Auto sent and push notification from telegram bot to user by username using nodejs - bots

I am using telegram bot by telegraf library and nodejs, but i do not know how to auto (for alert or schedule) sent a message from bot to user by #username. Anybody help me?


How to send the username of the message sender to the dialogflow bot in telegram?

I connected the dialogflow bot to the telegram chat and it responds to user messages but without specifying their names and periodically determines random words from the text of the message as the user names.
How to set up a dialogflow bot in the telegram chat so it receives not only messages, but the message sender user names too?
When using Dialogflow with Telegram, Telegram already provides you a unique id for every Telegram user. Try to output the body request from Telegram and then catch that uniqueid value.
I checked through the telegram webhook - the username is indeed sent to the bot with the message.
Probably the problem is in the telegram integration code of the dialogflow-es bot.

Use a bot as a user on Telegram

I'm using and I'm able to send message to user and to my channels. I'd like to improve my bot, I want to manage the private messages that my bot receives.
At the moment when the BOT receive a message, I can save on database from my node application, but if I want to manage all messages, I need to build a backoffice.
Is it possible to read the messages from Telegram and impersonate the BOT and start a normal conversation?
Using Telegram bot, Telegram does not provide any function to retrieve old messages. BOT API does not have such feature.
What you need is to use TDlib - The Telegram client API. It supports both bot and normal Telegram account. And it has many features not available in BOT API.
There is an example of creating a Userbot on this github page: UserBot
There is also a library for managing a telegram account, which is used to create cross-platform telegram clients: TDLib

How to send bot message to all inactive player webhook facebook messenger

I am new to facebook messenger(Webhook). I am using Nodejs and Heroku for sending bot message.
My requirement is to send message to all inactive player at once via
Page Access Token.
Is there a way achieve this. Or/ Is there any alternative way.

How to send poactivate message to all users interact with Bot via Facebook Messager

I created a Facebook chatbot to send poactivate message based on this sample But I found it only works with the latest user interact with the Bot via Facebook Messager. I want to send the message to all users who have been interactive with bot. Any suggestions?

How to receive bot's messages in telegram?

I wrote some bot that sends messages to some channel using nodejs. This bot is an admin in that channel and it can see messages from users using /getupdates api. However it can't see own messages. Is there any way to do that?
