Msgbox not closing when WSH.Popup waits for certain time - excel

I have an Excel file that opens automatically with Windows Scheduler. Also I have an Auto_Open sub to run a macro immediately. To avoid that every time it opens it starts running without a chance to modify it, I set up a msgbox that let me choose if the macro runs or not. However, I want Excel to automatically choose "Yes" after 10 seconds have passed, and I'm not able to get it. This is my code:
I have tried to place the seconds directly without a variable, I have also tried Case -1 alone, yet nothing works.
Sub Auto_Open()
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'cTime = 10
BtnCode = WSH.Popup("¿Desea generar la consulta de vacaciones?", cTime, "Consulta", vbYesNo)
Select Case BtnCode
Case vbYes
Call consulta
Case vbNo
Case 1, -1
Call consulta
End Select
End Sub

It might be easier to use a userform in combination with a module to run this. The UserForm would need to replace whatever you're doing with Msgbox. The code you'll need would look something like this:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Run code for yes
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'run code for "no".
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "KeepItGoing"
End Sub
Then you can have it interact with an external module:
Sub launchSOMETHING()
'Run this first
End Sub
Sub KeepItGoing()
If UserForm1.Visible = True Then
Unload UserForm1
End If
End Sub
You can see an example in this file here.
UPDATED: It appears that all macros will pause while Msgbox is open. In the below two procedures, you'll note that the second one won't be triggered until after the box is closed, even though it was supposed to run in 5 seconds.
Sub TestWhatMsgBoxDoes()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:5"), "someOtherMacro"
MsgBox "Everything is on hold?"
End Sub
Sub someOtherMacro()
Application.StatusBar = "The Second Macro has run at" & Now()
End Sub

I think has to do with the "Call consulta" procedure, try use megbox to test it.

Ok, so after a lot of research I managed to do what I want without a lot of issues.
First, I created a scrip (.vbs file) that contains the following:
Dim objExcel
Dim objWB
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWB = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("R:path\file.xlsm")
objExcel.Run "MyMacroName"
objWB.Close False
Now every time I run the script, the macro would run automatically. I have also set up a Windows Scheduler Event so it will run by itself with the script. In that way, I don't need a Popup to ask me if I want to run something, and the script would only run when the Event is triggered by the conditions set.
On the other hand, the Excel file itself is free from autorun when the workbook is opened, so any user can modify it without any problem.
Thanks to the people that helped me through this.


How to run macro from another spreadsheet and wait for execution?

I have a spreadsheet (let's name it Spr1) that I need to refresh periodically. I don't want to refresh it every time I open it, because it takes time.
I created another "launcher spreadsheet" (Spr2) to start Spr1 with macro in argument.
Spr2 is opening with:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.Visible = True
Application.Run "'\\path\Spr1.xlsm'!Refresh_data"
Workbooks("Spr1.xlsm").Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub
Macro in Spr1:
Sub Refresh_data()
End Sub
The first macro is not waiting for second one to finish the refresh. It is terminating Excel right after opening Spr1.
How can I wait to finish "Refresh_data"?
It depends on type of default you have set.
Find your Query Properties, and set 'Enable background refresh' to False (Microsoft use True as default).
Then in your code you need to call for RefreshAll and wait for the data to load with the DoEvents. If you want your update of data to run on open you can use this in 'ThisWorkbook' Object.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
For Each q In ThisWorkbook.Connections
End Sub
If you like to launch your update from a VBScript you can call your macro without even se Excel doing the work in the background. Use Notepad and past this code in and save as MyStarter.vbs where you can start it with a double click.
Dim xlApp
Dim xlWkb
Dim MyParam
MyParam = InputBox("Input your Parameter:","Enter parameter to the service")
if MyParam <> false then
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set xlWkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("\\path\Spr1.xlsm",true,true)
xlApp.Run "Spr1.xlsm!Refresh_data", CStr(MyParam)
Set xlWkb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
end if
Then you can use your input parameter sent to the instance of your workbook like this :
Sub Refresh_data(MsgFromVBScript As String)
MsgBox ("This is your parameter from VBScript:" & MsgFromVBScript)
End Sub

How I make excel show a await message while execute a macro?

