How to access the value of a string when defining within a loop - excel

I would like to access the value of a string when declaring new variables so that I can declare new variables within a loop.
I have tried val(), creating a function. An simplified version of my problem can be found in the code below.
Function StudentValue(x As String) As String
StudentValue = x
End Function
Public Sub TEST()
Dim i As Integer
Dim strName As String
Dim n As Integer
n = 20
For i = 1 To n
strName = "Variable" & CStr(i)
'The problem occurs with the next two lines,
'once active they create a string with the name 'strName' and not the
'value of the string eg 'Variable1', 'Variable2', ect
'Dim strName As String
'Dim NameFunction(strName) As String
Next i
End Sub
The errors are as follows:
Dim strName As String results in "compile error: Duplicate declaration in current scope"
Dim NameFunction(strName) As String results in "compile error: Constant expression required"
Is there a function that allows you to access the value of a string when declaring variables?
Thank you in advance!

You are getting "Duplicate declaration" Error because you are trying to declare a variable by the same name.
You are getting the error "Constant expression required" Error because Dim XYZ() as string is the syntax for declaring an array. And the value inside the brackets specifies the size of the array and must be constant.
Here is a link on how to use arrays.
Use Option Explicit, it will help you solve problems before they are problems.
Here is your code using arrays.
Option Explicit
Function StudentValue(x As String) As String
StudentValue = CStr(x)
End Function
Public Sub TEST()
Const MaxNumNames As Integer = 20
Dim i As Integer
Dim strNames(1 To MaxNumNames) As String
For i = 1 To MaxNumNames
'This will populate the array of names
strNames(i) = "Variable" & CStr(i)
'To use the name in the loop
Debug.Print "In Loop:" & strNames(i)
Next i
'To use the name outside the loop (Show 5th name)
Debug.Print "Outside Loop: " & strNames(5)
' To use the name in your function outside the loop (Using 2nd Name)
Debug.Print "Using Function: " & StudentValue(strNames(2))
End Sub


VBA type Mismatch error,how can I be sure I'm defining the right value type to variables?

I'm trying to compare an String value and add a String result from that String Value, it throws an error type 13, I believe the error relies in the "Range" property,it works If I don't define an range and leave a single Cell value, but I need to check the same logic for a certain range.
Sub Vars()
'myVar = 20'
'MsgBox myVar'
Dim currencyVar As Double
Dim locationRange As String
Dim RangeResult As String
locationRange = Application.Sheets("Sheet4").Range("F3:F19")
RangeResult = Sheets("Sheet4").Range("G3:G19")
Debug.Print (locationRange)
mainXlookup = WorksheetFunction.XLookup(Sheets("Sheet4").Range("b3:b19"), Sheets("Sheet3").Range("b2:b18"), Sheets("Sheet3").Range("c2:c18"), "Not in project")
Sheets("Sheet4").Range("f3:f19") = mainXlookup
If locationRange = "Bethesda" Then
RangeResult = "In-Range"
End If
End Sub

How can one disable autoformatting in Excel's VBA editor?

