How to create custom pages in Broadleaf Admin - broadleaf-commerce

I was trying to create custom pages on my broadleaf e-commerce admin side. I followed this tutorial. But when i try to access the page i get this strange error. . Here's code of my controller:
import org.broadleafcommerce.openadmin.web.controller.AdminAbstractController;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
#RequestMapping("/" + ThemeController.SECTION_KEY)
public class ThemeController extends AdminAbstractController {
protected static final String SECTION_KEY = "test";
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String test(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception {
// This is expected by the modules/emptyContainer template, this is a custom template that gets included into the body
model.addAttribute("customView", "views/test");
// ensure navigation gets set up correctly
setModelAttributes(model, SECTION_KEY);
// gets the scaffolding set up to display the template from the customView attribute above
return "modules/emptyContainer";
Also as there's no Web-INF Folder as stated in tutorial so i added my html file in Resources > open_admin_styles > templates > views folder, where other html pages were present. Any help will be appreciated thanks
P.S: I get the AccessDeniedException. I executed these following queries for permissions:
INSERT INTO `blc_admin_module` (`ADMIN_MODULE_ID`, `DISPLAY_ORDER`, `ICON`, `MODULE_KEY`, `NAME`) VALUES (1, 7, 'icon-barcode', 'MyCustomModule', 'My Custom Module');
INSERT INTO `blc_admin_section` (`ADMIN_SECTION_ID`, `DISPLAY_ORDER`, `NAME`, `SECTION_KEY`, `URL`, `ADMIN_MODULE_ID`) VALUES (1, 1000, 'My Custom Section', 'MyCustomSection', '/test', 1);
INSERT INTO `blc_admin_sec_perm_xref` (`ADMIN_SECTION_ID`, `ADMIN_PERMISSION_ID`) VALUES (1, -1);
Removing Security Annotation can solve the problem, regardless of the fact that i added all permissions in db as stated in documentation.

Spring Framework Security use "ROLE_" prefix, so you can't use #Secured("PERMISSION_OTHER_DEFAULT") because RoleVoter won't process it.
You have to change all Broadleaf permission name, add "ROLE_" prefix to make it work.
In this case you have to change "PERMISSION_OTHER_DEFAULT" in database to "ROLE_PERMISSION_OTHER_DEFAULT" and use in controller as:
#RequestMapping("/" + ThemeController.SECTION_KEY)
public class ThemeController extends AdminAbstractController {
Do the same with other permissions.
Here are some information:

The above answer resolves the security issues. But I don't find Web-INF Folder as well as Resources > open_admin_styles > templates > views folder too in admin on version 6.1.5-GA.
Then I add the test.html file on
admin > src > main > resources > community-demo-style.templates.admin
And also in MyController Class gives /test.html to model.addAtrribute() like model.addAttribute("customView", "/test.html");
It works fine for me.
MyController image


.net core 3.1 - View Components - Not finding my Default.cshtml

I'm just getting to grips with ViewComponents in my Razor pages application.
I have a ViewComponents folder within my project that contains my ViewComponent .cs code:
public class RemoveFromCartViewComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
var result = "123";
return View(result);
I then have another folder within Pages/Shared/Components called RemoveFromCart. Within this folder I have my default.cshtml
#model string
Simply putting the string within a h2 tag.
In my projects Layout.cshtml file I am invoking this ViewComponent:
#await Component.InvokeAsync("RemoveFromCart")
When I start my project, the error I get is:
*InvalidOperationException: The view 'Components/RemoveFromCart/123' was not found. The following locations were searched:
This is indication my view should be called 123.cshtml which doesnt seem right. What am I doing wrong here? I should simply expect to see the text 123 appear
By returning View("123"), you are using this overload:
public ViewViewComponentResult View (string viewName)
Returns a result which will render the partial view with name viewName.
So you are passing the view name, instead of a string value as the view’s model.
You can change that by explicitly calling the View<TModel>(TModel) overload instead:
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
var result = "123";
return View<string>(result);
In the long run, I would suggest you to create a model class instead so that you can pass an object instead of just a string. This will avoid having this particular problem and you are also able to easily expand the model contents later on.

How to inject or import libraries in the tapestry core stack to a component?

I'm using tapestry 5.4.1. I have a component with a module that requires prototype. I know prototype is available in the core stack. However how do I import this as a dependency.
My module:
define(["prototype"], function(container, link) {
return new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(container, link, {
method : 'post', frequency : 5, decay : 1
I tried adding this to the class but the path cannot be resolved
#Import(library = {"prototype.js"})
public class Update {
Tried injecting the asset and adding it to the environmental javascriptsupport but it somehow looks for it in the wrong location.
private Asset prototype;
javascriptSupport.require("update").with(container, getLink());
I don't want to hard code the url with the generated hash.
Anything I am missing here? Any help would be appreciated.
Make sure you define correct infrastructure in your AppModule
public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
configuration.add(SymbolConstants.JAVASCRIPT_INFRASTRUCTURE_PROVIDER, "prototype");
You don't have to specify dependency clearly ["prototype"].

Load Controller With Parameter Opencart

I have created one controller inside catalog/controller/module/same_collection.php
Inside that :
class ControllerModuleSameCollection extends Controller {
//User Product History
public function index($product_id) {
echo $product_id;
I have try to call it inside another controller like this
$data['same_color'] = $this->load->controller('module/same_color' ,['product_id' => 2] );
and I try to by access it using url like this
but it's not working.
Please help!!!
It seems like you have not created your module properly. Make sure your module's setting is saved in module table . If your module's code is not there in the table then you won't get any parameter in your index() method.

Have MVC look for a specific view by default

Standard MVC pattern for ControllerC/ActionA when controller code just states return View() is to look for ControllerC/ActionA.cshtml. I would like make it so if such view does not exist, it looks for some default view like Shared/Default.cshtml. How can I do this?
I don't know about MVC 5, but you could create custom class from RazorViewEngine.
public class MyFallbackLocationViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public MyFallbackLocationViewEngine()
// Keep default locations and add our own fallback view
List<string> newLocations = new List<string>(ViewLocationFormats);
this.ViewLocationFormats = newLocations.ToArray();
And add it to your Application_Start:
// Clear default engines and add only yours
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MyFallbackLocationViewEngine());
You could customize your ViewEngine as much as you lilke and override other methods

zend framework 2 list modules in layout

I want to have a plug-in system (like wordpress ) , How can I list my admin controller in layout.phtml ?
The list of modules if available in the module manager (Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager). You can get the module manager via the service locator. For example in your controller:
class MyController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction()
$manager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ModuleManager');
$modules = $manager->getLoadedModules();
The controllers have access to the layout (and its parameters) via the layout controller plugin.
$this->layout()->modules = $modules;
An alternative is that you create a view helper. In this view helper, you get the module manager and then return the list of modules.
