using title() creates a extra line in python - python-3.x

Purpose: Writing a code to capitalize the first letter of each word in a file.
Steps include opening the file in read mode and using title() in each line.
When the output is printed it creates extra blank line between each line in the file.
For example:
if the content is
one two three four
five six seven eight
output is:
One Two Three Four
Five Six Seven Eight
Not sure why the space shows up there
I used strip() followed by title() to escape the spaces but would like to know why we get spaces.
inputfile = input("Enter the file name:")
openedfile = open(inputfile, 'r')
for line in openedfile:
the above code prints output with an added blank line
solved it using below code:
inputfile = input("Enter the file name:")
openedfile = open(inputfile, 'r')
for line in openedfile:
Expected to print capitalized words without spaces by just using title() and not title().strip()


How to read a text file and insert the data into next line on getting \n character

I have a text file where data is comma delimited with a litral \n character in between, i would like to insert the data into newline just after getting the \n character.
text file sample:
I need the output in the below form.
file1 = open("test.text", "r")
Lines = file1.readlines()
for line in Lines:
well my comment does exactly what you asked, break lines at \n. your data is structured quite weirdly, but if you want the expected result that badly you can use regex
import re
file1 = open("test.text","r")
Lines = re.findall(r'\'.*?\',',"\\n",""))
for line in Lines:
Well you don't need push data to the other line manually. The \n does that work when you run the code.
I guess the problem is that you used quotes very frequently, try using a single pair of quotes and use \n after the first sentence and yeah without white space

extract words from a text file and print netxt line

sample input
in parsing a text file .txt = ["'blah.txt'", "'blah1.txt'", "'blah2.txt'" ]
the expected output in another text file out_path.txt
Code that I tried, this just appends "[]" to the input file. While I also tried perl one liner replacing double and single quotes.
read_out_fh = open('out_path.txt',"r")
for line in read_out_fh:
for word in line.split():
curr_line = re.findall(r'"(\[^"]*)"', '\n')
this happens because while you reading a file it will be taken as string and not as a list even if u kept the formatting of a list. thats why you getting [] while doing re.for line in read_in_fh: here you are taking each letters in the string thats why you are not getting the desired output. so iwrote something first to transform the string into a list. while doing that i also eliminated "" and '' as you mensioned. then wrote it in to a new file example.txt.
Note: change the file name according to your files
read_out_fh = open('file.txt',"r")
for line in read_out_fh:
line=line.strip("[]").replace('"','').replace("'",'').split(", ")
with open("example.txt", "w") as output:
for word in line:
The code below works out for your example you gave in the question:
# Content of textfile.txt:
asdasdasd=["'blah.txt'", "'blah1.txt'", "'blah2.txt'"]asdasdasd
# Code:
import re
read_in_fh = open('textfile.txt',"r")
write_out_fh = open('out_path.txt', "w")
for line in read_in_fh:
find_list = re.findall(r'\[(".*?"*)\]', line)
for element in find_list[0].split(","):
element_formatted = element.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip()
write_out_fh.write(element_formatted + "\n")

opening text file and change it in python

I have a big text file like this example:
as you see some lines are empty, some are comma separated and some others have different format.
I would like to open the file and look for the lines which start with these 3 words: FovCount, FovCounted and BindingDensity. if the line start with one of them I want to get the number after the comma. from the number related to FovCount and FovCounted I will make criteria and at the end the results is a list with 2 items: criteria and BD (which is the number after BindingDensity). I made the following function in python but it does not return what I want. do you know how to fix it?
def QC(file):
with open(file) as f:
for line in f.split(","):
if line.startswith("FovCount"):
FC = line[1]
elif line.startswith("FovCounted"):
FCed = line[1]
criteria = FC/FCed
elif line.startswith("BindingDensity"):
BD = line[1]
return [criteria, BD]
You are splitting the file into lines separated by a comma (,). But lines aren't separated by a command, they are separated by a newline character (\n).
Try changing f.split(",") to"\n") or you can use f.readlines() which basically does the same thing.
You can then split each line into comma-separated segments using segments = line.split(",").
You can check if the first segment matches your text criteria: if segments[0] == "FovCounted", etc.
You can then obtain the value by getting the second segment: value = segments[1].

How to print a file containing a list

So basically i have a list in a file and i only want to print the line containing an A
Here is a small part of the list
So i only want to print the line containing A
Sorry im still new at python,
i gave a try using one "print" to print the whole line but ended up failing guess i will always suck at python
You just have to:
open file
read lines
for each line, split at ","
for each line, if the 5th part of the splitted str is equal to "A", print line
filepath = 'file.txt'
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.split(',')[4] == "A":

printing sentence from a word search

As an exercise in the code below, I've copied and saved Rice's Tarzan novel into a text file (named tarzan.txt) and within it, I've searched for "row" and printed out the corresponding lines.
Is it difficult to modify this code so that it searches for the word "row" rather than instances of these letters appearing in another word AND it prints the sentence that contain this word rather than simply the line it appears in? Thanks.
PS - in the code below, I couldn't get lines 3, 5, and 6 to indent properly, despite the 4 space suggestion
with open (a) as f_obj:
for line in contents:
if "row" in line:
import re
with open (a) as f_obj:
for line in contents:
if'\brow\b',line): ####### search for 'row' in line
print contents.index(line) ####### print line number
Here \b means word boundries.
