In DrRacket how do I check if a string has a certain amount of characters, as well how do I determine what the first character in a string is - string

Basically I have a problem, here is the information needed to solve the problem.
PigLatin. Pig Latin is a way of rearranging letters in English words for fun. For example, the sentence “pig latin is stupid” becomes “igpay atinlay isway upidstay”.
Vowels(‘a’,‘e’,‘i’,‘o’,and‘u’)are treated separately from the consonants(any letter that isn’t a vowel).
For simplicity, we will consider ‘y’ to always be a consonant. Although various forms of Pig Latin exist, we will use the following rules:
(1) Words of two letters or less simply have “way” added on the end. So “a” becomes “away”.
(2) In any word that starts with consonants, the consonants are moved to the end, and “ay” is added. If a word begins with more than two consonants, move only the first two letters. So “hello” becomes “ellohay”, and “string” becomes “ringstay”.
(3) Any word which begins with a vowel simply has “way” added on the end. So “explain” becomes “explainway”.
Write a function (pig-latin L) that consumes a non-empty (listof Str) and returns a Str containing the words in L converted to Pig Latin.
Each value in L should contain only lower case letters and have a length of at least 1.
I understand that i need to set three main conditions here, i'm struggling with Racket and learning the proper syntax to write out my solutions. first I need to make a conditions that looks at a string and see if it's length is 2 or less to meet the (1) condition. For (2) I need to look at the first two characters in a string, i'm assuming I have to convert the string into a list of char(string->list). For (3) I understand I just have to look at the first character in the string, i basically have to repeat what I did with (2) but just look at the first character.
I don't know how to manipulate a list of char though. I also don't know how to make sure string-length meets a criteria. Any assistance would be appreciated. I basically have barely any code for my problem since I am baffled on what to do here.
An example of the problem is
(pig-latin (list "this" "is" "a" "crazy" "exercise")) =>
"isthay isway away azycray exerciseway"

The best strategy to solve this problem is:
Check in the documentation all the available string procedures. We don't need to transform the input string to a list of chars to operate upon it, and you'll find that there are existing procedures that meet all of our needs.
Write helper procedures. In fact, we only need a procedure that tells us if a string contains a vowel at a given position; the problem states that only a-z characters are used so we can negate this procedure to also find consonants.
It's also important to identify the best order to write the conditions, for example: conditions 1 and 3 can be combined in a single case. This is my proposal:
(define (vowel-at-index? text index)
(member (string-ref text index)
'(#\a #\e #\i #\o #\u)))
(define (pigify text)
; cases 1 and 3
(cond ((or (<= (string-length text) 2)
(vowel-at-index? text 0))
(string-append text "way"))
; case 2.1
((and (not (vowel-at-index? text 0))
(vowel-at-index? text 1))
(string-append (substring text 1)
(substring text 0 1)
; case 2.2
(string-append (substring text 2)
(substring text 0 2)
(define (pig-latin lst)
(string-join (map pigify lst)))
For the final step, we only need to apply the pigify procedure to each element in the input, and that's what map does. It works as expected:
(pig-latin '("this" "is" "a" "crazy" "exercise"))
=> "isthay isway away azycray exerciseway"


Extracting the last character from a non-empty string (DrRacket). Hope for assistance

I'm fairly new to Scheme and I'm using DrRacket and I hope to get some much needed assistance.
I was first tasked to extract the first character from a non-empty string, which I was successful in doing so.
;;Signature: string-first: string -> string
;;Purpose: To extract the first character from a non-empty string
(check-expect (string-first "cookies") "c")
(check-expect (string-first "party") "p")
;;Definition: string-first
(define (string-first str)
(string-ith str 0))
Now, I am tasked with extracting the last character from a non-empty string. I cannot figure this out. My guess is that it involves "string-length" in combination with "string-ith."
Hopefully someone can help me out. Thank you in advance.
You're on the right track, assuming that the string is non-empty the implementation is as simple as this:
(define (string-last str)
(string-ref str (sub1 (string-length str))))
I'm using the built-in string-ref procedure, which I'm guessing does the same as your implementation of string-ith (always try to use existing procedures)
A string's valid indexes start at zero and end at the string's length minus one (use sub1 for subtracting a single unit)
So finding the last character is a simple matter of combining string-ref and string-length, remembering that the last character will be at the index length-1