I have a macro that consulte to Database (in this case is a excel workbook), but when the macro consulte to database, it take 30 sec, and the user thinks that the program is broke. I tried with "Application.StatusBar = "Refresh File. "", but the user can´t see the sentence, the best way is a msgbox with the message "Await a moment", and, when the macro is finished, this message is closed. Do you help me with the code? I think the solution is this way:
Sub Button1_Click()
'Call msgbox with message "Await a moment"
Dim x As Long
For x = 0 To 2000000000 Step 1
'The msgbox is closed
End Sub
I think the solution is a msgbox but it is a another option, Go Ahead!
A Msgbox wont work, because it would stop execution of everything until the user clicks OK.
The statusbar would work, if you put a DoEvents right after you set it so the system has a moment to update the screen.
Your only other option would be to create a special form that you show while it's processing, but you would also need a DoEvents after you show it as well.
Sub Test()
' create a userform and name it frmWait
' put whatever you want on that form
' that is what will be displayed while the user waits
frmWait.Show vbModeless
' do your processing here
Unload frmWait
End Sub
Sub Test()
Application.StatusBar = "Refreshing File. "
' do your processing here
' reset the status bar to normal
Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub

Auto save and close workbook (in a share) if Screen/Workstation is Locked

Something which we encounter on a daily basis at work is when a member of the team opens Excel Workbook from a network share to update the workbook and forget to save and close the file after he is finished.
The issue arise when the user locks his workstation and walks away from his desk leaving his co-workers unable to modify the shared excel workbook (read only).
P.S Locking your workstation before each time you leave your desk is something crucial for security reasons and I encourage the reader to adopt this good cyber hygiene habit.
How can I solve this issue once and for all?
One might argue that opening such documents in the cloud might solve the problem but this depends on the nature of the contents being stored in the document.
I had some initial parameters defined wrong and it's always better to do stuff like this at the Modules level.
For your ThisWorkbook section, only have this code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call TheTimerMac
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Call RestApplicationTimer
End Sub
Then in a standard Module insert the below code. The settings can be adjusted with the constants, which it looks like you understand (btw thanks for CDATE function -- shorter than TimeValeu)
I also inserted a couple audio warnings, partially just for my own entertainment. You look sharp enough that you can just nuke them if you don't like them.
'Time settings
Const idleTimeLIMIT As String = "00:35:00" '<---- Edit this to whatever timer you want (hour:min:sec)
Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:01:00" '<---- this can be executed frequently as it has low overhead
'Set this variable TRUE to confirm the macro is working with popup messages
Const conFirmRunning As Boolean = False
Dim LastCalculate As Date 'Make sure this is outside and above the other macros
Option Private Module
Public Sub TheTimerMac()
'message you can have displayed to make sure it's running
If conFirmRunning Then MsgBox "TheTimerMac is running."
'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
Application.OnTime Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime), "AnyBodyWorking"
End Sub
Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()
'OPTIONAL Warning messages to be spoken
Const TenMinuteWarning As String = "Your file will save and close in approximately 10 minutes"
Const FiveMinuteWarning As String = "Your file will save and close in approximately 5 minutes"
Const OneMinuteWarning As String = "This is the last warning. Your file will save and close in a little over a minute."
'message you can have displayed to make sure it's running
If conFirmRunning Then MsgBox "AnyBodyWorking Macro is running."
