Getting Object required error on .Find method - excel

I am getting a Compile Object Required when running a .Find on the following.
Data has been generated from a form and the code is within the form.
I have highlighted in blue where I get the error.
Dim MODATT As String
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim searchcell As String
Dim NewModShort As String
Dim MakeVal As String
Dim ModVal As String
Dim mdAtt As String
Private Sub ADDPROD_Click()
Worksheets("SKU List").Activate
SKUNUMBER = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Value + 1
Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Value = SKUNUMBER
MODATT = Make.Value & " " & Model.Value & " " & PS.Value & "PS"
With Worksheets("Model Att").Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown))
Set mdAtt = .Find(What:=MODATT, LookIn:=xlValues)
If mdAtt Is Nothing Then
Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Value = MODATT
MsgBox "Please add " & MODATT & "to the Model Attributes (This has been copied, ready to paste)", , "Add Attribute"
End If
End Sub
Set mdAtt = gets the error:
Compile Error: Object Required

A few notes:
As #Dean stated, you have mdAtt declared as a String. Declare is as a Range. Then using the set statement will work as Range is an object.
Try to declare variables where they are used and indent your code. This would make your code easier to follow and debug.
SKUNUMBER is never declared (at least in the code you provided). Use Option Explicit to help prevent this.
Your With block is missing an End With which will give you a compile error.
Your call to ModShort is at the end of your If as well as in your Else statement. Why not just removed the Else and run this after your If statement is complete?
If mdAtt Is Nothing Then
' ...
End If


VBA - Trying to loop my code but it gives constant expression required error [duplicate]

I've stumbled upon a compile error, but don't get what can be of the issue. When trying to chagne the symbol to an input variable ( TickerID ) I get the error, works perfectly fine otherwise when inputting e.g "yhoo" for the yahoo ticker name.
Private Sub CmdBtn_Add_Click()
' Checks that inputted ticker name is correct and calls import class after confirmation
' General Variables---------'
Dim TickerID As String: TickerID = UCase(Add_Instrument.TxtBox_Instrument.Value)
'Check if input field is not empty
If TickerID = "" Or Application.WorksheetFunction.IsText(TickerID) = False Then
MsgBox "Please provide a valid ticker ID"
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print TickerID
'Check Ticker name exists through YQLBuilder class
Dim YQLBuilder As YQLBuilder: Set YQLBuilder = New YQLBuilder
Call YQLBuilder.TickerCheck(TickerID)
' Call ImportData(TickerID)
' MsgBox "Please check the ticker name. It is in the wrong format"
End Sub
Public Sub TickerCheck(TickerID As String)
' Built 2014-11-05 Allows parsing of XML data through YAHOO API YQL
' 2014-12-21: Not fully built yet, see where it can be of use
' General Variables---------'
Const ConnStringStart As String = ""
Const ConnStringLast As String = "&diagnostics=true&env=store://"
Const ConnStringInput As String = "select * from where symbol='" _
& TickerID & "'" **<----- Error here!**
Debug.Print ConnStringStart & ConnStringInput & ConnStringLast
Dim YQLReq As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Set YQLReq = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
YQLReq.async = False
YQLReq.Load ConnStringStart & ConnStringInput & ConnStringLast
YQLReq.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:f=''"
Set YQLNodes = YQLReq.SelectNodes("//CompanyName")
For Each xNode In YQLNodes
Debug.Print xNode.Text
Next xNode
Debug.Print YQLNodes.Length
End Sub
The message is clear. When you declare a constant, the value you give it must be constant too. In this case, part of it is the parameter TickerId, which is variable. You cannot declare a constant with a variable value.
To solve this, I think you could just use Dim instead of Const and not make ConnStringInput a constant at all.

