Loadtesting - High concurrency = High latency while using Lambda? - node.js

I created a lamdba function that fetches a record from DynamoDB.
Now I am trying to get some numbers on the performance of the architecture (Which will be having DAX enabled in a later iteration).
For the test I am using the loadtest package. Below the details of 2 of my tests
Test #1
AWS Lambda Configuration
Timeout: 30 sec
Memory: 1024 MB
Reserve concurrency: 900
Test Inputs
Max Requests:1000
Concurrency : 100
Test Result
Test #2
AWS Lambda Configuration
Timeout: 30 sec
Memory: 1024 MB
Reserve concurrency: 900
Test Inputs
Max Requests: 1000
Concurrency : 1000
Test Result
Why does the mean latency raise so much when change the concurrency level from 100 to 1000 when I have configured the reserve concurrency of the lambda function to run 900 parallel instances?
Am I missing any AWS configuration that could improve the numbers ?

Test 1 has 10x as many requests as concurrent executions, which helps to amortize the cost of any cold starts. On the other hand, Test 2 results are worse because Test 2 is entirely cold starts.
Right now, your tests are not necessarily a fair comparison (depending on what you’re try to measure). You could try repeating Test 2 with the number of requests being 10x the concurrency to see if you still get similar results to Test 1.

Have you checked whether Lambda was not throttled?
There is a default account concurrency for lambda around <=1000 (which u use in load testing)
Is there any http errors for API Gateway or in Lambda?
"AWS Lambda will keep the unreserved concurrency pool at a minimum of 100 concurrent executions, so that functions that do not have specific limits set can still process requests. So, in practice, if your total account limit is 1000, you are limited to allocating 900 to individual functions."
Check :


Node+Express+MongoDB Native Client Performance issue

I am testing the performance of Node.js (ExpressJS/Fastify), Python (Flask) and Java (Spring Boot with webflux) with MongoDB. I hosted all these sample applications on the same server one after another so all services have the same environment. I used two different tools Load-test and Apache Benchmark cli for measuring the performance.
All the code for the Node sample is present in this repository:
I have executed multiple tests with various combinations of the number of requests and concurrent requests with both the tools
Apache Benchmark Total 1K requests and 100 concurrent
ab -k -n 1000 -c 100 http://{{server}}:7102/api/case1/1000
Load-Test Total 100 requests and 10 concurrent
loadtest http://{{server}}:7102/api/case1/1000 -n 100 -c 10
The results are also attached to the Github repository and are shocking for NodeJS as compared to other technologies, either the requests are breaking in between the test or the completion of the test is taking too much time.
Server Configuration: Not dedicated but
CPU: Core i7 8th Gen 12 Core
Storage: 2TB HDD
Network Bandwidth: 30Mbps
Mongo Server Different nodes on different networks connected through the Internet
Please help me in understanding this issue in detail. I do understand how the Event loop works in nodejs but this problem is not identifiable.
Mongodb Atlas M30
AWS c4xlarge in the same region
No failures
Document Path: /api/case1/1000
Document Length: 37 bytes
Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 33.915 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Failed requests: 0
Keep-Alive requests: 1000
Total transferred: 265000 bytes
HTML transferred: 37000 bytes
Requests per second: 29.49 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 3391.491 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 33.915 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 7.63 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 1 3.1 0 12
Processing: 194 3299 1263.1 3019 8976