If LastCalculate = 0 Then
'Won't close application if lastCalc hasn't been set
Call RestApplicationTimer
ElseIf Now > LastCalculate Then
'if nothing has happened in the last idleTime interval... then it closes.
'close and lock it up!!
Exit Sub 'not even sure if this is needed, but probably good to be sure
''Optional spoken warnings
ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 60 Then
Application.Speech.Speak OneMinuteWarning
ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 300 Then
Application.Speech.Speak FiveMinuteWarning
ElseIf DateDiff("S", Now, LastCalculate) < 600 Then
Application.Speech.Speak TenMinuteWarnin
End If
Call TheTimerMac
End Sub
Sub RestApplicationTimer()
LastCalculate = Now + CDate(idleTimeLIMIT)
End Sub
Lastly, I think you could slightly improve the the locked function to be as follows and you could inculde it in your if statements.
Function IsLocked() As Boolean
IsLocked = _
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
Environ$("computername") & "\root\cimv2"). _
ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count > 0
End Function
Save the excel file as .xlsm to enable the storing of macros in the workbook itself.
Go to: Developer Tab -> Visual Basic
Double click: 'This Workbook', on the left hand pane
Paste the following VBA code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Save1"
End Sub
Right Click VBAProject -> Insert -> Module
Paste the following VBA Code:
Sub Save1()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
If IsLocked(Environ$("computername")) > 0 Then
Workbooks("book1test.xlsm").Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Save1"
End Sub
Function IsLocked(strComputer)
With GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
IsLocked = .ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count '
End With
End Function
Save the Macro: Ctrl+s
This macro will be triggered every time you open the workbook, save your work every minute and only close the workbook if your screen/workstation is logged. You can remove the auto-save feature if you want.
Check if computer is locked using VBscript
How to save Excel file every say minute?
#PGSystemTester this was the only way I could get it to work:
In ThisWorkbook:
Public idleTIME As Date '<---- Edit this to whatever timer you want (hour:min:sec)
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
idleTIME = CDate("00:10:00")
LastCalculate = Now + idleTIME
End Sub
Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
LastCalculate = Now + idleTIME
End Sub
In module Option 1:
Public LastCalculate As Date
Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:01:00"
Sub Check()
Call TheTimerMac
End Sub
Private Sub TheTimerMac()
Dim nextRunTime As Date
nextRunTime = Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime)
'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
Application.OnTime nextRunTime, "AnyBodyWorking"
End Sub
Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()
If Now > LastCalculate Then
'if nothing has happened in the last idleTime interval... then it closes.
'close and lock it up!!
'executes the timerMacagain
Call TheTimerMac
End If
End Sub
module Option 2 (for locked screen):
Public LastCalculate As Date 'Make sure this is outside and above the other macros
Const checkIntervalTime As String = "00:00:30" '<---- this can be frequent as it has low overhead
Sub Check()
Call TheTimerMac
End Sub
Private Sub TheTimerMac()
Dim nextRunTime As Date
nextRunTime = Now + CDate(checkIntervalTime)
'Schedules application to execute below macro at set time.
Application.OnTime nextRunTime, "AnyBodyWorking"
End Sub
Private Sub AnyBodyWorking()
If Now > LastCalculate Or (IsLocked("FIBRE-X") > 0) Then
'if nothing has happened in the last interval idleTime OR Screen is Locked... then it closes.
'close and lock it up!!
'executes the timerMacagain
Call TheTimerMac
End If
End Sub
Function IsLocked(strComputer)
With GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
IsLocked = .ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process where Name='logonui.exe'").Count '
End With
End Function
Anything I can improve on this please?

