Upgrading application - desktop icons - Inno - inno-setup

If a user has Star Dock Fences installed and they have moved the desktop icon into one of the fence panels, I find that whilst the short-cut will get removed during the upgrade it is then just re-inserted back on the desktop and I have to drag it back into the fence panel.
Is there some way we can keep it in the same fence panel or is this over complicated to detect on the target PC?
So, in my script I have:
Name: "{autodesktop}\Meeting Schedule Assistant"; \
Filename: {app}\MeetSchedAssist.exe; Tasks: desktopicon;
Here it is in a fence:
According to the icon properties it is desk a desktop short-cut, even though it is inside a Stardock Fence:
So it is a shame that the new one does not stay in the same place. I don't want to use the uninsneveruninstall flag if I can help it.

I have been provided with an answer here. No changes are required to the Inno Setup script.
Rather, the user can make a specific change to the Star Dock Fences. It has to do with Name-based rules:
By using criteria you can isolate a short-cut and tell it which fence panel it should belong too.
To quote the aforementioned link:
You can setup a fence which has a name rules set to it. Usually any program will still use its original name whenever it upgrades. So if you set the name rules it will always be moved to that specified fence when it upgrades.

Inno Setup just place a shortcut on desktop because this is specified in the configuration file. If you want to place on different locations, add them to the configuration.
You can read this guide to learn more about icons/shortcuts.
About avoiding shortcut being moved to desktop, you probably can't because Inno identifies that there's no shortcut on desktop. Anyways, you can avoid Inno Setup from changing any shortcut.
You can use the flag: uninsneveruninstall.
This answer might help you: Renaming/replacing ShortCut During Inno Setup Installation
If you don't want to use uninsneveruninstall flag, i suggest you try to add version to shortcut's name.
E.g. Name: "{autodesktop}\Meeting Schedule Assistant 1.0"; \
This guy explains.


Bring Inno Setup installer to the foreground

How to bring the installer to the foreground at every progress page? (Assuming that the person installing the program decides to do other things with the computer in the meantime).
I am using this code to install DirectX and redist:
Inno Setup - Avoid displaying filenames of sub-installers
(look only the part that includes this ProgressPage := CreateOutputProgressPage).
Do not even try this. That ruins user experience.
And Windows actually prevents you from doing that anyway.
If you need to bring user attention to your installer/application, flash its taskbar button.

Change Inno Setup messages from Pascal code

I need to change ConfirmUninstall, UninstalledMost (just in case), and UninstalledAll specifically from script to set a condition. Something like this:
if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\Slash.exe')) then
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Slasher'])
else if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\Frank.exe')) then
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Frankenstein'])
SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall) := FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgConfirmUninstall), ['Dagon Video Tools']);
But this doesn't work. These messages are used in MsgBoxes, so I can't think of any other way. Running in silent mode is not really suitable for me, since setup will run uninstall if the programs (or one of them) has already been installed, so I don't want the user to accidentally uninstall the program by running the setup.
You cannot change these easily, see:
Replace or customize modal uninstallation windows in Inno Setup
Regarding the silent uninstall solution: I do not understand your problem with "setup will run uninstall if the programs (or one of them) has already been installed".
I assume you run the uninstaller only after the user confirms (s)he wants to install the new version, so you actually want to run the uninstaller silently, right?
And anyway, there's nothing that prevents you from running the uninstaller non-silently from your installer, even if the entry in "Add/Remove programs" refers to "silent" installation.
You can use generic messages that covers all setup types:
ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to completely remove this game?
As your uninstall messages depend on a type of the installed application, you can modify the installer to:
Create custom "type" page (like a menu) as the very first one.
Once the user selects the "type", restart the installer with a custom switch (e.g. /APPTYPE=slasher) and exit.
Once the installer is (re-)run with the /APPTYPE, you know from the beginning, what component/type you are installing and hence you can set the AppName accordingly (using a scripted constant).
Of course, you skip the custom "type" page.
This is actually not difficult to implement. The only drawback is that the setup window is "recreated" after the user selects the "type".
I've sketched this solution already in my answer to Inno Setup Change AppName based on component(s) selected.

Inno setup a simple update

Is it possible to use same Inno Setup installer for installing new or updating/upgrading application. For example If the application is already installed the installer will check current version against newly availible. If it is true then I would like the installation procedure to be silent, meaning showing only the progress of update and not all availible installation features (e.g. folder location e.t.c). Thanks.
The solution to the problem was :
Passing the parameters /SILENT/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
taken from
For the standard screens, simply add the following to your [Setup] section:
This will automatically hide the directory and group selection pages on subsequent installs (using the previously selected values, by default, unless you've used other settings that disable that behaviour).
Components and Tasks will still display, but that's usually a good thing as it allows the user to add additional components or re-perform certain tasks. (Note that you can use the checkedonce flag on [Tasks] entries to only tick them by default during the initial install, but allow the user to re-tick them manually if required.)
It's possible to skip even more pages through use of [Code], but this is rarely necessary.
Another option is that if the installer is being run from your application itself (eg. as part of a "Check for new versions" task) you can use the /SILENT command line parameter to hide the normal interactive UI.

What window manager should I use as example?

I want to implement a simple specialized window manager for presentations (not user-controllable) that supports only the following operations:
Moving and resizing of windows
Switching desktops
Starting applications not on current desktop (in background) without disrupting current image.
I don't need any user input, button/titles, ...
What existing window manager should I use as example? There are many little "hello world" window managers, but they usually does not support desktop switching.
You don't need to reimplement the wheel.
openbox will do everything you mention and more besides.
Simply edit the rc.xml to disable the root menu, and re-launch.
Openbox also allows per app setting so that certain applications can open on a particular desktop by default, or with a particular size, or open hidden.
It also supports wildcards in the window selection, so that settings can apply to all windows.
devilspie2 is a window matching utility that can perform actions whenever a window opens.
It is highly hackable and the code is available on github. It will match windows by name/class/etc when they open, and perform actions on them. (including matching all windows and moving them to a different desktop. It will work with most window managers.
Based on the original devilspie which does not have Lua scripting, but is configured using s-exprs instead.
xdotool will also allow you to perform complex actions on windows without hacking any code. It will even fake user input (mouse/kbd) if you need it.
There are a few window managers written in Python that could be good starting points. Qtile and whimsy both describe themselves as hackable.

Multiple Desktop Icons in InnoSetup

I am creating an installer that has a bonus application in with the normal application. I have the icon showing in the program group just fine, I want to be able to give the option to create a desktop icon for BOTH applications. Currently, my options seem to be no desktop icon, or if I create one, it seems to only want to create the second app and not the first...
Thank you
If you only want one option, copy the existing [Icon] entry (with the desktopicon task) and change the name. If only one is appearing, you most likely have the same name set for both of them so it's being overwritten.
If you want to individual options, also duplicate the [Tasks] entry and change the name and second icon to suit.
(Next time, please post a sample of the code that's causing a problem)