How do I join the word "Sheet" and an integer to form sheet code name

How can I concatenate the word "Sheet" with a number (say, 2) to form a string that can be used as the code name of a sheet.
I've tried the following piece of code but it doesn't seem to work.
Sh = "Sheet" & 2
Range("A1") = Sh.index
If you want to refer the sheet just based on index you could try something like this as well ... hope it works for you
Sub trial()
i = 2
End Sub
I assume you want to check if a given ►string argument (CodeNameString) refers to a valid Code(Name) in the VBA project. *)
If so, the following function returns the worksheet to be set to memory; otherwise the second argument IsAvailable passed by reference will change to False and can be used for error checks (c.f. ExampleCall below).
Function SheetByCodename(ByVal CodeNameString As String, ByRef IsAvailable As Boolean) As Object
'check for same CodeName in Sheets collection
Dim ws As Object
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
If ws.CodeName = CodeNameString Then ' check for string identity
Set SheetByCodename = ws ' set sheet object to memory
IsAvailable = True ' assign true to 2nd argument passed ByRef
Exit For
End If
End Function
Example call
Sub ExampleCall()
dim cnt As Long: cnt = 2 ' << change example counter
Dim okay As Boolean ' << needed variable passed as 2nd function argument
With SheetByCodename("Sheet" & cnt, okay)
If okay Then
Debug.Print _
"a) Worksheet Name: " & .Name & vbNewLine & _
"b) Sheet's Code(Name) in Project: " & .CodeName
Debug.Print "Given string refers to no valid Code(Name)."
'do other stuff to handle the wrong input
End If
End With
End Sub
*) Take note of #RonRosenfeld 's important remarks in comment:
"Codename is assigned when the worksheet is created. It can be changed in the properties window. In order to change it programmatically, you need to enable Trust Access to the VBA object model. Otherwise, it's a read-only property. "

Run time error '1004' Application defined or object defined error on Vlookup function

I am trying to utilize Vlookup function, according to the Textbox1 value user put in in Userform Guntest, automatically looking for corresponding features of the gun.
However the program currently doesn't run as it reminds me
'Runtime error '1004', method 'Range of object' _Global' failed.
The error appears on Retrieve1=…
I will be appreciated if you could help me to check where the problem is as I have really limited knowledge and experience on using VBA.
Thanks in advance.
It looks like some objects is undefined but I can't figure out where.
The module 1 code is:
Public Guncode As String
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Call Vlookup
End Sub
Sub Vlookup()
Dim Retrieve1 As String
Dim Retrieve2 As String
Dim FinalRow As Long
Dim FinalColumn As Long
Dim WholeRange As String
If GunTest.TextBox1 = "" Then
Exit Sub
If GunTest.TextBox1 <> "" Then
MsgBox Guncode
End If
End If
With Sheets(1)
FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
FinalColumn = Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column
WholeRange = "A2:" & CStr(FinalColumn) & CStr(FinalRow)
Retrieve1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Trim(Guncode), Range(WholeRange), 1, False) 'Locate specific tool according to QR code number
Retrieve2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Trim(Guncode), Range(WholeRange), 5, False) 'Locate specific gun type according to QR code number
If Guncode = "" Then
MsgBox "This gun doesn't exist in database!"
MsgBox "The tool number is:" & Retrieve1 & vbCrLf & "The gun type is:" & Retrieve2
End If
End With
End Sub
The userform code is:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1 = "" Then Exit Sub 'Set condition 1 of exiting the program
Guncode = GunTest.TextBox1
With Me
Call Module1.Test
End With
End Sub
Private Sub PartID_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub
It should run properly but it doesn't. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
First off, you were passing in a number as the column letter value. CSTR() doesnt magically transform it into the letter equivalent but I like your enthusiasm.
Second, your method will bomb if the value isnt found - so you'll need to write your own error handling for it.
Sub Vlookup()
Dim Retrieve1 As String
Dim Retrieve2 As String
Dim FinalRow As Long
Dim FinalColumn As Long
Dim WholeRange As String
Dim vArr
Dim col_Letter As String
If GunTest.TextBox1 = "" Then
Exit Sub
If GunTest.TextBox1 <> "" Then
MsgBox Guncode
End If
End If
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
FinalRow = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
FinalColumn = .Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column
vArr = Split(Cells(1, FinalColumn).Address(True, False), "$")
col_Letter = vArr(0)
WholeRange = "A2:" & col_Letter & CStr(FinalRow) '<---- you were passing a number in as the column value
Retrieve1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Trim(Guncode), .Range(WholeRange), 1, False) 'Locate specific tool according to QR code number
Retrieve2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Trim(Guncode), .Range(WholeRange), 5, False) 'Locate specific gun type according to QR code number
If Guncode = "" Then
MsgBox "This gun doesn't exist in database!"
MsgBox "The tool number is:" & Retrieve1 & vbCrLf & "The gun type is:" & Retrieve2
End If
End With
End Sub
1. I am not sure what is the reason using Address(True, False) for row number.
This comes from a combination of these two functions. The true/false setting is telling the funciton to use/not use absolute references in the address.
Split ( expression [,delimiter] [,limit] [,compare] )
expression.Address (RowAbsolute, ColumnAbsolute, ReferenceStyle, External, RelativeTo)
Shouldn't Cell (1, FinalColumn) stands for the column number?
No, the cells fucntiosn basically returns an intersection/address of rows & column.
Try this for example: debug.Print; thisworkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(2,2)
You mentioned CSTR doesn't magically transform to letter equivalent so what would it transform to? Could you further elaborate?
This is a data type conversion function. CSTR(666) essentially does this: this 666 becomes this "666"
2. vArr(0). I am confused with what does the parameter 0 stands for in the bracket. Actually this is a general question I always have regarding to parameter specification.
This is an array position refence. The split function returns an array of strings. Since we're using to capture the column label value, we only need to reference the first position.
(3) I tried copy your code and run it but still reminds me error on the same row.
Works fine for me unless there is no returning value, which returns an error which is what I meant by "bomb."

