I am trying to create a VM using the azure Rest API. I am trying to call the REST Api through Postman.
PUT Request:-
I am using the above REST API with my subscription ID and resouceGroupName.
In the Authorization section, I am providing the Type as Basic Authentication and passing my credentials in the username and password section. Along with this, I am also passing values in the Body section.
"properties": {
"templateLink": {
"uri": "https://mystoragename.blob.core.windows.net/templates/VMTemplate.json",
"contentVersion": ""
"parametersLink": {
"uri": "https://mystoragename.blob.core.windows.net/templates/VMParam.json",
"contentVersion": ""
"mode": "Incremental",
"debugSetting": {
"detailLevel": "requestContent, responseContent"
Whenever I am sending this request so it is giving me an error like 400 Bad Request and message in the body section is :
Our services aren't available right nowWe're working to restore all services as soon as possible. Please check back soon.0ddImXQAAAABmya8eHqWDRp1JX69tDGdATUFBMDFFREdFMDIyMABFZGdl
Please tell me what wrong I am Doing here. From last 1 day, I am trying this.
Looks like your resource is wrong, it should be https://management.azure.com not https://management.dev.azure.com.
PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/{deploymentName}?api-version=2019-05-01
Reference - Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Resource Manager REST API
Besides, I notice you use the Basic Authentication, not sure if it works for azure rest API(I think may not), even the way will work, but if your account is MFA-enabled, then you will not be able to use that.
So for the Authentication, i recommend you to see this link to get an access token to call the rest api. Or you could try the easiest way -> click Try it in this doc -> login in your account -> then you will be able to test the rest api like that in postman. Also, you can copy the Authorization token and test it in the postman.
So, I have a Power Automate Flow, which creates a Sharepoint Site using the Sharepoint REST API via "Send HTTP Request to Sharepoint" connector. I`ve following body:
"request": {
"Title": "#{variables('strSPName')}",
"Lcid": 1031,
"Owner": "#{outputs('Get_my_profile_(V2)')?['body/mail']}"
So right now I have only me as owner, but I need an additional owner.
I`ve tried to set two owners in an array like this:
"Owner": ["#{outputs('Get_my_profile_(V2)')?['body/mail']}", "email#test.com"]
Unfortunately, I`m getting the following error:
An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader. A 'PrimitiveValue' node was expected.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I am aware you can only set one owner when creating a site via the SPSiteManager endpoint. However, a workaround could be to add the second user to the Owners group directly after creation with a second POST request.
Below is an example
The principal id of the sitegroup should be 3.
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.User" },
Hi I want to check the permissions of a user in a specific Azure Devops Project. Is there a possible way to get it? As far as I know project level permission is different than organization level permissions. Thanks.
Already test some several rest apis but still I can't have the project level permission.
There is currently no out-of-the-box rest api to get the user's permission in project.
To achieve this demand, you can use this rest api :
Request body:
"contributionIds": ["ms.vss-admin-web.org-admin-permissions-pivot-data-provider"],
"dataProviderContext": {
"properties": {
"subjectDescriptor": "msa.ZjE1ZTk0NmMtOTI4OS03Mjg5LTljMGUtMDIwMTdlYmM2Nzhj",
"sourcePage": {
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/xxx/xxxx/_settings/permissions",
"routeId": "ms.vss-admin-web.project-admin-hub-route",
"routeValues": {
"action": "Execute",
"adminPivot": "permissions",
"controller": "ContributedPage",
"project": "XXX",
"serviceHost": "0933e8b2-f504-4b7e-9e9e-xxxxx (xxx)"
You can track this rest api by press F12 in browser then select Network .Then looking for the record that response body included returned permission. From this record you can get the rest api and request body.
I tested with postman , with this api ,I can successful get user's permission in project. As shown below:
I am generating API Key for an App Insight. I am using the URL
I don't have any clear documentation and I found this from the MS SDK:
However, when I try to generate by mentioning a "name", an error comes in response:
"code": "The API Key needs to have a Role",
"message": "The API Key needs to have a Role",
"innererror": {
"diagnosticcontext": "e1f66da1-9247-459e-a519-6426fa1449d1",
"time": "2019-09-20T07:48:20.2634617Z"
My POST body is as following:
"name": "asimplekeyname"
Please help if someone has used this specific API.