The single most annoying feature in Excel's built-in VBA editor is—in my opinion—the aggressive autoformatting of the code, which insists on rewriting what I have typed as soon as the cursor leaves the line. It is particularly distressing that the editor collapses all whitespace, thus preventing any meaningful code alignment. For example, if I try to align a sequence of assignments by the equals sign with values aligned by the decimal separator:
price = 10.01
quantity = 3.2
vat = 0.11
the editor inevitably scrambles it by collapsing all spaces:
price = 10.01
quantity = 3.2
vat = 0.11
Is there any way to avoid this kind unwelcome autoformatting?
Assignment cosmetics :-)
There's neither a special VBE property to change the VBE (autoformatting) options directly nor a way to do it programatically. - So afaik VBE irrevocably forces autoformatting upon the user by partial workarounds.
a) Class method
For the sake of the art and just for fun an actually (very) basic class approach to give you a starting idea; assignment arguments are passed as strings allowing any optical formatting - if that's what you really want:
Example call in current module
Sub ExampleCall()
Dim x As New cVars
x.Add "price = 11.11" ' wrong assignment
x.Add "price = 10.01" ' later correction
x.Add "quantity = 1241.01"
x.Add "vat = 0.11"
Debug.Print "The price is $ " & x.Value("price")
End Sub
Class module cVars
Option Explicit
Private dict As Object
Sub Add(ByVal NewValue As Variant)
'split string tokens via equal sign
Dim tmp
tmp = Split(Replace(Replace(NewValue, vbTab, ""), " ", "") & "=", "=")
'Identify key and value item
Dim myKey As String, myVal
myKey = tmp(0)
myVal = tmp(1): If IsNumeric(myVal) Then myVal = Val(myVal)
'Add to dictionary
If dict.exists(myKey) Then
dict(myKey) = myVal
dict.Add myKey, myVal
End If
'Debug.Print "dict(" & myKey & ") =" & dict(myKey)
End Sub
Public Property Get Value(ByVal myVarName As String) As Variant
'get variable value
Value = dict(myVarName)
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'set (late bound) dict to memory
If dict Is Nothing Then Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
Edit #1 as of 3/3 2021
b) Rem Evaluation method
Once again only for the sake of the art a way to read assignments entered into outcommented code lines via, yes via Rem (heaving a deep sigh for this archaic use originating from former Basic times) as it allows to format data with any wanted spaces or tabs and won't be mixed up hopefully with current outcommentings via apostrophe '.
This Test procedure only needs the usual declarations plus some assignment calls as well as the mentioned Rem part. Two simple help procedures get code lines, analyze them via a dictionary class cVars and eventually assign them.
Note that the following example
needs a library reference to Microsoft Visual Basic Extensibility 5.3 and
uses the unchanged class cVars of section a) simply to avoid rewriting it.
Option Explicit
Private Const THISMODULE As String = "Module1" ' << change to current code module name
Sub Test() ' procedure name of example call
'Declare vars
Dim price As Double: Assign "price", price
Dim quantity As Double: Assign "quantity", quantity
Dim vat As Double: Assign "vat", vat
'Enter assignments via Rem(ark)
'(allowing any user defined formatting therein)
Rem price = 10.01
Rem quantity = 1241.01
Rem vat = 0.11
Debug.Print quantity & " à $" & price & " = " & Format(quantity * price, "$#,##0.00")
End Sub
Help procedure Assign evaluating Rem codelines in procedure Test
Sub Assign(ByVal myVarName As String, ByRef myvar)
Const MyProc As String = "Test"
Dim codelines
getCodelines codelines, THISMODULE, ProcedureName:=MyProc
'Debug.Print Join(codelines, vbNewLine)
Dim x As New cVars ' set class instance to memory
Dim line As Variant, curAssignment
For Each line In codelines
curAssignment = Split(line, "Rem ")(1) ' remove Rem prefix from codelines
If curAssignment Like myVarName & "*" Then
x.Add curAssignment
myvar = x.Value(myVarName)
End If
End Sub
Help procedure getCodelines
Called by above proc Assign. Returns the relevant Rem Codelines from the calling procedure Test. - Of course it would have been possible to filter only one codeline.
Sub getCodelines(ByRef arr, ByVal ModuleName As String, ByVal ProcedureName As String)
Const SEARCH As String = "Rem "
'a) set project
Dim VBProj As Object
Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
If VBProj.Protection = vbext_pp_locked Then Exit Sub ' escape locked projects
'b) set component
Dim VBComp As Object
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(ModuleName)
Dim pk As vbext_ProcKind
'd) get relevant code lines
With VBComp.CodeModule
'count procedure header lines
Dim HeaderCount As Long: HeaderCount = .ProcBodyLine(ProcedureName, pk) - .ProcStartLine(ProcedureName, pk)
'get procedure code
Dim codelines
codelines = Split(.lines(.ProcBodyLine(ProcedureName, pk), .ProcCountLines(ProcedureName, pk) - HeaderCount), vbNewLine)
'filter code lines containing "Rem" entries
codelines = Filter(codelines, SEARCH, True)
End With
'return elements
arr = codelines
End Sub
Don't forget to integrate the class module CVars from section a)!