Excel VBA application.visible immediately set back to True

I have set up a new, empty, modeless userform, to fix my problem with the least amount of code involved.
For when the workbook is opened, the following code is executed to hide Excel and show the userform. It's the only code for the workbook.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Application.Windows.Count <> 1 Then
Application.Windows("test.xlsm").Visible = False
Application.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I have an empty userform with one single button. The only code for this userform is:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.Windows("test.xlsm").Visible = True
Application.Visible = True
Unload Me
End Sub
The last thing is a button on the first worksheet, to start the same process as when the workbook is opened. Its code:
Sub Button1_Click()
If Application.Windows.Count <> 1 Then
Application.Windows("test.xlsm").Visible = False
Application.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Now my problem:
When I open the workbook, the userform shows up, but excel and the active window stay visible as well. However, if I click the button on the worksheet, Excel, or the window, are hidden as they should. Also, Excel, not the userform, has focus after loading everything.
The first time I ran this, it worked fine. I suspect changing the ShowModal setting in the editor screwed it up somehow, but that's just me guessing. Anyway, it doesn't work anymore as intended, no matter the modal setting now.
If I just run
Application.Visible = False
instead of the "if"-clause, Excel still stays visible and of course so does the active window.
This is driving me nuts.
What am I missing?
Edit: Link to my test file: Test File on my Dropbox
Might have to start it twice, because when the macros are blocked at startup and only activated after excel has completely loaded, the code works as intended.
Edit: I was able to test this on an excel 2010 pc and there the problem doesn't exist. So it might have something to do with the way newer Office Apps handle stuff.
I found myself having the exact same problem - modeless form opened with Workbook_Open() event that's also supposed to hide excel app (working on Excel 2016, 32bit).
The reason why it's working with UserForm property ShowModal set to True is because: the execution is suspended - it's waiting for user to interact with the UserForm that was shown.
If we change ShowModal to False (or call UserForm.Show vbModeless) then the execution is never suspended and once we reach End Sub of our Workbook_Open(), Excel appears to set Application.Visible = True on its own.
Only solution I've found thus far is this one - basically you suspend the execution by adding an infinite loop so Excel only gets to end of this event once you get rid of (Unload/Hide) the form that was shown previously.
My version looks like this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim App As Object
Set App = startMenu
App.Show vbModeless
While App.Visible
End Sub
Then just to make sure that Excel is closed once that modeless UserForm is closed I've added this:
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
End Sub
Public Sub CloseApp()
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
If Not OtherWorkbooksOpen Then
End If
End Sub
Public Function OtherWorkbooksOpen()
If Application.Workbooks.Count > 1 Then
OtherWorkbooksOpen = True
OtherWorkbooksOpen = False
End If
End Function
Solution without infinite loop - schedule hiding of Excel:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim App As Object
Set App = startMenu
If Not OtherWorkbooksOpen Then
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "HideExcel"
End If
End Sub
I think the needs to be called after the execution of if statement.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Application.Windows.Count <> 1 Then
Application.Windows("test.xlsm").Visible = False
Application.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Not an answer, but I can't post this as a comment. This works for me - the user form appears, the application is hidden. I used "<>2" as I have a personal workbook. Can you confirm what happens for you?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Application.Windows.Count <> 2 Then
Application.Windows("test.xlsm").Visible = False
Application.Visible = False
End If
UserForm1.Show False
End Sub
I had the same issue, but I notice the form loads before the excel file. So I put a redundancy calling the application.visible = false, in the form.
Basically after clicking anything in the form, it will call the application.visible = false and the excel window will hide.

Auto Open used to execute another macro with VBA

I have an excel book titled Can Opener that is opened by my task scheduler. It opens another workbook on a shared drive that my task scheduler cannot access, and then closes itself.. Can Opener works fine. The problem I am having is that the other workbook has code that, upon open, if it is 7pm system time executes an update macro to get new data from the servers. Once this is done the file saves and closes. The data workbook opens, but no update is occurring, and it does not automatically save and close. I have tied breaking the code down so it would at least update, and this is not working either. I have checked several forums and other locations and I still cannot figure out what the problem is. Can I get a little help?
Sub DataBook_Open()
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
If Hour(Now) = 7 And Weekday(Now, vbSunday) < 7 Then
Else: Me.Save
End If
End Sub
Run_Update is the name of the macro in my module that merely executes that other macros in the module that create the server connection and run the SQL's. This works fine if manually ran, or run with a button, so I know the error is not here. Also I am trying to run this code every night at 7pm.
I really appreciate any help I can get guys.
Are you sure DataBook_Open() executes at all?
It might not unless you're calling it from Auto_Open() or Workbook_Open().
Try this minimal test files. Replacing the paths with your actual folders.
Sub OpenOtherWorkbook()
Dim sWbkPath As String
sWbkPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "test_data.xlsm"
Dim wbkData As Workbook
Set wbkData = Workbooks.Open(sWbkPath)
End Sub
--test_data.xlsm-- in the ThisWorkbook Object
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Hour(Now) = 9 Then 'replace with your condition
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateData()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd:hh\hmm")
End Sub