Index match in VBA referencing a table

I want to update a line in my table based on a cell in another sheet, and to that end I intend to use the index match function. When I run the code below I get the error that it cannot get the property of the match function class.
What is the correct syntax in this regard?
Sub Update_Customer()
' Declarations
Dim rng as listobject
Dim wf as application.worksheetfunction
Dim cs_sht as string
Set rng = Sheets(1).ListObjects("Table_Customer")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
cs_sht = ws.Name
wf.Index(rng.ListColumns("Firstname"), wf.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID"), 0)) = ws.Range("C_Firstname").Value
End Sub
Excel functions need to be nested, because a cell's value needs to be parsed as a single step.
VBA code doesn't need to do that. VBA instructions work best and are easier to debug when you split them and make them do as little work as possible.
So instead of this:
wf.Index(rng.ListColumns("Firstname"), wf.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID"), 0))
Split it up:
Dim matchResult As Long
matchResult = WorksheetFunction.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID").DataBodyRange, 0)
Dim indexResult As Variant
indexResult = WorksheetFunction.Index(rng.ListColumns("FirstName").DataBodyRange, matchResult)
Note that you'll get a run-time error if either function fails to find what it's looking for. Use On Error to handle that case:
On Error GoTo CleanFail
Dim matchResult As Long
matchResult = WorksheetFunction.Match(...)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Could not find record for '" & cs_sht & "'." & vbNewLine & Err.Description
End Sub
Get rid of wf. There's no use to copy object references of objects that are already global. The fewer global variables you use, the better.
if the first name changes I can update the table to match the new name from my worksheet
You can't just assign the indexResult to a new value. The indexResult isn't holding a reference to any cell, it's just the result of the INDEX worksheet function. You need to use that result to get the cell you want to modify:
Dim targetCell As Range
Set targetCell = rng.ListColumns("FirstName").DataBodyRange.Cells(indexResult)
targetCell.Value = ws.Range("C_Firstname").Value

Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)': Automation Error

My code is running perfectly until get to "If c = "" Then". At this point the run time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)': Automation Error is raised. I have put an On Error Resume Next statement to check if everything goes right if I skip this line and it does. I really don't understand what this error means and I wasn't able to find useful information about it. Could someone bring light to this problem? I have tried to change "If c = "" Then" to "If len(c.value)=0 Then" but it raises the same error. All the variables in AddresRawDataFile are defined as public (as range) and they were set to range in a different module, called PublicVariable, which is called by every procedure.
Private Sub CommandButton3_Ok_Click()
Dim MsgAlert As String
Dim MsgBoxAlert As Variant 'Message box for for many checks done below
Dim c As Variant 'Variable used in a for each structure
Dim AddressRawDataFile As Variant 'Array of variables with address in Box2_UPb_Options
'Code to assign values from Box2_UPb_Options to the related variables
AddressRawDataFile = Array(RawHg202Range, RawPb204Range, RawPb206Range, RawPb207Range, RawPb208Range, RawTh232Range, RawU238Range, _
RawHg202Header, RawPb204HeaderRange, RawPb206HeaderRange, RawPb207HeaderRange, RawPb208HeaderRange, RawTh232HeaderRange, _
'All of the above variables must not be = ""
For Each c In AddressRawDataFile
'On Error Resume Next
If c = "" Then
MsgBoxAlert = MsgBox("There are one or more addresses missing in Start-AND-Options sheet. " & _
"Please, check it.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Address")
Load Box2_UPb_Options
Box2_UPb_Options.MultiPage1.Value = 2
End If
As the items named RawHg202Range etc are actually Range objects then you should use Is Nothing to check if they are empty:
AddressRawDataFile = Array(RawHg202Range, RawPb204Range, RawPb206Range, RawPb207Range, RawPb208Range, RawTh232Range, RawU238Range, _
RawHg202Header, RawPb204HeaderRange, RawPb206HeaderRange, RawPb207HeaderRange, RawPb208HeaderRange, RawTh232HeaderRange, _
For Each c In AddressRawDataFile
If c Is Nothing Then
