Google OAuth not working when a user clicks from a LinkedIn link - browser

When a user clicks a link to my site inside their LinkedIn app it doesn't take them to Safari or Chrome, it keeps them in an internal LinkedIn browser.
If the user then tries to create an account via Google OAuth they get the following error (see image).
Is there a way to prevent LinkedIn from opening a link in their proprietary browser, and take them to Safari or Chrome automatically? Or another workaround for this issue?

Neither you can restrict LinkedIn to open your site in other browser nor to stop google to throw the error. To solve this problem, You have to write a script which will open your website in the default browser of the user's device. Whenever user hit your website then check the web browser if it's chrome, safari or any other web browser then continue the request else force the user to open website in user's default browser using the script. That's it.
Hope this suggestion will help you.


How do I capture the URL after an external website login in ReactJS?

I want to retrieve the URL after opening an external website pop up in my ReactJS/NodeJS application. Basically in my application, I have a button that redirects the page to microsoft online login page. What I want is the URL of the page after the user logs into microsoft online.
Is there any way that's possible? If so, what are my options?
If you navigate to another webpage, your React application is no longer being served to your browser, and can't do anything. You would need to have a script running on the microsoft website, either by writing it in the source code (which I doubt you can do) or by some other method such as a browser extension.
There is no way to track different systems like methods #izb mentioned, if they already dont provide.
Many systems provides information from their servers, push/ping systems.
One of the payment systems, I redirect request, customer pays, and they redirects the page I entered before in their panel, like successful or fail pages.

Set redirect URL for Spotify API

I know there have been multiple questions regarding this issue... however, I'm not sure how to handle my case.
I am using spotipy to access the Spotify API. In my python notebook, I entered:
On the spotify developer website, I have listed localhost:3000/callback/ as my redirect URL.
When I run the prompt, I am redirected to the spotify page where I would click 'okay' to authorize the account. However, each time I click the 'okay' button, nothing happens. Tried using a separate browser, tried restarting my computer... I'm not sure what to do.
Thank you!
After being redirected, the library should prompt you to copy the URL you're redirected to and paste it back in your python notebook. It then grabs the access token from the URL and uses it to authenticate.

Suppress dialog caused by logging in via URL

I have a link on my web-page which automatically logs in through a generic username/password for the purposes of a demo, eg :
A dialog box shows up which says "You are now logging in as username. Is this correct?"
How can I remove this dialog to allow me to log into this web-page as cleanly as possible?
I've considered using JS to resolve the issue but there must be a simpler way?
You are using http basic authentication which is a protocol that is a part of http. The username and password is sent to the web server and verified before your web page is loaded.
It is not the web page that creates this dialog, but your browser. It will be different for different browsers. Firefox creates a confirmation message when you provide the username and password in the address bar. Chrome will not create this confirmation message.
A javascript or any other kind of functionality in your web page would not be able to remove this message. The reason for this is that the message is created by the browser before the web page is actually loaded.

Instagram oauth and history.js javascript error preventing login authentication with IE browser component in desktop application

A previously working desktop application (until Friday of last week) was using the methods described here: to log a user in to Instagram. The application is a desktop application and it uses the IE browser component embedded in the program to show the user the Instagram login page and grab the auth token from the query string. But something has changed recently on the Instagram login page.
The easiest way to see what is happening is to watch this screen capture:
Basically, there seems to be an error in History.js when opened in a HTML 4 browser like the IE browser component built into windows:
And if I load the full authorization URL ie:
... the browser component keeps redirecting and loading adding a "#" to the end of the query string.
I've found a few leads on SO:
History.js for HTML5 - Hack Needed to Not Break IE7
history.js and header redirection
These seem to indicate that History.js needs to be modified to work with older browsers, but of course that would be something Instagram needs to do.
Again, this has been working for well over a year until late last week.

Facebook iframe application issue

I have developed a face book iframe application in .net c#.First time when user access iframe application
it shows this window but it should ask for permission & allow user to access my app.
When i click go to face it shows permission window.after that when i choose allow its redirecting me to my canvas URL out side the face book.when i try to access 2nd time its working fine.The issue is that for every first time user who want to access the app ist shows the existing window.Please help me to solve this issue.
I figure it out.#pastylegs said right.Thanks for your answers.Let me elaborate it.Most of developer just redirecting to specific url so you have to redirect on top window.
1)if you are using a tag so use target=_blank.
2)If your are using any other thing to redirect in any technology so just use
top.location.href='" + codedataurl + "'
where codedataurl is your facebook authentication url which contains client id,redirect url & all.
I hope it will help you guys.
If you are using iframes, you need to make sure that when you redirect the user to the authorization dialog, you do so on the top window of the users browser. You can do this using javascript (instead of just a redirect URL).
Maybe this is the problem?
