Can I make SVG elements selectable in the browser? - svg

I am attempting to write a graphical grid editor and I was looking at the possibility of use SVG to draw the grid, with the hope that there is some was to select the grid elements. So, the SVG grid would be made up of colored rectangles arranged in columns and rows. User can draw digital pictures by coloring different rectangles different colors.
I can easily draw a grid of svg rects and display is fine. But I want the user to be able to select a set of rects from the svg display. So, perhaps they want to select multiple rects by dragging a rectangular region with the mouse and selecting them, then they might want to color all a certain color.
Is there a way for the browser to show selection of a subset of rects displayed in my grid? Or is that not a possibility with SVG? I am new to SVG, so have never worked with it before. My simple grid test, does not show any selection when dragging over the svg rect elements with the mouse.
Is there some easy way to do this?
Alternatively, I think I would need to use an HTML 5 canvas for display and handle all the mouse events myself.

This is how I would do it:
I create the grid and I'm saving the rects in the rects array.
On mouse down I change the value of the min_x and min_y variables.
On mouse up I change the value of the max_x and max_y, and filter the rects array to change the color of the rects in the selected range:
x >= min_x-size &&
y >= min_y-size &&
x <= max_x &&
y <= max_y
This is an example. Please click and drag over the svg canvas.
let SVG_NS = svg.namespaceURI;
let size = 10;// the size of a grid cell
let w = 100;//the width of the grid
let h = 100;//the height of the grid
let rectx=0,recty=0;
let selecting = false;
// the rects array
let rects = [];
//create the grid.Push the new rect into the rects array. All the recta have a fill attribute
for(let y = 0; y< h; y+=size){
for(let x = 0; x < w; x+=size){
let rect = drawSVGelmt({x:x,y:y,width:size,height:size,fill:"white"},"rect", svgG);
let min_x = 0,max_x=100,min_y=0,max_y = 100
//on mouse down change the value of the min_x and min_y
selecting = true
m = oMousePosSVG(e,svg)
min_x = m.x,min_y=m.y;
rectx = m.x;
recty = m.y;
//on mouse up change the value of the max_x and max_y, filter the rects array and change the color of the "selected" rects
m = oMousePosSVG(e,svg);
let m = oMousePosSVG(e,svg)
max_x = m.x,max_y=m.y;
rects.filter((el)=> {
let x = el.getAttribute("x");
let y = el.getAttribute("y");
if (x >= min_x-size &&
y >= min_y-size &&
x <= max_x &&
y <= max_y){
selecting = false;
// a function to draw a new svg element
function drawSVGelmt(o,tag, parent) {
let elmt = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, tag);
for (let name in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
elmt.setAttributeNS(null, name, o[name]);
return elmt;
// a function to detect the mouse position on the svg canvas
function oMousePosSVG(e, svg) {
var p = svg.createSVGPoint();
p.x = e.clientX;
p.y = e.clientY;
var ctm = svg.getScreenCTM().inverse();
var p = p.matrixTransform(ctm);
return p;
svg{border:1px solid; width:90vh;}
rect{stroke:black; vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;pointer-events:all}
<svg id="svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<g id="svgG"></g>
<rect id="selector" stroke="#ccc" fill="rgba(0,0,0,.2)" />