Waiting: 190 3299 1263.1 3019 8976
Total: 195 3300 1264.0 3019 8976
Length failures on havier load:
Document Path: /api/case1/5000
Document Length: 37 bytes
Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 176.851 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Failed requests: 22
(Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 22, Exceptions: 0)
Keep-Alive requests: 978
Total transferred: 259170 bytes
HTML transferred: 36186 bytes
Requests per second: 5.65 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 17685.149 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 176.851 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 1.43 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.9 0 4
Processing: 654 17081 5544.0 16660 37911
Waiting: 650 17323 5290.9 16925 37911
Total: 654 17081 5544.1 16660 37911
I copied results of your tests from the github repo for completeness:
Java Spring Webflux
Node Native Mongo
So, there are 3 problems.
Upload bandwidth
ab -k -n 1000 -c 100 http://{{server}}:7102/api/case1/1000 uploads circa 700 MB of bson data over the wire.
30Mb/s = less than 4MB/s which requires at least 100 seconds only to transfer data at top speed. If you test it from home, consumer grade ISP do not always give you the max speed, especially to upload.
It's usually less a problem for servers, especially if application is hosted close to the database. I put some stats for the app and mongo servers hosted on aws in the same zone in the question itself.
Failed requests
All I could notice are "Length" failures - the number of bytes factually received does not match.
It happens only to the last batch (100 requests) because some race conditions in nodejs cluster module - the master closes connections to the worker threads before worker's http.response.end() writes data to the socket. On TCP level it looks like this:
After 46 seconds of struggles there is no HTTP 200 OK, only FIN, ACK.
This is very easy to fix by using nginx reverse proxy + number of nodejs workers started manually instead of built-in cluster module, or let k8s do resource management.
In short - don't use nodejs cluster module for network-intensive tasks.
It's ab timeout. When network is a limiting factor and you increase the payload x5 - increase default timeout (30 sec) at least x4:
ab -s 120 -k -n 1000 -c 100 http://{{server}}:7102/api/case1/5000
I am sure you did this for other tests, since you report 99 sec/request for java and 81 sec/request for python.
There are nothing shockingly bad with nodejs. Some bugs in the cluster, but it's a very niche usecase to start from, and it's trivial to work it around.
The flamechart:
Most of the CPU time is used to serialise/deserialise bson and send data to the stream, with some 10% spent on the most CPU intensive bson serialiseInto,
If you are using only single server, then you can cache the database operations on the app side and get rid of database latency altogether and only commit to it with an interval or when cache expires.
If there are multiple servers, you may get help from a scalable cache, maybe Redis. Redis alao has client caching and you can still apply your own cache on Redis to boost the performance further.
A plain LRU cache written in NodeJs can do at least 3-5 million lookups per second and even more if key access is based on integers(so it can be sharded like an n-way associative lru cache).
If you group multiple clients into single cache request, then getting help from C++ app can reach hundreds of millions to billions of lookups per second depending on data type.
You can also try sharding the db on extra disk drives like ramdisk if db data is temporary.
Event loop can be offloaded a task queue for database operations and another queue for incoming requests. This way event loop can harness i/o overlapping more, instead of making a client wait for own db operation.

