How to setup build and run of executable, that is installed, depending on shared libraries - linux

I want to build an executable foobar on Linux, that depends on shared libraries such as So I do
gcc foobar.o -Xlinker -rpath relative path from executable to library-lfoobar -o foobar
I have to provide the path to the library so that the linker does not complain, even though the library is not needed at link time.
Then the executable and libraries get installed to system directories (which are unrelated to the initial locations and to each other).
After that, I can't run it, because the path to the library, used to build is no longer valid, and the library is not found.
What is the best way to setup linker options so that they work both at link time and at runtime?
I cannot use absolute paths, they are a bad idea in general to use during build, and also not possible during runtime, as different users will have different installation roots. Only the relative paths at build time and runtime, are guaranteed to be always the same.


Shared library name in executable is different than the filename

A cleaned up version of my compile command looks like gcc -o semantic_seg -Wl,-rpath,... ... and I have a dynamic library file named exactly in the directory specified by the -rpath flag. The command succeeds.
When I go to run my program, it says semantic_seg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory and when I do ldd it shows => not found.
So the problem looks like the name of the shared library in the executable is not the same as the filename. Could that be true? Did the 5e8a26c9 part of the name somehow get stripped off?
Update: Creating a symbolic link -> allows the executable to run. But I'm still not sure the mechanism that causes this name modification to happen. It seems a bit magic.
Could that be true?
This is often true.
On ELF systems, the linker uses SONAME of the library (if it has one) and not its filename to record a runtime dependency.
Running readelf -d | grep SONAME will likely show that in fact that library does have SONAME, and the value of SONAME is
This used to be very convenient for external library versioning.
it allows you to link against a library which will be different than the one which will used at run time, but why would I ever want that?
Like I said, it's useful for external library versioning and ABI evolution.
Suppose you ship version 1.0 of You provide as a symlink to, and you use as SONAME.
Any program that links with gcc main.c -lfoo (note: no funny syntax required) will record as its external dependency, and will use that name at runtime.
Time passes, and you are ready to ship version 2, which is not ABI-compatible.
You don't want to cause all your end-users to change their link line, and you don't want to break any existing binaries.
With the SONAME, this is trivial: new package will include with SONAME of, and a symlink now pointing to
Voila: both requirements are achieved: existing binaries continue to use, newly-linked binaries use, no Makefile changes required.

CMake: Don't set rpath for a single library used in link

What I'd like to do is configure my CMakeLists file so that while building my project the linker uses a copy of a shared library (.so) that resides in my build tree to link the executable against but then does not set the rpath in the linked executable so that the system must provide the library when the loader requests it.
Specifically, I want to link against during build time on a build farm that doesn't have installed as a system library. To do this, is in the project build tree and referenced using an absolute path in the CMakeLists file. This absolute path is to ensure that if the system does happen to have installed then it is not used.
However, when running the final executable, CMake has added the absolute path to the rpath which stops the system version of being picked up by the library loader and used.
Seems simple but I can't quite figure it out.
I know this answer is super late. I faced the same requirement as yours.
Either we need is whitelist approach where we set CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH explicitly with what we need. Or we need a blacklist approach where we tell cmake, which RPATHs we don't want in the executable. Way to remove RPath from build tree is not documented yet:
The solution I took is:
Set RUNPATH instead of RPATH. You can achieve this by the statement:
SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags")
When RUNPATH is present, RPATH is ignored.
RUNPATH - same as RPATH, but searched after LD_LIBRARY_PATH, supported only on most recent UNIX
Then I can achieve the overriding the library using the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
According to the CMake Wiki this should not be a problem:
By default if you don't change any RPATH related settings, CMake will link the executables and shared libraries with full RPATH to all used libraries in the build tree. When installing, it will clear the RPATH of these targets so they are installed with an empty RPATH.
So you might try to simply install it?

Bash command: export BLAS_LIBS="-L$LAPACKHOME/lib -lblas"

Can any body explain to me what does the whole sentence mean?
I know this is to set Macro BLAS_LIBS as another string.
But I'm not sure what's the "-lblas" mean and I don't know how to use it.
Similar as the following code. "-llapack"
export LAPACK_LIBS="-L$LAPACKHOME/lib -llapack"
How can the program find out the BLAS and LAPACK libraries just by "-lblas" and "-llapack" ?
Thanks for advance.
I'm not sure why you say "just by -llapack" because that's not what is happening here. Specifically, the -L option just before it specifies a directory path to add to the library resolution path. This works roughly like PATH in the shell.
For example, with the command line fragment gcc -Lfoodir -Lbardir -lfoo -lbar, you basically instruct the linker to search the directories foodir and bardir for the library files libfoo.a and libbar.a.
The -l option is described in GCC: Options for Linking and -L and friends in the following section GCC: Options for Directory Search.
This build arrangement -- configure the build to show where the required files are before compiling -- is common for libraries, where if a user has already downloaded and compiled a required library for some other project, they don't need to rebuild it; they can just point the compiler to wherever they already have the stuff needed for this project.
Building your own libraries is becoming increasingly unnecessary anyway, as prepackaged binaries of most common libraries are available for most systems these days. But of course, if you are on an unusual platform, or have specialized needs which dictate recompilation with different options than any available prebuilt binary, you will still need to understand how to do this.

Use private C++ runtime library on linux

In Windows, the dynamic loader always looks for modules in the path of the loaded executable first, making it possible to have private libraries without affecting system libraries.
The dynamic loader on Linux only looks for libraries in a fixed path, in the sense that it is independent on the chosen binary. I needed GCC 5 for its overflow checked arithmetic functions, but since the C++ ABI changed between 4.9 and 5, some applications became unstable and recompiling them solved the issue. While waiting for my distro [kubuntu] to upgrade the default compiler, is it possible to have newly compiled application linking to the new runtime, while packaged application still links to the old library, either by static linkage, or something that mimics the Windows behavior?
One way of emulating it would be to create a wrapper script
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $(which your_file)) your_file
And after the linking step copy the affected library but it is sort of a hack.
You can use rpath.
Let's say your "new ABI" shared libraries are in /usr/local/newapi-libs.
gcc -L/usr/local/newapi-libs
program.cpp -o program -lsomething`
The -rpath option of the linker is the runtime counterpart to -L. When a program compiled this way is run, the linker will first look in /usr/local/newapi-libs before searching the system library paths.
More information here and here.
You can emulate the Windows behavior of looking in the executable's directory by specifying -Wl,-rpath,.
[edit] added missing -L parameter and dashes before rpath.

My library does not load on other systems but works fine on the system it was compiled on

My project includes a library and example projects for how to use it. I place the library in the "bin" folder along with all executable examples. I can run the example projects on the machine where they were compiled but when I try to run them on another machine I get:
./example: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
This makes no sense since the library is in the same folder. What is causes it to ignore the library on other machines?
Just because the library is in the same directory as the executable doesn't mean it will look there for it. By default on linux, executables will only look in a limited set of directories, set by ldconfig and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
One trick that is very useful is to link your program with the extra linker option
which will cause the executable to also look in the directory the executable is in for shared objects.
You can usually set this by adding to your Makefile:
LDFLAGS := -Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN'
Note the double-$ here -- make will interpret this as a make variable which expands to just $
The current directory is not necessarily a place where the dynamic linker will look for dynamic libraries. The directory where the executable is much less.
You might want to check ldconfig to see where it looks for them.
