Difficulty in understanding the function and the function parameters - python-3.x

I am trying to build a program on Minutiae based fingerprint verification and for pre-processing I need to orient the ridges and I found a related function on the internet but could not understand it properly.
I tried reading many research papers on minutiae extraction.
This is the function I found on the internet
def ridge_orient(im, gradientsigma, blocksigma, orientsmoothsigma):
rows,cols = im.shape;
#Calculate image gradients.
sze = np.fix(6*gradientsigma);
if np.remainder(sze,2) == 0:
sze = sze+1;
gauss = cv2.getGaussianKernel(np.int(sze),gradientsigma);
f = gauss * gauss.T;
fy,fx = np.gradient(f); #Gradient of Gaussian
#Gx = ndimage.convolve(np.double(im),fx);
#Gy = ndimage.convolve(np.double(im),fy);
Gx = signal.convolve2d(im,fx,mode='same');
Gy = signal.convolve2d(im,fy,mode='same');
Gxx = np.power(Gx,2);
Gyy = np.power(Gy,2);
Gxy = Gx*Gy;
#Now smooth the covariance data to perform a weighted summation of the data.
sze = np.fix(6*blocksigma);
gauss = cv2.getGaussianKernel(np.int(sze),blocksigma);
f = gauss * gauss.T;
Gxx = ndimage.convolve(Gxx,f);
Gyy = ndimage.convolve(Gyy,f);
Gxy = 2*ndimage.convolve(Gxy,f);
# Analytic solution of principal direction
denom = np.sqrt(np.power(Gxy,2) + np.power((Gxx - Gyy),2)) + np.finfo(float).eps;
sin2theta = Gxy/denom; # Sine and cosine of doubled angles
cos2theta = (Gxx-Gyy)/denom;
if orientsmoothsigma:
sze = np.fix(6*orientsmoothsigma);
if np.remainder(sze,2) == 0:
sze = sze+1;
gauss = cv2.getGaussianKernel(np.int(sze),orientsmoothsigma);
f = gauss * gauss.T;
cos2theta = ndimage.convolve(cos2theta,f); # Smoothed sine and cosine of
sin2theta = ndimage.convolve(sin2theta,f); # doubled angles
orientim = np.pi/2 + np.arctan2(sin2theta,cos2theta)/2;

This code computes the structure tensor, a method to compute the local orientation in a robust way. It obtains, per pixel, a symmetric 2x2 matrix (tensor) (variables Gxx, Gyy and Gxy) whose eigenvectors indicate local orientation and whose eigenvalues indicate strength of local variation. Because it returns a matrix rather than a simple gradient vector, you can distinguish uniform regions from structures like a cross, neither of which has a strong gradient, but the cross has a strong local variation.
Some criticism about the code
fy,fx = np.gradient(f);
is a really bad way of obtaining a Gaussian derivative kernel. Here you just lose all the benefits of a Gaussian gradient, and instead compute a finite difference approximation to the gradient.
Next, the code doesn’t use the separability of the Gaussian to reduce computational complexity, which is also a shame.
In this blog post I go over the theory of Gaussian filtering and Gaussian derivatives, and in this other one I detail some practical aspects (using MATLAB, but this should readily extend to Python).