VBA behaving weirdly, can't get the value stored in variable

I am having a very strange problem. I am not able to get the value returned from a simple function as below if the return value is more than one char. Now the second problem is that following code is not assigning "WTH" to sheetName variable. Refer to the screenshot 2. UPDATED AFTER CYRIL'S COMMENTS
Public Sub WTHFormatter()
Dim sheetName As String
sheetName = "WTH"
Dim rng1 As Range
'delete empty rows
lastRowWTH = getLastRow(sheetName, 2)
'Delete rows below the last Row
Worksheets(sheetName).Rows(lastRowWTH + 1 & ":" & Worksheets(sheetName).Rows.Count).Delete
' build first range
Set rng1 = Worksheets(sheetName).Range("B11:F" & lastRowWTH)
Call setCellBorders(rng1)
Set rng1 = Worksheets(sheetName).Range("H11:K" & lastRowWTH)
Call setCellBorders(rng1)
'determine the range for months
For i = 13 To 24
If Cells(7, i) = "" Then
lastCol = i - 1
Exit For
End If
lastCol = i
ColLetter = returnLabel(lastCol)
ColLetter2 = returnLabel(lastCol + 2)
ColLetterX = returnLabel(lastCol + 14)
Set rng1 = Worksheets(sheetName).Range("K17:" & ColLetter & lastRowWTH)
Call setCellBorders(rng1)
Set rng1 = Worksheets(sheetName).Range(ColLetter2 & lastRowWTH & ":" & ColLetter3 & lastRowWTH)
Call setCellBorders(rng1)
End Sub
Function returnLabel(num1 As Long) As String
Dim ColumnLetter As String
ColumnLetter = Split(Cells(1, num1).Address, "$")(1)
returnLabel = ColumnLetter
End Function
The above function returns blank and varTest has nothing after the execution. If I do the line by line execution, I see that test1 in function is not 'Null'.
If I break the execution and probe the variables I see "test1 =" only as per the screen shot below. And this is breaking my code.
Strangely, If I call the function from 'Immediate Window', it returns the expected value.
Things I have already done:
I have tested in a fresh file using simple code as above.
Tested in different PC and the same code is working fine with same version of Windows 10 & Office 365.
Updated / Re-installed MS Office 365
Restarted the PC
If the return value is a single character like "A", the code is working fine.
Failed to understand the reason here. Any help is appreciated.
I tried it on a fresh file while the code above worked, but the main code is having a new similar problem. This has started happening just now. It's not assigning a string value to the variable. See the attached screenshot.Screenshot of the VBA Code. I am assuming there is some problem with system or some virus.
If the idea is to have a function, that an array, this is possible with the following code:
Function Test1() As Variant
ReDim result(2)
result(0) = "AJ"
result(1) = "A"
Test1 = result
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim varTest As Variant
varTest = Test1(0)
Debug.Print varTest
varTest = Test1(1)
Debug.Print varTest
End Sub
It is questionable why would it be needed, but as a "test-exercise" it is ok.
Going to put my comments into an answer to consolidate and add more explanation.
Pointing out some errors in the code before correcting:
Function test1(num1) 'declare `as variant` to ensure you're returning an array
test1 = "AJ" 'this appears to be saving a single string to var test1
test1 = "A" 'you are now overwriting the above string
End function
Sub test()
varTest = test1(1) 'you have a single string from the function and arrays start at 0, not 1
End sub
You would want to specify the place in the array, after declaring an array, within your function such that:
Function test1() As Variant
Dim arr(2) As Variant 'added array because test1 = BLAH is the final output in a function
arr(0) = "AJ" 'added (1) to call location in array
arr(1) = "A" 'added (2) to call location in array
test1 = arr
End Function
Sub test()
Dim varTest As Variant
varTest = test1(0) 'outputs "AJ" in immediate window
Debug.Print varTest
End Sub
Now you can debug.print your array values, or set to varTest based on the location in the array.
Edit: Tested after my consolidating comments and recognized that there was not an actual output for test1 as an array at the end of the function, so had to go back and add a second array to set test = allowing an array output from a function.
Your code is running as it should.
The test1 function assigns the value AJ to the test1 variable, and then it assigns the value A to the test1 variable.
You could assign the value 50 in your test procedure and it will return A.
I think this is the code you're after:
Function test1(num1) As String
' Dim MyArray As Variant
' MyArray = Array("AJ", "A")
Dim MyArray(0 To 1)
MyArray(0) = "AJ"
MyArray(1) = "A"
If num1 >= LBound(MyArray) And num1 <= UBound(MyArray) Then
test1 = MyArray(num1)
test1 = "Item not here"
End If
End Function
Sub test()
Dim varTest As String
'Return the second item in the array from the function.
varTest = test1(1)
MsgBox varTest
'Return the first item in the array from the function.
varTest = test1(0)
MsgBox varTest
'Returns "subscript out of range" error as array is only 2 elements in size (0 and 1).
'The error is dealt with in the function using the IF....ELSE...END IF block and returns
'"Item not here" instead.
varTest = test1(2)
MsgBox varTest
End Sub
I solved this by using declaring the variables even when option explicit is not used.
The old code runs without throwing errors even when the variable is not declared and option explicit is also not used. But, for some reasons, it doesn't read / write undeclared variables as expected.
Now as per #cyril suggestion, I declared the variables being used and run the code. This time code ran as expected.
This happened for multiple of variables and at different stages in the code.