Clojure: Idiomatic Way to Insert a Char in a String

I have a string in Clojure and a character I want to put in between the nth and (n+1)st character. For example: Lets say the string is "aple" and I want to insert another "p" between the "p" and the "l".
(some-function "aple" "p" 1 2))
;; prints "apple"
;; ie "aple" -> "ap" "p" "le" and the concatenated back together.
I'm finding this somewhat challenging, so I figure I am missing information about some useful function(s) Can someone please help me write the "some-function" above that takes a string, another string, a start position and an end position and inserts the second string into the first between the start position and the end position? Thanks in advance!
More efficient than using seq functions:
(defn str-insert
"Insert c in string s at index i."
[s c i]
(str (subs s 0 i) c (subs s i)))
From the REPL:
user=> (str-insert "aple" "p" 1)
NB. This function doesn't actually care about the type of c, or its length in the case of a string; (str-insert "aple" \p 1) and (str-insert "ale" "pp" 1) work also (in general, (str c) will be used, which is the empty string if c is nil and (.toString c) otherwise).
Since the question asks for an idiomatic way to perform the task at hand, I will also note that I find it preferable (in terms of "semantic fit" in addition to the performance advantage) to use string-oriented functions when dealing with strings specifically; this includes subs and functions from clojure.string. See the design notes at the top of the source of clojure.string for a discussion of idiomatic string handling.

Lisp - Displaying a String to List

I've been looking for a way to convert user input (read-line) to a list of atoms that I can manipulate more easily.
For example:
This is my input. Hopefully this works.
and I want to get back..
(This is my input. Hopefully this works.)
Eventually it'd be ideal to remove any periods, commas, quotes, etc. But for now I just wanna store the users input in a list (NOT AS A STRING)
So. For now i'm using
(setf stuff (coerce (read-line) 'list))
and that returns to me as...
(#\T #\h #\i #\s #\Space #\i #\s #\Space #\m #\y #\Space #\i #\n #\p #\u #\t #. #\Space #\H #\o #\p #\e #\f #\u #\l #\l #\y #\Space #\t #\h #\i #\s #\Space #\w #\o #\r #\k #\s #.)
So now i'm on the hunt for a function that can take that list and format it properly...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Rainer's answer is better in that it's a bit more lightweight (and general), but you could also use CL-PPCRE , if you already have it loaded (I know I always do).
You can use SPLIT directly on the string you get from READ-LINE, like so:
(cl-ppcre:split "[ .]+" (read-line))
(Now you have two problems)
What you want to do is to split a sequence of characters (a String) into a list of smaller strings or symbols.
Use some of the split sequence functions available from a Lisp library (see for example cl-utilities).
In LispWorks, which comes with a SPLIT-SEQUENCE function) I would for example write:
CL-USER 8 > (mapcar #'intern
(split-sequence '(#\space #\.)
"This is my input. Hopefully this works."
:coalesce-separators t))
(|This| |is| |my| |input| |Hopefully| |this| |works|)
Remember, to get symbols with case preserving names, they are surrounded by vertical bars. The vertical bars are not part of the symbol name - just like the double quotes are not part of a string - they are delimiters.
You can also print it:
CL-USER 19 > (princ (mapcar #'intern
(split-sequence '(#\space #\.)
"This is my input. Hopefully this works."
:coalesce-separators t)))
(This is my input Hopefully this works)
(|This| |is| |my| |input| |Hopefully| |this| |works|)
Above prints the list. The first output is the data printed by PRINC and the second output is done by the REPL.
If you don't want symbols, but strings:
CL-USER 9 > (split-sequence '(#\space #\.)
"This is my input. Hopefully this works."
:coalesce-separators t)
("This" "is" "my" "input" "Hopefully" "this" "works")

How can I remove repeated characters in a string with R?

