commentsthreaded.count property not available in excel 365 vba - excel

I am trying to adjust some workbook audit code for the new threaded comments. Basically the code would cycle through all workbook comments (notes) and consolidate them into a new sheet at the end of the workbook.
With what is now notes, I use the following (noting cmt1 is declared as a comment object and wsSource is a worksheet object)
For Each cmt1 In wsSource.Comments
'Collect comment data for testing/pasting
strSheetname = wsSource.Name
strCmt = cmt1.Text
strCellref = cmt1.Parent.Address
strContent = cmt1.Parent.Formula
Now with threaded comments, the same type of approach didn't work. I am trying to do a numerical loop using a counter and having code like the below:
For x = 1 to wsSource.commentsthreaded.count
However the count property doesn't work. According to the nmicrosoft website, it should be one of the 4 available properties.
Does anyone else have this issue? Any way to fix it?

Issue resolved - it looks like the problem was the Excel version. I was running 1904 and it now works since updating to 1906.


VBA - Using Average function in Sheets.Range

I've tried searching a few different threads but wasn't able to get a solution.
My macro is going to transfer data from one sheet to another. I need to use the AVERAGE function to get the average of a range (on the other sheet)
I'm getting a RUN TIME ERROR 438 error and can't figure out why. I tried using Application.WorksheetFunction but this doesn't bear the correct result and works on the MAX function but not the AVERAGE. I saw a few solutions that involve creating a loop and variables, but I assumed a simple solution should be possible.
Code below:
Option Explicit
Sub Step8CopytoLean()
Dim wblean As Workbook
Dim wbmaster As Workbook
Set wblean = Workbooks("SLA Reporting Lean.xlsx")
Set wbmaster = Workbooks("SLA Reporting MasterFile.xlsx")
Worksheets("Data").Copy After:=Workbooks("Lean.xlsx").Sheets("Summary")
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("E4").Value = wbmaster.Sheets("Summary").Range("K20")
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("F4").Value = wbmaster.Sheets("Summary").Range("M20")
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("E5:E6").Value = wbmaster.Sheets("Summary").Average(Range("K9:K11")) 'line with error
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("F5").Value = wbmaster.Sheets("Summary").Max(Range("M8:M11")) 'line with error
Modify the below and try:
Something like this:
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("E5:E6").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(wbmaster.Worksheets("Summary").Range("K9:K11"))
wblean.Sheets("Summary").Range("F5").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(wbmaster.Worksheets("Summary").Range("M8:M11"))

Executing VBA function from current workbook in cell formula get error #name (#nom for French version)

I meet a problem which is probably very simple when I use a VBA function into a formula of a cell, I get the cell content "#NAME" (not found function ? while a macro using the function (for test) is executed normally (displays the wished content for the cell, the returned value by the function, which extracts the filename from a fullpath).
context :
I had by the past (more than 12 years ago) developed, may be 50,000, VBA instructions, using office2003.
Today I have to develop again some macros with Office365. So I have forgotten a lot since this time and some features can have changed which can become tricking (I need to read again my old soft to recall all my knowledge, but I have no access to for now)
The problem
I get the error "#name" when I use a function created into VBA
associated to the current workbook. No explanation, no help, I tried to
find something during several hours and I found nothing.
I have developed too for testing (see code) a "sub" which calls the function, and his execution is successful, but...
I cannot run the function from the formula of any cell.
I have tested the security parameters of macro and fully unlocked the execution temporarily, and too declare the local directory as confident area.
Note : this code is detailed as an example
The code
Public Function FNameOf(CellPointed As Range)
Dim CurCell As Range
Dim Text1 As String
Dim Text2 As String
Set CurCell = CellPointed
Text1 = CurCell.Value
Text2 = Mid$(Text1, InStrRev(Text1, "\") + 1, Len(Text1))
FNameOf = Text2
End Function
Sub DispFileName2()
Dim style, disp, titre
Dim Cursel As Range
'Cursel = ActiveCell
disp = FNameOf(ActiveCell)
style = vbOKOnly
titre = "Nom du fichier extrait du texte (fullpath) de la cellule courante"
MsgBox disp, style, titre
End Sub
If I submit the macro DispFileName2 if get the message with the file name extracted from the path which is the content of the current cell
If I set the formule of a cell :
=FNameOf(AnotherCell) 'which contains a fullpath to a file
I get always the error "#NOM" (in French version) or, I think so, "#NAME" (in english Version) as if the function name (ref) was unknown from the workbook (the code is not reached, a stop is set on the first instruction)
What can be the reason ?
Please place your user defined function somewhere in a module (neither in "ThisWorkbook" nor in the individual worksheet's code, e. g. "Feuil1").
You should add the result declaration As String also.
I understood the example is for reference only, but you may shorten it:
Public Function FNameOf(CellPointed As Range) As String
FNameOf = Mid(CellPointed.Value, InStrRev(CellPointed.Value, "\") + 1)
End Function
I just got the solution while reading in more details previous edited threads in several tabs.
It is explained into a remark of : thread 12351339
The text is :
Microsoft Excel Objects such as 'Sheet1' or 'ThisWorkbook' are
classes. I don't believe you can access Functions which you put in
these classes through a cell. You could access them in VBA e.g.
ThisWorkbook.Square2() but it's recommended to put all UDF's into as
standard module and not a worksheet module. – Eddie Sep 28 '17 at
By default the creation panel defines code associated to current worksheet, then the function is not visible for the worksheet while the sub is a macro of the worksheet.
I have created a module and the function has run immediately.
Best regards
Note : I never met this problem of visibility before because the developments where since the beginning concerning VBA user classes and modules combining multiple Excel workbooks and Word and a Mail manager activeX and so on...
I keep the subject because of the explanations, code and keywords may be to find more easily the solution for anybody else.