FFT loss in PyTorch

I want to compute the loss between the GT and the output of my network (called TDN) in the frequency domain by computing 2D FFT. The tensors are of dim batch x channel x height x width
amp_ip, phase_ip = 2DFFT(TDN(ip))
amp_gt, phase_gt = 2DFFT(TDN(gt))
loss = ||amp_ip - amp_gt||
For computing FFT I can use torch.fft(ip, signal_ndim = 2). But the output is in a + j b format i.e rectangular coordinates and NOT decomposed into phase and amplitude. How can I convert a + j b into amp exp(j phase) format in PyTorch? A side concern is also if signal_ndims be kept 2 to compute 2D FFT or something else?
The following description, which describes the loss that I plan to implement, maybe useful.
The question is answered by the GITHUB code file shared by #akshayk07 in the comments. Extracting the relevant information from that code, the concise answer to the question is,
fft_im = torch.rfft(img.clone(), signal_ndim=2, onesided=False)
# fft_im: size should be bx3xhxwx2
fft_amp = fft_im[:,:,:,:,0]**2 + fft_im[:,:,:,:,1]**2
fft_amp = torch.sqrt(fft_amp) # this is the amplitude
fft_pha = torch.atan2( fft_im[:,:,:,:,1], fft_im[:,:,:,:,0] ) # this is the phase
As of PyTorch 1.7.1 choose torch.rfft over torch.fft as the latter does not work off the shelf with real valued tensors propagating in CNNs. Also a good idea will be ti use the normalisation flag of torch.rfft.

Fastest way to determine if two points are closest to one another

My problems consists of the following: I am given two pairs angles (in spherical coordinates) which consists of two parts--an azimuth and a colatitude angle. If we extend both angles (thereby increasing their respective radii) infinitely to make a long line pointing in the direction given by the pair of angles, then my goal is to determine
if they intersect or extremely close to one another and
where exactly they intersect.
Currently, I have tried several methods:
The most obvious one is to iteratively compare each radii until there is either a match or a small enough distance between the two. (When I say compare each radii, I am referring to converting each spherical coordinate into Cartesian and then finding the euclidean distance between the two). However, this runtime is $O(n^{2})$, which is extremely slow if I am trying to scale this program
The second most obvious method is to use the optimization package to find this distance. Unfortunately, I cannot the optimization package iteratively and after one instance the optimization algorithm repeats the same answer, which is not useful.
The least obvious method is to directly calculate (using calculus) the exact radii from the angles. While this is fast method, it is not extremely accurate.
Note: while it might seem simple that the intersection is always at the zero-origin (0,0,0), this is not ALWAYS the case. Some points never intersect.
Code for Method (1)
def match1(azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1,azimuth_recon_2, colatitude_recon_2,centroid_1,centroid_2 ):
# Constants: tolerance factor and extremely large distance
tol = 3e-2
prevDist = 99999999
# Initialize a list of radii to loop through
# Checking iteravely for a solution
for r1 in list(np.arange(0,5,tol)):
for r2 in list(np.arange(0,5,tol)):
# Get the estimates
estimate_1 = np.array(spher2cart(r1,azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1)) + np.array(centroid_1)
estimate_2 = np.array(spher2cart(r2,azimuth_recon_2,colatitude_recon_2))+ np.array(centroid_2)
# Calculate the euclidean distance between them
dist = np.array(np.sqrt(np.einsum('i...,i...', (estimate_1 - estimate_2), (estimate_1 - estimate_2)))[:,np.newaxis])
# Compare the distance to this tolerance
if dist < tol:
if dist == 0:
return estimate_1, [], True
return estimate_1, estimate_2, False
## If the distance is too big break out of the loop
if dist > prevDist:
prevDist = 9999999
prevDist = dist
return [], [], False
Code for Method (3)
def match2(azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1,azimuth_recon_2, colatitude_recon_2,centriod_1,centroid_2):
# Set a Tolerance factor
tol = 3e-2
def calculate_radius_2(azimuth_1,colatitude_1,azimuth_2,colatitude_2):
"""Return radius 2 using both pairs of angles (azimuth and colatitude). Equation is provided in the document"""
return 1/((1-(math.sin(azimuth_1)*math.sin(azimuth_2)*math.cos(colatitude_1-colatitude_2))
def calculate_radius_1(radius_2,azimuth_1,colatitude_1,azimuth_2,colatitude_2):
"""Returns radius 1 using both pairs of angles (azimuth and colatitude) and radius 2.
Equation provided in document"""
return (radius_2)*((math.sin(azimuth_1)*math.sin(azimuth_2)*math.cos(colatitude_1-colatitude_2))
# Compute radius 2
radius_2 = calculate_radius_2(azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1,azimuth_recon_2,colatitude_recon_2)
#Compute radius 1
radius_1 = calculate_radius_1(radius_2,azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1,azimuth_recon_2,colatitude_recon_2)
# Get the estimates
estimate_1 = np.array(spher2cart(radius_1,azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1))+ np.array(centroid_1)
estimate_2 = np.array(spher2cart(radius_2,azimuth_recon_2,colatitude_recon_2))+ np.array(centroid_2)
# Calculate the euclidean distance between them
dist = np.array(np.sqrt(np.einsum('i...,i...', (estimate_1 - estimate_2), (estimate_1 - estimate_2)))[:,np.newaxis])
# Compare the distance to this tolerance
if dist < tol:
if dist == 0:
return estimate_1, [], True
return estimate_1, estimate_2, False
return [], [], False
My question is two-fold:
Is there a faster and more accurate way to find the radii for both
If so, how do I do it?
EDIT: I am thinking about just creating two numpy arrays of the two radii and then comparing them via numpy boolean logic. However, I would still be comparing them iteratively. Is there is a faster way to perform this comparison?
Use a kd-tree for such situations. It will easily look up the minimal distance:
def match(azimuth_recon_1,colatitude_recon_1,azimuth_recon_2, colatitude_recon_2,centriod_1,centroid_2):
cartesian_1 = np.array([np.cos(azimuth_recon_1)*np.sin(colatitude_recon_1),np.sin(azimuth_recon_1)*np.sin(colatitude_recon_1),np.cos(colatitude_recon_1)]) #[np.newaxis,:]
cartesian_2 = np.array([np.cos(azimuth_recon_2)*np.sin(colatitude_recon_2),np.sin(azimuth_recon_2)*np.sin(colatitude_recon_2),np.cos(colatitude_recon_2)]) #[np.newaxis,:]
# Re-center them via adding the centroid
estimate_1 = r1*cartesian_1.T + np.array(centroid_1)[np.newaxis,:]
estimate_2 = r2*cartesian_2.T + np.array(centroid_2)[np.newaxis,:]
# Add them to the output list
n = estimate_1.shape[0]
# Reshape them so that they are in proper format
a = np.array(outputs_list_1).reshape(len(two_pair_mic_list)*n,3)
b = np.array(outputs_list_2).reshape(len(two_pair_mic_list)*n,3)
# Get the difference
c = a - b
# Put into a KDtree
tree = spatial.KDTree(c)
# Find the indices where the radius (distance between the points) is 3e-3 or less
indices = tree.query_ball_tree(3e-3)
This will output a list of the indices where the distance is 3e-3 or less. Now all you will have to do is use the list of indices with the estimate list to find the exact points. And there you have it, this will save you a lot of time and space!