SVG or Canvas bevel & emboss to find center-line of text

The photoshop bevel & emboss effect makes it easy to find the central 'ridge' which coincides with the center-line of text characters. This is done by increasing the appropriate effect settings to max-out the bevel, thereby creating such a ridge.
This Photoshop example was processed to further accentuate the center ridge
Is it possible to achieve the same effect with an SVG filter or Canvas technique in the browser?
Once this effect is in place, I could obtain the coordinates of the center line which I want.
Alternatively, is there an existing algorithm to get this center line via mathematical means from a raster image or vector shape?
SVG filters are a powerful feature that can be like photoshop in the browser. You can achieve the desired result by chaining a handful of filter primitives together.
<filter id="filterData">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5" />
<feDiffuseLighting surfaceScale="500">
<feDistantLight azimuth="90" elevation="90" />
<feComposite result="composite" operator="in" in2="SourceGraphic" />
The first primitive blurs the text. Then a lighting primitive uses the result of the blurred primitive as a bump map to give the text depth. You will have to play with the surfaceScale attribute depending to the thickness of the text. The composite primitive will cut the final result to the area of the unfiltered text, the 'SourceGraphic'.
[codepen example]
Somehow this one tickled my fancy, although I am not sure this is an efficient way to get a result.
What is the center line? I define it as the set of all points inside the contour that fullfill the following condition: There must be at least one straight line going through the point where the distance to the nearest contour line is a local maximum along the line just at that point. In practice, testing a horizontal and a vertical line is enough.
I tried to implement that using two functions from the SVGGeometryElement interface: .getPointAtLength() and .isPointInFill(). The second one has so far only been implemented in Chrome, so that is the only browser this will work with.
The <text> element does not implement the SVGGeometryElement interface, so it must be converted to a <path>. That is something that cannot be done in a browser, you'll need an appropriate grafics program for that.
Finding, for 1000 * 500 points, which of ca. 5000 points along the contour of the two letters is the nearest one is a lot of computation. Therefore this contains a crude mechanism to only test those contour points that are in the vincinity. Nonetheless, give it a few seconds to complete. If you compute only one letter at that size and halve the canvas size, the execution time will aproximately quarter.
const width = 1000;
const height = 500;
const letter = document.querySelector('path');
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
function isInside(x, y) {
const point = svg.createSVGPoint();
point.x = x;
point.y = y;
return letter.isPointInFill(point);
// a 21 * 11 array of arrays
const fields = new Array(21).fill(0).map(() => {
return new Array(11).fill(0).map(() => []);
// a list of points along the contour
const length = Math.floor(letter.getTotalLength());
Array.from(new Array(length), (x, i) => {
return letter.getPointAtLength(i);
}).forEach(point => {
// find out if a contour point is inside a 100 * 100 rectangle
let rx1= Math.round(point.x / 100) * 2;
let ry1 = Math.round(point.y / 100) * 2;
// or a 100 * 100 rectangle that is offset by 50
let rx2 = Math.round((point.x + 50) / 100) * 2 - 1;
let ry2 = Math.round((point.y + 50) / 100) * 2 - 1;
// push the point into all four lists for the rectangles it is part of
const data = new Float32Array(width * height);
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// only handle points inside the contour
if (isInside(x, y)) {
// find out which 50 * 50 rectangle the inside point is part of
const rx = Math.round(x / 50);
const ry = Math.round(y / 50);
// find the nearest contour point from the list for the
// appropriate 100 * 100 rectangle
const d = fields[rx][ry].reduce((min, point) => {
const dist = Math.hypot(point.x - x, point.y - y)
return Math.min(min, dist);
}, 100);
// store that distance value
data[y * width + x] = d;
data.forEach((v, i, a) => {
// find out if the distance to the nearest contour point
// is a local maximum, vertically or horizontally
const vert = a[i - width] < v && a[i + width] < v;
const hor = a[i - 1] < v && a[i + 1] < v;
if (vert || hor) {
// color that point as part of the center line
ctx.fillRect(i % width, Math.floor(i / width), 1, 1);
<svg width="1000" height="500" style="position:absolute">
<path id="letter" d="M 374.512,316.992 H 220.703 L 193.75,379.687 Q 183.789,402.832 183.789,414.258 183.789,423.34 192.285,430.371 201.074,437.109 229.785,439.16 V 450 H 104.688 V 439.16 Q 129.59,434.766 136.914,427.734 151.855,413.672 170.02,370.605 L 309.766,43.6523 H 320.02 L 458.301,374.121 Q 475,413.965 488.477,425.977 502.246,437.695 526.562,439.16 V 450 H 369.824 V 439.16 Q 393.555,437.988 401.758,431.25 410.254,424.512 410.254,414.844 410.254,401.953 398.535,374.121 Z M 366.309,295.312 298.926,134.766 229.785,295.312 Z M 810.742,247.266 Q 852.051,256.055 872.559,275.391 900.977,302.344 900.977,341.309 900.977,370.898 882.227,398.145 863.477,425.098 830.664,437.695 798.145,450 731.055,450 H 543.555 V 439.16 H 558.496 Q 583.398,439.16 594.238,423.34 600.977,413.086 600.977,379.687 V 123.047 Q 600.977,86.1328 592.48,76.4648 581.055,63.5742 558.496,63.5742 H 543.555 V 52.7344 H 715.234 Q 763.281,52.7344 792.285,59.7656 836.23,70.3125 859.375,97.2656 882.52,123.926 882.52,158.789 882.52,188.672 864.355,212.402 846.191,235.84 810.742,247.266 Z M 657.227,231.445 Q 668.066,233.496 681.836,234.668 695.898,235.547 712.598,235.547 755.371,235.547 776.758,226.465 798.437,217.09 809.863,198.047 821.289,179.004 821.289,156.445 821.289,121.582 792.871,96.9727 764.453,72.3633 709.961,72.3633 680.664,72.3633 657.227,78.8086 Z M 657.227,421.289 Q 691.211,429.199 724.316,429.199 777.344,429.199 805.176,405.469 833.008,381.445 833.008,346.289 833.008,323.145 820.41,301.758 807.812,280.371 779.395,268.066 750.977,255.762 709.082,255.762 690.918,255.762 678.027,256.348 665.137,256.934 657.227,258.398 Z"/>
<canvas width="1000" height="500" style="position:absolute"></canvas>