sub-second latency causing delay in spark application

I have a spark batch job that runs every minute and processes ~200k records per batch. The usual processing delay of the app is ~30 seconds. In the app, for each request, we make a write request to DynamoDB. At times, the server-side DDB write latency is ~5 ms instead of 3.5 ms (~30% increase w.r.t to usual latency 3.5ms). This is causing the overall delay of the app to bump by 6 times (~3 minutes).
How does sub-second latency of DDB call impact the overall latency of the app by 6 times?
PS: I have verified the root cause through overlapping the cloud-watch graphs of DDB put latency and the spark app processing delay.
Just a ballpark estimate:
If the average is 3.5 ms latency and about half of your 200k records are processed in 5ms instead of 3.5ms, this would leave us with:
200.000 * 0.5 * (5 - 3.5) = 150.000 (ms)
of total delay, which is 150 seconds or 2.5 minutes. I don't know how well the process is parallelized, but this seems to be within the expected delay.

Prometheus. CPU process time total to % percent

We started using Prometheus and Grafana as the main tools for monitoring our Service Fabric cluster. For targeting Prometheus we use wmi_exporter, with predefined parameters: CPU, system, process, service, memory, etc. Our main goal was to start monitoring our product services on the node group each instance in Azure Service Fabric.
For instance, we are using this PQuery to calculate total CPU usage in %:
100 - (avg by (hostname) (irate(wmi_cpu_time_total{scaleset="name",mode="idle" }[5m])) * 100) and metrics +- looks realistic.
Until we started to write queries for services.
For services, sum by (process,hostname)(irate(wmi_process_cpu_time_total{scaleset="name", process=~"processes"}[5m])) * 100, and metrics seems to be not realistic time to time, especially it is obvious after you compare it with total CPU time %. I found out an article regarding multiplying to 100 for getting % from CPU time, but in this case, I get metrics around 170% or more. Perhaps I need to divide it into the number of CPU cores?
Regarding query, I'm using the sum process because I get two different metrics for one process in two modes, user and privileged.
Can anyone please help me with the correct calculation for CPU process time total metric and transforming them to perc. ?
Thank you, I would be grateful for any help!
I hope this will help!
The result is pretty much the same as the Windows performance manager.
So, for CPU % for running services (tasks, processes):
sum by (process,hostname)(irate(wmi_process_cpu_time_total{scaleset="name", process=~"processes"}[5m])) * 100 / 2 (number of CPU cores)
First, you summarize all metrics for the running process, the exporter provides results for the same process ID: user and kernel mode metrics, so it needs to be summarized. The same must be done for hostname (instance, etc.). In my case, I have Azure scale sets, from 2 to 5 instances. It must be multiplied on 100 to get % and divide on number of CPU cores.

Why does DynamoDB performance decrease with parallel reads?

With AWS-XRay tracing enabled on my lambda function i've found that as the number of parallel requests increases to dynamodb the performance of the read's decreases.
Here is an example of the XRay Traces:
Above you can see that the first set of GetItem requests execute in under 300ms. This set only has 6 async read requests running in parallel. The next set of read requests all execute in on average atleast 1.5 seconds - with 57 async read requests running in parallel.
Thoughts on what this could be due to:
this may be due to a "cold start" feature as dynamodb adds capacity to deal with parallel reads? (This dyanmodb instance is pay-by-request, not provisioned)
Additionally, i recognize that this may not be related parallel requests at all, but it may be a good place to start asking questions. Wondering if anyone knows what could be causing such a dramatic performance decrease.

Performance testing - Jmeter results

I am using Jmeter (started using it a few days ago) as a tool to simulate a load of 30 threads using a csv data file that contains login credentials for 3 system users.
The objective I set out to achieve was to measure 30 users (threads) logging in and navigating to a page via the menu over a time span of 30 seconds.
I have set my thread group as:
Number of threads: 30
Ramp-up Perod: 30
Loop Count: 10
I ran the test successfully. Now I'd like to understand what the results mean and what is classed as good/bad measurements, and what can be suggested to improve the results. Below is a table of the results collated in the Summary report of Jmeter.
I have conducted research only to find blogs/sites telling me the same info as what is defined on the jmeter.apache.org site. One blog (Nicolas Vahlas) that I came across gave me some very useful information,but still hasn't help me understand what to do next with my results.
Can anyone help me understand these results and what I could do next following the execution of this test plan? Or point me in the right direction of an informative blog/site that will help me understand what to do next.
Many thanks.
According to me, Deviation is high.
You know your application better than all of us.
you should focus on, avg response time you got and max response frequency and value are acceptable to you and your users? This applies to throughput also.
It shows average response time is below 0.5 seconds and maximum response time is also below 1 second which are generally acceptable but that should be defined by you (Is it acceptable by your users). If answer is yes, try with more load to check scaling.
In you requirement it is mentioned that you need have 30 concurrent users performing different actions. The response time of your requests is less and you have ramp-up of 30 seconds. Can you please check total active threads during the test. I believe the time for which there will be 30 concurrent users in system is pretty short so the average response time that you are seeing seems to be misleading. I would suggest you run a test for some more time so that there will be 30 concurrent users in the system and that would be correct reading as per your requirements.
You can use Aggregate report instead of summary report. In performance testing
Throughput - Requests/Second
Response Time - 90th Percentile and
Target application resource utilization (CPU, Processor Queue Length and Memory)
can be used for analysis. Normally SLA for websites is 3 seconds but this requirement changes from application to application.
Your test results are good, considering if the users are actually logging into system/portal.
Samples: This means the no. of requests sent on a particular module.
Average: Average Response Time, for 300 samples.
Min: Min Response Time, among 300 samples (fastest among 300 samples).
Max: Max Response Time, among 300 samples (slowest among 300 samples).
Standard Deviation: A measure of the variation (for 300 samples).
Error: failure %age
Throughput: No. of request processed per second.
Hope this will help.
