serve my scripts in node apps. With that, it's as simple as listing backbone.js as a dependency, and I install it with npm. That's convenient.