Phaser 3 - Fix a shape into the camera view

I am trying to draw a minimap from a randomly generated matrix that represents my level.
To do so, I am drawing black or white little squares one by one to represent the matrix visually (I don't know if it the best way to do that with phaser, actually, I am a beginner with this framework).
The map draws correctly but its position is bound to the world not to camera, so when I move it is not visible anymore.
Here is the code I use to draw the map:
generate() {
let wallsGraphics ={fillStyle : {color : LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.WALLS_COLOR}});
let pathGraphics ={fillStyle : {color : LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.PATH_COLOR}});
// Draw the map
let y = 0;
for (let line of this._matrix) {
let x = 0;
for (let cell of line) {
let rect = new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle();
rect.width = LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.CELL_WIDTH;
rect.height = LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.CELL_HEIGHT;
rect.x = LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.POSITION_X + x * LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.CELL_WIDTH;
rect.y = LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.POSITION_Y + y * LabyrinthConfig.MAPS.MINI_MAP.CELL_HEIGHT;
cell === 0 ? wallsGraphics.fillRectShape(rect) : pathGraphics.fillRectShape(rect);
Any help on how to fix this map to the camera view ?
Set scroll factor of your graphics objects to 0.

D3.js semantic zoom misbehaving

I've been trying to teach myself D3.js, but I can't seem to get semantic zoom (zooming positions but not shapes) to work for me.
I've read the d3 zoom docs here, and attempted to functionally copy the svg semantic zoom example code
This is my code:
var X, Y, circle, circles, h, i, j, svg, transform, w, zoom, _i, _j;
w = 1200;
h = 600;
circles = [];
for (j = _i = 0; _i <= 6; j = ++_i) {
for (i = _j = 0; _j <= 12; i = ++_j) {
circles.push({r: 25, cx: i * 50, cy: j * 50});
X = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([0, 1]);
Y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([0, 1]);
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoom", function() {
return circle.attr("transform", transform);
transform = function(d) {
return "translate(" + (X( + ", " + (Y( + ")";
svg ="body")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
.attr("r", function(d) {
return d.r;
}).attr("cx", function(d) {
}).attr("cy", function(d) {
}).attr("transform", transform);
Live version at jsfiddle.
This should be pretty simple. I'm creating grid of circles that should exactly touch when no zoom is applied (distance is 50 px, diameter is 50 px). When I zoom in, I expect the circles to spread apart, with the point under the mouse remaining stationary. I expect the zoom to be smooth and linear with applied mouse wheeling. The circles should remain the same size, though, so that they stop touching when I zoom in; they should overlap when I zoom out.
Instead, initially, the circles are spread out exactly twice as far as they should be. When I zoom in and out, the center point is not under the mouse (and moves around depending on how I pan). Zoom is highly nonlinear, asymptotically approaching a scale of 1 (circles touching) as I zoom out, and rapidly accelerating as I zoom in.
This seems really odd, and I can't spot significant differences between my code and the semantic zoom example, which works as expected. I conclude that I don't actually understand how D3 zoom is supposed to work. Can someone sort me out?
Your code is very close to being correct: Working demo.
Use scale to map the location of objects
Instead of saving the exact location of objects in them and then using scales with range and domain set to [0, 1], use the scales to do the mapping for you:
for (j = _i = 0; _i <= 6; j = ++_i) {
for (i = _j = 0; _j <= 12; i = ++_j) {
r: 25,
cx: i,
cy: j,
color: "#000"
X = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 6])
.range([0, w]);