Passing parameter into function to create variable name

I want to use global variables in my workbook and in the ThisWorkbook code. I declared the following varaibles
Public position_1 as string
Public position_2 as string
If I want to see the value of those variables I believe they need to be fully qualified so
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.position_1
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.position_2
I have written a UDF which I will pass in an integer to represent which variable I am looking for. I will only be passing in a single number and not a full variable name. I am trying to find a way to use this integer to concatenate with "position_" to display the value of the global variable, ThisWorkbook.position_1, ThisWorkbook.position_2, etc.
Function Test_Global_Var(position as Integer)
Dim variable_name As String
variable_name = "position_" & position
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.variable_name
End Function
So when I call
my immediate window should display the value of
The code below produces the following debug output
2 values defined.
First Value
Second Value
It uses a private array in the workbook named m_position. The contents are accessed by a global property ThisWorkbook.Position(index).
In a module have the following code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
If ThisWorkbook.NoValues Then
ThisWorkbook.FillValues "First Value", "Second Value"
End If
Debug.Print CStr(ThisWorkbook.Count) & " values defined."
Test_Global_Var 0
Test_Global_Var 1
End Sub
Public Sub Test_Global_Var(ByVal index As Long)
' Part of a UDF
Debug.Print "ThisWorkbook.Position(" & CStr(index) & ")"
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Position(index)
End Sub
In ThisWorkbook have the following code:
Option Explicit
Private m_position() As Variant
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call DefaultValues
End Sub
Public Property Get Position(ByVal index As Long) As Variant
Position = m_position(index)
End Property
Public Sub DefaultValues()
m_position = Array("First", "Second")
End Sub
Public Sub FillValues(ParamArray args() As Variant)
m_position = args
End Sub
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = UBound(m_position) - LBound(m_position) + 1
End Property
Public Property Get NoValues() As Boolean
On Error GoTo ArrUndefined:
Dim n As Long
n = UBound(m_position)
NoValues = False
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
NoValues = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Property
PS. In VBA never use Integer, but instead use Long. Integer is a 16bit type, while Long is the standard 32bit type that all other programming languages consider as an integer.
It is possible to consider a global dictionary variable and pass data through it from the UDF.
First add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime:
Thus, build the dictionary like this:
Public myDictionary As Dictionary
To initialize the myDictionary variable, consider adding it to a Workbook_Open event:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set myDictionary = New Dictionary
End Sub
Then the UDF would look like this:
Public Function FillDicitonary(myVal As Long) As String
If myDictionary.Exists(myVal) Then
myDictionary(myVal) = "position " & myVal
myDictionary.Add myVal, "position " & myVal
End If
FillDicitonary = "Filled with " & myVal
End Function
And it would overwrite every key in the dictionary, if it exists. At the end, the values could be printed:
Public Sub PrintDictionary()
Dim myKey As Variant
For Each myKey In myDictionary
Debug.Print myDictionary(myKey)
End Sub