You need to include the following properties in the body.
The three properties correspond the ones in the portal -> your appinsight -> API Access -> Create API key.
api - Read telemetry
agentconfig - Authenticate SDK control channel
annotations - Write annotations
You need to select at least one of them, inculde in the request body.
For example, you just select the first one as below.
The body should be:
I am using a Classic Web Service with a non-default endpoint for a Update Resource activity on the Azure Data Factory. This is the error I get:
Screenshot of Error
I didn't find any info on the web and couldn't figure it out myself. This website shows an example that I used by just filling in my values for mlEndpoint, apiKey and updateRessourceEndpoint:
"name": "updatableScoringEndpoint2",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureML",
"typeProperties": {
"mlEndpoint": "https://ussouthcentral.services.azureml.net/workspaces/xxx/services/--scoring experiment--/jobs",
"apiKey": "endpoint2Key",
"updateResourceEndpoint": "https://management.azureml.net/workspaces/xxx/webservices/--scoring experiment--/endpoints/endpoint2"
There is no mention of a token that needs to be passed...
this error is basically saying the apiKey you provided is invalid to perform the update resource operation. Here is some posts for your reference: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/3bb77e37-8860-43c6-bcaa-d6ebd70617b8/retrain-predictive-web-service-programmatically-when-do-not-have-access-to-managementazuremlnet?forum=MachineLearning
Please also be noted that if you modified your linked service in ADF, remember to re-deploy the pipeline as well to reflect your change in time.
I am trying to automate creating an API Connection for a storage account in Azure using Resource Manager templates.
I am using the listKeys method in ARM to retrieve the access key of the storage account. I went through this question and it is not working for me.
When I use the method in the outputs section of the template, it is working fine and successfully retrieving and displaying the access key.
"outputs": {
"listKeysOutput": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storagename')), providers('Microsoft.Storage', 'storageAccounts').apiVersions[0]).keys[0].value]"
However, when I try to use the same function inside a connection resource (as shown below), the template executes without any error. But on accessing the API Connection from the Azure portal, it says 'parameter is missing'.
"parameterValues": {
"accesskey": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storagename')), providers('Microsoft.Storage', 'storageAccounts').apiVersions[0]).keys[0].value]",
"accountName": "[parameters('storagename')]"
Am I missing something here? Or the output of listKeys is not being accepted by the 'accesskey' property?
I had a similar experience a few months ago, and resolved it by using a connection string directly in my code and then passing the connection string into the connections. The value looked like this:
[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=', variables('storageConfigs')[0].name,';AccountKey=', listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', variables('storageConfigs')[0].name), variables('defaultStorageApiVersion')).key1)]
I used a storage config object as an input, so that's why it looks like above you could replace variables('storageConfigs')[0].name with whatever name or variable function you use in your code. Looks like above it may be storagename
Two things that might be causing the issue:
Ensure the API Connection has a dependency on the storage account
Capitalise the key in "accessKey" (some things in templates are case sensitive)
#Naren, I recommend you can use this API function to get your Storage Key
You could get the same result as the template.
“keys”: [
“keyName”: “key1”,
“value”: "key1Value”,
“permissions”: “FULL”
“keyName”: “key2”,
“value”: "key2Value”,
“permissions”: “FULL”
Just for your reference:
Dependency is indeed a requirement so that the storage account is already created before the deployment of the api connection is initiated.
The problem with the OP template code is the use of accesskey while the correct parameter name is accessKey (Note the capital K) for an Azure Blob api connection resource.
For anyone who struggles with the lack of documentation for the required parameters of API Connection resources - initiate this API Call:
https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID>/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/<YOUR LOCATION>/managedApis/<API TYPE>?api-version=2016-06-01
The <API TYPE> should be the api type of the connection to check for example azureblob, azurequeues or documentdb.
A description of all the expected parameters is returned along side other descriptive information for that resource.