Y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 12])
.range([0, h]);
The change here is that now D3 knows about the aspect ratio of your viewport and in what proportions it should transform the scales so as to keep the point under the svg static under the mouse. Otherwise, it was trying to zoom in and out of a square, resulting in a jarring experience.
The problem was the initial position of the circles stacking up on the translation.
Live code with the problem pointed out and fixed, and a few other modifications:
var size = 600
var scale = 100
circles = []
for (var j = 0; j<6; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i<6; i++) {
circles.push({x: i*scale, y: j*scale })
var X = d3.scale.linear()
var Y = d3.scale.linear()
function transform(d) {
return "translate("+X(d.x)+", "+Y(d.y)+")"
var circle /*fwd declaration*/
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.on("zoom", function () {
circle.attr("transform", transform)
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", size).attr("height", size)
circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
.attr("r", 20)
/*the problem was this initial offset interfering with the
translation we were applying, resulting in very strange behavior*/
/* .attr("cx", function (d) {return d.x})
.attr("cy", function (d) {return d.y})*/
.attr("transform", transform)
The "scale" parameter should do nothing, but if you add in those commented lines, it affects the initial position and causes the non-intuitive effects.
The original problems were:
Initial scale appeared to be more zoomed than it should have been.
Zooming out very var produced a noticeable nonlinear asymptotic effect.
Zooming out then panning around, then zooming back in did not work at all like expected, with the diagram sliding under the mouse instead of staying pinned.
All of these are straightforward consequences of the initial position:
The initial distances appeared bigger because we applied their original positions plus the zoom translation.
The nonlinear asymptotic effect was the zoom translation distances going to zero asymptotically (as expected), but the initially applied distances not going to zero, giving the appearance of a nonzero zoom asymptote.
While zoomed out, D3 thinks it's zoomed out more than the user does (because of the extra distances between circles), which means when a pan is applied, the center of the image as D3 tracks it is moving differently than what the user expects, which causes the effect of the zoom center not being under the mouse.
You can play with these effects to understand them by uncommenting the initial position lines and applying the same zoom actions with different scale parameters. Commenting them causes the circles to initially be all at screen-space 0,0, so that only the zoom distance translation is applied, which is what we want.
Props to musically_ut's answer for suggesting the smaller world-space coordinate scale, which shouldn't have made any difference, but did, which helped me identify the problem.

raphael js, resize canvas then setViewBox to show all elements

I have a problem with my canvas.
My canvas in first width = 1300, height = 500
Then I resize it to width = 800px, height = 500
I try setViewBox to zoom it. But mouse not fix with element when I drag them.
#canvas.resize(800, 500)
#canvas.setViewBox(0,0, ??, ??)
how to calculate it???
Thank for your help. :)
You can calculate the necessary dimensions using an approach like this:
function recalculateViewBox( canvas )
var max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
canvas.forEach( function( el )
var box = el.getBBox();
max_x = Math.max( max_x, box.x2 );
max_y = Math.max( max_y, box.y2 );
} );
if ( max_x && max_y )
canvas.setViewBox( 0, 0, max_x, max_y );
Essentially, you simply walk the contents of the canvas and construct a meta-bounding box, then adjust the viewBox to it.
If you wanted to get a little fancy, you could always animate the viewbox so that it transitions fluidly to it's new size. Not functionally important, but moderately sexy...

