Convert RTMP to RTSP & Stream - rtsp

I am trying to stream the camera view from a React Native or Ionic app and then receive the output as an RTSP feed on my PC. I have been able to use Bambuser's SDK to stream to their servers, and from there I can output to RTMP. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to allow RTSP output.
Can anyone tell me the best way of receiving this RTMP stream & converting it to RTSP please? I can use the nginx RTMP module ( but I am not sure how to convert to RTSP.
I've tried using Wowza for this instead which works great, but there is an error when trying to use their SDK on Vuzix Blade smart glasses which I am using so I am having to look for an alternative solution.
Thanks for any help.

I managed this by using MistServer in the end. It accepts a wide range of protocols including RTMP, and can output RTSP.


Stream is not re-publishing to YouTube

I'm using Ant Media Server to publish the IP camera as a stream source, and I'm attempting to republish the stream to YouTube's RTMP ingest point, but I'm not seeing any video. Please help me resolve the problem.
YouTube requires an audio track otherwise, you cannot stream. If this is the case, you can check the solution below.

How to intergrate IP-Camera with kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk sample code?

I am willing to use this for accessing KVSWebRTC for our onsite camera video streaming. I want to run this code on the server which is reading the camera stream (rtsp) from a port. While i was porting this code to be run on server side (JS code running on NODEJS), I came to know that code is using a lot of browser APIs for access laptop camera. Can anyone suggest me how can i stream rtsp camera using this code? I am currently struggling with how to get stream out of rtsp camera so that i can integrate it with this code?
Below is the code part which i need to make a change:
Any help with will be highly appreciated. contains an implementation of the KVS Signaling client and a sample that ties up the browsers WebRTC implementation together with the signaling in an application. In order to stream a generic rtsp you will need to modify the browsers implementation of the webrtc or add your own handling of the webrtc in the first place and feed the frames into the webrtc of the browser.
You could also check out the native C-based WebRTC implementation from KVS:

How to play a live video in the browser?

I need to get live video from a device. I have to play the video on the browser. live video can be received as RTP or UDP.
Since there is no support for VLC, I published the video by getting it via RTP with FFMPEG and creating a web server with Nginx.
But later I realized that it is recording video tracks to disk. This is a situation I don't want.
Is there any other way to do this?
Not with RTP or UDP, no, there is no way. You must use WebRTC, or an HTTP based method like HLS or DASH.

Streaming webcam to rtmp with

What's the best way to do so If I don't want to use flash?
I heard about WebRTC but is it viable to take input from getUserMedia
and stream it to a media server which will then move that data to an rtmp stream?
It depends on the media server you use. For example, Wowza has been adding WebRTC support recently:
I don't know of any way to get WebRTC input to a media server that doesn't support it.

RTP stream with bareSIP

my current setup involves streaming from a GoPro to a linux box, and I managed to get bareSIP running on the box to stream the video locally with the 'v' command. However, there's no documentation or commands to configure an RTP broadcasting stream. Would anyone have any insight into publishing an RTP/RTSP output stream for other users to view on their devices?
I've used Unreal Streaming Media components and found them to be very good. They are lightweight and fast yet very powerful.
Using Unreal components you could install the stream forwarder on your laptop, point it at the RTSP stream and tell it to forward to the Distribution server application.
This app can host thousands of connections (supposedly) and last I looked you didn't need a license if you have 3 or fewer sources. The stream can be viewd via their own small player app, via a web player such as jPlayer or via VLC etc.
I've been pretty happy with this before - it saved me from having to use the Live555 streaming mess.
Good Luck!