Custom metric for NearestNeighbors sklearn

Hello I'm on a project where I use 512 bits hash to create clusters. I'm using a custom metric bitwise hamming distance. But when I compare two hash with this function I obtain different distance results than using the NearestNeighbors.
Extending this to DBSCAN, using a eps=5, the cluster are created with some consistence, are being correctly clustered. But I try to check the distance between points from the same cluster I obtain distance enormous. Here is an example.
This a list of points from 2 clusters created by DBSCAN, and as you can see when using the function to calculate the distance gives number bigger than 30 but the NN gives results consistent with the eps=5.
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
hash_list_1 = [2711636196460699638441853508983975450613573844625556129377064665736210167114069990407028214648954985399518205946842968661290371575620508000646896480583712,
hash_list_2 = [1677246762479319235863065539858628614044010438213592493389244703420353559152336301659250128835190166728647823546464421558167523127086351613289685036466208,
def custom_metric(x, y):
return bin(int(x[0]) ^ int(y[0])).count('1')
objective_hash = hash_list_1[0]
complete_list = hash_list_1 + hash_list_2
distance = [custom_metric([objective_hash], [hash_point]) for hash_point in complete_list]
print("Function iteration distance:")
neighbors_model = NearestNeighbors(radius=100, algorithm='ball_tree',
X = [[x] for x in complete_list]
distance, neighborhoods = neighbors_model.radius_neighbors(objective_hash, 100, return_distance=True)
print("Nearest Neighbors distance:")
print("Nearest Neighbors index:")
The problem:
Numpy can't handle numbers so big and converts them to float losing a lot of precision.
The solution:
Precompute with your custom metric all the distances and feed them to the DBSCAN algorithm.