Argument not optional when calling sub-procedure that passes dict as a value

My question is a little different here because I am trying to call a sub-procedure that has passed a dictionary as a parameter and it keeps returning the error 'Argument not optional'. Please help!
Sub Code1()
Call sub_input
End Sub
Sub sub_input (dicDat as Dictionary)
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws =ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim vTemp As Variant
vTemp =Range(Range("rInputStart").Offset(1),_
Dim price as Long
Dim currency As String: currency = vbNullString
Dim exchangeRate as String: exchangeRate = vbNullString
Dim remark as String: remark = vbNullString
For j =1 To 10
price = price & dicDat ("price" & CStr (j))&"|"
price = price ("rPriceManual").value
currency = currency & dicDat("dl_currency"&CStr(j))&"|"
exchangeRate =(exchangeRate & _
Remark= remark & dicDat("remarks"&CStr(j))&"|"
For i =LBound(vTemp,1)ToUBound(vTemp,1)
If vTemp(i,1)="currency"And dicDat(dl_currency)<> vbNullString _
vTemp(i,3)= currency
If vTemp(i,2)="remark"Then
If vTemp(i,2)="exchangeRate"Then
vTemp(i,3)= exchangeRate
Next i
Next j
End Sub
Try creating a scripting.dictionary object to pass over to the sub.
Option Explicit
Sub Code1()
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
dict.Item(10) = "abc"
dict.Item(11) = "bcd"
dict.Item(12) = "cde"
sub_input dict
End Sub
Sub sub_input(dicDat As Scripting.Dictionary)
Dim k As Variant
For Each k In dicDat.keys
Debug.Print k & " - " & dicDat.Item(k)
Next k
End Sub
If you prefer late-binding, use dim dict as object then set dict = createobject("scripting.dictionary").
To use this code, go into the VBE's Tools, References then locate Microsoft Scripting Runtime and put a check beside it to include this library in your project. Library references like this are on a project-to-project basis, not a computer-to-computer basis. If you run your workbook on another computer, it will be carried across.
You have called the sub sub_input but you are calling sub_book also sub_input requires a parameter sub_input(dicDat as Dictionary) but you are not adding a parameter to your call code.
For example:
if you called a sub sub Test but then add (name as string) next to it to make Sub Test(Name as string) you are making a variable that is necessary to run the sub. If you wanted to call this sub you would need to call it with a value to give the Name variable as it is a string you would need to surround that with "". as an example one way you could call this is call Test("Geoff") "Geoff" being the name string
The error you are getting is because you have not called your sub with nol value to the dicDat parameter. your code should look like: `call sub_input(TestValue) then that gives your 'dicDat' a value
For a more detailed explanation of argument not optional errors see here.
My suggestion is at the top of every module/class/sheet where you are going to add code type option explicit at the top and then you will find any typos on names or subs
Hope this helps
