Upload and fetch images using Node and Express server - node.js

I'm building a website where users can upload images
as a information to server and the admin responds accordingly.
Which tools/modules I need to use and what's the overall process if
I'm using Node js with express at backend. The database I'm thinking to use is MySQL but can also go with MongoDB if the overall
process is simpler and efficient there.


Creating an Express API from MongoDB server automatically

I have a pretty large MongoDB server running on my local machine, I know how to create an API using Express & Node.js and know how to use routes, etc. But I only know how to add new data to a route using the POST method. My database has tens of thousands of entries in different collections and so it would be impossible to add them all manually.
I wanted to know if there was a way to quickly convert my entire mongodb local database into an API with Express so I can access it client-side from my React.js application.

is react supposed to be used on top of handlebars with node.js?

I want to use react on my node.js website. Im using express and handlebars with this website. Is react supposed to be used on top of all that? Or should i not use handlebars or express with react?
Also what is your opinion on node.js? Is it a declining technology? Is there something else that is better for me to use?
React is a view library. Is mean to be used to build your entire ui.
Then you have two options you can use it to build a SPA - single page application - and consume data through network request to your server or render multiple pages each of those will be a react app.
Node + express are backend tech that can help you to build the server side of a web app here you can create some api endpoints to return data to the server and comunĂ­cate with the database.
Node is a very good choice as is still and will be used for long time and many companies.

How to use MySQL with Vue SSR directly without REST API backend?

I would like to use MySQL as the data source when fetching for the content during server side rendering so I don't need to create an external API server for the purpose of fetching the data from the database.
Vue js is client side language. Not for server side.
For access mySql You must need to access via server side language like php, nodeJs, python.
You can also follow some official documentation for better understand about server side rendering

How to send data from angular2 (angular4) to nodejs server which save it in mysql

I have searched all over the google but was not be able to find any good working example please help me I am new to the Angular2 (angular4).
I want angular2 app to send data to node js server to save the data in mysql database.
Use this to interact with any API

Website Architecture for Node, Backbone+Marionette, Mongo DB GridFS

I am programming a website with a node.js and mongodb grifs on back-end with backbone and marionette as front end frameworks.
As I am new to creating single page applications (SPA) I may be wrong in any of my assumptions, please correct me wherever I am wrong.
The way I understand the flow of control is:
As soon as the first request to the server is made to abcxyz.com, nodejs server serves the base html file via a get request from the server.js file. This html file links to the main.js file which holds all the backbone+marionette models, collections and views.
As my aim is to write a SPA (single page application), I assume that from here onwards the flow of control remains completely within the main.js file as it is the file which handles the url routing (think of #routes for emails in gmail).
Now my question is this: How can I carry data to and from the mongodb gridfs database for each route change in backbone. Putting another way - how does backbone interface with mongo database which can be accessed only in the server.js file, and how do I communicate a change of route (hence a change in the data needed for backbone views) from backbone to the node.js server?
I'm sorry for a really long question, feeling very confused :(