How is the getBBox() SVGRect calculated?

I have a g element that contains one or more path elements. As I mentioned in another question, I scale and translate the g element by computing a transform attribute so that it fits on a grid in another part of the canvas.
The calculation is done using the difference between two rectangles, the getBBox() from the g element and the rectangle around the grid.
Here is the question -- after I do the transform, I update the contents of the g element and call getBBox() again, without removing the transform. The resulting rectangle appears to be calculated without considering the transform. I would have expected it to reflect the change. Is this behavior consistent with the SVG specification? How do I get the bounding box of the transformed rectangle?
This, BTW, is in an HTML 5 document running in Firefox 4, if that makes any difference.
Update: Apparently this behavior seems pretty clearly in violation of the specification. From the text here at w3c:
SVGRect getBBox()
Returns the tight bounding box in current user space (i.e., after application of the ‘transform’ attribute, if any) on the geometry of all contained graphics elements, exclusive of stroking, clipping, masking and filter effects). Note that getBBox must return the actual bounding box at the time the method was called, even in case the element has not yet been rendered.
Am I reading this correctly? If so this seems to be an errata in the SVG implementation Firefox uses; I haven't had a chance to try any other. I would file a bug report if someone could point me to where.
People often get confused by the behavioral difference of getBBox and getBoundingClientRect.
getBBox is a SVG Element's native method as equivalent to find the offset/clientwidth of HTML DOM element. The width and height is never going to change even when the element is rotated. It cannot be used for HTML DOM Elements.
getBoundingClientRect is common to both HTML and SVG elements. The bounded rectangle width and height will change when the element is rotated or when more elements are grouped.
The behaviour you see is correct, and consistent with the spec.
The transform gets applied, then the bbox is calculated in "current user units", i.e. the current user space. So if you want to see the result of a transform on the element you'd need to look at the bbox of a parent node or similar.
It's a bit confusing, but explained a lot better in the SVG Tiny 1.2 spec for SVGLocatable
That contains a number of examples that clarify what it's supposed to do.
there are at least 2 easy but somewhat hacky ways to do what you ask... if there are nicer (less hacky) ways, i haven't found them yet
a) set up a rect that matches the "untransformed" bbox that group.getBBox() is returning
b) apply the group's "unapplied transform" to that rect
c) rect.getBBox() should now return the bbox you're looking for
EASY HACKY #2: (only tested in chrome)
a) use element.getBoundingClientRect(), which returns enough info for you to construct the bbox you're looking for
Apparently getBBox() doesn't take the transformations into consideration.
I can point you here, unfortunately I wasn't able to make it working:
SVG groups have nasty practice - not to accumulate all transformations made. I have my way to cope with this issue. I'm using my own attributes to store current transformation data which I include in any further transformation. Use XML compatible attributes like alttext, value, name....or just x and y for storing accumulated value as atribute.
<g id="group" x="20" y="100" transform="translate(20, 100)">
<g id="subgroup" alttext="45" transform="rotate(45)">
Therefore when I'm making transformations I'm taking those handmade attribute values, and when writing it back, I'm writing both transform and same value with attributes I made just for keeping all accumulated values.
Example for rotation:
function symbRot(evt) { = function () {
var ptx=symbG.parentNode.lastChild.getAttribute("cx");
var pty=symbG.parentNode.lastChild.getAttribute("cy");
var currRot=symbG.getAttributeNS(null, "alttext");
var rotAng;
if (currRot == 0) {
rotAng = 90
} else if (currRot == 90) {
rotAng = 180
} else if (currRot == 180) {
rotAng = 270