Incorporating uncertainty into a pymc3 model

I have a set of data for which I have the mean, standard deviation and number of observations for each point (i.e., I have knowledge regarding the accuracy of the measure). In a traditional pymc3 model where I look only at the means, I may do something along the lines of:
x = data['mean']
with pm.Model() as m:
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sd=1)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=1, sd=1)
y = a + b*x
eps= pm.HalfNormal('eps', sd=1)
likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=y, sd=eps, observed=x)
What is the best way to incorporate the information regarding the variance of the observations into the model? Obviously the result should weight low-variance observations more heavily than high-variance (less certain) observations.
One approach a statistician suggested was to do the following:
x = data['mean'] # mean of observation
x_sd = data['sd'] # sd of observation
x_n = data['n'] # of measures for observation
x_sem = x_sd/np.sqrt(x_n)
with pm.Model() as m:
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sd=1)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=1, sd=1)
y = a + b*x
eps = pm.HalfNormal('eps', sd=1)
obs = mc.Normal('obs', mu=x, sd=x_sem, shape=len(x))
likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=y, eps=eps, observed=obs)
However, when I run this I get:
TypeError: observed needs to be data but got: <class 'pymc3.model.FreeRV'>
I am running the master branch of pymc3 (3.0 has some performance issues resulting in very slow sample times).
You are close, you just need to make some small changes. The main reason is that for PyMC3 data is always constant. Check the following code:
with pm.Model() as m:
a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sd=1)
b = pm.Normal('b', mu=1, sd=1)
mu = a + b*x
mu_est = pm.Normal('mu_est', mu, x_sem, shape=len(x))
likelihood = pm.Normal('likelihood', mu=mu_est, sd=x_sd, observed=x)
Notice than I keep the data fixed and I introduce the observed uncertainty at two points: for the estimation of mu_est and for the likelihood. Of course you are free to do not use x_sem or x_sd and instead estimate them, like you did in your code with the variable eps.
On a historical note, code with "random data" used to work on PyMC3 (at least for some models), but given that it was not really designed to work that way, developers decided to prevent the user from using random data, and that explains the message you got.

how did mllib calculate gradient

Need an mllib expert to help explain the linear regression code. In LeastSquaresGradient.compute
override def compute(
data: Vector,
label: Double,
weights: Vector,
cumGradient: Vector): Double = {
val diff = dot(data, weights) - label
axpy(diff, data, cumGradient)
diff * diff / 2.0
cumGradient is computed using axpy, which is simply y += a * x, or here
cumGradient += diff * data
I thought for a long time but can make the connection to the gradient calculation as defined in the gradient descent documentation. In theory the gradient is the slope of the loss against delta in one particular weighting parameter. I don't see anything in this axpy implementation that remotely resemble that.
Can someone shed some light?
It is not really a programming question but to give you some idea what is going on cost function for least square regression is defined as
where theta is weights vector.
Partial derivatives of the above cost function are:
and if computed over all theta:
It should be obvious that above is equivalent to cumGradient += diff * data computed for all data points and to quote Wikipedia
in a rectangular coordinate system, the gradient is the vector field whose components are the partial derivatives of f