Excel VBA Function stops execution before completion without error message

I set out to write a simple function to determine the length of a string in points. Having googled around I decided to avoid the font metrics problem by having excel do the work for me.
Here is the code.
Option Explicit
Function txtWidthPts(MyText As String) As Integer
'A cell on a working worksheet has been named "WidthTest" for easy reference & to ensure data is not overwritten.
'set WidthTest word wrapping off so that strings placed in there aren't wrapped
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With [WidthTest]
.WrapText = False
.Value = MyText
'autofit WidthTest
'get the width of the column
txtWidthPts = .Width
End With
End Function
I tested the function by placing it in a cell on a working worksheet thus:
When I have this working I will be using it in code not as a worksheet function.
My problem is that the function does not throw an error and stops execution on the line:
.Value = MyText
I have placed the code and name into an empty workbook to ensure no interaction with other workbook contents / code.
I have searched extensively and tried various suggestions (DoEvents, Application.Update = False, etc, etc.) to no result.
I have cleared all breakpoints, closed and opened the workbook & restarted. I have tested with options set to Break on All Errors.
No result.
I suspect I am missing something obvious but it has me beat at the moment.
Any and all suggestions will be most welcome.
So, #YowE3K was right on the money. After fixing the error in the original code (Corrected code above) this runs fine from vba. I knew I was missing something obvious.
Curiosity sub-question: the function works as desired and indeed, as #YowE3K observed, it does not modify the Excel environment. However the result returned is dependent on it appearing to have modified the Excel environment. Seriously WTF. Just wanting to understand.
Thanks again YoWE3K.

Excel error 1004 "Unable to get .... property of WorksheetFunction class" appearing inconsistently

I have a VBA function within a spreadsheet which operates on another spreadsheet that is opened in an earlier stage of my macro. The macro used to work fine but just recently has started causing a 1004 error ("Unable to get RoundDown property of the WorksheetFunction class") when it runs.
I believe I understand what the error would be caused by (a problem running RoundDown) but I cannot see why it is getting triggered in my macro and the odd part is that when I go into Debug mode and step through the code in the VBE the error does not recur (despite nothing obviously changing).
Does anyone have a similar experience of this sort of error occuring inconsistently and know what I could do to resolve it?
I'm reasonably VBA/Excel-savvy, but any suggestions on further steps to diagnose it would be appreciated. I am wondering if there is some issue with the opened spreadsheet not being ready but I cannot see how.
The code is here. The error occurs on the line marked with a comment.
Public Function GetDatesA(sWorkbookname As String, sSheetname As String, sCell As String) As Variant
Dim vDateList() As Variant
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim n As Long
Set currentCell = Workbooks(sWorkbookname).Worksheets(sSheetname).Range(sCell)
n = 0
If Trim(currentCell.Value) = "" Then
Exit Do
ReDim Preserve vDateList(0 To 1, 0 To n)
vDateList(0, n) = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(currentCell.Value, 0) 'error occcurs on this line
vDateList(1, n) = currentCell.Column
'Debug.Print currentCell.Value
End If
Set currentCell = currentCell.Offset(0, 1)
n = n + 1
Loop While currentCell.Column < XL_LAST_COLUMN
GetDatesA = vDateList
End Function
Other details are:
Excel version: 2010
File being opened resides locally on my C: drive; my macro is in a spreadsheet on the network
File format for both files is .xls (i.e. Excel 2003) - I don't have the option of changing this
Windows 7 (not that I think it would be relevant)
Two points I've tried already are:
Substitute a different worksheet function (e.g. Min(currentCell)) and that also causes the same problem
Having the file open already seems to stop the problem - I wonder if there is some way that the workbook which is being opened (rather than my main workbook with the macro in it) is not enabled for macros and this is interfering. But even if this is the cause I'm not sure how to get around it!
Any ideas?
This error occurs often when any argument passed to the worksheet function is not of the correct type or simply doesn't make sense.
For example, I've had this problem when calling WorksheetFunction.Asin with an argument bigger than 1. In your case, I'd guess currentCell.Value is a non-numeric value or one not according to your region settings regarding numbers.
Yes, the error message is really misguiding.
I got the "Unable to get * property of WorksheetFunction Class" error using Transpose, MMult,MDterm, and MInverse functions.
I was able to get my code to run by putting "Option Base 1" in the Declarations (before the actual code) section of the particular Module in the Editer.
Excel assumes "Option Base 0" which will add an extra row and column of empty cells. This will cause the error to occur and isn't immediately obvious to see.
I have come accross this before, and for me it was becase the criteria range made no sense, as Andre said above.
See example formula below:
.Cells(11, i).Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AC8:C" & n), "S")
Have a look at the Range... it makes no sense. Amended the range from "AC8:C" to "AC8:AC" and it will work perfectly

Using .Find to look in another worksheet

I have aset of account names in one workbook (the active one), and I need to use the .Find function to look for their ocurrences in another workbook/sheet. I don't think I'm getting the right Object handle for the other workbook/sheet, but nothing I try is working.
For Count = 1 to 10
accName = Cells(Count, 1).Value
AccRow(Count) = OBJECTHANDLE.Find(accName).Row
Next Count
Any help?
Never mind, I found the answer with perserverence (it's so rare at the end of the day). Needs to have the Object defined up to .Range, so:
I hate VBA.