I would like to implement a function with R that removes repeated characters in a string. For instance, say my function is named removeRS, so it is supposed to work this way:
removeRS('Buenaaaaaaaaa Suerrrrte')
Buena Suerte
removeRS('Hoy estoy tristeeeeeee')
Hoy estoy triste
My function is going to be used with strings written in spanish, so it is not that common (or at least correct) to find words that have more than three successive vowels. No bother about the possible sentiment behind them. Nonetheless, there are words that can have two successive consonants (especially ll and rr), but we could skip this from our function.
So, to sum up, this function should replace the letters that appear at least three times in a row with just that letter. In one of the examples above, aaaaaaaaa is replaced with a.
Could you give me any hints to carry out this task with R?
I did not think very carefully on this, but this is my quick solution using references in regular expressions:
gsub('([[:alpha:]])\\1+', '\\1', 'Buenaaaaaaaaa Suerrrrte')
# [1] "Buena Suerte"
() captures a letter first, \\1 refers to that letter, + means to match it once or more; put all these pieces together, we can match a letter two or more times.
To include other characters besides alphanumerics, replace [[:alpha:]] with a regex matching whatever you wish to include.
I think you should pay attention to the ambiguities in your problem description. This is a first stab, but it clearly does not work with "Good Luck" in the manner you desire:
removeRS <- function(str) paste(rle(strsplit(str, "")[[1]])$values, collapse="")
removeRS('Buenaaaaaaaaa Suerrrrte')
#[1] "Buena Suerte"
Since you want to replace letters that appear AT LEAST 3 times, here is my solution:
gsub("([[:alpha:]])\\1{2,}", "\\1", "Buennaaaa Suerrrtee")
#[1] "Buenna Suertee"
As you can see the 4 "a" have been reduced to only 1 a, the 3 r have been reduced to 1 r but the 2 n and the 2 e have not been changed.
As suggested above you can replace the [[:alpha:]] by any combination of [a-zA-KM-Z] or similar, and even use the "or" operator | inside the squre brackets [y|Q] if you want your code to affect only repetitions of y and Q.
gsub("([a|e])\\1{2,}", "\\1", "Buennaaaa Suerrrtee")
# [1] "Buenna Suerrrtee"
# triple r are not affected and there are no triple e.

Split string into individual characters

I am having two problems while working in Lisp and I can't find any tutorials or sites that explain this. How do you split up a string into its individual characters? And how would I be able to change those characters into their corresponding ASCII values? If anyone knows any sites or tutorial videos explaining these, they would be greatly appreciated.
CL-USER 87 > (coerce "abc" 'list)
(#\a #\b #\c)
CL-USER 88 > (map 'list #'char-code "abc")
(97 98 99)
Get the Common Lisp Quick Reference.
A Lisp string is already split into its characters, in a way. It is a vector of characters, and depending upon what you need to do, you can use either whole string operations on it, or any operations applicable to vectors (like all the operations of the sequence protocol) to handle the individual characters.
split-string splits string into substrings based on the regular expression separators
Each match for separators defines a splitting point; the substrings between splitting points are made into a list, which is returned. If omit-nulls is nil (or omitted), the result contains null strings whenever there are two consecutive matches for separators, or a match is adjacent to the beginning or end of string. If omit-nulls is t, these null strings are omitted from the result. If separators is nil (or omitted), the default is the value of split-string-default-separators.
As a special case, when separators is nil (or omitted), null strings are always omitted
from the result. Thus:
(split-string " two words ") -> ("two" "words")
The result is not ("" "two" "words" ""), which would rarely be useful. If you need
such a result, use an explicit value for separators:
(split-string " two words " split-string-default-separators) -> ("" "two" "words" "")
More examples:
(split-string "Soup is good food" "o") -> ("S" "up is g" "" "d f" "" "d")
(split-string "Soup is good food" "o" t) -> ("S" "up is g" "d f" "d")
(split-string "Soup is good food" "o+") -> ("S" "up is g" "d f" "d")
You can also use elt or aref to get specific characters out of a string.
One of the best sites for an in-depth introduction to Common Lisp is the site for the Practical Common Lisp book (link to the section on numbers, chars and strings). The whole book is available online for free. Check it out.