} else if (currRot == 270) {
rotAng = 0
symbG.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "rotate(" + rotAng + "," + ptx + ", " + pty + ")");
symbG.setAttributeNS(null, "alttext", rotAng );
The following code takes into account the transformations (matrix or otherwise) from parents, itself, as well as children. So, it will work on a <g> element for example.
You will normally want to pass the parent <svg> as the third argument—toElement—as to return the computed bounding box in the coordinate space of the <svg> (which is generally the coordinate space we care about).
* #param {SVGElement} element - Element to get the bounding box for
* #param {boolean} [withoutTransforms=false] - If true, transforms will not be calculated
* #param {SVGElement} [toElement] - Element to calculate bounding box relative to
* #returns {SVGRect} Coordinates and dimensions of the real bounding box
function getBBox(element, withoutTransforms, toElement) {
var svg = element.ownerSVGElement;
if (!svg) {
return { x: 0, y: 0, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
var r = element.getBBox();
if (withoutTransforms) {
return {
x: r.x,
y: r.y,
width: r.width,
height: r.height,
cx: r.x + r.width / 2,
cy: r.y + r.height / 2
var p = svg.createSVGPoint();
var matrix = (toElement || svg).getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(element.getScreenCTM());
p.x = r.x;
p.y = r.y;
var a = p.matrixTransform(matrix);
p.x = r.x + r.width;
p.y = r.y;
var b = p.matrixTransform(matrix);
p.x = r.x + r.width;
p.y = r.y + r.height;
var c = p.matrixTransform(matrix);
p.x = r.x;
p.y = r.y + r.height;
var d = p.matrixTransform(matrix);
var minX = Math.min(a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x);
var maxX = Math.max(a.x, b.x, c.x, d.x);
var minY = Math.min(a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y);
var maxY = Math.max(a.y, b.y, c.y, d.y);
var width = maxX - minX;
var height = maxY - minY;
return {
x: minX,
y: minY,
width: width,
height: height,
cx: minX + width / 2,
cy: minY + height / 2
I made a helper function, which returns various metrics of svg element (also bbox of transformed element).
The code is here:
SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement =
SVGElement.prototype.getTransformToElement || function(elem) {
return elem.getScreenCTM().inverse().multiply(this.getScreenCTM());
function get_metrics(el) {
function pointToLineDist(A, B, P) {
var nL = Math.sqrt((B.x - A.x) * (B.x - A.x) + (B.y - A.y) * (B.y - A.y));
return Math.abs((P.x - A.x) * (B.y - A.y) - (P.y - A.y) * (B.x - A.x)) / nL;
function dist(point1, point2) {
var xs = 0,
ys = 0;
xs = point2.x - point1.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = point2.y - point1.y;
ys = ys * ys;
return Math.sqrt(xs + ys);
var b = el.getBBox(),
objDOM = el,
svgDOM = objDOM.ownerSVGElement;
// Get the local to global matrix
var matrix = svgDOM.getTransformToElement(objDOM).inverse(),
oldp = [[b.x, b.y], [b.x + b.width, b.y], [b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height], [b.x, b.y + b.height]],
pt, newp = [],
obj = {},
i, pos = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
minX = pos,
minY = pos,
maxX = neg,
maxY = neg;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pt = svgDOM.createSVGPoint();
pt.x = oldp[i][0];
pt.y = oldp[i][1];
newp[i] = pt.matrixTransform(matrix);
if (newp[i].x < minX) minX = newp[i].x;
if (newp[i].y < minY) minY = newp[i].y;
if (newp[i].x > maxX) maxX = newp[i].x;
if (newp[i].y > maxY) maxY = newp[i].y;
// The next refers to the transformed object itself, not bbox
// newp[0] - newp[3] are the transformed object's corner
// points in clockwise order starting from top left corner
obj.newp = newp; // array of corner points
obj.width = pointToLineDist(newp[1], newp[2], newp[0]) || 0;
obj.height = pointToLineDist(newp[2], newp[3], newp[0]) || 0;
obj.toplen = dist(newp[0], newp[1]);
obj.rightlen = dist(newp[1], newp[2]);
obj.bottomlen = dist(newp[2], newp[3]);
obj.leftlen = dist(newp[3], newp[0]);
// The next refers to the transformed object's bounding box
obj.BBx = minX;
obj.BBy = minY;
obj.BBx2 = maxX;
obj.BBy2 = maxY;
obj.BBwidth = maxX - minX;
obj.BBheight = maxY - minY;
return obj;
and full functional example is here:
