Multiple Desktop Icons in InnoSetup - inno-setup

I am creating an installer that has a bonus application in with the normal application. I have the icon showing in the program group just fine, I want to be able to give the option to create a desktop icon for BOTH applications. Currently, my options seem to be no desktop icon, or if I create one, it seems to only want to create the second app and not the first...
Thank you

If you only want one option, copy the existing [Icon] entry (with the desktopicon task) and change the name. If only one is appearing, you most likely have the same name set for both of them so it's being overwritten.
If you want to individual options, also duplicate the [Tasks] entry and change the name and second icon to suit.
(Next time, please post a sample of the code that's causing a problem)


Upgrading application - desktop icons - Inno

If a user has Star Dock Fences installed and they have moved the desktop icon into one of the fence panels, I find that whilst the short-cut will get removed during the upgrade it is then just re-inserted back on the desktop and I have to drag it back into the fence panel.
Is there some way we can keep it in the same fence panel or is this over complicated to detect on the target PC?
So, in my script I have:
Name: "{autodesktop}\Meeting Schedule Assistant"; \
Filename: {app}\MeetSchedAssist.exe; Tasks: desktopicon;
Here it is in a fence:
According to the icon properties it is desk a desktop short-cut, even though it is inside a Stardock Fence:
So it is a shame that the new one does not stay in the same place. I don't want to use the uninsneveruninstall flag if I can help it.
I have been provided with an answer here. No changes are required to the Inno Setup script.
Rather, the user can make a specific change to the Star Dock Fences. It has to do with Name-based rules:
By using criteria you can isolate a short-cut and tell it which fence panel it should belong too.
To quote the aforementioned link:
You can setup a fence which has a name rules set to it. Usually any program will still use its original name whenever it upgrades. So if you set the name rules it will always be moved to that specified fence when it upgrades.
Inno Setup just place a shortcut on desktop because this is specified in the configuration file. If you want to place on different locations, add them to the configuration.
You can read this guide to learn more about icons/shortcuts.
About avoiding shortcut being moved to desktop, you probably can't because Inno identifies that there's no shortcut on desktop. Anyways, you can avoid Inno Setup from changing any shortcut.
You can use the flag: uninsneveruninstall.
This answer might help you: Renaming/replacing ShortCut During Inno Setup Installation
If you don't want to use uninsneveruninstall flag, i suggest you try to add version to shortcut's name.
E.g. Name: "{autodesktop}\Meeting Schedule Assistant 1.0"; \
This guy explains.

In Windows 10 how do I add a program to the main "Open With" menu not "Choose another App"

With Windows 7 I could easily use the Open With context menu to add a new program which would thereafter appear in the Open With menu (I can't remember the exact sequence, but it was easy and worked fine). However I have now upgraded to Windows 10. The programs that I associated with my particular file extension in W7 still appear in the Open With menu in W10. If I want to add another one I select "Choose Another App". However, any app I add with W10 does not appear in the Open With menu - I have to select Choose Another App every time to get to it. I now have two lists of available apps, one in Open With (the ones I set up with W7) and one in Open With | Choose Another App (the ones I set up with W10). It's not exactly a show stopper but it's irritating. Does anyone know what this is all about and how I can get the apps into the main Open With menu?
The reason why it doesn't appear in "Open with" menu is most likely because application's VERSIONINFO is not properly filled out with all the relevant details. If you are application developer you should create VERSIONINFO resource as clarified here:
If you are not the developer, then you can still fix this by editing registry - see here:
Basically under the registry key: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache there should be 2 keys for YourExampleApp:
One that ends with .FriendlyAppName
One that ends with .ApplicationCompany
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ExampleApp\YourExampleApp.exe.FriendlyAppName
C:\Program Files (x86)\ExampleApp\YourExampleApp.exe.ApplicationCompany
Most likely one of these 2 is missing which causes the application to be dropped out of the "Open with" menu.
The MuiCache list is cached from the properties of the application's VERSIONINFO resource embedded in the application, so if such resource is missing from the application, some items may be missing from the cache as well. For more details have a look at the above references.
Coder12345 had the correct answer for me, thanks a ton! I would like to expand on it briefly; I wanted Shotcut to appear in the first open with... context menu. I had to add the registry entry for ApplicationCompany. It appears that it doesn't matter what you put for the value of that key, just as long as it's there. No restart of file explorer was required, the change takes place immediately.
Also, the FriendlyAppName changes what text appears in the open with submenu. Shotcut appeared as shotcut.exe so I changed it to just Shotcut.

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

Which image within the visual assets list, corresponds to Cortana

I am currently creating an UWA that interacts with Cortana, but the image displayed at the top of the canvas, remains the default one.
I have tried to declare various images within the visual assets list in , but none of them had a positive impact.
Who knows which one to change? I have read the documentation in MSDN, and they just mentions that cortana displays the app logo but again, I don't know which one is it.
Thanks in advance
In your package manifest, you have a line like this (This is taken from a the default UAP app template)
The element that shows up for me in Cortana's UI when I use a Cortana voice command is the Assets\Square44x44Logo.png one. Is that the one you're trying to change? Keep in mind you can use automatic scaling for different DPIs (it'll look up a file like Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png and other variations depending on the DPI of the screen) so it might be preferring that over the file you've modified, perhaps?

Is there a way to change 'project' once a bug has been entered in MantisBT?

As evident from title, I entered a bug in MantisBT but mistaken choose wrong project. I can go back and edit most of the parameters of bug but it doesn't allow me to change the project. I looked in configuration and there seems to be no option for that there as well. Is there a way I fix the bug information by changing the project to the correct value?
You can move issues between projects if your system configuration and access levels allow it (look for the Move button in the View Issue Details page)
You can also move multiple issues by doing the following:
Go to View Issues page.
Filter on the issues you want to move (optional)
Tick the issues from the list that you want to move or select all.
Go to the bottom of the list and select "Move" then click Go.
Select project to move to.
Note that since MantisBT uses a universal id across all projects, moving an issue doesn't break links to it, since URL to the issue will remain the same.
